What affects the mental development of the child? The norms of the child's mental development

What affects the mental development of the child? The norms of the child's mental development

The mental development of the child during all periods of his growing up. The role of the environment and parents in this process.

The mental development of children is already at the very early age. The future of the child, his views on life, behavior and social activity depends on this.

Parents try to influence the formation of character and worldview as positively as possible, but one attention of relatives is not enough. It is necessary to understand what stages have been completed, and where you need to tell the correct direction so that the child himself chooses the right one.

Features of the mental development of children

  • The most difficult is the factor of the rapid development of the child at an early age. During the short period, he can radically change his thinking and attitude to the world. If yesterday he firmly considered his parents a source of truthful information, then today this statement can be called into question
  • It is important here with a child to communicate with an adult and try to avoid deception as much as possible. Children very subtly feel a lie, sometimes even at a subconscious level. If you shake the confidence of the child, he will instinctively be fenced off even from logical and truthful statements by parents
  • These adults are more or less versed in what is bad and what is good. Children need to learn how to isolate the right decisions from the general background. This is the features of the mental development of children. Blind faith will not help here, it is necessary to go an independent path of formation. Parents can only help to cope, tell the way out, but do not indicate the true correct decision

Forms of mental development of the child

Mental development is characterized by uneven understanding and changing their attitude to the world. Therefore, all plans and development graphs published in the literature can only be an example. Each passes an individual path of development, which can differ sharply from the established norms.

Despite this, at a certain age, the child should come to generally accepted norms of mental development. If this does not happen, they understand the appearance of deviations that are diagnosed in order to identify the causes and eliminate them.

All forms of mental development of the child are divided into age groups, the achievement of which implies the ability to perform the basic functions of the previous stage.

Diagnosis of the mental development of children

  • Diagnosis of mental development gives accurate results only with the right approach, when the child makes contact and shows his reaction to a particular methodology
  • All analysis methods are aimed at obtaining data and response reactions of the child, which must be tied together, taking into account the characteristics of the baby and his age

  • At the beginning of the diagnosis, a conversation with parents is carried out, since they have the greatest contact with their children and can reliably state primary information or their comments. Then they pay attention to the reaction of the child, his inhibition or tension, unwillingness to communicate and so on
  • Depending on age, on different diagnostic methods, the child should give a certain answer with words or actions. Often, third -party items, cards, etc. are used. All this involves a game that removes his distrust and opens the true possibilities of a mental state

Mental development of children up to a year

At first after birth, the child cannot fully interact with the world, to meet the needs, he needs the help of his parents. Therefore, the first mental development is reduced to learning to correctly perceive signals from the outside, respond to them and learn to communicate with available means with the environment.

  • Of great importance here is given to the motility of movements, which is manifested by a certain activity. Further, the senses (vision, hearing) are properly developed. The child learn to move, walk later, also correctly distinguish colors, recognize and remember places and events
  • At this time, the child does not yet establish connections between objects, but distinguishes only the final result (cold, hunger, pain, and so on). Speech functions include the pronunciation of individual sounds, but not words

Mental development of young children

  • At an early age, from one to three years, some independence appears, but it is also limited in actions. An important step here is the ability to manipulate objects
  • Motorika develops, the ability to speak, walk appears. An important assistant in development is special games that are interesting for children

  • The game in cubes, with painted letters, the construction of simple designs, and the pronunciation of syllables by parents are more important. This allows you to understand that each item has its own semantic load, learn to distinguish its actions and actions of an adult

Development of mental processes of preschool children

  • During this period, an active formation of a person’s personality is based on the knowledge gained. Children are already able to actively communicate and build their proposals, comprehending them
  • This leads to the emergence of spontaneity and variability in character, when, due to thinking, the subject of desire at the moment may change

  • Because of this, moodiness is more manifested. During this period, the horizons of knowledge are significantly increased, the baby is already preparing for school. Tearing is to think analytically, to represent conclusions as a result of your thinking. During this period, it is important to develop auditory perception and memory

Mental development of school -age children

A great influence on mental development during school age is a systematically the same approach to all the children in school. Children learn to adapt to the team, take into account the schedule and daily routine, mandatory for execution.

  • This is a rather difficult period when parents cease to be the only authority. The influence on his mental development is exerted by teachers, peers at school, coming information from the outside. During this period, intellectual development is important, which is characterized not by erudite, but by the ability to build logical conclusions
  • In senior school age, the problems of growing up prevail, when character, obstinacy, the desire to go against parental opinion are manifested. At this time, children begin to feel adults and do not accept their attitude to themselves, as children who are incapable of actions and analysis of their decisions. The norms of social behavior and moral ethics are laid here

Mental development of the child in the family

  • Development as a whole depends on the attention of parents. From a very early age, parents should pay maximum attention to mental development, without infringing on his right to his own thinking and building conclusions
  • In childhood, it is very easy to force children to do what you need, but every year his internal protest will be stronger and the moment will come when he just stops obeying

  • In order to prevent this, it is initially necessary to build trusting relationships, make concessions and respect the baby's opinion, comprehending him. In the family, parents can only indirectly influence mental development, direct instructions will not help him take the correct form of social relationship with society

The development of the mental functions of the child

  • The beginning of mental development occurs immediately after birth. For everyone, this process passes individually. Properly directed parents' help has a great influence
  • The entire period of his development, the child develops his attention, memory, speech function and much more. Training occurs almost every minute when he picks up a toy, listens to the voice of his parents, looks at everything that happens around
  • During the development period, the sense of attention is increased. He reacts more actively to everything that happens around him. Everything new becomes the subject of its increased interest. Do not think that the child at an early age is completely unintentional and does not understand what you are telling him or how you communicate with each other
  • A large role is played by a general emotional background. With the advent of the baby in the house, parents should behave especially carefully - this affects mental development for many years

Child speech and mental development

The correct formation of speech together with age is the most important stage in understanding the correctness of mental development. Most parents understand intuitively when it is worth expecting coherent speech. At first, the child makes only sounds, then begins to speak simple words, bind them in monosyllabic constructions.

  • At this time, the spontaneity of speech and memory is actively developing. A child can by heart reproduce poems, excerpts from books, but their memorization does not happen on purpose, he had no desire to remember and tell
  • In older preschool age, the ability to clearly form the designs of sentences that are built on their own thoughts are manifested. Timely speech development contributes to the general growth of social and mental stability

The role of communication in the mental development of the child

  • The baby hears the first words from his parents. They explain to him the purpose and functions of different objects before he himself learns to distinguish them by color or form
  • It is communication that gives the correct understanding of the phonetics of pronunciation. The child must constantly hear words from parents, learn to associate everything that is done around with what is said
  • Constant and correct communication contributes to proper mental development

The role of the environment in the mental development of children

The place where your child grows and develops is also important. Therefore, they recommend making children's rooms with colorful, but without irritable tones. No wonder all toys have a bright color. This all allows you to concentrate on objects, interest it with its brightness.

In development, it is important to equip the most comfortable conditions. In this case, a healthy emotional background and a general attitude to the baby from all sides are also needed. Disassembled families that create poor development conditions are more likely to face mental abnormalities in children.

The influence of games on the mental development of the child

  • It is proved that the game form is better perceived at any age. Even involving sports is best done through game species. Constant interest in what is happening, supports attention and mental activity
  • Therefore, special functions are laid in games aimed at development. This can be the development of attentiveness, fine or large motor skills, the ability to imagine, the development of creative abilities
  • Without games, it is impossible to achieve proper and timely development. At the same time, the first few years is important that his parents play with the child. Only at a late age is it allowed to study games and self -education with their help

Mental development and activity of the child

  • Human activity always affects its development. In children, this is especially acute. The most characteristic example is a change in behavior in school age when you involve friends with incorrect moral ideals in the company
  • In this case, the inhibition of natural and correct mental development occurs, because its mental activity is directed in the other direction
  • It is important to monitor the interests of children, to show attention to joint pastime with a bias in game forms. Useful and interesting ideals will help to correctly direct thinking and continue to develop, both physically and spiritually

Mental development and teaching of a child

School education affects interaction in the team, trains its memory and analytical thinking. This is the period when the child first encounters serious stresses that he needs to overcome. Thus, a stable perception of the world is formed as a holistic organism.

Along with this, some humanities, such as worldwide literature and history, allow you to build your stereotype of proper behavior according to moral laws. This gives a certain stimulus and the correct vector of mental development is formed.

Conditions of favorable mental development of the child

  • In order for the development to go correctly and timely, it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for this. An important role here is played by the design of the children's room, the introduction of developing games, constant communication with parents and peers
  • It is also important to exclude adverse influence, which leads to negative consequences. This is apathy to the success of children, the wrong environment. The idea that the child will develop himself, destructive and leads to violations of the mental formation of a person

Factors affecting the mental development of the child

In a word, the whole environment affects its development. There are less influencing factors, there are the most stimulating both positive and negative development. Proper mental development depends on the chosen strategy of parents, the main aspects of which are described in this article.

Mental development of the child: tips and reviews

In the video you can see a lot of tips and reviews about the development of children and new methods. The one can choose the best and more suitable method for yourself.

Video: Methods of early development. Benefits or harm

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