Recipes for dishes for a child up to a year, with a photo. The baby menu is up to a week for a week on breast and artificial feeding for months

Recipes for dishes for a child up to a year, with a photo. The baby menu is up to a week for a week on breast and artificial feeding for months

We prepare complementary food for children up to a year: where to start, how to add complementary foods up to a year, recipes for dishes and useful tips.


The birth of a child is a special event in the life of every family, but the birth of a first -born is a lot of trouble. Indeed, in order to raise a child, you need to go through thousands of trials, there is so much to know and still make mistakes, because there was no ideal recipe for raising children and not.

In this article, we will maximize the solution of the issue of feeding the child up to a year, namely a tasty and diverse menu for the first year of life.

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 5 months on breast and artificial feeding

For children on breastfeeding at 5 months, the first drops of complementary foods are often introduced, but the artists, accustomed to porridge and mixtures, are ready to visit new dishes. Focus when entering a new dish on what you introduced before and what components are new.

Important: never under any circumstances, do not introduce two new components at the same time.

Please note that after 4 months, the child has already well developed swallowing reflex, but he is not yet capable of chewing food. The stomach of a 5-month-old child is completely different from an adult analogue and is not able to learn and digest food from an adult table. In addition, at this age, the parents and no one else lay food habits, namely the salinity of dishes, sweets, various tastes. In addition, the child does not yet know most words, but he reads emotions perfectly. It is at least once to think that you feed the child’s insufficiently tasty products, as he instantly considers these emotions from you and refuses to eat.

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 5 months on breast and artificial feeding
Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 5 months on breast and artificial feeding

Therefore, in children and parents, taste habits often coincide. After all, it is worth the parents to switch to proper nutrition, replace harmful flavor enhancers, natural seasonings and their child will reach useful, not harmful.

Feeding options vary depending on the sources, we will give several sources, and you yourself will decide to which direction you have more trust.

Traditional pediatrics about feeding at 5 months:

  • The total amount of food consumed at this age is equal to or less than 900 ml per day. You cannot exceed this amount;
  • Breast milk or artificial mixture - 700 ml. per day;
  • Fruit puree or natural fresh juices - 40 ml per day;
  • Vegetable puree, as well as vegetables added to other dishes-15-150 g during breastfeeding, and 10-100 g for artificial children;
  • Grain porridge-10-50 ml;
  • Natural butter (add without heat treatment in vegetable puree and cereal-1-4 g per day. But it is important to add homemade oil, not artificial options from supermarket shelves.

Remember, each product is introduced from grains and droplets, is added to 3-5 parts and only, then given fully. In any reaction - immediately exclude from food and consult a doctor.

The golden rule is one ingredient per week. If a negative reaction is 14 days without new ingredients.

It is also worth considering, it would seem, elementary, but unfortunately, not always used - the first complementary foods are always pasty. It is necessary to introduce the porridge after tearing the first tooth, and what to bite is after 3-4 teeth.

Honored Dr. Komarovsky about feeding at 5 months

According to the competent doctor who won the trust of parents and grandmothers - at the age of 5, the child should remain on the breastfeeding, or if this already happens, on an adapted mixture. In his opinion, the internal organs of a 5-month-old child are simply not ready to accept and digest other products. The consequences are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, liver, etc. In further life.

But if you are in such a hurry to introduce complementary foods at the 5th month of Kormarovsky recommends starting with a fermented milk. Kefir is an ideal product for the first feeding, because it is not only closest to natural milk, but also improves digestion and, importantly, reduces the load on the liver, which already in this period is only prepared for changes.

After a week, you can add cottage cheese, and after a week one feeding can be replaced completely to complementary foods. For another month, Kormarovsky recommends feeding sour -milk and only then introduce porridge.

And now we provide a universal list of products for 5 months:

  • Porridge (without mixing): rice, buckwheat, oatmeal;
  • Vegetables: broccoli, zucchini;
  • Fruits: apple, pear, plum.

Please note that there are no notorious bananas on this list, since we still live in the climate so that there are natural bananas, and after processing and transporting bananas, children are not suitable for a year.

Mashed potatoes for a child 5 months

We need zucchini. We clean it and the mode for small pieces.

Mashed potatoes for a child 5 months: select young zucchini
Mashed potatoes for a child 5 months: select young zucchini

Choosing an option:

  • Boil in water or steamed;
  • We bake in the oven.

Grind a blender, a mixer, a fork to a puree state. We treat the baby!

Mashed potatoes for a child 5 months :: Ready dish
Mashed potatoes for a child 5 months :: Ready dish

Video: “Apple Puree” for children and adults, easy to cook/from 3 ingredients

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 6 months on breast and artificial feeding

If you adhere to the traditional way of introducing complementary foods, then by 6 months you will already have a small but very pleasant diet, which, of course, can be bought in jars, but is it not more pleasant to cook yourself?

So, by 6 months 1 we will take food completely complementary foods. From which we recommend a half of complementary kefir or cottage cheese, and half the complementary foods are one of the dishes to choose from.

Cooking porridge on the water

Under running water, my cereal, pour a little more than provided for cooking and put on fire, previously covered with a lid.

Cook porridge on the water: wash the cereal
Cook porridge on the water: wash the cereal

After the porridge was boiled, remove from the heat and throw butter into another hot porridge.

Additionally, rub the porridge or chop the blender.

Cooking porridge on the water: it remains to grind
Cooking porridge on the water: it remains to grind

Dairy porridge

Rinse the cereal and pour cold water for two hours (so it swells and will cook less).

We drain the remains of water and pour milk. Cook before the porridge becomes soft. Additionally, chop the blender and treat our baby.

Dairy porridge
Dairy porridge

Puree from a pear

We clean the pear and rub as quickly as possible on a fine grater or grind with a blender. We do not wait for the loss of vitamins and immediately treat our peanuts!

Puree from a pear
Puree from a pear

Vegetable mashed potatoes

We take vegetables (the composition may vary depending on what you have already managed to enter), clean and put it steamed.

Vegetable mashed potatoes
Vegetable mashed potatoes

We take out and grind at will by a blender or grater. Serve with a small amount of butter.

It is important: to salt, sweeten, add greens or seasonings is not recommended, since there is a high risk of instilling harmful food habits from childhood, and thereby undermining health.

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 7 months on breast and artificial feeding

For 7 months of age, feeding options are both familiar and new variations:

  • Vegetable mashed potatoes
  • Fruit puree
  • Porridge on the water
  • Porridge in milk
  • Egg yolk
  • Cottage cheese
  • Puree meat
  • Fresh juices
  • Kefir
  • Cracker or cookies for babies
  • Yesterday's bread

Puree meat from the tongue step -by -step recipe

Boil the tongue for 2-3 hours in a pan or for 20 minutes in a pressure cooker. We cut off a small piece, the rest is sent to the diet to parents, it is not recommended to store a few days of boiled tongue for a child.

Puree meat from the tongue step -by -step recipe
Puree meat from the tongue step -by -step recipe

Grind with a blender or in a meat grinder, add butter and treat the young gourmet!

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 8 months on breast and artificial feeding

By the 8 months, the baby has teeth and he is almost a big baby. By this age, you can start treating with dishes, where the products are finely crushed and they must be chewed.

For 8 months of age, complementary food options are both familiar and new variations:

  • Not crushed cereals, both in water and in milk;
  • Vegetable mashed potatoes or pieces of boiled vegetables. You can already introduce potatoes, cabbage, carrots and beets on the menu;
  • Meat and fish soups, but without broth;
  • Sour -milk products: kefir, cottage cheese and new - homemade yogurts, fermented, yogurt;
  • Greens by season, but not green onions and other sharp spices;
  • Juices, nectars and compotes without preservatives.

Soup from fish or meat for a child 8 months old

Pour the meat or fish with boiling water and cook until complete readiness. Drain the broth and chop the blender or to small pieces.

Soup from fish or meat for a child is 8 months old: it remains to grind with a blender
Soup from fish or meat for a child is 8 months old: it remains to grind with a blender

We pour a glass of water into a pan and with a bed with finely small chopped potatoes, carrots and, if desired (if inserted) of celery. Boil until cooked, cut the greens, season the soup and pour the meat or fish. Turn with butter. The dish is ready!

Video: Recipes of soups for a 8 month old child

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 9 months on breast and artificial feeding

During this period, the baby already for almost every meal requires not only milk, but also complementary foods. The menu becomes quite diverse and is more and more like an adult table. But do not confuse and try to treat something from your diet, continue to cook his food to the baby.


  • Breakfast: porridge (pearl barley, buckwheat, rice to choose from), a piece of meat, berry puree;
  • Lunch: meat or chicken rice soup, pumpkin mashed potatoes and half of the egg yolk;
  • Afternoon snack: yogurt with berries or fruits, crackers;
  • Dinner: fruit-milk drink, bread.


  • Breakfast: porridge to choose from (but not the same as on the previous day), half the yolk;
  • Lunch: serpent soup, zucchini puree with fish, bread and fruit-berry compote;
  • Afternoon snack: fruits or fruit dessert, cookies;
  • Dinner: yogurt I am fruit, crouton (dried bread).


  • Breakfast: milk soup, tea on herbs;
  • Lunch: fish ear, mashed potatoes with fish, fruit compote and bread;
  • Afternoon snack: apple from apples, pears, draining to choose from, home jelly;
  • Dinner: baked apple, cracker and juice;


  • Breakfast: meat soup, buckwheat, apple compote;
  • Lunch: stew from vegetables, fish cutlet, compote, bread;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit and berry dessert;
  • Dinner: Fresh of fruits and vegetables.


  • Breakfast: oatmeal with butter, fruit dessert;
  • Lunch: zucchini ears, vegetable stew with a steamed cutlet, bread and jelly;
  • Afternoon snack: kefir and crackers;
  • Dinner: Fruit-berry jelly.


  • Zvara: wheat porridge with butter, herbal tea;
  • Lunch: chicken soup, mashed potatoes, steamed cutlet and bread, compote;
  • Afternoon snack: peach-apple puree, crouton, juice;
  • Dinner: kefir.


  • Breakfast: milk soup, compote from berries;
  • Lunch: caps with meatballs, vegetable stew, meat cutlet, bread, carrot juice;
  • Afternoon snack: fruit dessert, crouton;
  • Dinner: berries with milk and bread.

Video: how to feed a child aged 9-12 months. Tips for parents - the Union of Pediatricians of Russia

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 10 months on breast and artificial feeding

At this age, modifications are similar to adult nutrition, but for the right transition it is worth considering:

  • The first meal is mandatory for breast milk or mixture;
  • After 2-3 hours-breakfast;
  • Lunch is required by the first and second dish;
  • Dinner light;
  • Between feeding, in addition to water, you can give juice, compote, tea. But if poor appetite is only water;
  • Snacks no later than 1.5 hours before eating.

During this period, introduce:

  • Egg protein, but only boiled or steamed in an omelet;
  • Fatty fish, especially salmon and trout;
  • Different types of meat, you can add low -fat beef, pork, poultry in addition to chicken;
  • All types of greenery;
  • Green peas, legumes, spinach. The latter is just a storehouse for a growing organism.

Video: First complementary foods: puree with spinach and celery. We cook children

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with photos for a baby at 11 months on breast and artificial feeding

At this age, there are already so many all kinds of dishes that it is worth noting only the directions of which should be followed, and the rest will tell you fantasy and our video master classes.

  • The first meal: breast milk or mixture.
  • Breakfast: porridge on water or milk, tea and cookies. To the porridge on the water is additionally vegetables.
  • Second breakfast: breast milk/mixture and cottage cheese/yogurt.
  • Lunch: meat or fish soup, vegetables and meat/fish to choose from, tea and bread.
  • Snack: fruit puree/cheesecakes for steam/milk cereals and compote, tea, juice.
  • Snack: fruits, berries, vegetables, cookies, crackers, etc.
  • Dinner: breast milk or mixture, vegetables/yogurt, freesha or juices.
  • 1-2 hours before bedtime: kefir/yogurt/yogurt.
  • Before going to bed: breast milk or mixture.
  • Night: breast milk or mixture.

Video: menu for a child for a week / menu of a child up to a year

Video: menu 11 monthly child recipes

Menu for a week and recipes for dishes with a photo for a child at 12 months

We offer an approximate menu for a one -year -old child. Please note that children's borscht differs from a rich and frying classic borsch, and other dishes are also prepared from the calculation that there will be a child.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat on the water, boiled carrots, green peas, tea, bread.
  • Second breakfast: apple puree and cookies.
  • Lunch: meatball soup, potato mashed potatoes with a chicken cutlet for steam, a beets with an apple, juice, bread.
  • Snack: Drumming casserole with compote.
  • Dinner: stewed zucchini with carrots.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: milk with vermicelli, yogurt.
  • Second breakfast: a pair of fish and a piece of bread.
  • Lunch: ear, wheat porridge with a boiled piece of meat, boiled broccoli, compote, dried fruits.
  • Dinner: steamed vegetables, compote.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: rice porridge with milk, tea.
  • Second breakfast: Fresh is berry-fruity, crouton.
  • Lunch: borsch, baked vegetables, compote, cracker.
  • Snack: yogurt with fruits and compote.
  • Dinner: curdled casserole with herbal tea.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: mashed potatoes, boiled grated beets and juice from berries.
  • Second breakfast: curdled pasta with fruits, croutons.
  • Lunch: soup with cheese jackets, pasta with meatballs, tea and cookies.
  • Snack: cheesecakes with raisins, Fresh from the berries.
  • Dinner: baked apple with honey, compote.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: buckwheat milk porridge, croutons with tea.
  • Second breakfast: fresh seasonal vegetables in a salad, compote.
  • Lunch: soup with chicken and vermicelli, rice porridge with boiled fish, stewed zucchini, juice, bread.
  • Snack: meat souffle with juice.
  • Dinner: boiled broccoli, carrots and cauliflower with a pair of fish.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: milk porridge, crackers, pear.
  • Second breakfast: baked apple, floor eggs, juice.
  • Lunch: buckwheat soup, baked potatoes with butter, boiled meat, salad with cabbage, tea.
  • Dinner: cottage cheese with low-fat sour cream, fruit-berry fresh.


  • First meal: milk.
  • Breakfast: boiled vegetables, floor eggs, cookies and tea.
  • Second breakfast: baked beets and yogurt.
  • Lunch: potato soup, barley porridge with a steamed fish cutlet, half eggs, broccoli, compote and bread.
  • Snack: vermichellet casserole and yogurt.
  • Dinner: baked vegetables with compote from seasonal fruits.

Every day before bedtime, kefir, yogurt or yogurt is recommended.

Video: advice from pediatricians for proper nutrition for children under a year

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