Rexoroscopy and colonoscopy: what is the difference, similarities. When are spectoroscopy and colonoscopy used?

Rexoroscopy and colonoscopy: what is the difference, similarities. When are spectoroscopy and colonoscopy used?

Differences and similarities of colonoscopy and rectoronoscopy.

Colonoscopy and spectoroscopy are somewhat different diagnostic manipulations that allow you to visualize different areas of the intestines. They cannot be replaced by each other, as they give completely different results. In the article we will talk about the differences between these two manipulations.

Rexoroscopy and colonoscopy: what is it and why is it necessary?

It is worth noting that the colonoscope enters through the anus. During the manipulation, a thin flexible probe with a video camera at the end is introduced. Thanks to this, it is possible to visualize the walls of the intestine. The colonoscope penetrates quite deeply, in the last section of the small intestine. In the course of manipulation, the intestines are inflated by air in order to deal with the walls and see a certain kind of lesion, as well as ailments. Most often, colonoscopy is used not only with diagnostic purposes, but also as therapeutic manipulations.

Colonoscopy under anesthesia
Colonoscopy under anesthesia

Sectoroscopy also refers to endoscopic research methods, and implies the introduction of the anal opening of the tube into the area. But in this case, the tube is more dense, its diameter is slightly larger and, accordingly, due to the lack of flexibility, it is impossible to put it very deeply. That is, this method is suitable for the study of mainly large intestines.

The maximum depth to which this diagnostic apparatus can penetrate is 35 cm, that is, into the large intestine. This type of apparatus does not penetrate into the deeper layers of the intestine. It is mainly used to confirm the diagnosis that was obtained during palpation, as well as examining the external anus, using the expander. That is, this device helps to confirm the diagnosis and supplement it. It is easier to use, but no less reliable. If it is necessary to examine the deeper layers of the intestine, then a colonoscopy is used, because a thin flexible probe is able to penetrate much deeper.

Colonoscopy scheme
Colonoscopy scheme

Rexoroscopy and colonoscopy: What is the difference?


  • Another difference is the possibility of anesthesia. Sectoroscopy is carried out without anesthesia, the procedure is tolerant. The main discomfort occurs with the introduction due to compression of the sphincter.
  • With a gradual relaxation, the tube enters the anus and the pain stops. As for colonoscopy, the probe penetrates very deeply, sometimes it is required to carry out epidural anesthesia or manipulations are carried out under general anesthesia. But most often, no one does anesthesia for diagnostic purposes.
  • Basically, anesthesia is necessary if there is already certain information about the pathological condition of the patient. With the help of colonoscopy, you can take a biopsy of tissues, respectively, diagnostic capabilities are expanding. Because with the help of a colonoscope, you can take a small piece of fabric from the intestinal walls and send them for histological analysis to the laboratory.
  • This is necessary in order to determine the nature of the tumor or pathological formations. Using a colonoscope, it is also possible to get rid of small polyps, which are easily cut off using this technique. That is, colonoscopy is not only a diagnostic apparatus, but also helps to perform simple operations to remove small flat neoplasms.

Rexoroscopy and colonoscopy, how to choose a diagnostic method?

The doctor very often chooses between the stomoroscopy and colonoscopy, depending on the patient's complaints. If this is a clarification of the hemorrhoidal stage or constant pain in the rectum, regular constipation, as well as mucus or pus in feces, then a stomoroscopy is most likely carried out. Because these symptoms indicate a pathology in the region of the rectum, that is, there is no need to plunge deeper deeper.

If the etiology is more complex, and incomprehensible, there are symptoms of swelling, constant pain in the lower abdomen, gases, as well as the periodic appearance of blood in the feces, then colonoscopy is most often prescribed. Because there is an opportunity to penetrate deeper and more in detail to study the structure of the walls, and what are on them. Accordingly, the colonoscope is most often used for emergency operations, when a person is delivered to the hospital with bleeding in the rectum or from the anus. Thus, using a colonoscope, it is possible to consider the condition of the intestine in more detail and determine the cause of the pathology.

Diagnosis of cancer
Diagnosis of cancer

This does not mean at all that colonoscopy is better than a stomoroscopy. They just have different purposes and areas of application. A simpler option of research is a sinter -noscopy. This allows the doctor to study the walls of the large intestine in more detail, which is indispensable for hemorrhoids, as well as cracks in the rectum or the presence of polyps, papillomas. Colonoscopy is used for a more detailed examination of the deep strata of the intestine. That is, it even affects the small intestine and helps to find out why the stomach, irregular stool or bleeding from the anus hurts.


The choice of diagnostic method often depends on the equipment that is available in the clinic, as well as clinical manifestations of the disease in the patient.

Video: Colonoscopy and Sectoroscopy

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