What side the sun rises and comes in in winter and summer: features

What side the sun rises and comes in in winter and summer: features

In this article, we will figure out where the sun rises and enters, and also find out how to determine its location.

Sunrise and sunset are natural processes that regularly occur in the universe. However, it is not always clear from which side of the world this happens and how to navigate the ground in the sun? We will talk about this in our article.

Where does the sun come and rise - from which side?

Sunrise and sunset
Sunrise and sunset

The sun rises and comes from different sides of the world. In many ways, this feature is determined by the time of year. In addition, when it is closer to the south or north, that is, the poles of the earth, the difference between day and night will be felt very clearly. But when located closer to the equator, this difference, on the contrary, is felt less.

For example, as you know, days and nights at both poles can last several months. But at the equator, the difference remains almost invisible. That is why there is no summer, no winter, but always equally light.

How to determine the position of the sun in the morning, day and evening by compass: Features

Side of the world
Side of the world

Some travelers have a question not only where the sun rises and comes in, but also about how to determine its location by compass depending on the time of day. As we all know, the red arrow, as a rule, on the compass indicates to the north. In any case, this is how this is said in the instructions that are printed in the literature. However, you must understand that arrows can have other colors. So red is not finally true.

There is a very simple way to understand where the north is exactly. To do this, go out with the device at noon and do the following:

  • Already on the street, determine the southern side, looking at the sun. At noon it is just in this side
  • Place the compass horizontally. The arrow should look up
  • If your device has a stopped lever, then it will have to be turned off, otherwise the arrow will not be able to stand in the right direction, because it will not move freely
  • When the arrow rises as it should, then one side will indicate the sun. This will be the south. Accordingly, the opposite side is the north

Keep in mind that this rule is not applicable for everyone. For example, in a tropical area, the sun in the middle of the day may take a northern location. It is important to remember this, so as not to confuse the measurement results.

There is another method for determining the position of the Sun. However, it is somewhat more complicated. First of all, the study must be conducted at six in the morning. The sun should be located on the right side from you. In this case, the north will be in front of your face. Accordingly, the arrow, which will indicate ahead, will show the north.

The location of the cardinal points is determined by the compass as follows:

  • First we take the compass and place it horizontally
  • The stopped lever is turned off
  • Find the north on the arrow and turn face to it
  • Now you can determine where which of the cardinal points

Please note that in the course of working with the compass you should not stand next to iron, steel and other designs, because they have a magnetic field that can knock down the compass.

Video: How to find out when and where the sun rises and comes in?


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