From what age can you drive a car, drive a moped, on a motorcycle, control a scooter? At what age can a driver’s license be obtained, a motorcycle?

From what age can you drive a car, drive a moped, on a motorcycle, control a scooter? At what age can a driver’s license be obtained, a motorcycle?

Rules of the road: the minimum age of the driver for car management, motor transport.

Only by passing special training, having passed the qualification exam and having received a driver’s license you can drive a car.
Since in the Russian Federation the occurrence of such a right is strictly regulated by age restrictions (Federal Law of 10.12.1995 N 196-ФЗ (as amended on 03.07.2016) “On Road Safety” Article 26), we will deal with this issue in more detail.

At what age can you study at a driving school?

The minimum age of training in a driving school?

First step To drive a car - training.
On a car specially equipped for this purpose, using an instructor with an appropriate license, you can attend the courses officially from 16 years old.

At what age do the driver’s rights to the car give?

Age and rights to the car?
  • Do not rush and go too early to study -
    Persons who have reached the exams are allowed 17 years.
  • Even if you withstand the test at this age - the right to drive cars and light trucks can only be obtained with the onset adulthood.

At what age can you drive a car?

Only if there are rights to driving, not prohibiteddrive a car - that is, when reaching 18 years of age.

At what age can I get the rights to a motorcycle?

Rights to a motorcycle: Age?

To obtain such rights, it is now necessary to preliminary get training in a driving school, since at present the surrender is prohibited.
Having reached 18 years of age, successfully having passed the test- We get a driver’s license.

Important: for this category of rights - to take exams before 18 years is not allowed.

At what age can a motorcycle be controlled?

Persons who have reached such a vehicle are allowed to drive such a vehicle eighteen years of agehaving a driver's license of category "A".

Important: driving a motorcycle without rights of the necessary category is fined by an amount of 5.0 to 15, 0 thousand rubles. A person who entrusted the vehicle threatens to a punishment - 30.0 thousand rubles.

At what age can you ride a moped?

  • Driving light motorcycles (“a” 1) and mopeds (“m”) is permissible From the age of sixteen.
  • You can get a certificate after the offset on theory and practice.
  • Practice at the Avtodrome is similar to the requirements for motorcycle drivers (“A”).

At what age can you manage a scooter?

  • The norms of "road safety" are not provided for distinguishing features for a moped and scooter.
  • That is, you can control the scooter from 16 years old.

Video: You can only manage a scooter from the age of 16

At what age can you ride a bicycle along the roadway?

  • Movement along the road on a bicycle is allowed to persons who have reached 14 years of age.
  • Cyclists who have not reached this age border can only ride off -road.
  • Or:

On the sidewalk or pedestrian path when accompanied by a cyclist up to 7 years old or the transportation of a child under the age of 7 years.
It is possible to move along the sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and cycling paths, as well as within the pedestrian zones of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years.

Children's triangles in the car: at what age?

Triangle instead of belts, at what age?

In order to ensure security during the transportation of children, the government enshrined this requirement by Decree of December 14, 2005 No. 767 (section 22, paragraph 22.9).

  • Children under 12 years of age are recommended to be transported in transport equipped with seat belts.
  • At the same time, it is allowed to use - special children's holding devices corresponding to the weight and growth of the child.
  • The baby under 2 years old needs only special cars.
  • For more adult children, you can resort to the help of a special mechanism - a triangle. That is 3 to 12 years old This device is acceptable.
  • They are used together with traditional three point belts intended for safety.
  • You can not fasten this adaptation of children sitting on the knees in adults.

In the instructions for certified samples of “triangles”, it is recommended to use them depending not on age, but on the weight and height of the child:

  • weight more than 19 kilograms
  • growth from 100 cm

According to other sources: triangles can only be used when the child is fulfilled 6 years.
The age restrictions established by the government for driving machines do not prohibit starting to get acquainted with the basics of traffic from early childhood. Moreover, the earlier to start studying well -being on the roadway, the easier and more comfortable the future driver will feel in a new role.

Video: Rights at 16

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