Recipes for pancakes for Russian Shrovetide. American pancakes of pancakes. Recipes Kreuzett, Dosa, Kataeff, Oskyaka, Pfankukhen

Recipes for pancakes for Russian Shrovetide. American pancakes of pancakes. Recipes Kreuzett, Dosa, Kataeff, Oskyaka, Pfankukhen

There is evidence that the epic person began to bake immediately after the fire “tamed” the fire. Many of us mistakenly believe that this dish is the personification of the culinary addictions of our country. This is far from the case. Analogs of Russian pancakes are present in many gastronomic cultures. Soon Shrovetide, which means, has come to please their loved ones and acquaintances not only with soft and magnificent Russian pancakes, but also by the analogues of this dish.

French cuisine is considered to be a reference. There are pancakes in it. They are called Kostozett. Or Kostopes. The main difference between French pancakes is their citrus taste.

French pancakes: crepe

The pancakes of the crest-stizette

RECIPE:First, knead the dough:

  • To do this, beat the eggs (3 pcs.) And brown sugar (70 g). The volume of whipped eggs should double
  • You need to add sifted flour (200 g) and milk to whipped eggs. In order to reduce the formation of lumps, add the ingredients to the dough with carefully, constantly stirring
  • Then we melt one tablespoon of butter, pour the contents into the dough and mix. The finished dough needs to be covered with a towel and left for two hours
  • While the dough comes, you need to melt the butter (100 g) in a water bath, add vanilla sugar and mix
  • Add orange and lemon juice to the resulting mass. Mix.
  • Pancakes are baked in preheated butter
  • In another pan, you need to heat the sauce (butter, vanilla sugar and citrus juice) and fry pancakes on it. Before frying, they need to be turned four times
  • After the formation of a brutal crust, the pan must be removed from the fire. Pour 70 ml of cognac into it, set fire and serve on the table

American pancakes: pancakes

American pancakes: pancakes

Pancakes Not quite pancakes. The traditional dish of American cuisine is more like our pancakes and is prepared as follows:

  • We take the highest grade flour (180 g), sift and add soda to it
  • On soda you need to squeeze the juice of the slices of lemon
  • The yolks (2 pcs) are separated from the proteins and rub them with sugar (1 tbsp. Spoon). Add melted milk (220 ml) to them and mix until smooth
  • Carefully pour milk with yolks and sugar into flour and mix
  • Add the melted butter (30 g) to the container and mix again
  • Beat the remaining proteins with salt (1/2 teaspoon) in foam and add to the dough. Mix
  • Pancakes are fried in a small pan over low heat. For frying we use butter
  • Pancakes are served on the table in a warm form, poured with syrup, condensed by milk or honey. You can decorate with berries

Indian pancakes: Dosa

Indian pancakes: Dosa

In the south of India, they prepare their analogue of pancakes - leisure. Features of this dish in unique flour for the dough. It is prepared from crushed peas and lentils:

  • Peas (260 g) need to be soaked in water and put in the refrigerator for 30 hours
  • Then drain the water, wash the peas and fall asleep into the blender. Pour water (500 ml). With the help of a blender, we make pea puree
  • We extract mashed potatoes. Add the egg (1 pc.) And mix
  • Add sifted wheat flour (160 g) and mix
  • Curry (1/2 spoon), coriander (1 teaspoon), caraway (1/2 teaspoon) and salt (to taste) must be added to the resulting mass. Mix, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 6 hours
  • Fry pancakes over high heat, lubricating them with vegetable oil.
  • For the filling you need to boil potatoes. Rinse, clean and grate the carrots (4 pcs.
  • Mustard seeds (2 teaspoons) are heated in vegetable oil in a pan. When they begin to crack, you need to turn off the fire, hold under a lid for 15 seconds and fill up with a grated carrots
  • Fry the carrots for 10 minutes. In the pan, you need to add a pinch of turmeric, a pinch of cloves, coriander (1 teaspoon) and salt (to taste). Mix
  • We clean the boiled potatoes from the skin and push to the state of mashed potatoes. Add carrots with spices to it and mix until smooth
  • We spread the filling on one half of the pancake and cover with the second half. Serve on a table with sharp sauce and fresh tomatoes

Arab pancakes: Kataeff

Arab pancakes: Kataeff

Sweet Pancakes Kataef In Lebanon you can try at any bazaar. This dish is especially revered during the Ramadan period:

  • First you need to mix wheat (160 ml) and corn flour (2 tbsp.
  • Add vanilla sugar (1 teaspoon) and baking powder to flour (1 teaspoon)
  • For frying cataef, a frying pan with a thick bottom is used. It needs to be heated and greased with vegetable oil
  • Add milk (300 ml) to the flour and mix. Avoid the formation of lumps
  • In a preheated pan, you need to pour a tablespoon of dough and bake the pancake. Remove it, curtail and combine the edges of the pancake with each other. It should turn out "Kulek"
  • For the filling, rub the cheese (400 g). Add sugar powder (2 tbsp.
  • In a pan, you need to dry the almonds and chop it. The blender is not suitable for this purpose. It should be the lumps, not dust
  • Add the crushed almonds to the cheese, mix and season the “envelopes” through the confectionery syringe
  • Serve sweet pancakes kataef sprinkled with nuts, chocolate or berries

Japanese pancakes: Oskyaki

Japanese pancakes: Oskyaki

Japan also has its own " pancakes". They are prepared from traditional dishes of ingredients, cabbage and carrots. In different regions of the Land of the Rising Sun oskyaki Prepared in their own way. Let us dwell on this recipe:

  • Finely chop the cabbage (300 g). Middle carrots must be rubbed on a fine grater. We clean the small tsukini from the skin and rub on a coarse grater
  • Three or four pen of green onions are finely chopped. Mix all vegetables and simmer with the addition of vegetable oil
  • In wheat flour (180 g), add the egg (1 pc.) And mix. Pour the pre -cooked broth (180 g). It needs to be added with a thin stream, constantly mixing the dough
  • Filted vegetables are mixed with dough and Woster sauce (5 drops). Salt needs to be added to taste
  • We fry pancakes in a pan with a thick bottom. We spread the dough with a tablespoon and level it. The thickness of the owl should be 5-6 mm
  • During frying, such “pancakes” need to be sprinkled with bacon cut into small cubes (3 slices)
  • After the formation of a broody brown, the sobriles should be transferred from the pan to the plates, poured with special sauce or cheese chips

Chinese pancakes: Chunbin

Chinese pancakes: Chunbin

Chinese Pancakes Chunbin These are thin cakes that are prepared both by frying and steamed. They can be used instead of bread or wrap various fillings in such cakes:

  • In wheat flour (400 g), pour boiling water (250 ml). Knead the dough to a state where it stops sticking to the hands
  • We put the finished dough in the container pre -coated with vegetable oil. We cover with a damp towel and leave for 30 minutes
  • Finely chop green onions (middle beam)
  • We remove the dough from the container and roll out with a rolling pin to a thickness of 2-3 mm
  • Lubricate the cake with sesame oil (8 tbsp. Spoons), sprinkle with ground chili pepper and salt. Sprinkle with onions. We turn the cake into a roll
  • We roll the roll with a snail and re-roll the dough to a thickness of 3-4 mm. Cut the circles of the required diameter
  • Fry the pancakes of Chunbin from both sides to a rosy crust. In such cakes, you can wrap both sweet and meat filling

Lithuanian pancakes are in miserable

Potato pancakesThe basis of Lithuanian Blinov is in a miserable It is not flour, but potatoes. This dish is prepared as follows:

  • We take one kilogram of potatoes and two -thirds of this amount are boiled
  • We pass the beef (150 g) through a meat grinder. Clean the onion and finely chop half
  • In a pan, heat olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon). Add butter (10 g). Pour the onion and pass on low heat for 2 minutes. In order for the onion to fry correctly, you need to constantly mix it
  • Add minced meat, salt and pepper to the fried onion. Frying the minced meat, constantly mix the contents of the pan
  • The remaining raw potatoes are cleaned and chop on a fine grater. For this purpose, you can use the kitchen combine
  • We do the same with boiled potatoes. Then mix them. Add salt and flour (4 tbsp. Spoons)
  • Separate a small piece of potato dough and roll out into a layer of 8 mm thick
  • We lay out the finished minced meat in the center of the cakes. We form a cutlet. The minced meat should stay inside
  • We give the shape of a thick pancake, roll in panning crackers and fry on both sides to rosy crust
  • Serve Lithuanian pancakes in a blessed hot with sour cream, sniffing and butter

German pancakes: Pfankuhen


In Germany, thick pancakes of Pfankuhen. This hearty dish can be prepared for the most revered holiday in our country - Shrovetide:

  • To prepare German thick pancakes, you need to melt 2 tbsp. tablespoons of oil and cool it
  • Squirrels (5 eggs) are separated from the yolks and beat in a strong foam
  • Mix the yolks with kefir (400 ml). Add oil, sugar (2 tbsp. Spoons) and salt (to taste). Mix
  • Sift the flour (250 g) and add the egg mixture. Mix. The formation of lumps must be avoided
    Add proteins to the dough. This must be done carefully with the help of the scapula "from the bottom-up"
  • Leave the dough for 30 minutes
  • Warm up butter in a pan with a thick bottom (1 teaspoon)
  • Add the fourth part of the dough and fry pfankuchenes. On medium heat, the time of frying on one side of such a pancake is 4 minutes. Then you need to turn the pancake and fry the second side
  • After readiness, remove the pfankuhen and sprinkle the pancake with powdered sugar.
  • Pfankuhen is served on the table with various jams, honey, jam and fresh berries

Video: Preparing American pancakes. Pancakes

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