Recommendations and advice of Dr. Komarovsky

Recommendations and advice of Dr. Komarovsky

List of tips and recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky.

Dr. Komarovsky is a well -known pediatrician in Ukraine, which is the host of a special program dedicated to the health of children. Many mothers of Ukraine and Russia listen to the opinion of this doctor. In this article we will talk about the recommendations and tips of Dr. Komarovsky.  

Councils of Dr. Komarovsky for newborns

Now all systems, circuits and power modes are really being reviewed. The most interesting thing is that the diet is recognized as the most ineffective and even harmful. The fact is that initially this whole regime was invented by a man who trained dogs. It was noted that if the animal receives food at the same time, its digestion improves. It was on this principle that regular nutrition and regime were based.

Now many doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, say that this system is outdated. That is, there is no need to feed the child by the clock. The ideal option is feeding when the child asks himself. This will certainly happen if the baby is absolutely healthy. After all, the crumbs for the most part are quite mobile and active, therefore, for exercise or some energetic movements, energy is necessary that can be obtained with food.

Dr. Komarovsky
Dr. Komarovsky

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends that kids give exclusively breast milk to be given up to 1 year old. Replacing breast milk with a mixture, even highly adapted, is unacceptable, for the simple reason that not a single mixture can replace breast milk by nutrition, its content. Feeding by the mixture is permissible only in exceptional situations when the mother has no milk.  
  • In addition, Dr. Komarovsky believes that there is no need not to give children sweet and harmful products. That is, the child has the right to eat sweets, as well as chips. The only thing to parents need to accustom the child to eat this food reasonably, in small quantities. Sweets and other sweets are sources of quick carbohydrates that can immediately give energy and are suitable if the child is quite active. Nothing terrible will happen if your baby will eat a couple of sweets a day. This is absolutely normal.  
  • Now many are questioning the expediency of cooking liquid food. It used to be believed that in order for the child to have a normal consistency, there is no constipation, it is necessary to give him liquid food, that is, soups.
  • Dr. Komarovsky says that in some countries, soups are not prepared at all, they do not have such a tradition, while the children grow well, they are healthy. Forcing the child there is soup every day, there is no need. Yes, mom can cook liquid food, but there is no need to force the child. He will benefit if the baby himself does not mind to taste the soup.  
  • Regarding feeding children up to 1 year old, Dr. Komarovsky recommends that mothers control his diet. After all, the fact that mom will eat will enter milk. Thus, it is necessary to adhere to the principles of proper and various nutrition. In this case, the child’s body will be saturated with all the necessary products.

Dr. Komarovsky's advice: bathing a newborn  

Evgeny Olegovich is somewhat different about bathing procedures than most other pediatricians and ordinary people. The fact is that we initially associate the bathing procedure with hygienic manipulations, to cleanse the body of the child. Evgeny Olegovich believes that this is not the only purpose of bathing. Thanks to some manipulations, you can diversify this procedure and make it not only hygienic, but also therapeutic.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • With the help of bathing, you can temper a child and contribute to good sleep. According to the advice of Dr. Komarovsky, bathing is recommended at a temperature of 24-37 degrees Celsius. The water temperature of more than 37 degrees is considered unacceptable, as it loads the cardiovascular system, and negatively affects the health of the baby.
  • Dr. Komarovsky recommends immediately after returning from the hospital to use not a small bath for bathing, but a large ordinary bathroom. There is no need to boil water for water procedures.
  • Ordinary water from the crane is suitable. Dr. Komarovsky believes that it is a large bathroom that makes it possible for the child to move and spend energy more actively. This positively affects the work of the heart, and the respiratory system of the child. The temperature above 35 degrees does not contribute to hardening, therefore, if you want to strengthen the child’s immunity and make it healthier, it is best to use water with a temperature below 35 degrees.
  • It is necessary during the bathing to support the child only under the head or under the head and ass so that the tummy and chest of the child are in water. There is no need to close the bathroom so that there is no significant difference between the temperature of the room and the temperature inside the bathroom. During bathing, let the child actively wave their hands and legs.
  • The colder the water, the more active the child will move in order to warm up, and accordingly the load on the heart and muscle system of the child will intensify. Starting from 2 months, it is allowed to bathe a child with a circle around the neck. Thus, the baby will be able to swim on his own and swarm the way he needs. Why is cool water useful? Dr. Komarovsky believes that after taking such water procedures, the child is actively moving, respectively, a little tired, and will sleep stronger. The child and the child will have a longer and more calm sleep.  
  • Evgeny Olegovich believes that it is best to bathe a child from 23 to 24 hours. For many parents, this time will seem quite late, but according to the pediatrician, this contributes to the better falling asleep of the child. Since after active movements and bathing in a cool bath, the child will be satisfied, tired, so he will fall asleep quickly, and will rest for a long time. Which will allow her mother to sleep.
  • According to Dr. Komarovsky, the dream in this case will be 5-6 hours. Thus, the mother will be sleepy, and satisfied. She will not suffer from constant lack of sleep and neurosis. After all, a happy, satisfied mother is healthy children. At the same time, after bathing, the water temperature will decrease by about 1-2 degrees. It is from this temperature that the next bathing must be started. The recommended bathing period is 15 minutes. Evgeny Olegovich believes that the child himself will tell you when to complete the bathing.  

6 ambiguous advice of Dr. Komarovsky  

This pediatrician also became famous for his rather liberal attitude towards everything. Therefore, many mothers believe that some tips should not adhere to, because they contradict the health of the child. However, in fact, the councils of the children's pediatrician have many positive aspects, no matter how absurd they seem.  

Tips of Dr. Komarovskogo:  

  1. Dr. Komarovsky believes that in the summer, children should constantly be on the street. That is, it is necessary to say “no” to the prefixes, phones, and children's toys. All games should be held in the fresh air.
  2. The second rather strange advice is that all The child should spend three summer months in the village of grandmother, run barefoot in her underpants, and drink cold milk. All this contributes to the hardening of the child and prepares him for a kindergarten or for school. According to the doctor, this significantly improves the resistance of the child to many diseases.  
  3. Dr. Komarovsky believes that all childhood diseases are absolutely normal. Do not protect the child from childhood diseases, because the kids should get out of childhood chickenpox, measles, and lead. After all, all these diseases are childish and are very difficult to tolerate in adulthood.  
  4. According to Dr. Komarovsky, in no case should you feed the child by the clock and stuff food into it. This not only does not bring benefits, but can still harm. After all, many children, due to the fact that grandmothers stuff them with hearty food, may appear obesity. The child himself should eat when he wants. According to Dr. Komarovsky, dirty and hungry children are the happiest. Perhaps he is really right.  
  5. In addition, many mothers shocked the program when the doctor Komarovsky said that there is nothing wrong with the fact that there is dust in the house, the child eats an apple selected from the floor. After all, all this really significantly tempers the child and improves the body's resistance to various infections. According to the doctor, greenhouse children who eat sterile food and live sterile conditions are very painful.
  6. In addition, the doctor believes that The optimum temperature for sleeping a baby is 18 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to open the window for the whole night, and before bedtime, carry out wet cleaning. The room should be cool and humid. According to the doctor, this contributes to strong sleep and better breathing in the child. Indeed, due to drying out the mucosa, chronic diseases of the respiratory tract may appear. Many mothers categorically disagree with this, since they believe that the child in childhood, in a dream, can be revealed. Accordingly, the temperature of 18 degrees for a practically stripped child is unacceptable.  

Many of our mothers and grandmothers say that pairs of bones do not break. However, according to Dr. Komarovsky, it is better that the baby is hypothermia than to sweat. He believes that most diseases arise precisely due to the fact that mothers overheat their children. Thus, the child was sweating, played on the street where the frost is observed, and fell ill.  


Councils of Dr. Komarovsky in cough  

The pediatrician’s attitude to the treatment of coughing is significantly different from the one that is imposed by our grandmothers. Therefore, for many mothers, his advice seems very strange and not entirely clear.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • Dr. Komarovsky claims that taking expectorant medicines for coughing is not necessary. According to the pediatrician, these funds, on the contrary, enhance the discharge and increase the amount of sputum.
  • At the same time, they stimulate the cough, in no way reduce it. Thus, the majority of children who have taken the expectorant drugs with strong coughing begin to cough even more. But at the same time, sputum does not occur due to a lack of fluid in the body. Accordingly, these drugs are necessary only if the doctor prescribed them.
  • According to Dr. Komarovsky, such drugs as mucolytics are absolutely useless with dry coughing. The best way to avoid dry coughing is to put a lot of clothes on the child, and open the windows or balcony. The temperature in the room should be 16-20 degrees. In this case, the humidity in the room should be at the level of 40-70 percent. The child will breathe wet air.
Tea drinking
Tea drinking

Councils of Dr. Komarovsky with a cold

If parents wash their nose several times with saline and drip vasoconstrictor substances, then the child will not cough.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • According to many parents, this council really works. Because after taking mucolics and means that dilute sputum, they cause a cough, which further exacerbates the situation. The fact is that with a cold, a child already has a huge amount of mucus in the nose and nasopharynx.
  • When taking mucolytics, the amount of sputum increases. That is, the child chokes in his own sputum.
  • According to the doctor, you need to look for another pediatrician if this drug is prescribed for children under 5 years of age. It is urgent to look for another doctor if it is prescribed to children from 2 years old.
  • Komarovsky notes that in almost all countries of Europe, mucolytics are generally very rarely prescribed for children under the age of 5 years. They are contraindicated for children, up to 2 years old.
  • This is due to the fact that children cannot independently expect all the sputum, and they can choke on. Thus, mucolytics not only do not improve the situation, but exacerbate it, provoke the occurrence of pneumonia and obstructive bronchitis. Thanks to the reception of mucolytics, the mucus accumulates in the bronchi and does not come out of there.  
With a cold
With a cold

Councils of Dr. Komarovsky with a runny nose  

Many note that Dr. Komarovsky is significantly different from many pediatricians. Many doctors were really brought up in Soviet times, and their knowledge is appropriate. The approach to the treatment of children in Europe and in our country is significantly different. This was repeatedly asserted by Evgeny Olegovich.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • It is worth noting that, according to the recommendations of Dr. Komarovsky, to treat a runny nose to vasoconstrictor substances incorrectly. The fact is that the snot, when they are transparent and rather liquid, perform a protective function, the body tries to get rid of the virus. Thus, the discharge simply washed the virus from the body. If we remove these discharge, the body does not fight. That is, transparent abundant snot is good.
  • How to treat them? The maximum that can be done is after the nasal passages are freed from the contents by tightening or sucking using an aspirator, it is necessary to moisturize the mucous membrane with a saline with a saline.
  • It is necessary to dial in each pipette about half the volume and pour into each nostril. Thus, the mucous membrane will be well moistened. You can also use the drug based on herbs - Pinosol.
  • If the snot is green or yellow, it is thick, this indicates an addition of a bacterial infection, which must be treated with antibiotics. In this case, antibiotic -based drugs, such as vibrocil, will be effective. As for snot, their treatment is independently allowed for one week. If the snot flow longer, then you must contact a specialist for advice.  
On the set
On the set

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky: How to teach a child to a pot?  

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • The doctor believes that the optimal age for teaching the child to the pot is 18-24 months. The doctor claims that up to 2.5-3 years, the child’s body is physiological is not ready to control the urge to the toilet. Therefore, it makes no sense to plant a child on a pot when he is not one and a half years old.
  • Of course, you can accustom the child to go to the pot and at 6 months, but he will not be able to completely control the process. Therefore, the closer to the age of 3 years the age of the child, the faster the process of getting used to and familiarize with the pot will occur.
  • In no case should you forcefully plant the child on the pot, because it can cause a lot of negative and protests from the baby. At the same time, excess fear can extend the process of teaching to the pot, since the child will be afraid of this subject, like fire.  
Classes with mothers
Classes with mothers

Councils of Dr. Komarovsky under the flu and SARS

According to Yevgeny Olegovich, almost all the products and tablets that modern mothers give children, calling them antiviral drugs, are ineffective. These are funds with proven inefficiency or substance with unproven effectiveness.

That is, in fact, there is no benefit from these funds. This is just an advertisement and a way of making money of some pharmaceutical companies. The only thing you can do when your child is infected with a virus is to alleviate his condition.

Tips of Dr. Komarovsky:

  • This can be done by washing the nose, moistening air in the room, ventilating and washing the floor. In a wet and cool room, which is regularly ventilated, viruses do not live. But their huge amount in a dry room filled with people. The only drug prescribed for influenza is Tamiflu. However, this tool is prescribed only if the patient's condition is very serious and deplorable.
  • That is, it helps in advanced cases and has a huge number of contraindications, side effects. With light ARVI or flu without complications, it is not necessary to give this medicine. It is necessary for a sick child with a cold to give a huge amount of drinking.
  • It can be fruit drinks, tea or mineral water without gas. The ideal tool is substances for rehydration. Speaking by names, then this is a regdron. Such substances contain mineral salts, as well as glucose and replenish the deficiency of these salts in the body.
  • Regarding the treatment of a child from influenza, then in the understanding of modern mothers, to treat is to give some drugs. According to Evgeny Olegovich, this is done only in order to do something. Thus, you do not sit, but treat the child. According to Dr. Komarovsky, all these funds only cause damage to the family budget, in no way treat the child.
  • With a cold, the main condition is to provide a normal regime in the room, moisturize air, and also often rinse the nose with saline. During the influenza epidemic, Dr. Komarovsky recommends taking with him an ordinary saline solution, which is poured into the bottle from the spray and constantly moisturize the child's nose. The fact is that saline ishing the viruses from the nose, and thereby you will interfere with the infection of the child with a virus.  
  • At temperatures, the doctor recommends giving ibuprofen, as well as paracetamol. In no case should you give aspirin. According to the doctor, if the temperature is above 39, when taking the antipyretic does not decrease, it is necessary to urgently call the doctor. The fact is that high temperature can create febrile convulsions that are fraught with their consequences.

In case of infection, it is recommended to bury the child’s nose regularly with aquamaris, huker, and nasolia. These are saline solutions from sea or ordinary table salt. An ordinary saline is suitable, which costs a penny in a pharmacy.  

  Video: Councils of Dr. Komarovsky


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Comments K. article

  1. A great pediatrician! I always listen to him ... Perhaps that is why our baby is practically not sick. We do not wrap it, often running barefoot, harden, feed fruits, give vitamins on a regular basis (we have immuno vitamins), do not limit the meat ... everything is in conjunction and health helps in excellent condition to maintain. The son is sooooo rarely sick, even educators are surprised that we almost never leave for sick leave)

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