Rutin in a relationship - how to avoid? What leads to routine in a relationship?

Rutin in a relationship - how to avoid? What leads to routine in a relationship?

The routine often kills relationships and you need to fight with it so as not to lose your loved ones. In our article we will tell you how to do it.

Many people diverge, and then, as a reason, they say that the relationship simply “ate” life. Yes, undoubtedly, often a life together does not resemble a fairy tale, especially when children appear. After all, then the responsibilities are added, the place becomes smaller and so on. Over time, a person begins to think about it, did he dream about it all his life? However, there is a way out and you can always diversify your family everyday life so as not to might in everyday life and not lose relations because of it.

How to avoid routin in a relationship: Tips

The routine is in a relationship
The routine is in a relationship

There are a lot of various recommendations on this subject. We advise you to take advantage of a few simple rules that will help you take off a large load and make life in the family brighter and more interesting.

  • Routine in a relationship - do not try to catch everything

According to family psychologists, a crisis in a relationship that develops on the basis of household routine is in all pairs. For example, the family consists of three people. It just so happened that while the wife was on maternity leave, the husband became the main miningman, she stores the hearth and everything around the house on her. Here you need to think - is it so easy to do household chores until the evening and every day? Even despite her husband’s intense work, because he has time in the evenings for rest, and he also rests on the weekend, and he has a vacation.

But if you continue the picture, then in an average family, even after going to work, all household chores remain on a woman. It should go, and wash, and go to the store, and eat to cook. At the same time, it is necessary to devote time to her husband who came home from work and has been watching TV for a long time. Finally, when everything is done, you can devote a couple of minutes to your beloved, and in the morning you have to be in shape again and everything in a circle. And on weekends, it accumulates even more. Accordingly, there is not enough time for anything, the forces also end, and the mood is completely at zero. All dissatisfaction and fatigue are discarded to husband and child, relations in the family are spoiling. How to get out of such a circle?

In fact, many women make one gross mistake at the very beginning of family relationships - they take on all the work in the house and solve household issues. Sometimes, even small attempts by husband are criticized, because he does everything not so and better you yourself. And he wanted to cook dinner and stained the stove with fat.

In this case, you should not scream and take all the work, because you can better. Remember, men inside always remain children and they must be praised more often. Then they strive for the better and they have a desire to do something. And if it is constantly sent to the sofa to the TV, then you should not be surprised that then he even stops trying.

  • Routine in a relationship - distribute work
Where does the routine come from in a relationship?
Where does the routine come from in a relationship?

The second advice follows from here - part of the household chores must be done by the husband. Let this not be right away, while the wife is on maternity leave, but after returning to the outside world. Men very quickly get used to the fact that a woman leads and is unlikely to do something from your first day of your exit. Anyway, most men believe that everyday life is female and he should not even touch anything.

But the wife seems to be glad to do something about it, but he cannot. Thus, deepening into everyday problems, the spouses begin to move away. The husband often sees a cook, a nanny in his wife, and so on, but not a woman who is also fragile, beautiful and interesting. When the wife accepts such conditions, the marriage begins to break up before our eyes and each spouses remains lonely, even despite his life together.

Housewives fall into another extreme - everything is limited exclusively with a kitchen, a store and a playground. Such women do not have enough communication, and new impressions are crashed about the negative-this is jealousy for her husband because of calls, low self-esteem, the lack of work to take care of themselves and so on.

Everyone knows that today it is easier to make life thanks to different equipment or even a cleaner. Doesn't your husband want to help? Then let him ensure the simplicity of household chores, because he wants you to be beautiful and attractive?

  • Routine in a relationship - talk more about important things
Family conversations
Family conversations

It is very important to talk in family relationships. If you don't like something, then you do not need to be silent and save dissatisfaction. If you just make an offended face, then this will not give anything. It is better to say that you have not everder anything lately and you need help. Be affectionate and do not swear so that the man understands that you really need him. And if you still praise him for help, then he will even strive for more.

Undoubtedly, the routine in a relationship always kills feelings, because gradually people begin to rush about each other as proper. For example, like a chest of drawers in the corridor. You will not admire them, tender and generally think that he can leave you.

In order not to plunge completely in the routine, try the following:

  • Routine in a relationship - travel

The most important thing is that your love can protect is emotions. If you receive as many positive emotions as possible together, then your relationship will surely will fit. In addition, this will avoid thoughts that the family is washing, cleaning and so on. You will only think about good emotions and bright moments that you experience together, and this is important.

  • Routine in a relationship - find a joint hobby

Here the principle is approximately the same as the travel. You will have many topics for conversations and will be what to discuss. You need to make your conversations concern not only household issues. If you are talking only about this, then it's time to think.

  • Routine in a relationship - live your life
Novelty in relationships
Novelty in relationships

Regardless of whether a family is a person, everyone should be a person and have their own personal space. This is possible only if everyone has at least some life outside the family.

It can be work, rest with friends, or his personal hobby. The more interesting you are as a person, the better a man will relate to you.

  • Routine in a relationship - get out for dates

If you do not have enough time or money to travel, then you can use the old way - go on dates. Arrange them at least once in a couple of weeks. There must be romance, as in the old days.

You must be together, only together. Put yourself in order, get a good job, put on the dress. Try to choose a place always new. Try to maintain romance for many years to come.

So, remember that in order to withdraw from routine in a relationship you should find a middle ground in the distribution of responsibilities. It should not be so that someone alone is engaged in the whole house. You must agree so that it is good for both parties. In addition, do not forget about personal. From everyday life you need to be distracted, at least sometimes.

Video: How and what kind of relationship is the routine kill?

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