Reminoids for acne - drugs for the skin and inside: list, names, reviews. Rules for taking retinoids for acne treatment, with psoriasis

Reminoids for acne - drugs for the skin and inside: list, names, reviews. Rules for taking retinoids for acne treatment, with psoriasis

Retinoids are part of various modern means for treating acne. These are effective drugs, ointments, creams, gels and lotions.

For a comprehensive treatment of skin diseases, dermatologists prescribe effective drugs with retinoids. All girls and women dream of being beautiful. Various rashes on the skin spoil the appearance and make the ladies purchase products that really help to cope with acne and other skin diseases.

  • Such a group of substances got its name from the word "retinol." In medicine, this is the name of vitamin A.
  • This substance is involved in the differentiation of the upper layer of the skin. At first, retinol was used in its pure form, but from its effect the skin peeled and became dry. Scientists have changed in the structure of the substance and introduced it into drugs. Toxic effects on the epithelium decreased, and the drugs turned out to be effective.
  • Now retinoids are part of many drugs for healing hair, skin, treatment of acne and even prevention of cellulite.

System and topical retinoids: What is it, how do they act on the skin?

System and topical retinoids: What is it, how do they act on the skin?
System and topical retinoids: What is it, how do they act on the skin?

In the skin there are receptors that are sensitive to retinoic acid. When retinol enters the skin cells, they receive a signal for the formation of special molecules that have a beneficial effect on synthesis.

  • Retinoids do a great job of epithelial cell growth processes And they slow down this process.
  • Thanks to this effect of vitamin A in the skin cells, new ducts of the sebaceous glands do not appearwhich allows you to reduce the inflammatory process and increase the activity of cells of the immune system.
  • In such conditions, bacteria cannot multiply, acne disappears, the skin becomes soft and elastic.

What are systemic and topical retinoids and how do they act on the skin?

  • System retinoids - These are tablet drugs that need to be taken according to the system. Tablets are prescribed in specific daily doses. They must be taken for 3-4 months and even more. Thanks to such drugs, the secretion of the sebaceous glands is reduced a month after the use of tablets. After the cancellation of the drug, secretion remains reduced to six months, and then returns to the initial values.
  • Topic retinoids - These are drugs that are used for external skin treatment. Creams, gels, lotions help the skin completely recover and get rid of acne.

In the treatment of acne and other diseases of the upper layer of the epithelium, it is important to comply with the doctor’s recommendations for prescribed drugs, as well as to perform supportive therapy for a long period of time after treatment.

Cream, ointment, gel for washing the skin of the face, peeling with retinoids for the treatment of acne and acne: Face application

Cream, ointment, gel for washing the skin of the face, peeling with retinoids for the treatment of acne and acne: Face application
Cream, ointment, gel for washing the skin of the face, peeling with retinoids for the treatment of acne and acne: Face application

Previously, the problem of acne was considered only teenage. Now acne is concerned about more and more older people.

  • Doctors indicate the presence of certain reasons why problems with skin appear: poor ecology, eating sweet and fatty foods in large quantities, hormonal disorders in the body, gastrointestinal diseases and allergies.
  • Adolescents, women and older men use different creams, ointments, gels for washing the skin of the face, peeling with retinoids for the treatment of acne and acne.
  • Thanks to this skin care, the epithelium becomes smooth, even and silky.

All creams, gels, lotions and ointments can be divided into such categories:

  • Market tool - These are masks, scrubs and milk that can be bought at any cosmetics store.
  • Professional tools - are used for skin care in cosmetic salons, clinics, and dermatologists. You can purchase such funds from manufacturers or specialized stores.
  • Medicines (pharmacy) - drugs and cosmetics that are realized through pharmacies.

The main advantage of all creams, ointments and skin care gels is in the depth effect of the problem from the inside. With this approach, skin defects are eliminated quickly and forever.

Retinoids: Contraindications

Retinoids: Contraindications
Retinoids: Contraindications

Despite the fact that retinol is a vitamin that needs the skin so that it is healthy and beautiful, there are contraindications for its use. It is worth being attentive women who are preparing to become mothers. It is unacceptable to use retinoids in any form during pregnancy, as they can cause defects in the development of the fetus.

Other contraindications for the reception of retinoids:

  • period of breastfeeding;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • liver diseases;
  • reception of alcohol and smoking.

Important: before using retinoids, consult your doctor!

Rules for taking retinoids in tablets inside for acne treatment, with psoriasis

Rules for taking retinoids in tablets inside for acne treatment, with psoriasis
Rules for taking retinoids in tablets inside for acne treatment, with psoriasis

Any chemicals have a certain dose of toxicity. Therefore, they must be taken as prescribed by a doctor. There are rules for taking retinoids in tablets inside for acne treatment, with psoriasis. These include the following:

  • Typically, treatment is at least 4 months.
  • If necessary, the second course is carried out. He is appointed by the doctor. Self -medication can lead to undesirable health consequences.
  • It is necessary to constant control of the functioning of the liver.
  • The patient should study side effects, and the doctor must identify the ratio of benefits and risks from the use of such drugs.
  • After taking the course of retinoids, it is necessary to conduct supportive therapy, which will help the skin cells to finally recover and improve it.

Many drugs must be taken during food, as they are better absorbed with fats. Your attending physician can tell about all the nuances of taking each medicine for acne.

Pimpling retinoids: list of drugs with names

Pimpling retinoids: list of drugs with names
Pimpling retinoids: list of drugs with names

Retinic acid is a component that is used in drugs of both external and internal use. Such funds help not only get rid of acne, but also eliminate the scars and facilitate the cleansing of the ducts of the sebaceous glands.

What are the pimples from acne retinoids? List of drugs with names:

  • ROCCUTAN (Isoretinoin) - Capsules for oral use. The number of acne is reduced due to a slowdown in the formation of comedones, as well as due to an excellent anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Palmitate retinol solution (vitamin A) in oil 100,000 IU/ml - The process of sealing is reduced. It is absorbed in its pure form, unlike the cheaper analogue of retinol acetate.
  • Retinoic ointment - A safe drug without side effects.
  •   Retasol - A solution for external use.
  • Differin - A drug for external use. It is applied to the affected areas of the epithelium.
  • Tazaroten -Cream from acne, is used once a day for 3 months.

There are many other preparations with retinoids that do perfectly with skin diseases. Your attending physician will help to choose the right tool and treatment regimen.

Retinoids and peptides in cosmetics from wrinkles

Retinoids and peptides in cosmetics from wrinkles
Retinoids and peptides in cosmetics from wrinkles

Peptides and retinoids are components that are used in the production of anti -aging cosmetics. The advantages of these substances with external use are that they are suitable for almost everyone. They have slight toxicity, not allergenic, do not cause adverse reactions and perfectly improve the skin condition.

Corporations around the world use retinoids and peptides in the production of cosmetics from wrinkles. Cosmetologists advise using such drugs courses. Creams should be applied 2 times a day at the initial stage of skin treatment. In the future, after obtaining a tangible effect, the frequency of applications is reduced to 2 times a week.

Retinoids and pregnancy

Retinoids and pregnancy
Retinoids and pregnancy

As mentioned above, pregnant and nursing mothers are not recommended to use retinoids for both internal and external use. Therefore, retinoids and pregnancy are incompatible.

Retinoids: reviews

Retinoids: reviews
Retinoids: reviews

Every girl wants to have beautiful skin, because an attractive appearance speaks of good health. With clean skin, a woman feels confident in any situation. To help their patients quickly and effectively get rid of acne, doctors prescribe retinoids. Reviews of different people who have been cured of skin diseases:

Ekaterina, 26 years old

I had a light shape of acne. As the doctor said at the beginning of treatment, my mixed form of acne is a comedonal papulo-converse, perfectly treated with retinoids. The doctor prescribed me a drug for internal use. Also, the liver indicators were controlled. The treatment lasted 3 months. Now my skin on my face is clean and beautiful.

Valery. 23 years

Skin problems began at the age of 15. First, acne appeared on the forehead, then on the cheeks. He turned to a dermatovenerologist. The doctor prescribed treatment with retinoids. I took 70 mg per day for a long time. Then the dose was reduced. The drug was well tolerated, the tests were handed over regularly. A year has already passed after treatment - the skin is clean.

Julia, 18 years old

I have problem skin. I understood this at the age of 15, when acne began to appear one after another. I tried all the advice of friends, smeared all sorts of creams and lotions - nothing helped. Then my mother led me to a cosmetology clinic to a dermatologist. The treatment lasted 3 months. I liked how the appearance of my skin and face as a whole is changing. Now the skin is beautiful and clean. To prevent acne from me, the doctor prescribed a special cream.

Video: How to get rid of acne | Retinoids from black dots and acne

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Comments K. article

  1. I took Retasol for my son. He had acne and acne. I used this tool with the course. As a result, the condition of the skin improved markedly.

  2. Regarding the retinoic ointment, I can confirm: an excellent remedy for acne and post -acne. The ointment also moisturizes the skin, therefore it is recommended for use in dry skin.

  3. i use a retinoid with retinoid isotinoin in the composition. I read it with pleasure, a lot for me. Now it is clear why the tool is so effective. The entire mechanism of action is described.

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