The development of a premature child by month. 4 degrees of premature child, weight gain by month

The development of a premature child by month. 4 degrees of premature child, weight gain by month

The article describes in detail the development of premature babies.

The course of pregnancy in each future mother proceeds differently. Sometimes it happens that for various reasons, the child appears ahead of time. The child is considered premature if he appeared before 37 weeks.

Several degrees of a premature child are distinguished

1 degree: premature children born at 35-37 weeks and having a weight of 2-2.5 kg;
2 degree: premature children born at 32-34 weeks and having a weight of 1.5-2 kg;
3 degree: deeply premature children born for 29-31 weeks and having a weight of 1-1.5 kg;
4 degree: Extremely premature children born before 29 weeks and having a weight of less than 1 kg.
The development of the child in the first months of life will depend on the degree of prematureness. Such children develop a little slower, but constant care and love will help to catch up with their peers.

Development of a premature child by month up to a year

1 month

The first month is the most difficult for the baby and mother. A child may have a weak muscle tone, which is why a child is inactive

  • In the absence of a sucking reflex, a child feeds with a probe, which supplies mother's milk directly in the stomach
  • In a child with 3 and 4 degrees of prematurity, a respiratory reflex may be absent, so such children are placed under artificial ventilation of the lungs.
  • The weight in this period is gained very slowly. This is due to the fact that in the first days after birth, the child loses a lot of weight, and in the first half of the month returns to his weight at birth
  • On average, in the first month, premature children gain from 180 to 350 grams. Attention and care are required from her mother, she must constantly talk with the child, showing him her love

2 months

2 month2

  • The development of the child during this period is gaining momentum
  • The weight is gained actively, on equalization with ordinary children, and sometimes even ahead of their schedule
  • Food should be reinforced, at the first request of the child
  • When laying the baby on the tummy, he is already trying to hold the head
  • However, children have increased fatigue from the slightest effort, even from feeding
  • Parents should be very careful and when a convulsive syndrome, crying or any other unusual manifestations in the behavior of the child, you need to immediately consult a doctor

3 months

3 months

  • By the third month, the weight of the child doubles. The baby begins to react to the light and sound, can fix his eyes for a short time
  • The fact is that the child’s immunity is very weak and any temperature fluctuations can lead to colds that occur very difficult.
  • To prevent this situation, you need to warmly wear a child
  • Mom should often turn the child from one side to another, even during sleep, more often stroke him, thereby allowing the child to get in
  • It is necessary to provide the optimal and constant air temperature in the room, about 22-24 degrees

4 months

4 months1

  • The kid can already hold the head for some time, begins to make sounds, clearly fixes the eye on contrasting objects
  • In the fourth month, for the baby, walks in the fresh air are very important
  • You can start doing light massage, in the morning and evenings you need to do a 20-minute charging, bathing is also a necessary element of child care
  • The muscle tone of the child begins to increase, which often leads to difficulties when laying a child for sleeping
  • Sleep can also become intermittent due to constant shakes

5 month

5 month

  • During this period, the first smile illuminates the face of the baby
  • The convulsive tension of the limbs passes and the child begins to move with handles and legs, and some are already able to hold a small rattle in their hands
  • The baby reacts to the sound, turning the head to its source
  • He begins to actively "walk". Together with physiological development, psychological is also read, therefore, communication with the baby in this period is of particular importance

6 month

  • At six months, premature children in their development actively catch up with children born on time
  • The kid is already confidently holding toys in his hands, often babbling and even learned to laugh loudly
  • The kid is guided by the sound, even if the source is out of view
  • With the support of the legs, it rests on the floor and makes repulsive movements.
  • The weight of the child at this moment is tripled.

7 month

7 month

  • The kid makes active attempts to crawl, so parents need to try to support and develop this desire
  • The baby knows how to independently turn over from the tummy to the back, he takes toys and plays with them for a long time, actively ruling, he himself can eat from a spoon
  • The child begins to communicate with adults, distinguishes loved ones from strangers

8 month

8 month

  • At this point, the baby has already controlled his body quite that it is actively crawling, turning over, trying to sit
  • The kid distinguishes objects and can find them among others at the request of the mother
  • Parents should constantly talk to him, tell poems and sing songs, because in this period the child actively absorbs information
  • You need to start teaching a child to short words

9 month

9 month

  • At 9 months, the child sits on his own, holding onto the railing of the crib. Trying to get up on his own
  • The kid is very active, so parents should not leave him alone for a long time, he needs constant attention
  • The baby is already trying to say simple and short words, perceives adults intonationally speech

10 month

10 month

  • The kid can finally stand on his own and even move, holding on to the support
  • Moving objects especially attract his attention, and he can hold his eyes for a long time
  • During this period, the child’s speech develops, he clearly pronounces syllables and sounds, tries to repeat after adults
  • It is during this period that parents should pay special attention to his speech development

11 month

11 month

  • At 11 months, the child distinguishes his name and reacts to it
  • It is no longer a difficulty to crawl and stand independently for a child. The first attempts of independent steps are being taken
  • He plays with toys with pleasure, especially he likes cubes, pyramids and other logical toys
  • It can bring to parents to a toy they ask. The speech circulation has its designations of the names of objects and animals

12 month

12 month

  • By the 12th month, the baby can already walk with support, take a variety of actions with objects, tries to communicate with adults
  • In general, in a year, a premature child practically catch up with the physical and mental development of children born on time, adds in growth by 25-37 cm and increases its weight by 5-7 times

Development of premature children after a year

Majority premature children on his own physical indicators catch up their own full -term peers already in 11,5 of the year.
Children, which born with very low mass bodies behind in nervouslymental development from peers, born full -term, in the first 23 of the year. Alignment is happening only after 3go of the year life.

How much do not premature children agile?


Each child is individual, so you cannot determine a clear period. In premature babies, as already indicated above, it all depends on the degree of prematureness. With the 1st and 2nd degree, premature crumbs begin to agile in 2-3 months, from 3 and 4-at 4-5 months.

When does a premature child begin to hold his head and turn over?

2 months

They begin to hold the head from 2-3 months, turn over from the back to the stomach from 6.5-7 months, from the abdomen to the back-a month later.

What time does a premature child sit down?

1isitisOn their own, children begin to sit down in 8-12 months, get up-at 8-13 months.

How much premature children begin to crawl?

1 crawlsAt 6-9 months, premature babies only have movements that prepare them to master the skill of crawling. Around the ninth to the twelfth month, children who appeared ahead of schedule begin to crawl.

What time does a premature child begin to walk?

1 stepsAt 9-12 months, premature children will already try to walk, but not freely, but adhering to objects. In the period from a year to a year and a half, the child completely masters the ability to walk.

When do teeth appear in premature children?

1 -tozubaTeething in premature babies occurs later: in children less than 31 weeks of gestation of 10-11 months; 32-34 weeks of gestation-at 7-9 months; At 35-37 weeks of gestation-at 6-7 months.

The weight gain and growth of premature children

Thus, parents always need to remember that the manifestation of tireless care and love will allow premature babies to completely equal in their physical and mental development with ordinary children!

Video: Care for premature

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Comments K. article

  1. As for the teeth, I do not agree. We were born at 30 weeks for 6 months and we already stick out two teeth and we turn over from the back to the tummy and it is already on all fours. We have an early guy with all that was stunned by us :-)

  2. Our baby appeared at 31 weeks. And at 9 months she already has 10 teeth. But sitting, crawling, etc., we still do not know how. I am very worried about this. It helps us a lot of massage. I didn’t take toys for a long time in the pens until the massage was done.

  3. Our daughter is 2 years old. She got in for 29 weeks. She develops well ... even began to walk independently in a year and nine months .. her month was like and stopped. Afraid .. we don’t know what to do already

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