Different methods of using burdock oil. Why is burdock oil useful?

Different methods of using burdock oil. Why is burdock oil useful?

Burdock oil is a unique product. It is able to favorably influence the hair and skin in different areas of our body. Its beneficial trace elements feed, moisturize, soften and saturate with vitamins.

Pros and cons of burdock oil

Essential oils are gaining popularity in recent days more and more. This success is ensured by the fact that among all modern cosmetics, natural components are more effective and useful for humans. One and the most popular oils are burdock.

Burdock - wild buff
burdock - wild buff

Of course, being a natural remedy, it has many advantages and advantages:

  • the oil has an incredibly strong strengthening effect on the hair, absorbed deeply deep into the bulb itself and protecting the hair from brittleness and falling out
  • absorbed into the skin, it is able to save even the smallest skin from peeling, and it means to completely eliminate dandruff
  • oil penetrates the structure of the hair itself and protects it from any harmful effects
Oil is obtained from burdock roots
oil is obtained from burdock roots

In a series with positive qualities there is one not unimportant negative - allergic susceptibility. This component can cause a negative reaction in those who are extremely sensitive to it.

Important: the slightest effect of burdock with a person who has an allergy to him, can cause itching, redness and swelling of the skin. Be careful and carefully use the oil.

Allergy to burdock
allergy to burdock

Also, do not use burdock oil owners of oily hair. All because it is able to weight and create the effect of “dirty hair” on your hair. Acting on the hair, burdock oil creates a very thin film, so it must be used for those who have dry or normal hair.

Video: “Carped oil. How? What for? For what?"

Is it possible to leave burdock oil at night?

There are many recipes for traditional medicine based on this oil, the most popular are hair masks. Constant employment, lack of time and the desire to get a spectacular result make women invent new ways to use cosmetic procedures.

Burdock oil can penetrate deep into the hair structure
burdock oil can penetrate deep into the hair structure

So, an extraordinary effect can make a burdock mask left overnight on the hair. By applying oil for such a long time, you must fully make sure that you have any allergic reactions. Be careful, fatty oil will settle very tightly on your hair, so you will need a lot of time to wash it off.

Washing your hair in cellophane and towel, you can avoid dirty and cuffed pillows in the oil
washing your hair in cellophane and towel, you can avoid dirty and cuffed pillows in the oil

Important: it is best to do the procedure on weekends when you do not rush to work and can calmly spend the day for hair care.

Oil is applied to clean hair so that no fat film prevents the penetration and absorption of useful components. Having smeared the hair at the roots, the oil should be distributed along the entire length and rub the tips in your palms. If your hair long allows, weave a pigtail and wrap your head in cellophane, and then a scarf to create a “greenhouse effect”.

Video: "Burdock oil for hair, effective recovery"

Hard oil for scalp

Dandruff arises from severe dryness of the scalp. Insufficient power supply provokes itching, as a result of which particles are exfoliated.

Dandruff - a common disease of the skin of the head
dandruff - a common disease of the skin of the head

To get rid of dandruff with burdock oil is not at all troublesome, and the effect will be arranged and long -term. Is it important to correctly perform the procedure:

  1. Heat the oil bottle in a plate with hot water to a warm state
  2. Find a syringe (without a needle) or purchase a pipette for applying oil at a pharmacy
  3. Apply oil drops to the skin and only then distribute through the hair
  4. Wrap your head in a film and put on your hat
  5. Hold the oil on the head minimum hour
  6. Do the procedure at least once a week
After the procedure, wash your head thoroughly with ordinary shampoo several times
after the procedure, wash your head thoroughly with ordinary shampoo several times

Video: "burdock oil against dandruff"

Burdock oil for eyelashes, benefits

It is safe to say that this oil is a find for the beauty of every woman. All because the roof of the burdock has many useful properties that allow the hair to strengthen, actively grow and not break. Since ancient times, it has been used not only for hair, but also for eyelashes.

Burdock root can influence the growth and density of eyelashes
burdock root can influence the growth and density of eyelashes

It is important to comply with some rules:

  1. Oil is applied only to peeled eyelashes without cosmetics
  2. Do not distribute the product along the entire length, apply it only to the tips
  3. Oil can be applied with an old washed brush from a carcass or a cotton sponge
  4. The course of treatment should be carried out a length of a month. Only after this time, mono to feel the result
During the course of eyelash treatment, limit your eyes in cosmetics
during the course of eyelash treatment, limit your eyes in cosmetics

Video: “Burdock oil for eyelashes. The use of burdock oil for eyelashes "

The benefits of burdock oil for eyebrows

Fashion for thick and magnificent eyebrows gave modern women the opportunity to use burdock oil in this area.

Thick eyebrows unusually fashionable in the present season
thick eyebrows unusually fashionable in the present season

If you want to have beautiful eyebrows, use burdock oil correctly:

  1. Cleanse the skin before applying oil
  2. Apply it with a brush for eyebrows
  3. Distribute the oil by combing the eyebrow while stimulating blood circulation
  4. Do the procedure once a day
  5. Let the clock soak for half an hour and then rinse with a lotion

Video: “How I grew thick eyebrows and eyelashes. Experiment. Burr oil"

Burdock oil for beard and bristles

Men also found a method of use of burdock oil, because modern fashion has opened a strong half of the opportunity to wear a thick healthy beard. And much more spectacular to have a frequent bristle than rare and nondescript. You can strengthen the bristles with the help of oil.

A beard is not only a symbol of masculinity, but also a fashionable element of the season
a beard is not only a symbol of masculinity, but also a fashionable element of the season

Burdock has a powerful treatment:

  • absorbed into the hair, it affects the bulb itself, completely nourishing it
  • stimulates the rapid growth of strong and healthy hair
  • softens the stubble, making it flexible and not stiff
  • makes the skin on the cheeks soft and well -groomed
  • hair after oil shines with health
A beautiful beard makes healthy and well -groomed hair
a beautiful beard makes healthy and well -groomed hair

Burdock oil is an affordable tool for everyone, it can easily be purchased at a pharmacy for a very affordable price.

Rules for use:

  1. Wlean your face thoroughly using soap or any other cosmetic product
  2. It is recommended to steam the face and thereby soften the hair. To do this, take a hot bath or hold your face over a basin with boiling water. You can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or use a herbal decoction
  3. Heat the burdock oil to a warm state
  4. soak a piece of gauze oil
  5. Put the compress on the ford and keep for at least an hour
  6. After the procedure, remove the remaining oil thoroughly washing with shampoo, shower gel or soap
Fashion for a lush beard
fashion for a lush beard

If your beard is not too magnificent and long, you may well do without a compress. Periodically apply oil on the cheeks and chin with massage movements and rinse thoroughly.

Video: "Burdock oil for a beard"

Burdock oil for facial skin

Burdock oil is successfully used to combat age wrinkles and even acne. The unique properties of the product saturate the skin with vitamins and even regulate the sebaceous discharge on the face.

Strong sebaceous discharge on the face provoke the appearance of acne
strong sebaceous discharge on the face provoke the appearance of acne

Burdock oil completely regulates the process of renewing the skin thereby exfoliating old cells and stimulating the growth of new, young. The number of black dots decreases with regular use of the product, and acne simply does not have the opportunity to appear on well -groomed and breathable skin.

Breathing and moisturized skin is not predisposed to the appearance of wrinkles
breathing and moisturized skin is not predisposed to the appearance of wrinkles

Emphasized into the layers of the skin, the oil moisturizes and saturates the epidermis with microelements. As a result, the skin receives enough air and moisture.

That is why wrinkles are smoothed and become significantly less. In addition, the oil contains a huge number of minerals and acids that are so necessary for the skin to protect against the surrounding harmful environment: wind, ultraviolet rays, frosts, dust and dirt.

Video: “Carped oil. Mask for the face"

How to wash with burdock oil?

Washing is a way to get rid of unsuccessful hair dyeing, which happens quite often not only at home, but also in salon. Chemical washing is quite aggressive and capable of completely destroying the structure of the hair, so it is important to find an effective natural tool, such as burdock oil.

You can get rid of unsuccessful hair dyeing at home
you can get rid of unsuccessful hair dyeing at home

It is the oil that acts gently and naturally, absorbed deep into the hair, it displaces the pigment and does not destroy the structure. The only drawback in comparison with other means is temporary costs.

Apply oil step by step several times. Each time it should have time to absorb and then it must be thoroughly washed out of the hair with shampoo. However, you will gladly notice after such a procedure that the color of the hair has become not only acceptable, but also much healthier.

Video: “Burdock oil for hair. Application "

Burdock oil during pregnancy

During pregnancy and accommodation, a woman is limited in the use of certain products, but still wants to look good and take care of herself. Such a tool as burdock oil is a wonderful assistant in healing skin and hair even during this period.

Oil is allowed to use during pregnancy
oil is allowed to use during pregnancy

The only restriction is not to use oil inside, since the burdock is really a strong allergen. All other procedures: for hair, eyelashes, eyebrows and body - will have only a favorable and healing effect, nourishing the necessary areas with vitamins and trace elements.

Before use, apply a small amount of oil to the skin (for example, follow your reaction: if itching, peeling, redness and swelling do not occur - use oil without restrictions.

Using burdock oil: tips and reviews

Burdock oil has been successfully used in cosmetology and medicine for many centuries. Until now, it does not lose its relevance, since the qualities that burdock possesses are unique and simply necessary for the body.

If you do not have any allergic reactions and your skin tolerates the product perfectly - use oil to soften your hair, returning the tone of the skin and getting rid of acne.

Video: “Carped oil. Application and composition "


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