The recipe for the most delicious orange jam. How to cook oranges with a peel, with ginger, lemon, banana, peach, rhubarb, apple, melon?

The recipe for the most delicious orange jam. How to cook oranges with a peel, with ginger, lemon, banana, peach, rhubarb, apple, melon?

Fragrant orange jam will be a great addition to your breakfast or afternoon snack. Read about how to cook this dessert in the article!

How to cook orange jam?

Oranges can be bought in central Russia at almost any time of the year. But even ripe juicy oranges will never be compared with the taste of both aromatic and warming orange jam. In the winter cold season, the presence of jam from oranges at home is only welcome!

Cooking orange jam is quite long and consists of the following stages:

  • Soaking oranges in water for 1-2 days
  • Cooking Oranges in water
  • Cleaning from seeds, sometimes from the peel
  • Cooking oranges in sugar
  • Distribution of jam by banks
Orange jam - delicious warming sweet in winter
Orange jam - delicious warming sweet in winter

The oranges are prepared with any fillers: with ginger, rhubarb, lemon, peaches, melons.

Orange jam in a slow cooker, bread machine, microwave?

Progress does not stand still, so it has become fashionable to cook food not “in the old fashioned way” on the stove, but in bread makers, microwaves and slow cooks. Sometimes steamers and pressure cooks join this list, but another time about them.

We will analyze in detail the recipe for making oranges in a slow cooker.


  • orange - 3 kg
  • sugar-sand-3 kg (you can less)
  • water - a glass or 200 ml
  • lemon or lime (juice) - 100 ml


  • Peel orangees outside the peel, and inside from white films
  • Finely chop
  • Combine sugar, lime or lemon and oranges. Leave an hour by 2
  • Prepare banks (wash and sterilize)
  • Pour part of the jam into the multicooker bowl. The whole mass of you will not fit, you will have to cook in parts
  • Turn on the “welding” mode and cook for 40 minutes
  • If the orange is not soft enough - repeat the procedure after 12 hours
  • Pour ready -made jam into banks, close and remove
Orange jam in a slow cooker
Orange jam in a slow cooker

Mistresses note! If you want to make oranges to even more “tender”, then after the first cooking, whisk pieces of orange with a blender to the consistency of mashed potatoes. Then reduce the time of repeated cooking.

If the mutation is more or less adapted for cooking jam, then how to cook jam in the bread machine?!

The recipe for jam from oranges in the bread machine:


  • orange - 1 kg
  • sugar-sand-1 kg
  • lemon (juice) - 100 ml


  • The orange jam in the bread machine is prepared in the same way as in a slow cooker: oranges are prepared, mixed with sugar and juice
  • Further, the mass is laid out in the bread machine and the "jam" or "jam" is placed and the mode is placed
  • Then the finished jam is poured into sterilized jars
Orange jam in a bread machine
Orange jam in a bread machine

Even in the microwave, you can cook amazingly tasty orange jam!


  • orange - 1 kg
  • sugar-sand-700 g
  • lemon or lime juice - 100 ml (or 50 ml, if lime)


  • Rinse the oranges very well from dirt, soak in boiling water for half an hour. So the bitterness will leave
  • Clean the zest from oranges, then a peel without white films
  • Peel orange slices from films and seeds, finely chop
  • Next, you can use a blender for grinding oranges, or leave it as it is and miss this step
  • Combine zest, oranges, half sugar, lemon or lime juice and crust, mix. Send for 15 minutes to the microwave for maximum power (use a glass form for microwaves!)
  • Pull out the shape with jam, mix. Add the remaining sugar, mix and send again to the microwave for 15 minutes
  • Pour jam according to prepared sterilized banks
Oranges from oranges in the microwave
Oranges from oranges in the microwave

Interesting! Preparing orange jam can be much easier! It is not necessary to separate the zest from the skin. This step, like adding crusts in jam, can be omitted.

Apple-apelsin jam, recipe

Fragrant, alluring and bright jam of oranges and apples will be to taste, probably, to everyone. It’s so nice in the winter time to “open a jar” from summer or early autumn and eat under the series or in the circle of relatives and friends!


  • solid apples - 1 kg
  • orange - 1 kg
  • water - 50 ml
  • sugar-sand-500 g


  • Wash the apples, peel from the peel, seeds, stalks. Cut into cubes (slices)
  • Soak oranges for 20 minutes in hot water or boiling water
  • Clean oranges from the peel, and a slice of orange from white partitions and seeds. Cut in small pieces
  • In a pan with a very thick bottom, or a cauldron, pour water. Then add the rest of the products. Mix
  • Put the dishes with jam on medium heat. Then, like a jam boils, reduce the fire to a minimum. Cook at least half an hour, often mixing
  • In pre -prepared banks, pour hot jam, clog
The photo has a delicious dessert - oranges and apples with cottage cheese!
The photo has a delicious dessert - oranges and apples with cottage cheese!

Useful advice! If you want to make your apple-apelsin jam even tastier-add cinnamon to it during cooking.

Orange jam "Five -minute"

Is it realistic to cook jam in 5 minutes? How real. But do not rush to “turn on” the skeptic. Pyatiminutka is not so rare now. However, this is one of the easiest ways to make jam. It is prepared in two cooking.


  • orange - 1 kg
  • sugar-sand-1 kg
  • water - 1.5 cups or 400 ml
  • citric acid or cinnamon to taste


  • Everything is as always: clean oranges from crusts, seeds and films, cut
  • Chop the crusts of two oranges
  • Combine all the ingredients, cook over low heat for 5 minutes after boiling
  • Remove jam for 12 hours from the stove, covering the lid
  • After 12 hours, boil orange jam again (after boiling 5 minutes)
  • Pour in sterile banks


Preparation of oranges for orange jam
Preparation of oranges for orange jam

Oranges from oranges with a peel

What is the secret of aromatic orange jam, except for spices? In the peel! Yes, yes, it is the oranges of oranges with the peel that turns out the most tender and pleasant to taste. Just for lovers to eat deliciously.


  • orange - 1 kg
  • orange crusts - 1 kg
  • lemons - 200 g
  • sugar - 1.5 kg
  • water - 0.5 liters


  • Peel the whole oranges of the crusts, free orange slices from films and seeds, finely chop
  • Cut orange peels with long stripes, after washing with water and dousing with boiling water from bitterness
  • Lemons can be cut along with the peel, or you can remove the zest and add it later
  • Connect all the ingredients in a bowl (pan), mix
  • Cook on low heat after boiling for about an hour
  • Remove from the stove, pour it according to prepared sterilized banks
So the orange jam with crusts is cooked
So the orange jam with crusts is cooked

Oranges from oranges and lemons

No less tasty jam than the previous ones - jam from oranges and lemons. The sweet taste of an orange is interrupted by a tart and sour taste of lemon. These two fruits are perfectly complemented by each other.


  • orange - 1 kg
  • lemons - 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • lemons or ox juice - 200 ml


  • First pour boiling water
  • Wash the lemons and cut together with the peel of cubes or slices
  • Prepare orange according to the standard: remove the peel, white partitions, seeds. Cut into cubes
  • Put oranges, water and lemons in a basin or pan. Add half the sugar
  • Cook the future jam over low heat for half an hour. Time can be slightly increased
  • Cover with a lid and remove the jam for 12 or 24 hours in a cool place (but not cold)
  • Add the remaining sugar to jam. Boil the jam again, this time 20 minutes
  • Pour into prepared banks
Fragrant oranges and lemons
Fragrant oranges and lemons

Important! Jam should be served only chilled! It acquires a pleasant jelly -like consistency.

Ginger and oranges jam

This recipe is ideal for cooking sandwiches! The consistency of jam is thick, but not like hardened honey. It is convenient to spread the jam on bread, a roll, or just eat hot tea.


  • orange - 1 kg
  • lemons - 700 g
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • ginger (root) - 200 g (you can less, focus on taste sensations)
  • water - 2 cups


  • Orange immediately wash and peel from the peel and seeds. Cut in small pieces
  • Rinse lemons, peel the seeds, cut into cubes with the peel
  • Peel ginger from the skin, grate on a fine grater
  • Combine oranges, lemons, sugar, half ginger and water
  • Cook the future jam for half an hour from the moment of boiling
  • Then add the remaining ginger and cook for another 20 minutes
  • Pour into banks, roll up
Jam with oranges and ginger
Jam with oranges and ginger

Take a note! With this method of cooking, ginger does not “disappear” into the air, but retains its aroma to the very end.

Bananas and oranges jam

An unusual combination is banana and orange. Nutritionists do not recommend eating these two fruits in raw form, because they will interfere with the absorption of each other, but the jam of them turns out to be excellent! All lovers of exotic note!


  • bananas without peel - 1 kg
  • orange with peel - 1 kg
  • sugar-sand-1.5 kg
  • water - 1 liter (you can less)


  • Rinse the oranges very well, clean from the crust. Ideally, you need to remove the seeds
  • Cut the bananas along, then across
  • Cut orange cubes
  • Combine sugar and water, cook syrup
  • Add prepared banana and oranges to the syrup, mix
  • Cook at least an hour and a half, and it is better to all two over low heat. Stir periodically
  • Pour in sterile jars, clog
Oranges from oranges with bananai
Oranges from oranges with bananas

Important! If you want to give such an already special jam, even more saturated taste - add cinnamon or citric acid. Then your jam will be remembered for a long time!

Rhublines and oranges jam

Red with orange - a rather bright combination! Usually rhubarb is boiled with strawberries, but why not take a chance if the strawberry crop did not set, and not to cook jam from oranges and rhubarb?


  • rhusen (stems) - 1.5 kg
  • orange - 1 kg
  • sugar-sand-2 kg


  • Peel the rhubarb from the films, if they are, cut into cubes. The smaller - the better
  • Peel oranges from crusts, films and seeds and finely chop
  • Separately cut the orange peel with plates
  • Mix everything and leave for 30-40 minutes to soak. Oranges and rhubarb will give juice during this time. Do not drain the juice
  • Put the future jam on fire (weak) and cook from the moment boiling 30 minutes
  • Pour according to prepared banks, roll up with lids
Rhublines and oranges jam
Rhublines and oranges jam

Take a note! You can change the amount of sugar in this version of orange jam at your discretion, but the ratio of the mass of oranges and rhubarb to the mass of sugar should be at least 2: 1.

Persian jam and oranges

The peach gives orange jam of juiciness. The taste of peach-apelsin jam is special, delicate and soft. It is prepared in approximately the same as jam from oranges and bananas.


  • peaches - 1 kg
  • orange - 1 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 0.5 l


  • Pour oranges and peaches with boiling water
  • Remove the skin from the peaches, remove the seeds, finely chop
  • Do the same with oranges. If desired, white veins can also be removed. Slice
  • Separately mix sugar and water. Boil the syrup. At this stage, if you really want to, you can add a pinch of citric acid, or a couple of cinnamon sticks, which after 5 minutes of insisting syrup must be removed
  • Add prepared fruits to hot syrup and boil for at least 30 minutes, and preferably up to 45
  • Pour hot jam into banks, close
Oranges from oranges and peaches
Oranges from oranges and peaches

Important! To make such jam very fragrant - grate the veneen zest and add it with the fruits. Or you can use the scalded orange peels that remained at the very beginning. They need to be finely chopped and added to the fruit to the syrup.

Melon and oranges jam

Not everyone will like the melon and orange jam in view of its special taste. No other jam has a similar taste. Do you want your dessert to stand out among others at a dinner? Add orange-filament to it!


  • orange - 0.5 kg
  • melon - 2 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • water - 1 liter


  • Peel the melons from the peel and seeds, cut into small cubes
  • Orange blanch with boiling water for a couple of minutes, remove the skin, remove the seeds
  • Pour the melon 1 kg of sugar. Give a couple of hours
  • Boil sugar: mix the remaining sugar and water
  • Pour the prepared melon with syrup. Cover tightly with a lid. Leave for 24 hours
  • Drain the syrup and boil. Pour a melon again
  • Insist almost ready jam 12 hours
  • Add oranges, cook 15 minutes
  • Pour hot jam into banks. Roll
Melon and orange jam
Melon and orange jam

Take a note! One of the important indicators of the readiness of the melon-apelsin jam is the color of the melon itself. If it has become transparent, the jam is ready. If this happens earlier than indicated in the recipe, then the last cooking time can be reduced to 5 minutes.

Jam from oranges

Jam has a special consistency ... jam. It is not thick, and not liquid. It has a transparent structure, literally shines through. To cook delicious oranges jam will have to work hard.


  • orange - 500 g
  • lemons - 500 g
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • cinnamon
  • vanillin or vanilla (not necessarily)


  • Remove zest from oranges
  • Cut the oranges quite large, remove the seeds. Fall asleep fruits for 3 hours to give juice
  • Squeeze the juice from lemons in parallel, throw the seeds, and pour the juice itself in soaked oranges
  • Cut the lemons themselves into strips and pour 1.5 liters of water. Boil about 5 minutes. Then drain the water and pour the same amount of fresh water. This time cook at least an hour. Ideally - to the softness of the lemon peel
  • Now dazzle a lemon broth and add it to a container with oranges. Add spices there
  • Cook oranges and with other ingredients for at least one and a half hours
  • Remove a cinnamon stick from a jam (if added) and beat the remaining mass with a submersible blender to a puree state
  • Add zest in jam
  • Bring to a boil, turn off
  • Pour jam into banks, roll up
Orange jam in all its glory
orange jam as it should be

Oranges from oranges and tangerines

Jam from tangerines and oranges is 100% winter, even New Year's. From him, it blows the spirit of Christmas, gifts, pre -holiday fun and Christmas tree. In the summer heat, it is nice to recall the spirit of the New Year.


  • orange - 1 kg
  • tangerines - 1.3 kg
  • sugar - 2 kg
  • juice 2x lemons
  • water-700-800 ml


  • Scald with boiling fruits, remove the skin from them
  • Cut the oranges and tangerines with slices, or thin circles. Remove the seeds
  • Prepare sugar: mix water, sugar and lemon juice
  • Pour tangerines and oranges with syrup. Be left for 3 or more
  • Boil the future jam for 10 minutes, then turn off, completely cool. Repeat 3 more times (in total only 4)
  • Pour jam on sterilized banks in advance
Orange-mandarin jam
Orange-mandarin jam

Sugar orange jam, recipe

Orange jam, or rather, cooking without sugar is quite simple. This dessert belongs to dietary and is prepared with a sucrine.


  • orange - 400 g
  • agar-agar-1.5 tablespoons
  • sugar -substituter to taste


  • Remove zest from half of oranges (grate or cut)
  • Peel oranges from films and bones so that one pulp is left
  • Beat oranges in paler, add sucrotor
  • pour orange mashed potatoes into a pan, add agar-agar. Boil for 2-3 minutes
  • Serve right away, or pour it into banks and roll up
Orange jam without sugar
Orange jam without sugar

Video: Orange jam

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