Varieties of mushrooms of mushrooms of mushrooms - edible, false, meadow, Assumption, Chinese, winter, autumn, summer honey mushrooms: description, photo. What do the edible and inedible mushrooms of honey mushrooms look like, how to distinguish them? Where do they grow when collecting and how to grow mushrooms of honey mushrooms in the country?

Varieties of mushrooms of mushrooms of mushrooms - edible, false, meadow, Assumption, Chinese, winter, autumn, summer honey mushrooms: description, photo. What do the edible and inedible mushrooms of honey mushrooms look like, how to distinguish them? Where do they grow when collecting and how to grow mushrooms of honey mushrooms in the country?

How to recognize edible mushrooms and what types of mushrooms exist.

Edible and inedible honey mushrooms - how not to make a mistake, what places are “preferred for habitat” and how to grow a mushroom harvest in a summer cottage? Read about this in the article.

Varieties of mushrooms of mushrooms of mushrooms edible: description, photo when they appear on what stumps grow

The name of the mushrooms "honey mushrooms" in Latin means "bracelet". The colonies of the forest inhabitants really resemble the decoration on the old wood due to a peculiar form of growth.

  • In the basins of mushroom pickers, which go to quiet hunting in the forests of central Russia, often honey mushrooms. Mushroom pickers love their mushroom pickers for diversifying the summer menu: honey mushrooms are one of the ingredients of soups, they are salted, dried mushrooms are harvested, fried.
  • You can find a clustard of mushrooms in the summer on stumps, in damp places of the forest. Mushrooms sprout on the bark of trees. Mushrooms like trees of deciduous and coniferous species. Disputes of the mushroom can also be fond of dry -resistant - areas of forest, which is difficult for a person to get.
  • The thickets of honey mushrooms will provide an abundant meal for a forest delicacy hunter, because mushrooms grow in colonies. One overgrown family of mushrooms can replenish the reserves of a fan of quiet hunting for 10 kg of product, and a week later a new mushroom harvest will grow in the same place. You can collect mushrooms before winter.
  • Since the legs have no nutritional value, only hats are cut off when harvesting. So that the dish does not grieve, the honey mushrooms are previously slightly boiled.
You can find a clustard of mushrooms in the summer on stumps, in raw places of forest

How not to confuse summer mushrooms with poisonous mushrooms and protect your family from health problems? After all, not everyone has extensive experience in mushrooms.

In summer honey mushrooms, which you can diversify the menu without fears:

  • the thin -walled yellowish brown hat (at the initial stage of growth, its outer edges can turn inside)
  • hats grow up to 8 cm in diameter
  • below under a hat, you can see a web of cover
  • the hat of a young woman is not flat on top, but has a bulge in the center (the older the mushroom, the less convexity)
  • the surface of the hat is covered with water circles
  • if you turn the hat of an edible thiletock, you can see the plates of white or rust-brown color
  • the older the mushroom, the darker and contrast the shade of the plates manifests itself (color intensity depends on the degree of ripening inside the spore powder records, which is in the mature state of a red-brown tint)
  • the length of the mushroom’s leg can be 8 cm, but the diameter is invariably thin -if 0.5 cm
  • a leg of a brown shade, the ring on it is also brown
  • there are scales under the ring
Open summer
Open summer

What is the difference between good mushrooms and their inedible brothers?

  • In order not to worry and not risk your well -being, you need to know the signs that are not suitable for eating mushrooms. After all, poisonous brothers have excellent disguise.
    For example, during mushroom hunting, a false hodgepodge may meet sulfur-yellow. The body of the mushroom is bright yellow and without scales.
  • The plates inside the hat is a false-pollow of a serplastine of whitish at a young age turn into bluish-gray. This is not typical for an edible woman. The mushroom is not included in the group of toxic species, but it should be pre -boiled.
The difference between edible mushrooms and toxic
The difference between edible mushrooms and toxic

The mushrooms include the mushrooms:

  • gray
  • snose honey mushrooms
  • wrap red
  • the honey mushrooms are dark
  • wrap with pimples
  • meadow
  • assumption
  • chinese
  • winter
  • autumn
  • summer
  • spring mushrooms
  • fold -legged honey agaric
  • mucous mucous membranes
  • open garlic
The honey agaric is thick -walled
The honey agaric is fat -legged
Winter tape
Winter tape
Lugovoi honey agaric
Lugovoi honey agaric
Red-brick honey agaric
Open is brick red
Wrap with pimples
Wrap with pimples

The general name "honey mushrooms" we call different families and childbirth of mushrooms, which exist 34 species. Of these, only 22 species are classified. Some of the representatives of these mushrooms “settle” in open areas, in the grass, confusing inexperienced mushroom pickers.

Since the edible representatives of the mushrooms are of interest, there is more information about them.

Consider the most common forms:

Winter tape

  • A representative of this species takes root on deciduous trees that are damaged. The colonies of the mushrooms grow on the dead parts of wood, choosing willow or poplar for settlement. You can meet these mushrooms on the shore of a stream, in the garden. The forest inhabitants and the city park are populated.
  • A good harvest can be harvested from autumn. Sometimes a winter honey agaric adapts to sprout under the snow. The mushroom hat, 10 cm with a diameter, flat yellow or orange-brown. Young mushrooms have a flat hat, along the edges it has a lighter shade, and the middle is darker.
Autumn tape
Autumn tape

The mushroom is an autumn

  • For germination, the disputes of this nipple are suitable for many types of trees. There are about 200 of them. Sometimes the mushroom sprouts even on potatoes. At night you can observe an interesting sight: due to the fact that the large “mushroom family” is often located on stumps, they are beautifully highlighted.
  • Ideal conditions for the growth of the mushroom in raw forests are birch, aspen stumps, dead wood of elm and alder.
  • Mushrooms can be collected from the last month of summer to winter cold months, unless the air temperature decreases below 10 degrees. The autumn strain has impressive sizes compared to its counterparts.
  • The diameter of the hat is 17 cm, and the legs are 10 cm. The hat is greenish-olive or dark brown. The wavy edges can be observed in adult representatives of the mushroom family. The surface of a non -mature fungus is covered with scales. But there are very few of them. As the mushroom grows, these scales disappear.
Open summer
Open summer

Open summer

  • Most often, a summer honey agaric enters a basket. They begin to collect it since the end of March. You can bring home the crop of these mushrooms until the last winter month.
  • The summer is growing in the forests. A dense family grows on rotten stumps. Suitable for mushroom growth trees with obvious damage.
  • The dimensions of the Summer Openka are more modest: the hat - 6 cm in diameter, the leg - 7 cm.
  • Adult mushrooms are distinguished by the presence of a wide tubercle on the surface of the hat. Hats growing in raw areas of mushrooms are brown, translucent. In a dry place, the mushrooms of the hat are honey-yellow, matte. There are grooves along the edges of the hats. Mushrooms can give a crop all year round.

Video: Open Summer (Kuehneromyces Mutabilis)

The specifics of the preparation of mushrooms

  • Before cooking, the mushrooms should first be boiled. Cooking, the duration of which can vary from 30 minutes to an hour, will relieve inherent toxicity.
  • The cooking time is determined by the size of fruit bodies of mushrooms.
  • The larger the mushrooms, the longer the thermal treatment lasts.
Before cooking, it is necessary to pre -boil mushrooms
Before cooking, it is necessary to pre -boil mushrooms

How to pre -boil mushrooms correctly:

  • mushrooms are placed on fire and when the water boils, it must be drained
  • then you need to cook in a pre -boiled new portion of water

Video: What is the difference between honey mushrooms from each other? Comparison with each other

False honey mushrooms: description, photo

You can take his double for a good mushroom. These are the so -called false mushrooms.

You can take his double for a good mushroom

Signs of an inedible woman:

  • a bright color hat (a good mushroom has a muffled shade and there are scales in young mushrooms)
  • bad mushroom plates are yellow, greenish, olive-black
  • the double of edible nipple has only the remains of the ring on the leg

Video: inedible mushrooms-hodgen-fake gray-yellow

  • Of particular danger is a brick red pavement. It can be found on a lobby, on a rotten stump, it can also grow on a flat area. The mushroom has a spherical hat, according to which it is easy to “calculate” it during the harvest of mushrooms. The hat has hanging flakes hanging around the edges. The mushroom has no smell.
  • All false mushrooms are characterized by shades of internal records located under the hat. They can vary from dark to sulfur-yellow or black-olive. Bades of good mushrooms of cream -colored. False honey mushrooms grow in large groups.
Sulfuric-yellow false paved
Sulfuric-yellow false paved

How to determine, distinguish mushrooms of mushrooms of the edible from false ones?

  • A poor nut, unlike a good mushroom, does not have a ring - a plate skirt that is located under the hat. On the leg you can see the remains of the bedspread.
  • If the mushroom is in doubt, then it is better to throw it right away. Send mushrooms to the basket only if you are sure that they are edible, and if you doubt or find one of the signs of a poisonous mushroom, then refuse to replenish your “mushroom catch”.

What other differences exist:

  • a good mushroom has a pleasant mushroom aroma, and the false exudes unpleasant earthy or without smell at all
  • the hat of a bad mushroom is bright and shoutingly painted, a hat of a good mushroom of an unsightly light brown color
  • there are small scales on the hats of good mushrooms, the poisonous mushrooms have a smooth hat (however, the scales disappear over time and the hats of edible mushrooms also become smooth)
  • turning the hat of an inedible mushroom, you can see that its plates are yellow if the mushroom is young, or greenish, olive-black, if the mushroom is old (plates of good cream mushrooms or yellowish-white)
  • false honey mushrooms with a bitter taste, but you should not start assessing the taste of the mushroom in which you doubt (enough other, more obvious signs)
False honey agaric
False honey agaric

For an experienced mushroom pipe, it will not be difficult to distinguish a good mushroom from a bad one. But if you are a novice mushroom pickers, then it is better to look for a skirt on the mushroom leg.

How to determine to distinguish mushrooms of honey mushrooms edible from the gutters?

  • The white and greenish tint of the body of the mushroom is the main sign of the guess. The appearance of the forest inhabitant may well correspond to the description of the edible mushroom. An experienced mushroom pickered immediately recognizes such a disguise.
  • In the container in which the mushrooms boil, you should throw the bulb. If she quickly acquired blue, then all forest production is not suitable.
  • A mushroom with an olive or pearly tint may turn out to be poisonous. It is better not to take risks and immediately abandon the intention to replenish your catch in Lukoshka.
Death cap
Death cap

Can mushroom poisoning mushrooms, and what are the symptoms?

  • Poisoning occur mainly due to ignorance of the species of forest guests or due to improper preparation of edible mushrooms. The degree of intoxication also depends on which mushrooms were eaten.
  • Those who independently collect mushrooms and prepare them need to know how to determine poisoning and what medical care must be provided to the victim.
Poisoning with mushrooms
Poisoning with mushrooms

Mushrooms are divided into several groups:

  • Edible: such mushrooms can be eaten without preliminary boiling (champignons)
    Partially safe mushrooms require special processing before preparing to remove toxic substances: soaking, boiling, drying, additional boiling (if this step is ignored, then poisoning cannot be avoided) (false mushrooms)
  • Inedible mushrooms can be poisonous or have an unpleasant taste, smell (gall mushroom)

False mushrooms have a white liquid in the pulp. It is called burning juice. In addition, a poor mushroom differs from a toll -based hat with a brighter orange color and a thinner stump.

Video: How to recognize poisoning with mushrooms?

Signs of poisoning:

  • intoxication manifests itself after 1 hour or within 6 hours
  • harmful resembles food poisoning: a person begins to feel bad, he has nausea, vomiting, diarrhea can begin
  • unpleasant or painful sensations in the abdomen are possible
  • if the poisoning is easy, then after several days a recovery occurs

Death does not occur from poisoning with false mushrooms, but serious problems are possible due to dehydration, gastroenteritis.

Intoxication manifests itself after 1 hour or within 6 hours
  • If signs of poisoning are detected, you can not hesitate with an ambulance. After all, it is necessary to avoid the penetration of harmful toxic substances into the blood.
  • After the milk juice enters the patient's condition, the patient's condition is aggravated.

Video: Poisoning mushrooms! Symptoms and first aid!

The first aid is as follows:

  • dehydration must be avoided and to get rid of the symptoms of poisoning
    vomiting should be caused after drinking a large amount of warm boiled water and pressing on the root of the tongue
  • it is necessary to rinse the stomach for those who eat the same mushrooms, but there are no signs of poisoning until the symptoms have become noticeable
  • dehydration can be detected by a change in urine: it becomes dark, as well as to reduce trips to the toilet or the absence of such
  • the patient should provide a plentiful drink, it is better if it is water
  • if diarrhea or vomiting has already begun, then sports drinks (not energy) will help here)
  • the patient can be eaten by vegetable, chicken broths, which will provide the necessary feeding with water and useful substances
  • do not drink drugs from diarrhea (with diarrhea, toxins are excreted from the body)
  • it is better for the patient to reduce physical activity, sleep more so that the body is more likely to recover

Remember that the first aid is not able to replace treatment. When dehydration, which you cannot cope with yourself, you must contact doctors.

Video: All about mushroom poisoning

When do the autumn, winter, spring and summer mushrooms appear and how much mushrooms appear in the forest?

Look below in the picture the collection calendar of different mushrooms by month.

Mushroom calendar
Mushroom calendar

How to grow mushrooms of honey mushrooms in the country?

  • Contrary to the existing opinion that honey mushrooms germinate better in the forest, growing them in the country is not fantastic.
  • From fertile soil brought to the site, humus, mined somewhere in the forest, mushroom disputes fall into the ground. However, the annual digging of the site violates the mycelium and in the end it dies without having time to germinate.
How to grow mushrooms in a country
How to grow mushrooms in a country

How to get mushrooms in the country?

  • select a site for mushrooms (wet, with a shadow)
  • to prepare the mycelium of mushrooms (in our case, mushrooms) and “settle” mushrooms for future mushroom plantation.

First stage: Preparation of the site:

  • for germination of mushrooms, a stump is needed, therefore we stock up on the old, rotten birch wood (suitable trees: beech, horned, alder, aspen, oak)
  • choose wood (stump length-20-30 cm) with chips and slits to facilitate the process of rooting dispute on stumps
  • if there are no chips, then we make longitudinal notches with an ax
  • we immersed the selected stumps in water for 1-2 hours
  • we dig hemps on the future mushroom plantation (completely or only part of the hemp, instill vertically wood or lying on the side)
Preparation of the site and wood
Preparation of the site and wood

Cooking mycelium:

  • we find in the forest mushrooms-overgrows, which have large and wet hats
  • subure mushrooms in soft soil water
  • we leave for a couple of hours
  • mix the mixture well
  • stumps and logs dug on the site are treated with a liquid with the mycelium of the mushroom
  • we do not throw the hats, but lay out on top into processed areas of wood
  • we cover the hats with a trough of hemp (you can use moss from the forest or baked sawdust for this)
  • when it’s hot outside, moisturize the site so that it always remains in a raw state
  • we are waiting for the first crop. Usually you can collect mushrooms from the cooked area only 2-3 years after planting.
How to grow mushrooms in a country
How to grow mushrooms in a country

Video: Garden head - how to grow mushrooms in a summer cottage

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