The intrauterine development of the child in weeks in the first trimester of pregnancy: a woman's sensations, a photo and weight of the fetus by weeks

The intrauterine development of the child in weeks in the first trimester of pregnancy: a woman's sensations, a photo and weight of the fetus by weeks

From the very first weeks of pregnancy, a woman is interested in how and what should happen. About how the baby develops in the womb, what changes await her itself can be read in this article.

Well, that long -awaited day has come when a pregnancy test showed two strips. It will be difficult to make a mistake, if we say that every woman at this moment feels the excitement both for herself and for the future baby. There is a realization that she is responsible not only for herself, but also for a new, still small life.

The process of ovulation
The process of ovulation

Pregnancy by weeks: Development and sensation

A woman does not even suspect her pregnancy. No tests or ultrasound of the study show it. The fact is that obstetricians gynecologists begin to count the line, from the first day of the beginning of the last menstruation. This beautiful period lasts normal 40 weeks, and each of them is unforgettable in its own way. After visiting the doctor, you can learn about the upcoming date of birth.

The development of a folikula
The development of a folikula

1 week of pregnancy

In the first week with the body of a woman, nothing still happens. All changes are associated with a monthly cycle.  The mucous membrane of the uterus rejects dead cells and prepare for the production of thousands of others. It is during this period that the egg begins to ripen, on which the future pregnancy depends.

Feel:No changes are happening yet, a woman can feel malaise associated with menstruation - this is dizziness, nausea, pain in the abdomen

Fetal development - 1 week of pregnancy
Fetal development - 1 week of pregnancy

2 weeks of pregnancy

In the second week, the egg has already matured, and at the end of this period, ovulation will occur. It was at this time, a ripened egg, when meeting with a sperm in the fallopian tube, that could be fertilized. The life of the egg is 24 - 48 hours.

Important: almost all pregnancies occur during ovulation. In order to find out about its onset, it is necessary to measure every morning without getting out of bed, basal body temperature.


  • At the end of the second week, at the time of ovulation, a woman can slightly hurt her stomach, do not even get sick, but pull
  • Close -colored discharge may appear
  • It is in the second week that a woman increases libido, which contributes to the emergence of a new life

Important: the future mother will not feel any changes in her state, women who suffer from PMS will be an exception, they will notice the lack of familiar symptoms.

Fruit at 2 weeks of pregnancy
Fruit at 2 weeks of pregnancy

3 weeks of pregnancy

During this period, the body is always preparing for the possibility of pregnancy. Changes occur in the thickness of the uterine endometrium. It becomes thicker, laying down the necessary vitamins, nutrients and minerals necessary for the embryo.

If everything is fine, and the egg met with a sperm, the so -called yellow body forms in the place of the follicle. The production of hormones responsible for the preservation of pregnancy depends on it.

Important: this is a very important period for the emergence of a new life, it is at this stage that the already fertilized cell can be rejected.

Feel:In the third week of pregnancy, there are no new sensations yet. But this does not apply to very sensitive women. They may have increased drowsiness, a frequent change of mood, pulling pain in the lower abdomen, can swell the chest.

4 Week of pregnancy

During this period, the embryo implant into the uterine mucosa. The cervix is \u200b\u200bclosed with a cork. The yellow body formed from the follicle grows even more. Attaching the embryo, makes changes to the state of the future mother. The first symptoms of pregnancy occur. The future baby inhibits the mother’s immune system, it becomes possible to exacerbate chronic diseases, which is especially dangerous for the unborn child. Taking medications may affect its development.

Important: the main danger, the first month of pregnancy, is an ectopic pregnancy

Feel:A woman expects menstruation, in addition, she may have:

  • Drowsiness and weakness
  • The mood becomes changeable
  • The chest is painful and sensitive
  • Swelling of the legs or arms may occur
  • The smell is aggravated
  • Incomprehensible sensations in the lower abdomen
  • Frequent urination

Important: some women are not even aware of pregnancy, because during the implantation of the embryo, discharge similar to menstruation may occur. Their difference is in a small number of days and the most discharge.


5 Week of pregnancy

The embryo is increasingly distinguishing hCG, thereby stimulating the growth of the yellow body that produces the necessary hormone progesterone. The shape of the uterus changes, it becomes like the ball and softer, but the dimensions remain the same. Already this week, the doctor may assume the onset of pregnancy. A woman, as before, is very sensitive to infections.

Feel:Most often, the first signs that she is pregnant, the woman feels this week.

Important: the most important feature is not the onset of menstruation.

  • Increased drowsiness and fatigue
  • The halo around the nipples becomes darker
  • Nausea and vomiting occurs
  • The sense of smell is aggravated and taste preferences change
  • In the lower abdomen, unpleasant pulling pain can be felt

Important: if no signs of toxicosis are observed, you should not worry about this. This is an individual feature of the body.

6 Week of pregnancy

The embryo distinguishes more and more hCG, it is by it that the doctor can determine the period of pregnancy. The yellow body, it can already be seen on an ultrasound, develops the necessary progesterone. Thanks to him, changes begin to occur in the structure of the chest. There is a rapid urination and a tendency to constipation. The condition of the skin of the face changes, rashes may occur. Loof future mothers begin to recover. Due to the slow work of the intestine, the stomach can increase in size. The uterus increases slightly in size.

Feel:During this period, the symptoms of toxicosis only increase:

  • Pressure decreases, dizziness occurs
  • Nausea and vomiting intensify
  • Headaches occur
  • Salivation increases
  • The smell is aggravated
  • Breasts increase in size
  • Constant fatigue and drowsiness do not leave this week
  • The mood becomes very changeable
  • There are causeless fears, especially if the pregnancy was not planned
  • A feeling of heartburn may occur
  • Pregnancy makes hair and nails healthier, which can not be said about the skin of the face

7 Week of pregnancy

The woman is already a little adapting to her condition. The future baby begins to take calcium from mother. With its insufficient intake, a woman’s body, varicose veins and hemorrhoids may occur in the woman's body. This is due to Stem that the fetus begins to take it from deep veins. The occurrence of varicose veins can also lead to a woman’s tendency to this vascular disease.

Important: this week it is better not to take an examination by a gynecologist, a cork is formed in the cervix. She will defend the baby all pregnancy, and will move only before childbirth.

It becomes a more noticeable tummy, but this is not yet associated with the growth of the baby and the uterus. The hormone progesterone affects its volume, it relaxes the intestinal walls, provoking bloating and constipation.

Important: the weight can increase or even decrease, it all depends on whether a woman suffers from toxicosis or not.


  • Toxicosis only intensifies
  • Constant vomiting dehydrates the body. Not only the woman suffers from this, but also the future baby
  • Strength does not remain almost nothing

Important: you should relax more, try to visit the fresh air more often.

8 week pregnancy

This week, a woman will have to survive another hormonal surge. In the baby, its genitals are formed, which exacerbates the symptoms of toxicosis even more. Hair may begin to fall out. Pigmentation occurs on the face, the condition of the skin worsens.


  • Sharp shifts of body position I cause dizziness and bouts of nausea
  • No strength to ride in public transport
  • I want something unusual all the time
  • From the smells of habitual food, almost vomiting can occur. Heartburn occurs
  • The tearfulness and sharp jumps in the mood have already tortured even loved ones
  • The full awareness comes that a new life will be born soon

9 week pregnancy

The body is rebuilt, hormones and then rage, provoking attacks of toxicosis. If nausea does not interfere with eating, the woman begins to gain weight. The body begins to be produced more than the hormone responsible for the production of milk. This provokes possible discharge from the nipples and their change in color.

Important: it should be noted that the growth hormone necessary for the development of the future baby can provoke an increase in lips, arms and legs. This is in the case when too much is produced.

Feel:Those who toxicosis tormented before, he does not let them go. The most frequent complaints of expectant mothers:

  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea
  • Riming
  • Constipation
  • Frequent urination
  • Sharp attacks of hunger may occur, and immediately behind them and aversion to food. After a while, everything can be repeated again
Embryo at 9 weeks of pregnancy
embryo at 9 weeks of pregnancy

10 week pregnancy

This week, the placenta already begins to provide the baby with everything necessary. This does not bring improvements to the general condition yet. But the woman should already be a little round. The chest further increases in size. An important role is played by the right underwear. The appearance of varicose veins should be prevented and preventing it. Pigment spots can ruin the already changeable mood. From this week you should regularly measure blood pressure, try to maintain it at the same level.


  • Toxicosis has not yet passed, but perhaps it is already weakening
  • Heartburn that appeared may not leave the future mother until the birth
  • Frequent trips to the toilet became faithful pregnancy companions
  • Perhaps urinary incontinence
  • Very often it began to pull on sweet, then on salty
  • Sleep becomes very sensitive
Intrauterine development of the fetus
intrauterine development of the fetus

11 week pregnancy

From this week it is necessary to gradually increase the amount of food eaten per day, or rather, its calorie content. This is due to the acceleration of metabolism. An increased blood volume requires an increased amount of fluid. The hormonal background is being rebuilt, but the woman has completely used to get used to her condition. If there is a desire to eat something not edible, you should replenish the reserves of the body with calcium and iron.


  • The changes in the mood still do not leave the future mother
  • It seems to the woman that her situation is noticeable to everyone. In fact, they can only notice the manifestations of toxicosis
  • Nausea is already receding
  • Heartburn intensifies
  • Breasts are very sensitive to the slightest touch
  • The discharge may be released from the vagina
  • Do not allow drowsiness, distraction, forgetfulness on everyday matters

12 Week of pregnancy

From this week, a woman can slowly depart from the manifestations of toxicosis. The placenta has already formed completely and provides the baby with everything necessary. The body ceased to perceive the unborn child as something threatening the health of a woman. The uterus has increased from the moment of the first week of pregnancy by 10 cm and a small tummy may already appear, slightly noticeable to others.


  • Well -being and mood slowly return to normal
  • The volume of blood increased and the heart, managing the additional load, begins to fight stronger
  • To sleep on your back
  • Appetite improves, weight gain is possible

Important: already this week, some mothers can feel the fetal move, this is if the pregnancy is not the first.

Fruit pictures

The calendar of the development of pregnancy by week

1 - 2 weeks:The fetus is not actually yet. There is only an immature egg. It will only ripen at the end of the second week.

Video: Video gid. Week 1. Pregnancy planning

3 weeks:Fertilization occurs, an embryo appears. At first, it consists of one cell, a little more than a day later two cells, then even more, on the seventh day there are already 100 of them.

Important: it is this week that plays a big role in whether the embryo implants in the uterus or not.

Video: Video gid. 3 weeks. Definition of pregnancy

4 weeks:The embryo develops very quickly. He implanted with special villi into the uterus. It is this week that the vital organs of the future baby are laid.

Video: Video gid. 4 weeks. How to tell my husband?

5 week: The thyroid gland is formed, it is very important that the mother does not have a lack of iodine in the body. Heart and cardiovascular system. Airways.

Video: Video gid. 5 week. We are registering

6 week: The nose, ears are formed, according to the researchers, the unborn child can already capture sounds. They are laid in the development of the eye, so far they look like two black dots.

Video: Video gid. 6 week. Side effects

7 week:Bone tissue develops and the rudiments of the milk teeth are laid. The fetus has pens and legs, he can already bend them. From this week, the baby reacts to the psychological state of the mother, it can feel stress.

Video: Video Guide. 7 week. Ectopic pregnancy

8 week:The fetus has fingers. The heart and kidney are formed. In girls, ovaries are formed, and in boys, testicles. Blood is already divided into venous and arterial. The kid may feel warm or cold. The tail is almost gone.

Video: Video gid. 8 week. Physical education during pregnancy

9 week:You can already distinguish between earlobes and lips. The kid can swallow the surrounding liquid. Handles and legs become longer, nails are already formed. The cerebellum begins to develop.

Video: Video gid. 9 week. Food at the beginning of pregnancy

10 week:The future baby develops very quickly. He can already kick slightly and stretch. All vital organs have formed, and begin to develop rapidly. You can already determine the gender of the child and his blood group. Taurus was covered with a fluff. The skeleton is getting harder.

Video: Video gid. 10 week. Mood swings

11 week:There is already a neck about the baby, he can raise his head. The fingers are divided and developed. It can already distinguish smells and feel the taste of amniotic fluid. The rectum appeared. The liver plays a large role in development.

Video: Video gid. 11 week. Screening of the first trimester

12 week:The face already completely resembles a little man. The unborn child can frown, open and close his eyes, suck a finger, suck a finger, train in respiratory reflexes. Nogots are already formed from the right side, there are already prints on the fingers.

Video: Video gid. 12 week. Miscarriage

The first move of the fetus

  • The first move, too sensitive women, can feel at 12 weeks of pregnancy. But they are also easy to confuse them with the movement of gases through the intestines. These are unforgettable and indescribable sensations
  • If the pregnancy is not the first, already the real first shocks, the mother will feel at 15 weeks. Pregnant firstborn was less fortunate, they should be patient up to 20 weeks
The first movements are unforgettable
the first movements are unforgettable

Important: from that moment on, the mother feels a special connection with her baby.

In more detail, the first ultrasound of the study and the development of the fetus can be found from this article: Ultrasound during pregnancy: indications, terms, fetal development norms

Fetal weight by week of pregnancy

The weight of the fetus can be traced with ultrasound. This is a very important criterion for determining anomalies in the development of the future baby. At the very beginning of its development, it does not weigh even 1 gram. All data in the table are approximate, and may have minor deviations.

  • 4 weeks:  0.5 grams
  • 5 week: 0.8 grams
  • 6 week: 0.9 grams
  • 7 week: 1 gram
  • 8 week: 1.5 grams
  • 9 week: 2 grams
  • 10 week: 4 grams
  • 11 week: 8 grams
  • 12 week: 14 grams

Fruit development standards for weeks

Of great importance I have indicators of the growth and development of the baby in the womb. Comparing them with the indicators of the norm, the doctor can reveal pathologies or development in time in time. Also, according to these data, you can determine the gestational age. It is very important not to miss all the planned visits to a specialist and examination.

Fetal standards for ultrasound of outlets
Fetal standards for ultrasound of research on development weeks

The size of the fetus in weeks in comparison with seeds, fruits

In order to imagine what size the fetus is at the beginning of pregnancy, you can compare it with seeds, vegetables and fruits:

  • 4 weeks: poppy grain
  • 5 week: sesame seed
  • 6 week: peppercorn
  • 7 week: beans
  • 8 week: grapes
  • 9 week: cherry
  • 10 week: strawberries
  • 11 week: lime
  • 12 week: lemon

Fruit length in weeks

At the very beginning of development, the fetus is very small, not more than 1 mm long, but it grows rapidly and develops.

  • 4 weeks: 1 mm
  • 5 week: 1.5 mm
  • 6 week: 4 mm
  • 7 week: 13 mm
  • 8 week: 20 mm
  • 9 week: 30 mm
  • 10 week: 42 mm
  • 11 week: 60 mm
  • 12 week: 61 mm
The size of the fetus
the size of the fetus

The values \u200b\u200bare approximate and can fluctuate in one direction or another.

The weight of the child in size of the abdomen

You can determine the weight of the child by Ultrasound research, as well as in size of the mother’s abdomen.

  • It should be measured, at the level of the navel, the circumference of the abdomen
  • Know the height of the bottom of the uterus
  • Multiply these two values \u200b\u200bby each other

This is the simplest way. Thus, you can find out the alleged weight of the child, but only after 35 weeks of pregnancy. The error is 200 grams.

Fruit head circumference by week

The circumference of the head is determined on planned ultrasound. They begin to measure it in the second trimester from 14 weeks of pregnancy. This value plays a large role in assessing the development of the baby.

Fruit heartbeat by week

Almost from the very moment of conception, the baby begins to beat the heart. At the beginning of its development, these are almost inaudible reductions. From the 7th week, you can see how the fetal heart is beaten with the help Ultrasound. It is according to the heart rate, an experienced doctor, can set the period of pregnancy and what gender the future baby will be.

  • Until 6 weeks, the heart beats no more than 80 beats per minute
  • From 6 to 8 weeks, its rhythm accelerates to 159 beats
  • At 9 weeks even faster, from 170 to 190 beats
  • From 10 - 11 weeks, the heart rhythm is already normalized and is 165 beats
  • From 14 weeks, to the very birth, the heart rate is 157 beats per minute

The rate of the fetal heartbeat by week

The norms of the fetal heartbeat are very important for the diagnosis of any developmental deviations. They can also signal hypoxia.

The norm of the fetal heartbeat
the norm of the fetal heartbeat

If a woman has two eggs and their fertilization has ripened, then a multiple pregnancy occurs.

  • 1 - 12 week:Toxicosis occurs a little earlier than during pregnancy with one baby. You can accurately determine the pregnancy with doubles with an ultrasound of the equipment. During this time, kids develop and attach to the uterine cavity. This period is very important, since the risk of miscarriage doubles

Important: up to about 12 weeks, one embryo may stop developing and freezing. This will not affect the further development of the second baby.

Video: How is the pregnancy twice?


In the first weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is very spacious in my mother’s stomach. He can constantly change his position. Only in the third trimester the baby will take its main presentation.

The cerebellum of the fetus

Important: the cerebellum is responsible for the motor activity of the future baby, the development of internal organs. During the ultrasound, starting from 14 weeks, closely observe its development.

Fruit increase

The baby is growing rapidly and developing. At the very beginning of pregnancy, weight gain is insignificant. From 8 to 12 weeks  the fetus gains from 1 to 10 grams every week. A little later, he will quickly begin to prepare for the publication.

Video: Ultrasound. What do kids do inside mothers do?

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