Remantadine: Instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, during pregnancy, and breastfeeding, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, side effects, form of release. Remantadin - at what age can children give?

Remantadine: Instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, during pregnancy, and breastfeeding, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, side effects, form of release. Remantadin - at what age can children give?

Instructions for use and side effects from taking remantadine.

During the period of epidemics and the height of SARS, drugs that impede the development of viruses are very popular. That is why antiviral drugs quickly acquire in pharmacies, and drugs that contribute to stimulating the formation of interferon.

What does Remantadine help help from, and what is its composition, active substance?

The medicine is based on Remantadine Hydrochloride. There are also excipients. This is starch and cellulose.

Remantadine: output form, indications for use

The drug is implemented in the usual white tablets. There is also a syrup that can be given to the kids. Indications for use are quite extensive.


  • SARS
  • Influenza a and in
  • Encephalitis
Remantadine: output form, indications for use
Remantadine: output form, indications for use

Remantadin - at what age can children give?

Syrup can be given to kids from 1 year old. The tablet drug is intended for children after 7 years and for adults.

Remantadine: Abstract, instructions for use and dosage for children with colds, SARS and for prevention

With a cold, babies are prescribed a drug in the form of a syrup. Below is an approximate dosage.

Instructions and doses:

  • 1-3 years. On the first day, the disease give 60 ml, which are divided into three parts. That is, 20 ml. On the second day they give 40 ml, breaking twice. On 3-5 days, 20 ml once.
  • 3-7 years. On the first day, 90 ml, which are divided into three doses. On the second and third days, they give 60 ml, dividing them into two tricks.
  • 7-11 years. 1 tablet twice a day.
  • 11-14 years. 1 tablet three times a day.
Remantadine: Abstract, instructions for use and dosage for children with colds, SARS and for prevention
Remantadine: Abstract, instructions for use and dosage for children with colds, SARS and for prevention

Remantadine - tablets 50 mg: abstract, instructions for use and dosage for adults with colds, acute respiratory viral infections and for prevention


  • Adults. On the first day of the disease is 300 mg, that is, 6 tablets. It is better to divide into several tricks. On 2-3 days, the dose is reduced to 200 mg (4 tablets) per day. On 3-5 days, they are prescribed 100 mg per day.
  • 7-11 years. 1 tablet twice a day.
  • 11-14 years. 1 tablet three times a day.
Remantadine - tablets 50 mg: abstract, instructions for use and dosage for adults with colds, acute respiratory viral infections and for prevention
Remantadine - tablets 50 mg: abstract, instructions for use and dosage for adults with colds, acute respiratory viral infections and for prevention

Remantadine - tablets 50 mg: annotation, instructions for use and dosage for pregnant and lactating mothers for colds, acute respiratory viral infections and for prevention

This drug is not prescribed during pregnancy breastfeeding. During the studies, it was found that after taking the drug, its concentration in breast milk exceeds the concentration in the blood plasma. Accordingly, the drug cannot be drunk during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

How to take remantadine to adults and children: before meals or after eating?

The drug is prescribed after eating. It needs to be washed down with a lot of water. Children are given syrup also after a meal. In addition, the drug must be washed down with water.

How to take remantadine to adults and children: before meals or after eating?
How to take remantadine to adults and children: before meals or after eating?

Remantadin: How many days to take with a cold, SARS, if you have already got sick?

The best effect is achieved when you feel the first symptoms of a cold. On 2-3 days of illness, the effectiveness of the drug is reduced. The medicine is taken for 5-7 days.

Is it possible to drink remantadin with antibiotics at the same time?

It often happens that remantadine is prescribed just in case. But after that, a bacterial infection may suck. In this case, the doctor can prescribe an antibiotic. These drugs can be taken together. There are no contraindications for joint reception.

Is it possible to drink remantadin with antibiotics at the same time?
Is it possible to drink remantadin with antibiotics at the same time?

Remantadine and Paracetamol: Compatibility

Panadol, paracetamol, aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid reduce the effectiveness of remantadine. Therefore, when jointly taking, using remantadine is useless. There will simply be no effect from him.

Remantadine and alcohol: compatibility

The instructions do not indicate that the drug should not be taken with alcohol. But many note that the consequences are deplorable.

The consequences of joint reception:

  • Dizziness
  • Vomit
  • Leveling medicinal properties
  • Load on the liver
  • Exacerbation of chronic ailments of kidneys and liver
Remantadine and alcohol: compatibility
Remantadine and alcohol: compatibility

Arbidol, Kagocel, Amiksin, Ingavirin, Rinsa or Remantadin: which is better?

All these drugs differ from Remantadine, but have a similar effect. They are also antiviral and stimulate the production of their own interferon. The doctor can talk about the feasibility of taking a drug. It depends on which virus was introduced into the body. Remantadine copes with the influenza A and encephalitis virus. But if your respiratory tract was attacked by adenovirus, then it is more advisable to take Amixin or Ingavirin.

Rinza does not have an antiviral effect and helps to cope with the symptoms of a cold. When taking a rinse, your body will independently fight the virus.

Arbidol, Kagocel, Amiksin, Ingavirin, Rinsa or Remantadin: which is better?
Arbidol, Kagocel, Amiksin, Ingavirin, Rinsa or Remantadin: which is better?

How can Remantadine can replace: analogues

There are many analogues of Remantadin. They differ in composition, but the principle of action is very similar.


  • Kagocel
  • Groninosine
  • Amiksin
  • Amizon
  • Arbidol

Remantadine: Contraindications, side effects

There are some comments on taking the drug. Before use, study the contraindications.


  • Diabetes
  • Lactase intolerance
  • Thyrotoxicosis
  • Disorders in the liver and kidneys

Side effects:

  • Vomiting, nausea
  • Stomach
  • Urticaria, itching
  • Dizziness and insomnia
  • Scattered attention and nervousness
Remantadine: Contraindications, side effects
Remantadine: Contraindications, side effects

Remantadin: Overdose

Signs of overdose:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • The wrong rhythm of the heart and its stop
  • Hysteria, excitement
  • Tachycardia
  • vomit

With an overdose, it is worth pressing on the root of the tongue and tear out. After that, the stomach is vegetable. If necessary, an antidote is introduced. Antidot to Remantadin - physiostigmine (belongs to the group of anticholinsterase reversible means).

Remantadin: Overdose
Remantadin: Overdose

Remantadine: Reviews of doctors and patients

Regarding the reviews of doctors, they are unequivocal. The drug is good, but it is effective only in relation to flu A or some other viruses. Unfortunately, viral mutations occur during epidemics. Accordingly, remantadine will be ineffective. Therefore, for the treatment of an unknown virus, it is worth using drugs of a wider spectrum of action.

Patient reviews:

Alina, Moscow. The drug is useless. The pediatrician appointed my child, he is 10 years old. I did not notice much improvement. Only the rash appeared. As a result, the complication of antibiotics had to be treated.

Olga, Rostov. I am satisfied with the drug, often I take it for prevention during the off -season. Of course, this does not save from a cold, but I get sick less. And the disease itself is treated faster.

Sergey, Kaluga. This drug is familiar with youth, then it was often prescribed. The main advantages of the medicine is the price. But I want to note that it does not always help. In my experience, Remantadine was effective only a few times. I think this is due to the selectivity of the impact. The cold is not always provoked by the flu virus A.

Remantadine: Reviews of doctors and patients
Remantadine: Reviews of doctors and patients

Remantadine is a cheap and quite effective antiviral drug. With it, the disease can be avoided during epidemics of SARS and influenza.

Video: Remantadine

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Comments K. article

  1. For children, Rimantadine Kids is best, from 1 year it can be given. This is a syrup. The pediatrician wrote to us for prevention. It is possible for treatment, but we did not need.

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