The child fell from the couch, bed upside down, face and hit his head, back of his head, temple, cheek, eye on the floor - a bruise, bruise, vomiting, immediately fell asleep: what to do, what to look for, first aid, consequences. The child often hit his head: Komarovsky

The child fell from the couch, bed upside down, face and hit his head, back of his head, temple, cheek, eye on the floor - a bruise, bruise, vomiting, immediately fell asleep: what to do, what to look for, first aid, consequences. The child often hit his head: Komarovsky

What to do if the child fell and hit his head.

In babies under 5 years old, the structure of the skull is slightly different than in adults. In addition, the size of the head is quite large, so it is heavy. In order for the baby to fall, it is enough to push it a little. He will easily lose coordination and fall. In this article we will tell you what to do if the baby fell and hit his head.

Why a small child often hit his head: Reasons

There are many reasons why the child often hit his head:

  • Underfected nervous system
  • Large size and weight of the head
  • Insufficient coordination of movements
  • Inquired

It so happens that the baby beats his head against the wall specially and intentionally. There are a number of reasons for this:

  • A way to know yourself
  • Rage and anger
  • A way to attract attention
  • Manipulation
  • Health problems

Please note if the peanter beats his head on the bed before bedtime, this is an alarming signal. With this method, the baby is trying to relax. This indicates possible violations of the central nervous system.

Why a small child often hit his head: Reasons
Why a small child often hit his head: Reasons

The child fell from the couch, the bed is upside down and hit - a bruise, a bruise on his forehead, head: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

This often happens. Most often this happens with children up to one year. From about 3-5 months, the child is already able to turn over. That is why it cannot be left alone on the couch or bed. If the baby fell and hit the head, watch his condition. If he got up and does not scream, then everything is fine. You need to be attentive to the baby during the day.

Alarm symptoms:

  • Lethargy, the baby is constantly sleeping
  • Anxiety and hysteria
  • Vomiting and nausea

When such symptoms appear, it is urgent to go to the doctor.

The child fell from the couch, the bed is upside down and hit - a bruise, a bruise on his forehead, head: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences
The child fell from the couch, the bed is upside down and hit - a bruise, a bruise on his forehead, head: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

The child fell in the back of his head: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

It is necessary to provide the child with first medical care:

  • Evaluate the place of injury and see if there is a bruise on it
  • If so, then attach ice or cold bottle to this place for 5 minutes
  • Treat the place of the bruise with an antiseptic

What to pay attention to:

  • If the baby is driving in sleep, do not let him fall asleep. This will help to identify violations in behavior if they are available
  • Child's behavior. He should not constantly be nervous and hysterical
  • Lack of appetite and violation of coordination of movements
  • Nausea and vomiting. Urgently to the doctor

All these symptoms speak of a concussion, go to the doctor.

The child fell in the back of his head: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences
The child fell in the back of his head: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

The child fell from the couch, his face down and hit his face, cheek, eye on the floor: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

They say that the forehead can be considered the safest, since the frontal bone is very solid. But punches with the forehead are often accompanied by bruises and swelling.

First aid:

  • Raise the child and evaluate the place of the bruise
  • If there is a bump, attach ice or something cold
  • If there is a dissection, then treat the wound with peroxide or green
  • If there are no visible bruises, observe the condition of the child

How to proceed:

  • Do not allow the baby to run and play active games. You can go for a walk on the street, but you should run less and act. The walk should be calm
  • Do not allow the child to sleep immediately after the bruise. Distract it, play calm games
  • When alarming symptoms appear, contact a doctor

Alarm symptoms:

  • Vomit
  • Nausea
  • Constant tantrums
  • Drowsiness
The child fell from the couch, his face down and hit his face, cheek, eye on the floor: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences
The child fell from the couch, his face down and hit his face, cheek, eye on the floor: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

The child hit the angle of the temple: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

This is quite dangerous, as it can cause the development of brain hematoma. In order to prevent a deterioration in the condition, it is necessary to observe the child and, with deviations in the behavior, urgently go to the doctor.

First aid:

  • Attach ice or cold
  • Treat the place of the bruise with an antiseptic
  • Try to ensure rest, but do not put to bed

Alarm symptoms:

  • Vomiting, nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Convulsions
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Hysteria
The child hit the angle of the temple: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences
The child hit the angle of the temple: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

The child hit his head, and vomiting opened: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

Vomiting is the first symptom of a concussion and a possible head injury. It makes no sense to sit at home and continue to observe the state of the crumbs. Call an ambulance and go to the hospital. The head X -ray is needed. If violations are detected, the child is hospitalized and help to normalize the condition.

The child hit his head, and vomiting opened: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences
The child hit his head, and vomiting opened: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

The child hit his head and immediately fell asleep: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

This is an alarming symptom, as drowsiness speaks of injury.

Types of injuries when hitting the head:

  • Brain concussion. This is the easiest degree of injury, since there are no special disorders in the brain. But some cells work poorly. After a few days, the condition is normalized. There are no consequences.
  • Bruise of the brain. In this case, internal tissues that require treatment are damaged. To restore the brain, the child needs the help of doctors.
  • Squeezing the brain. This is the most dangerous trauma, since inside the skull is high pressure, which leads to a periodic loss of consciousness. Requires the intervention of doctors.

What to do if the child does not wake up for a long time:

  • You need to try to wake it
  • Quite often, a child in a dream loses consciousness and may completely stop breathing
  • If you notice that the child is not breathing, call an ambulance and carry out resuscitation procedures
The child hit his head and immediately fell asleep: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences
The child hit his head and immediately fell asleep: what to do, what to pay attention to, first aid, consequences

The child often hit his head: Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky believes that children often hit their heads. At the age of one year, 80% of all falls and strokes of the head pass without a trace, and do not demand the intervention of doctors. If the child fell, cried a little and calmed down, then there is no reason to worry. You need to provide calm games and watch the condition.

Alarm symptoms, according to Komarovsky:

  • Vomiting more than once
  • Violation in coordination of movements
  • Convulsions
  • Speech violation
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Violation of the sensitivity of one of the limbs
  • After hitting the head, bruises appear under the eyes
  • Release of blood or colorless fluid from the ears or nose
The child often hit his head: Komarovsky
The child often hit his head: Komarovsky

Factors of the head is an incident familiar to children. Your task is to monitor the condition of the child and, if necessary, contact the emergency room.

Video: head blows, Komarovsky

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