Bee breeding for beginners from scratch - feeding bees sugar syrup, condensed milk, candidate in winter, heat treatment, processing bees by bipin, celandine, from tick, nosematosis and diseases: description, secrets, recommendations. How much feed is needed by bees?

Bee breeding for beginners from scratch - feeding bees sugar syrup, condensed milk, candidate in winter, heat treatment, processing bees by bipin, celandine, from tick, nosematosis and diseases: description, secrets, recommendations. How much feed is needed by bees?

In this article we will talk about feeding bees with different feeds and processing of bees from ticks.

Bee feeding: Do you need top dressing than and when to feed the bees?

Bees living in the wild do not suffer from feed shortage in winter, unlike home bees. The fact is that home bees make honey not only for themselves, but, first of all, for the owners. It is for this reason that beekeepers feed their bees additionally. There is not always enough honey prepared by bees for the winter.

Important: bees feed on honey. But beekeepers also feed other feeds that affect the immunity and productivity of the bee family.

Bee feeding is carried out at different times:

  1. Spring. In early spring, after the first purification of the bees, top dressing is carried out. Feeding during this period helps to increase the labor force of bees and stimulates the uterine egg.
  2. Summer. Regarding the feeding of bees in the summer, many controversy arises. Some beekeepers claim that in the summer, bees can independently provide themselves with honey and perga. On the other hand, in the summer there may be an unfavorable rainy cold weather, when the bees cannot collect pollen from plants and nectar. If, before the deterioration of climatic conditions, the beekeeper took all the honey from the hives, it is logical that bees may not be enough food.
  3. In the fall. Autumn top dressing is carried out during the preparation of the hive for wintering. This top dressing will help to make up for feed reserves for the winter, and will also provide a bee family with a good immunity for a successful wintering.
  4. In winter. Beekeepers with experience do not recommend top dressing in winter. It is appropriate only in extreme cases, when in a bee family, there are problems (for example, for the treatment of the disease). In the fall, the hives must be equipped with enough feed. If the feed is still not enough, you can feed the bees. Bees begin to feel spring early, somewhere in February, so winter top dressing at this time can stimulate diarrhea in bees.

There are various types of top dressing:

  • Honey and parch are the best food for bees.
  • Sugar syrup. The second most popular type of top dressing.
  • Kandy is a mixture of powdered sugar, honey and water.
  • Honey fed - a mixture of water and honey.
  • The protein mixture is used to increase the workforce of bees. It is prepared from soy flour, pollen and honey.

Bees also need water. To do this, they install special drinkers with water on the apiary or inside the hives.

Bees eat honey

How much food is the bees need in winter?

Important: it is impossible to answer exactly how much food is necessary. The amount of food depends on the duration of winter, on the number of family, on the brood, on the winter method.

Beginning beekeepers are always wondering how much honey and perga are necessary bees so that the feed is enough for the entire wintering period.

  • There is such a rule that each frame in the hive should be full with a honey weight of 2-2.5 kg. It is not necessary to put additional frames, the required number of frames corresponds to the frames completely covered with bees.
  • There is evidence that medium-sized bee family in the first half of winter spends 20-25 grams of honey per day. With an increase in brood, in February, honey consumption doubles. On average, the total consumption of honey reaches 8-10 kg, in some cases up to 13 kg.

Video: How much honey should be the bees for the winter?

Feeding bees sugar syrup, condensed milk: terms, description

Important: feeding sugar syrup should not replace feeding with honey. This is dangerous for the life and productivity of bees. However, sugar syrup is used everywhere as additional top dressing.

Sugar syrup is a mixture of sugar and water. The advantage of sugar syrup is its low cost, as well as the effect. So, feeding sugar syrup is carried out at the first cleaning circle. Sugar syrup does not overload the intestines of bees, so there are practically no cases of diarrhea in the hive after such feeding.

The recipe for making sugar syrup is simple:

  1. Pour the required amount of water into an enameled pan, bring to a boil.
  2. Pour sugar with a thin stream, stirring the solution.
  3. Leave the syrup over medium heat until the first signs of boiling.
  4. Turn off the fire, cool the syrup to room temperature.

At different times of the year, the syrup is prepared with different density:

  • Thick food is used in the fall, as well as at the first cleaning circle. The concentration of dense syrup is 2: 1, 1⁄5: 1.
  • Liquid syrup is appropriate in spring and summer to increase the number of family and increase productivity. Syrup concentration - 1: 1, 1: 1⁄5.

Below is a syrup concentration table, where sugar is indicated in kg, and water in l.

Sugar syrup concentration table

When there is no bribe, beekeepers can give 100-200 grams of sugar syrup daily. Or once a week, 0.5-1 kg.

For feeding, beekeepers use feeders or ordinary cellophane bags. A package filled with syrup is placed on the framework, while trying not to crush the bees. It is advisable to sprinkle a package on top with syrup so that insects hear the smell.

Some give bees condensed milk, refined, sugar candies. Honey fed is very useful for bees, but such top dressing is economically unprofitable for the beekeeper.

Video: Feeding bees in early spring

How to prepare syrup for bees, kandy, winter at home: proportions, ratio, recipe

Important: if there was not enough food in winter, you can feed the bees with a beneficial mixture of Kandy.

According to many beekeepers, candidates and sugar syrup affect the bee differently on the body. The benefits of sugar syrup are that it activates the bees on the flight. Kandy improves bee immunity.

Kandy is a mixture of honey, sugar and water. Sometimes, if necessary, drugs are added here.

Candalum recipe:

  • Take honey and sugar in a ratio of 1: 4.
  • Melt the honey to a temperature of 45, do not boil honey.
  • Pour honey into the sugar, mixing thoroughly.
  • If the dough is very thick, water is added.
  • A homogeneous dough should be obtained, then the feed can be considered ready.

Kandy is placed in a piece of 2-3 cm thick with a piece of thick. To prevent the dough, it is placed in a cellophane bag. The weight of Kandy should leave 500-800 grams per family.

Bees eat kandy

Why don't bees take syrup in the fall?

Often beginner beekeepers face such a nuisance as the refusal of bees of top dressing. This may be due to weather conditions. If the temperature of the syrup is below 10 °, then forcing bees to eat such food will not work. In the cold season, it is advisable to give thick foods.

Video: Feeding bees in the fall

Bee processing from ticks: Methods of combating the pest

Important: beekeepers in the process of their activities are faced with a problem such as Varroa ticks. Ticks attack bee families, outwardly it is not visible for a long time, but ultimately the bee family, as a single organism, slowly dies.

What is the dangerous tick Varroa:

  • Weakened bees cannot provide the family with a sufficient amount of food.
  • The brood becomes weak, unproductive.
  • Bees cannot safely survive the wintering, the death of the family is possible.

Therefore, you need to deal with the pest that lives on the abdominal segments of the bee. In addition to medical measures, prevention is important, since it is not difficult to become infected with a tick. Infected bees are sources of infection.

In the fight against the tick, various methods are used, they are divided into:

  • Physical
  • Chemical

Chemical methods are based on the use of various drugs that we will talk about in this article. The physical method of combating ticks is the heat treatment of bees.

Bee infected with Varroa tick

Bees processing devices

For processing bees with therapeutic drugs, special devices are required. They are:

  1. Homemade;
  2. Factory.

The easiest way to buy a finished device is smoke-gun. This device allows you to quickly and gently spray the vapor of the drug.

You can make such a device yourself:

  • Some use a plastic bottle, in which they insert a needle from a dropper, then pour molten plastic slit in the lid. This device allows you to water a solution of bees.
  • A more advanced device is a device for spraying the vapor of the drug. The main elements of the device are a heating element, flask, a container for fluid.
Parasite bees processing

How and at what temperature can the bees be treated with bipin?

The popular method of combating Bipin's drug is a popular method. Bipin processing occurs in the autumn and spring period, when the temperature ranges from -5 ° to +5 ° C. Processing with the drug during the formation of the club is possible.

You should adhere to clear instructions that go to the drug. In this case, there will be no harm to bees, only benefits.

Important: honey from bees treated with Bipin can be eaten without fear.

What you need to know about the drug:

  1. Bipin is diluted with warm water (40 ° C). 2 liters of water go to 1 mg of the drug.
  2. The liquid should be white. If the finished liquid turned out to be yellow or other color, something went wrong.
  3. You can use the mixture within a day after cooking.
  4. The drug is poured between the frames. 10 ml of the drug goes to one street.
  5. There is a contraindication - you cannot use less than 5 streets for bee families.
  6. Two -time processing is recommended: the first - after the main honey collection, the second - in the preparation of families for wintering.

For processing the hive, a device is used in the form of a plastic bottle with a needle needle. How the hive is processing, you can watch in the video.

Video: How to process bees bipin?

How and at what temperature can the bees be treated with celandine?

Celandine is a folk remedy for processing bees. The plus of celandine processing is that there are no chemical additives. The celandine for processing bees can be used in fresh and dry form.

Important: spraying with a celandine helps to get rid of diseases such as Varroatosis, rot, ascopherosis.

For spraying, such a solution is prepared:

  • In 2 liters of boiling water, add 100 g of celandine grass.
  • Leave the solution to infuse.
  • When the temperature of the solution becomes 35-37 ° C, it is ready for use.
  • For spraying, sprayers and sprayers are used.

Bees processing with celandine are carried out in August-September, before leaving bees for wintering. It is necessary to carry out several processing, then the bees will be able to leave in the winter protected.

How and when to do bee heat treatment?

Important: it was established that during heat treatment, the tick leaves the abdominal segments of bees. This method of struggle is almost 100% effective. Ticks do not take a temperature of 46-48 °. At the same time, bees are not harmful.

The complexity of the heat treatment of bees is the presence of special equipment. Some use special devices, others are processed in the bath.

The heat treatment is carried out in the fall when there is no brood. The air temperature should be from 0 ° to 8 ° C.

For heat treatment of bees, you will need:

  • Bath, sauna.
  • Two mercury thermometers.
  • Bee collection funnel.
  • A mesh cassette with holes 3 mm.
  • Brush with soft bristles.

Heat treatment procedure:

  1. Pull a little smoke from the smoke into the lower flyers. Insects will take honey in the nose, then their abdomen will expand, which will affect the rapid falling of sticky ticks.
  2. Close the flyers.
  3. Without delay, get a frame with bees and place them with a funnel in a cassette.
  4. After 15 minutes, when the bees and ticks move, bring the frames to the sauna, where the temperature is 46-48C, not higher and not lower. This is a very important condition. The temperature should be set by comparing the readings from two thermometers.
  5. Keeping bees in the sauna should no longer longer than 12-15 minutes. Do not allow beeings to be knocked down into the club, you can use a brush with soft villi.
  6. The cassette must be constantly rotated, placed under the cassette.
  7. Burn crumbling ticks along with the newspaper.
  8. After the end of the procedure, take the bees into the room with room temperature for 15 minutes.
  9. Then it is necessary to pour them onto the frames, close the hive, wait until the bees calm down and transfer to their place.
  10. Heat treatment must be carried out in red light of the lamp.

In the tick, Varroa does not produce immunity to heat treatment, unlike chemicals.

Thermal frame for bee treatment

How to properly use oxalic acid for bees and properly process bees with ant and lactic acids?

Shardic acid is successfully used to combat the parasite of Varroa. Processing is required in the fall, but can also be carried out in the warm season. This is due to the fact that ticks produce immunity to acaricidal drugs.

Shardic acid is used to process bees in two types:

  1. In the form of a solution with water for spraying.
  2. Sublimation of oxalic acid powder for steam treatment.

Both options give a good result. Consider the use of aqueous solution:

  • A 2% solution of oxalic acid has proven itself best of all. To do this, 20 g of powder is dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  • Soths with a perga and honey are taken out of the hive, isolated the uterus.
  • Spray each frame with bees from a special sprayer.
  • The distance from the sprayer to the frame should be at least 30 cm, the spray angle is 45 °.
  • About 10 ml of solution goes to one frame.
  • Dry weather, temperature 15 ° C.
  • The smaller the drops during spraying, the more efficiently the result of processing sorrel acid will be.

Also, processing of bees from ticks is carried out with milk and ant. As in the case of oxalic acid, treatment is carried out three times. The use of oxalic acid is more common. A high concentration of milk and ant acids can lead to the death of the uterus and a decrease in brood, therefore, in modern beekeeping, they try not to use such methods.

The bee is an insect that brings not only the benefits of honey, wax, propolis, and royal jelly. The bee provides invaluable benefit to nature in the form of pollination of plants. Take care of bee families.

Video: bee heat treatment

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