Russian and Hollywood stars, "like two drops of water": celebrities who are very similar to each other

Russian and Hollywood stars,

In this article, we will consider the doubles of celebrities that nature itself created.

Despite the fact that many stars, and not only, want to be unique and only in this world, but you can’t deceive nature. Surprisingly, there are people, looking at which you ask you a question - have they been divided at birth? Even among the stars of Hollywood, as well as between Russian celebrities, you can find many celebrities that are incredibly similar to each other. And we suggest you look at the photos of famous doubles.

Star personalities that are very similar to each other

Interesting: There is a theory that almost every person has at least one double that he can never meet at all. There are many versions, but there is no exact answer why nature creates copies. Perhaps this is a distant family relationship or simply identical genetic code, which manifested itself after several decades or even hundreds of years. And perhaps this hides a hidden mystical meaning or even an earthly mission.

Beauties with big eyes, which are incredibly similar to each other - Mila Kunis and SarahHighland

The American actress, known to us from the film “The worst movie 5”, Sarah Hylend really looks like Mila Kunis, which was remembered after the picture “Friendship Sex”. Mila herself has Ukrainian roots, and at the age of 8, the family of the famous actress moved from Chernivtsi in Los Angeles. Very amazing, because the girls even come from different parts of the world, but they are similar to each other as two relatives.

Bullazy beauty
Bullazy beauty

And yet there is something between them- Sam Naseri and Adam Sandler

They are from different continents: Sam from France; But Adam from America. But they are very similar in appearance and even a certain screen behavior. By the way, they have an interesting difference in age and growth - 5 years and centimeters, respectively. But still unites a cult taxi driver and hero “with a remote control through life” unobtrusive, but the most sincere smile!

There is similarity
There is similarity

It is possible that the whole thing is in the cheekbones - Kira Knightley and Natalie Portman

Symbols of sexuality that take it not precisely with magnificent forms, but with beautiful facial features and some airiness. They are so similar that they can easily replace each other on the set. In principle, such a case happened to them. And it was back in 1999, on the set of the first episode of Star Wars. Since that time, the actress has become popular. Women also have different origin and roots: Knightley is a British, and Portman is an Israeli. In addition, the difference of 4 years between them is completely invisible!

Just brighter makeup and hair color
Just brighter makeup and hair color

Do not confuse - Will Ferrell and Chad Smith

These two stars are not only proud of their incredible similarity, but also support him in every possible way! They go different roads-Will chose the comic side, but Smith drumming in an American rock band. But this does not prevent them from looking like twins, and even look at life with the same look. By the way, thanks to the similarity in their appearance, they raised more than 300 thousand dollars in one of the shows. And they gave them to a scholarship to children who defeated cancer. It is really very difficult to distinguish guys, except for tattoos and manner to communicate.

If anything, these are different people and not even relatives!
If anything, these are different people and not even relatives!

Similarity Julia Kovalchuk and Sarah Jessica Parker

The star of the series "Sex and the City" could certainly be replaced by our Russian beauty - Julia Kovalchuk. After all, they are really very similar. Julia herself does not hide sympathy for the Hollywood star, even considers Sarah a real icon of style. Therefore, it often makes such hairstyles and dresses in the same style as Parker. The similarity of celebrities is not only external, but at some kind of cosmic level is hidden in hobbies! For example, even a little surprising, both from childhood they are fond of choreography, and also dreamed of becoming ballerinas.

They can easily be confused
They can easily be confused

Almost peers - Patrick Suezi and Kurt Russell

Both handsome people who released many American paintings who captivated the hearts of many girls. True, one danced a seductive samba, but the second saved the world in fantastic militants. But still, of course, in their youth, they have a great similarity in appearance, which is also emphasized by hairstyle, cheekbones and figure.

In their youth, they are practically not distinguished
In their youth, they are practically not distinguished

As if doubles in the eyes - Ekaterina Vilkova and Amanda Seyfrid

These large doll bright eyes drive many men crazy. Moreover, two girls can do this at once. Actress Ekaterina Vilkova is often compared with her colleague Amanda. But unlike other domestic celebrities, Catherine is not very happy about such a similarity. Rather, she took a neutral position in relation to this issue.

Perhaps they are united by large blue eyes!
Perhaps they are united by large blue eyes!

More copies that are easy to confuse - Bill Murray and James Belushi

Quite often they confuse these Hollywood actors. Both brunettes, approximately one height, have thin lips and a wide nose. And both are really successful in their career. The most amazing thing is that if you recall Tom Hanks, then this wonderful duet easily turns into a trio. And more recently, a very interesting story happened when a fan took a photo with one of the celebrities, and put it on the network. A whole discussion arose in the comments. Everyone tried to guess who exactly in the photo - it turned out to be Murray.

They even look like
They even look like

They can easily be confused - Polina Gagarina and Diana Krueger

When the winner of the Star Factory lost a lot, she changed her image, cut her hair and became a blonde, it became clearly visible how much she became similar to the German actress. The girls really similarly are very similar facial features: bright eyes, wide cheekbones and a pronounced square shape of the face. Although Diana is much older than her Russian twin, they are almost identical. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the new image of the singer has significantly added her solidity and age.

Aphid hairstyle, felts of image, but there is similarity
Felts hairstyle, felts of image, but there is similarity

Age to them to face - Meryl Streep and Glen Crowz

American actresses are not only very similar to appearance features, but are also long -standing best friends. Once in the store Meril, they presented all the things that she chose, while saying that they adore the actress in “fatal attraction”. Although the main role in the film belongs to Glen. Actresses do not at all deny their similarities. And they do not have any negative attitude to this. Glenn herself emphasizes that she is often confused with her friend, but it is a pity that this does not apply to the members of the jury of the Oscar.

Even different style still unites them
Even different style still unites them

Two brutal handsome - Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Javier Bardem

If you look closely very carefully, then the American Morgan is distinguished only by lighter, like transparent eyes. Javier has a characteristic Spanish appearance. By the way, he was more than once rewarded for the best male role, however, second -plan. But Morgan was remembered by the audience, like the dad of the Sons of the Winchesters. And also as heroes of fantastic paintings “Passion” and “Dead”.

Although they can quietly replace each other on the set
Although they can quietly replace each other on the set

The opposites were attracted - Lisa Arzamasova and Avril Lavin

At one time, during the "Star Factory", Julia Savicheva very much resembled a small rebel. And by the power of her voice, Avril was very much like. But a new star grew up, which impressed with similar features, especially the nose and lips. This is "Daddy's daughter" Lisa Arzamasova. Although they are completely opposite in style, it is sometimes possible to confuse them. It seems that it is just a change of images or makeup removal.


Two cute brunettes - Nina Dobrev and Victoria Justin

The American star of the series “Vampire Diaries” also found her double in America. These brown hair, an oval of faces, brown eyes and slightly upturned eyebrows make girls similar. In addition, they even have identical facial expressions! It is worth recalling that Dobrev has Bulgarian roots, while Victoria was born in Florida. And the difference in age between them is 4 years old.

You can even get confused, which of them is who
You can even get confused, which of them is who

At the peak of glory, every second confused them - DanielRadcliffe And Elijah Wood

Actors often said in an interview that fans have repeatedly confused them. Moreover, the most commonly converted either Harry Roof or Frodo. Daniel and Elijah are similar to many - they both starred in cult franchises, both literally “grew up” on the screens, wear almost the same hairstyles, and even have the same look. True, with age, this difference began to increase slightly, possibly with the growth of the beard.

Fantastic boys with fantastic similarity!
Fantastic boys with fantastic similarity!

Women who fascinate their eyes with their eyes - Cameron Diaz and Helena Kristensen

If Cameron is painted black, it immediately turns into a supermodel Helena. The girls are incredibly similar, although I have completely different roots. Kristensen is from Peru, but the famous actress has German, English and Cuban roots. Helena is much older than Diaz, but still the similarity is very visible, especially the look or unusual eye color.

Agree that the light color of the hair is getting younger
Agree that the light color of the hair is getting younger

Another women who are not subject to age - Mill Yovovich and Linda Evangelist

Despite the difference of 10 years, women are monstrously similar to each other. Milla has Russian roots and is known throughout the world as an actress. And Linda became famous as a model of the 90s. And even in its 54, it keeps afloat and is an object to follow. If the Canadian model was the same age as the actress, it is not surprising that the beauty could have served a serious competition of the Hollywood diva.

Surprisingly, they are far from 25, which the appearance is talking about
Surprisingly, they are far from 25, which the appearance is talking about

Handsome people who are easy to confuse - Jake Jillenhah and Jared Leto

Jared received a leading step in the nomination of "a person of an irrevocable category." In order to more, he was even suspected of secret knowledge of eternal youth. Incredibly, he is almost 50 years old! If you are still in doubt, then look at his paintings at the beginning of his career. You will not find changes in appearance. That is why Jake, which is almost 20 years younger, looks like a peer! Yes, their facial features are extremely similar to them, and the stubble brings a similar drop to the images. The only thing is to look at the corners of the eyes - with a young actor they are slightly lowered.

By the summer there are already so many questions regarding his “spring of youth”, and now a double has appeared
By the summer there are already so many questions regarding his “eternal youth”, and now a double has appeared

Like one face - Katy Perry and Zoui Deschanel

Hollywood celebrities not only look like external data, but also dressed in their manner. The only difference is that one sings, and the other is shot in the cinema. To make them easier to distinguish, the girls even agreed that only Katti Perry would smile on the camera. The most interesting thing is that both women were born from mothers named Maria and grew up in South California. They even both quit their studies for their career.

They were definitely born under one star
They were definitely born under one star

Charming blondes - Margo Robbie and Jamie Pressley

The similarity of actresses is simply amazing. They are both platinum blondes with similar facial features and with pronounced cheekbones - this makes girls almost twins. Especially if you look at the photo of Jamie 10 years ago, because now the actress is 40 and the similarity is not so clearly visible. And the approach to the make -up only enhances the similarity - both girls prefer minimalism and only slightly emphasize the sexual features of the face.

Only age is distinguished
Only age is distinguished

Video: Try to distinguish - stars that are similar to each other

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