Recipes of the best face masks with a banana from wrinkles and for oily, dry skin and problem skin

Recipes of the best face masks with a banana from wrinkles and for oily, dry skin and problem skin

How to use a banana for face beauty? Recipes of effective masks for the beauty and health of the face.

Bananas - how many in this word. It is difficult to find a person who would not like bananas. Favorite delicacy of many children and adults. Of the bananas, wonderful cocktails, ice cream, pastries, desserts are obtained. They are available on sale all year round. They are cheap enough. Why not buy this delicious product? Or maybe he is also useful?


What is the benefit of a banana for the face?

Of course, useful! Bananas contain a lot of vitamins and trace elements. Regular use of bananas will reduce the risk of heart disease and blood vessels, fiber in the banana helps the intestines better digest food, banana is remarkably fighting in a bad mood and allows you to quickly increase muscle mass.

  • But for the face, banana is extremely useful. The banana contains vital vitamins of group B, which are useful for human skin. The poverty of the body with these vitamins threatens a person with loss of hair, memory, concentration, skin problems and many other pathologies
  • Carotine contained in the banana is responsible for the complexion. There is vitamin A in large quantities in the banana. It is known that this vitamin is responsible for the overall picture of the health of your skin and hair. Even the partial absence of this vitamin leads to excessive dryness and tightness of the skin
  • Vitamin E is also present in bananas. Thanks to vitamin E, the skin cells have time to regenerate in time, restoring their original structure. Regular intake of vitamins A and E is the key to health and beauty not only skin, but the entire female body as a whole
The benefits of facial bananas
The benefits of facial bananas
  • Banan has a beneficial effect on any type of skin. This fruit is very delicate and soft in its consistency, although it contains a lot of fiber
  • He does not injure the skin, nourishes it, moisturizes, enclosing it from harmful effects and carefully cleanses it. It is ideally combined with dry skin. A mixture of banana and eggs, for example, exemplary is suitable for wilting, prone to small (and large!) Wrinkles, skin
  • For oily skin, it is better to use a banana with protein or lemon juice. These components repeatedly enhance the cleansing properties of the banana, resuming the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands

There are a great many face masks with bananas! Everyone will find a way how to apply a banana with benefit for their skin.

The benefits of bananas for facial skin
The benefits of bananas for facial skin

Banana for oily skin

For the skin predisposed to oily, as mentioned above, a mask from a banana with lemon juice, with protein, is suitable. It is also advisable to use a scrub with a banana and soda for oily skin.

Facial mask with banana and lemon juice.

To prepare this mask, you only need a banana and lemon juice. All! Very affordable ingredients. And very useful.

  • Take one banana, thoroughly open it with a fork, or better whisk it in a blender
  • Add a dessert spoon of lemon juice to the banana and mix very well. Depending on the type of skin, the amount of lemon juice can vary
  • The mixture should be almost homogeneous
  • Apply the mask to the skin of the face in advance from cosmetics and other contaminants, withstand 15 minutes, rinse the mask with cool water
  • It is useful to apply a nourishing, not very fat cream to the skin after the procedure, or coconut oil
  • They will give the skin auxiliary saturation with vitamins
Facial mask with banana and lemon juice
Facial mask with banana and lemon juice

Face mask with banana and protein. Option No. 1

The banana is prepared in the same way as in the previous recipe, then a whipped egg protein is added to it (foam, weaker than the cream!).

  • For a greater effect, small sea salt can be poured into the mixture. If you do not have sea salt, you can add a regular cook
  • Salt must be well stirred well so that there are no grains left. Otherwise, the skin can be injured
  • Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes, wash it with cool water. Do not use hot water when removing the mask
  • This will strengthen the production of sebum, and the protein may curl up

Face mask with banana and protein. Option No. 2

To prepare this mask, take protein and a whole banana, do the same with them as in the previous recipe, then add a teaspoon of liquid honey to the resulting mixture.

  • Many times honey will enhance the skin of the skin with vitamins. The mask will turn out very useful if you add fresh, liquid honey
  • If you have only sugar - melt it in a water bath (in the microwave, pan)
  • Mix everything and apply on the face in several layers. Each new layer must completely cover the previous
  • Leave for 20 minutes, rinse with cool water
Face mask with banana and protein
Face mask with banana and protein

Nourishing mask with banana

As additional components for a banana for nutrient masks, it is good to use various fruits, freshly squeezed juices and oils. Therefore, this mask is very relevant in the summer-autumn period, when shelves with goods literally break from fresh fruits and vegetables.

A nourishing mask with banana and grape seed oil.

  • For this mask, take a very ripe banana, they usually have black dots on the peel, open it with a fork, add a teaspoon of grape oil oil
  • This is a great reserve mask for emergency skin regeneration. Keep it on your face for about half an hour, you can slightly less, then rinse with cool water
  • Instead of grape seed oil, you can use almond, flax, walnut, coconut oil

A nourishing mask with a banana and carrot juice.

This is a wonderful mask for those who want their own clean and healthy, beauty skin.

  • Carrot juice contains a lot of vitamin A, due to which skin tone is aligned
  • To prepare this mask, 1-2 tablespoons of fresh carrot juice are added to a very ripe, burdened banana
  • Everything is mixed, applied at first with a thin layer on the face, then after 3-5 minutes apply another layer
  • So you need to do until the mask is over
  • After the last application, wait 10-15 minutes (depending on how many layers you applied) and rinse the mask with warm or cool water
Face mask with banana and carrot juice
Face mask with banana and carrot juice

Facial mask with banana and strawberries.

The mask is very popular in the spring-summer period. The skin after it becomes velvet.

  • For this mask in a blender, beat the banana and strawberries, apply to the face as described in the previous version
  • Hold for 15 minutes and rinse with warm or cool water

Face mask with banana and cream.

Very good mask. Returns the skin of her natural radiance.

  • For this mask you will need a teaspoon (2) fat cream, banana and honey
  • Honey can not be added. Beat everything in a blender
  • Apply at once on the face for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water
Face mask with banana and cream
Face mask with banana and cream

Mask with a banana from acne, recipe

Many masks from a banana, in addition to a moisturizing and anti -aging effect, also treat acne. As additional components for such masks are yeast, milk, sour cream, honey.

Mask with banana and yeast.

Strange at first glance, but a very effective mask mask.

  • The yeast is divorced with warm water so that such a pasta is obtained, the consistency of sour cream
  • The banana whips in the blender, then the already whipped banana is connected to the yeast paste and mixed
  • The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes. Washed off with warm water, then washed once again with a cool

Mask with banana and milk.

Their combinations are usually made by cocktails, not masks, but who would have thought of what amazing effect the milky-banana mask has acne. They disappear literally immediately after its use.

  • You will need a very ripe banana and 1-2 tablespoons of milk
  • Everything whipping in a blender
  • You can also add a teaspoon of honey or a couple of drops of lemon juice. The mask must be kept on the face for 20 minutes, no longer
  • Then it is washed off with strictly cool water
Face mask with banana and milk
Face mask with banana and milk

Facial mask with banana and sour cream.

Also a very good mask mask.

  • For its preparation, take half the banana and beat in a blender, add a tablespoon of fat sour cream and a tablespoon of fat kefir
  • Everything is mixed and it turns out a very delicate cream texture
  • Apply to the face, you can slightly rub. Leave for 15-20 minutes, wash off with warm water
  • Instead of sour cream, you can use fermented baked milk, instead of kefir yogurt without sugar and additives or milk serum

A rejuvenating mask with a banana, recipe

Banana masks have an excellent anti -aging effect. The skin is pulled up, completely small wrinkles disappear, and large ones become less pronounced. Such masks will extend the youth of your skin for a long time.

As additional components for such masks, aloe juice, chicken egg, fruits and vegetables are used.

Facial mask with banana and cucumber.

A standard mask to rejuvenate the face from the cucumber slices will not surprise anyone. And here is its more effective replacement: a mask from a banana and cucumber.

  • For this mask, several circles of the cucumber and half the banana thoroughly beat in the blender
  • Cucumber can be grated. Mix and apply for 25 minutes on the face. The skin will tell you "Thank you"
Face mask from banana and cucumber
Face mask from banana and cucumber

Facial mask from banana and aloe juice.

A very good mask for women after 40. At this age, the skin already needs “heavy artillery”, which is a mask from a banana and aloe.

  • For this mask, a very ripe banana is beaten in a blender with aloe juice. If you only have a sheet of aloe - it's okay
  • You can beat him with a banana
  • So the effect will be even better. The mask is applied for half an hour, washed off only with cool water

Face mask with egg.

The ingredients for this mask are very simple: banana and egg, and the effect is wonderful.

  • The banana in a blender is immediately beaten with an entire egg, if you wish, you can drip a few drops of lemon juice or almond oil or grape bone
  • It is better not to keep the mask for more than 25 minutes. Harden
Facial mask with banana and aloe
Facial mask with banana and aloe

Moisturizing mask for dry skin with a banana

For dry skin, banana is used in a mixture with butter. You can also connect a banana to avocados.

Face mask with banana and butter.

  • For this mask, take a softened butter at room temperature (1 tablespoon) and beat in a blender with 1 very ripe (even with ripe) banana
  • It is also recommended to add some milk or sour cream. The mask is super-fat, very nutritious
  • Even the dry skin after this mask acquires a fresh and healthy look

Facial mask with banana and avocado.

Very "green" mask in the literal sense. And very fat. There are a lot of useful fats and vitamins in avocado. In a mixture with a banana, just a real bomb for dry and peeling skin is obtained.

  • For its preparation, half a very ripe avocado is taken, pulled a pulp out of it, beat with a blender with an equally ripe banana and applied to the face with a thick layer
  • You can even apply a mask with several layers, if the mask still remains after the first layer
  • You need to keep such a mask for at least half an hour. Wash off with warm water, but not hot
Facial mask with banana and avocado
Facial mask with banana and avocado

Facial mask with banana and turmeric.

Another strange mask. Turmeric has a powerful cleansing and anti -inflammatory effect. This mask is also suitable for protecting the skin from wrinkles and acne.

  • Grind a very ripe banana in a blender with turmeric (enough teaspoon) and 2 teaspoon cream
  • Apply the mixture on the face, leave for 25-30 minutes
  • Rinse with warm water. Do not be afraid that the turmeric will "give" color
  • After removing the mask from the yellow color, there will be no trace

Face mask and banana

Kiwi is very often used for oily and problematic skin, as well as to combat stiff skin. The acid contained in kiwi helps effectively regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and a large amount of vitamin has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin as a whole, improving its tone.

This mask is considered very nutritious. In addition, she is able to remove small wrinkles and even redness from her face.

  • Mix the purified kiwi and ripe banana in a blender
  • Apply on the face and leave for 15 minutes
  • The skin will receive a powerful dose of vitamins and antioxidants
Face mask and banana
Face mask and banana

Another option for a mask from kiwi and banana.

  • To prepare it, you need to beat half a cleaned apple with a half kiwi and half a banana
  • A pinch of cinnamon can be added to this poppy. Apply on the face for 20 minutes, wash with cool water
  • Great vitamin mask. By the way, if you add more cinets, you get a very delicate scrub

The benefits of a face mask with a banana and oatmeal

Oatmeal itself is an excellent scrub. It carefully cleanses the skin. In this case, the face masks with oatmeal are suitable for any skin, depending on additional ingredients.

Facial mask with oatmeal and banana.

  • Take one very ripe banana (on the peel of which there are small black dots), beat it in a blender
  • Add 2-3 dessert spoons of oatmeal to bannan mashed potatoes. Just do not take a quick -cook oatmeal, because it, with a mixture, with a banana, "turns" into paper
  • The consistency of the mask becomes very liquid and unpleasant. Apply the mask to the face for 15 minutes
  • After that, slightly massage the skin for 2-3 minutes and rinse everything with warm water
  • Instead of whole oatmeal, oatmeal can be used
  • In extreme cases, take crumbly oat bran (they have a fairly strong scrubbing effect), flour of flax or chickpeas
Face mask with oatmeal and banana
Face mask with oatmeal and banana

Face mask with oatmeal, banana and cream.

This mask belongs to the category of cleansing. For its preparation, oatmeal and banana is beaten in a blender, then in this mixture 2-3 teaspoons of cream are added. The application technique is the same as in the previous mask.

Facial masks with honey and banana

The combination of banana and honey is considered classic in cosmetology. This mask is used for absolutely any skin. The article provides many examples of how to make a mask with a banana and honey for different types of skin. Here is another option for a face mask from a banana and honey for problem skin.

  • Half of the banana is mixed in a blender with 2 teaspoons of liquid honey, then add a teaspoon of kefir or serum (sourdough), half a teaspoon of sea salt and a drop of olive oil oil
  • Everything is very thoroughly mixed. The salt must dissolve at least half. If the salt does not dissolve at all, you can increase the amount of kefir or leaven
  • Follow the consistency. It should not be overly watery. The mask should be pressed on the face in much the same way as the cream
  • Store for about 20 minutes, rinse with warm water

This mask should be used at least twice a week. If you add more oil to it, then it can also be used to moisturize dry, or prone to dry skin. If you remove the oil altogether, the mask will be an impeccable solution for oily and problem skin.

Well, if you add carrot juice to this mask, then this is just a real pantry of vitamins. A beautiful find for the spring-winter period.

Important! The quality and action of the mask largely depends on the consistency of honey. If honey is liquid, the mask will have a strong nutritional effect. Saturates the skin with vitamins, trace elements and antioxidants. But if honey is thick or sugared, the mask will have not only a nutritious effect (the properties of honey do not change for a long time with proper storage), but also a scrubbing.

Face mask with banana and honey
Face mask with banana and honey

Video: Mask for dry skin of the face from the banana. Beauty secrets

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Comments K. article

  1. I love banana masks ... But they have one minus .... I am very good ... I eat half))) Therefore, recently I prefer to use a lore-serum and gelatin masks-pools is even more noticeable ... Many wrinkles have disappeared ... I advise you to try)

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