Child after a year: the first words, phrases, speech development

Child after a year: the first words, phrases, speech development

Want to know what children can do by two years? What do they already understand how many words they say what they can do? In this article you will find answers to your questions, and also find out what exercises need to be done to develop your baby's speech.


The whole year of your baby is already fulfilled. No matter how you believe it, but your baby is already so big! He already knows how to sit, stand, took his first steps and eagerly learns this amazing world around him. And what will happen next? Do not rush events and parents need to be patient.

Soon the baby will say his first word and run. All children are different, someone starts to walk earlier, and someone to chat. Parents need to remember that it is not necessary to compare the skills of their baby and neighbor or friend on the site, the child himself knows better when his time comes to surprise you.

Child development indicators at 1 year

All children are individual, but there are some development standards, and if you notice strong deviations from them in your child, you should contact your pediatrician.

Physical development of the child at 1 year

What can a child can do at this age?

  • he sits confidently and knows how to sit down
  • crawls well and studies the territory
  • trying to climb the bed
  • if it falls, it can stand on your feet
  • he walks, holding their hands for something, some already walk on their own
  • tries to eat himself and knows how to hold a spoon
  • makes attempts to get dressed independently
  • opens cabinets and bedside tables, regularly puts orders into them and checks the contents
  • loves to play with the ball and knows how to push it with a leg

The emotional development of the child

The child is becoming more and more emotional, but the baby does not yet know how to control his emotions. However, he already knows when time to rejoice, and when it is possible to be harmful.

Thinking about something specific, the child already clearly represents this image, his thinking becomes abstract at this age. At 1 year, the baby already knows how to play: feed the toy, fold the rings of the pyramid. And also if you ask for something simple, he can do it.

Socio-psychological development of the child at 1 year

  • For children at the age of age, mom is all, so the baby reacts greatly to separation from his mother, even for a short while. This is very simply explained, because the whole previous year he was only with his mother, so the baby feels a sense of security only with her
  • From a year, the baby begins to actively communicate with others, so his relatives and friends need to monitor what they and how they do and say, because the child will copy them in everything
  • At 1 year, the kids are already clearly dividing people into their own and strangers, they may already like someone, and they will not let someone to themselves. I am happy to hug and kiss loved ones, if you ask, but they behave with the strangers wary

The psyche at this age has not yet been fully formed, so you need to look at the behavior of the child, he cannot cry a lot now, because If it is upset all the time, this can lead to psychological disorders.

Also at this age, children already know what such is “impossible”. Therefore, the task of the parents is to determine clear boundaries that cannot be violated and all the time remind the child.

Mental development of the child at 1 year

Mental development occurs at the level of sensation of the world. Children know everything around in motion or with the help of the senses - this development is called sensorimotor. The one -year -old baby is trying to imitate adults, he knows the main emotions and knows how to show them. Also, children at this age are able to unconsciously manipulate adults, and with the help of a scream they achieve their desires.

Speech development in a child 1 year

By 1 year, many children say about 10 words, but most often they speak their own, unknown adult language. Such a speech is called autonomous - the child shows what he wants, with the help of gestures or emotions.

In order for the child to start talking faster, parents need to pronounce everything they do. Also, small motor skills affect the development of speech, so you need to deal with the child.

If you help your baby, support him, engage in his development, he will grow correctly, develop and delight you with his skills.

Mental and psychological development of the child at 1 year

The child’s mental health has been laid from a very young age, we can say from the diapers, and it depends on how he will show and behave in the future. Parents play a huge role in the formation of the psyche of their baby, so they should know all the features and forms of mental development. You can learn more about this from the article What affects the mental development of the child? The norms of the child's mental development

Child development norms after a year by month

All standards of development of children are given exclusively for familiarization, this means that your child is not obliged to perform the actions written below at a certain age.

Do not forget that the child is a small person with his individuality and she owes nothing to anyone. Your task, as parents, direct your child in the right direction, push him to action, show him this amazing world and teach him to live in it.

Child development of 1.1 - 1.3 years

At this age, the child knows how:

  • stand, make slopes, squat down and get up from them, walk with your back forward
  • walk on your own, but also often falls
  • climb the low steps with an adhesive step
  • make various manipulations with hands: raise them up, forward, hide behind the back
  • move your fingers and rotate the hands

Height and weight table and circle of the child’s head in 1.3 years according to the WHO

Options Half of the child From Before
Weight, kg boy 8,3 12,8
girl 7,6 12,4
Growth, see boy 74,1 84,2
girl 772 83
Facial of the head, cm boy 44,2 49,4
girl 42,9 48,4

Cognitive development of a child at 1.3 years

  1. Children at this age are able to distinguish between two forms of objects. For example, they distinguish cubes from balls, if he first show it
  2. Distinguishes one or two color and can choose different toys of the same color
  3. Collects and disassembles the pyramid
  4. Puts cubes one on another
  5. Draws with a pencil or felt -tip pen
  6. Can do some kind of action with a toy, if you show it, for example, feeds a bunny
  7. Makes a shown or voiced effect with another toy, for example, feeds both a bunny and a cat
  8. Everything repeats after adults

Socio-emotional development of a child at 1.3 years old

  • the child is able to spend all day in a balanced state
  • looks into the eyes of an adult, if the situation is new for the child or he does not know what to do next
  • copies an adult facial expressions: laughs or frowns
  • reacts to his games with facial expressions and sound accompaniment
  • repeats the feelings of another child - laughs with him or cries
  • demonstrates various behavior when his or stranger appears
  • the emotional state often changes - from laughter to crying in a few seconds
  • just distracted and switches his attention
  • he learns the world through his feelings - you must first touch a cup of tea to understand that it is hot
  • it accompanies his speech with facial expressions, a change in tone
  • the eyes can be distinguished by what the baby wants or feels - he asks, rejoices, asks, is interested in
  • knows how to draw the attention of an adult, for this it can use both crying and looking into the eyes
  • he feels freely and calmly with his own and is tense in society with strangers
  • emotionally depends on the presence of the mother, if she leaves, the child cries and is sad for some time
  • afraid of a new one
  • knows how to express dissatisfaction, if he is not comfortable, does not give what he wants, limit freedom of action
  • interested in what other children play
  • new toys attract attention
  • if something does not work, it starts to get nervous, and if it turns out, it rejoices
  • loves to play with adults
  • distinguishes rhythmic and calm music, reacts differently to it

Household skills of a child in 1.3 years

  • knows how to drink from a cup
  • can hold a spoon, type a little thick food into it, carry it in the mouth and is
  • tries to wipe his hands after washed
  • sometimes he asks to do his business on the pot

Child development of 1.4 - 1.6 years

At this age, the child knows how:

  • he walks well and directly, and in a circle, and bypassing the objects interfering with him
  • steps over the interference on the floor
  • can walk along the board that is slightly tilted
  • rises and descends on low steps, alternating legs
  • he sits on a bench or a chair
  • throws the ball in all directions

Height and weight table and circle of the child’s head in 1.6 years according to the WHO

Options Half of the child From Before
Weight, kg boy 8,8 13,7
girl 8 13,2
Growth, see boy 77 87,7
girl 75 86,5
Facial of the head, cm boy 44,7 50
girl 43,5 49

Cognitive development of the child in 1.6 years

  1. Knows two forms and shows if you ask
  2. Shows objects of the same shape
  3. Knows two values \u200b\u200b- large and small
  4. Collects a pyramid from a large and small ring, if you show before that
  5. Knows two or three colors, if you ask or show, gives a toy of the right color
  6. Draws with a pencil or felt -tip pen, can do zigzags, draw ovals, strokes
  7. Likes to roll a stroller, a machine
  8. Reads books, turning over pages
  9. Knows how to roll the toy, holding it by the rope
  10. Makes one or two actions that he often sees, for example, feeds the toy, combs hair
  11. Distinguishes objects for its intended purpose and is accordingly played by them, for example, rolls a machine, throws a ball
  12. Repeats several actions that other children do
  13. Shows quick wits, for example, if you need to get something high, sets up something to get up and reach

Socio-emotional development of a child in 1.6 years

  • the child is able to spend all day in a calm state
  • begins to show gestures and facial expressions that are important for social development, for example, knows how to regret, but rarely on its own initiative, usually at the request
  • copies the tone of adult speech
  • copies the behavior of an adult in a particular situation
  • just distracted
  • if you violate the regime or conditions, the child shows discontent and cries
  • carefully watches what other children do
  • does not give his toys to other children or takes their toys
  • it draws the attention of the adult pulls the hand, screams, facial expressions, sometimes cries
  • loves to communicate with adults and carefully watches what they do
  • does not like to part with his mother, cries and misses
  • i like to play on your own, rejoices, if something turns out, angry if it doesn’t work out and stops doing it
  • he perceives different music differently and reacts to it
  • likes to dance and make learned movements when music plays

Household skills of a child in 1.6 years

  • knows how to drink carefully from the cup
  • tries to eat on his own, but often sheds or wakes up food
  • trying to eat liquid food
  • washing is not capricious
  • reports on his needs
  • doesn't like it if you get dirty

Child development of 1.7 - 1.9 years

At this age, the child knows how:

  • walk on a bench or another board located at a certain distance from the floor
  • overlap
  • get into the ball into the bucket on the floor
  • run in different directions
  • climb on the beds, chairs, go down on your own

Height and weight table and circumference of the child’s head in 1.9 years according to WHO

Options Half of the child From Before
Weight, kg boy 9,2 14,5
girl 8,5 14
Growth, see boy 79,5 91
girl 77,5 90
Facial of the head, cm boy 45,2 50,5
girl 44 49,5

Cognitive development of the child in 1.9 years

  • Distinguishes four different forms of surrounding objects
  • Selects an object of the desired shape for the hole

  • Knows three values \u200b\u200band shows the right
  • Shows the largest and smallest item of several, different sizes
  • Collects a pyramid consisting of three different values \u200b\u200bof the rings
  • Knows up to four colors, finds the right color toy
  • Can explain what draws
  • Folds a sheet of paper
  • He takes off actions in life to the game, for example, feeds, hates, rinses in a stroller toy
  • Builds small towers and other simple objects from cubes, does this after the adult shows

Socio-emotional development of the child in 1.9 years

  • behaves calmly, balanced
  • the mood is mostly good, interested in everything that happens
  • copies adult behavior
  • understands intonation in the voice of an adult
  • accompanies his speech with exclamations, facial expressions
  • misses if mom leaves
  • most interested in adults who plays with him
  • if you get into an unfamiliar environment, tenses
  • communicates with other children with his methods
  • when played, adds sound accompaniment
  • likes to carry out various actions with toys
  • reacts differently to melodies, songs, poems
  • rejoices if something is done to do it yourself and is upset if it does not work out
  • offended and shows dissatisfaction if something is prohibited or punished to him
  • emotionally reacts to familiar actions in various household situations

Household skills of a child in 1.9 years

  • eats the food itself of any consistency
  • eats from his plate
  • he takes off and puts on shoes and hat himself
  • sees and reacts if he stains his hands or face
  • can control his needs and let an adult know about them
  • wants to do everything only by himself, without help
  • he knows where his things and toys are stored, other household items

Child development of 1.10 - 2 years

At this age, the child knows how:

  • overcomes obstacles, stepping over them, alternating legs
  • able to keep balance
  • during the game, he jumps, runs, throws the ball, rolls it from the mountain

Height and weight table and circumference of the child’s head at 2 years old according to WHO

Options Half of the child From Before
Weight, kg boy 9,7 15,3
girl 9 14,8
Growth, see boy 81,5 94
girl 80 92,5
Facial of the head, cm boy 45,5 51
girl 44,5 50

Cognitive development of a child at 2 years old

  1. The child compares three -dimensional figures with two -dimensional
  2. Properly inserts inserts into the holes that are different in shape and size.
  3. Knows three or more, folds the nesting doll
  4. Collects a pyramid consisting of five rings
  5. He knows and calls three or four colors, shows and selects a toy of the desired color
  6. Begins to distinguish between the temperature of objects - cold, hot; Weight - light, heavy; The texture is solid, soft
  7. Draws on the sheet without going beyond its borders. Explains what he drew.
  8. Infigions toys from the water
  9. In the game he himself makes some actions sequentially. Chooses the plot for the game on his own, if you give material
  10. Makes two actions in series with the plot with his toys, for example, feeds the bunny and puts it to sleep
  11. Copies the actions of an adult
  12. Collects houses from cubes, makes fences, paves the track, puts furniture
  13. Can play with other children with similar toys

Socio-emotional development of a child at 2 years old

  • the child behaves actively
  • if it turns out or praises an adult, rejoices
  • if it doesn’t work out everything and does not
  • harmful, requires its own if something is prohibited or not given
  • angry and does not obey if the adult is rudely talking or limits the movement
  • cries a lot when separating from his mother, if something was frightened or offended
  • waiting for him to praise him, looks into his eyes to attract attention, gestures, smiles
  • if you communicate with loved ones, shows everything emotionally
  • like to voice words and syllables
  • he listens to music, songs with pleasure, can both freeze and listen, and energetically dance
  • loves entertainment and games very much
  • when he plays with other children, he communicates with them emotionally
  • if the situation is familiar, reacts to it

9. Game 1

  • loves cartoons and children's programs
  • knows how to sympathize and show it, seeing the example of an adult
  • trepidates for animals, protects plants
  • shows patience for some time if the adult explains why
  • collects toys at the request, understands what is possible and what is impossible, what is good and what is bad

Household skills of a child at 2 years old

  • can eat carefully without getting dirty
  • tries to wash and wipe himself
  • partially dresses and undresses

  • knows where what lies
  • knows how to get into a scarf
  • controls the needs of his body

The development of speech in a child from a year

At the age of age, children usually already pronounce a few words or syllables that they endow with meaning. Usually this is mom, dad, woman, on, give various imitations of sounds, such as woof-wow, meow, pi-pa. Every day, the vocabulary of the child is growing and he increasingly appropriates his names with objects and actions.

From a year to two, the child learns to speak, and helps him with this an example of adults. Children at this age are small repeat, try to reproduce everything they hear, and it is not only adult speech, but also various sounds, for example, cars. The child still replaces many words with gestures, but soon he will learn to speak them.

Features of the development of speech in a child

  • In the early years, the development of the child’s speech is rapidly pace. Up to a year, children learn understanding and imitation, after a year, an active speech is also added
  • Kids listen to adults with interest and accumulate a passive vocabulary, i.e. The words that they understand. By the end of the second year of life, the child understands the vast majority of words that the surrounding people say, these are objects and actions, and requests to do something
  • Also at this age, the child is able to understand the words to him not related and act. For example, if my mother says “I can’t find the keys”, the child can bring them himself if he knows where they are, although his mother did not ask him about it. Those. The child besides that connects words with objects, he also performs the action on his own

Children of this age are also interested not only in words, but also in the tones accompanying them. They pay attention to the pace and rhythm of speech, so young children like to listen to a fairy tale in verses, jokes like a “forty-first-time”.

By the end of the second year of life, the main way of communication for the child is speech.

Features of speech development in babies from year to two:

  • speech is perceived not only as a means of communication, but also used in the development of various subjects
  • an active speech is formed, with which the child is in contact with the outside world
  • thanks to the understanding of speech, the child fulfills the requests of an adult, i.e. speech performs a regulatory function
  • descriptive speech is formed
  • using speech, a child can influence himself and adults
  • situational speech arises, a child can describe a situation in which there was
  • with the help of speech, the child talks about his study of the world: calls the words objects, people, actions, his feelings, desires, experiences
  • the child receives social experience, listening to fairy tales, poems, stories

Stages of speech development in children

The development of speech in a child is divided into two stages: passive and active. Children under the year undergo a passive stage, after a year, active speech joins.

Speech development in 1.3 years

Understanding speech:

  • many toys know what they are called, knows many names of the surrounding objects, what is the name of adults in the family, some names of their clothes, various actions
  • playing owls
  • if you ask, shows parts of the face in home, another adult, toys, in the picture
  • makes up to two instructions, for example, bring a ball, find a toy, because already knows how to connect words and images
  • loves to consider a book, show at the request that it is drawn
  • listens when an adult reads a book, poems, sings a song

Active speech:

  • says up to 20 words or parts of words, so that adults understand what it is about
  • speaks its own language
  • imitates sounds, for example, meow, bark

Speech development in 1.6 years

Understanding speech:

  • if you ask, shows various parts of the body
  • knows how to generalize toys, despite their color or size, finds the right one at the request
  • he already understands a lot
  • does a lot of household actions, if you ask, for example, bring a broom, put the laundry in the wash, throw it into garbage

Active speech:

  • says up to 40 words or their parts
  • if something is interested, he asks "who is this?" or "What is it?"
  • tries to speak phrases and short sentences
  • repeats the words of adults
  • adds facial expressions to speech, gestures, looks into the eyes, replaces some word with all these actions, for example, “give” and shows something to something

Speech development in 1.9 years

Understanding speech:

  • understands a simple painted plot
  • says who and what it is, where and what does
  • remembers and makes two requests sequentially, for example, to find and bring
  • understands a simple story to him

Active speech:

  • the vocabulary consists of 100 words
  • make short sentences
  • denotes a word any actions, his own or other people's
  • finishes your favorite songs or poems

Speech development at 2 years

Understanding speech:

  • understands a small story with a familiar plot
  • answers questions about what happened when and with whom
  • makes three requests sequentially
  • helps at the request
  • shows and calls all parts of the body and face

Active speech:

  • the vocabulary consists of 200-300 words
  • makes short sentences when communicating with other children and adults
  • begins to use other parts of speech, except for verbs and nouns
  • finishes the quatrain of his favorite fairy tales and poems, sings along with familiar songs
  • can say several suggestions about what he sees now
  • knows how to ask questions, calls what is drawn in the picture
  • it pronounces more and more words correctly, not abbreviated
  • assesses himself - good, beautiful

10 exercises for the development of a child's speech

In order for the child to show interest in speech, parents need to constantly deal with him. These exercises will help your child talk as soon as possible.

  • Speak everything that you do, say what the objects, actions, toys are called
  • Consider pictures in books, talk about characters, look for animals, dishes and other familiar objects on them
  • If the baby is interested in something and shows the subject, tell me what it is called
  • Sing songs with your child, let him try to sing along
  • Learn to imitate animal sounds, repeat them all the time. "Yes, Kisa says meow, and the Dog Hav-Gav"
  • Considering the pictures, expand the horizons of the child, for example: "A plane flies in the sky, and clouds around him." But speak slowly and give the baby time to comprehend what has been said
  • It is proved that fine motor skills and speech are connected, so you need to develop the baby’s hands: draw with finger paints, work with plasticine (tear off pieces or crush it with handles), play with the lines, laces, let the child draw with pencils, let's re-keep and study the figures different shapes and textures. There are a lot of handles for handles

  • Train the tongue of the child: let the lick the spoon, lubricate your lips with something sweet, let it mumble, build faces, teach you how to clatter, smack, dance, spit out a piece of paper, rope
  • Teach the baby to blow, give him a pipe, whistle, soap bubbles. Let him try to blow the feather, leaf, grain

  • Massage the face of the baby and his palms, sing a funny song or tell funny rhymes.

VIDEO: Finger gymnastics for children 1 - 3 years old. Developing games at home

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