Stretch marks during pregnancy: how to prevent them? How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

Stretch marks during pregnancy: how to prevent them? How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

From the article you will learn how to properly care for your body so that there are no stretch marks on time on it.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period when a woman is surrounded by care, warmth and love. And, although all nine months of the fair sex receive mostly positive emotions, there is one problem that bothers them very much.

Absolutely every woman is afraid of the appearance of stretch marks on the stomach and chest. Although these ugly strips of blue do not cause any pain, they lower self -esteem well.

The future mother worries that after the appearance of the baby, she will become less beautiful and attractive, and will not be able to quickly return the elasticity of her skin. But all these fears are premature. Proper body care will help you to avoid such a problem.

How to prevent, avoid stretch marks during pregnancy?

Most often, stretch marks on the stomach and piles appear when a woman begins to gain weight. And since its body during this period requires much more proteins (they are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin) than usual, then, due to their lack, connective tissue begins to burst.

The skin is strongly pulled and stretch marks appear. But still, if you adhere to simple tips, it is likely that you can avoid the appearance of these non -aesthetic strips.

Recommendations that will help prevent the appearance of stretch marks:

Lead an active lifestyle. Walk a lot, walk, do light gymnastic exercises, or just roll on an exercise bike
Wear special linen. In stores you can find bras, panties and belts that will additionally support the stomach and chest
Use cosmetics. Process problem areas with special gels and creams. You can also use almost all natural oils and scrubs

Stretches on the chest during pregnancy photo

The female breast during pregnancy increases in size, and if this happens very quickly, then striae appears on it.

To have stretched stretch marks, adhere to the following rules:

• Clean, warm up and process the chest with cosmetics from stretch marks
• Every day take air baths
• do easy massage
• Wear the right underwear

Stretches on the stomach during pregnancy photo


The skin of the abdomen is also considered a problem area. During the period of intensive development of the baby, she may not cope with the load, and striae will appear on it.

Such tips will help to prevent their appearance:

• regular intake of vitamins
• Proper nutrition
• Wearing a supporting bandage
• Physical exercises

Female hygiene during pregnancy

For nine months, the woman’s body does everything so that the baby is born healthy, and the correct hygiene plays an important role in all this. Timely and proper body care will help to survive the period of waiting for a miracle with minimal discomfort. Therefore, let's figure out which recommendations will help you give birth to a healthy baby:

Teeth. Brush your teeth twice a day, carefully rinse your mouth, and if any pain appears immediately contact the dentist. In general, it will be better to undergo an examination in an early date and, if you need to treat your teeth
Hair. During the expectation of the child, you can not make a chemical curl and dye your hair, as this can provoke an allergic reaction. Wash your hair as it is polluted
Nails. If you notice that the nails have become brittle, then try to make special baths for your pens. Also during this period it is better not to use a metal file
Leather. Pregnant women are strictly forbidden to take a hot bath. If you cannot deny yourself this pleasure, then follow the water temperature is not above 36 degrees. The best option is a shower, it can be taken two times a day

Pregnancy stretch marks

Now dealing with striae has become much easier, because in any pharmacy you can buy ready -made products for the treatment and prevention of this problem. If you start paying attention to your skin in time, then the probability of stretch marks will be minimized.

Means to combat striae:

Ready -made creams and gels. They should stimulate collagen production, nourish the skin and enhance blood circulation
Scrubs. Such a tool can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently. It will help to exfoliate the keratinized skin, making it softer and elastic
Oil. Any quality oil, for example, olive, will help prevent the manifestation of stretch marks. It must be applied to the skin immediately after hygiene procedures

How to smear the body from stretch marks during pregnancy?

In the second trimester, the body of the future mother begins greatly changes. Usually it is during this period that the first prerequisites for the appearance of stretch marks arise.

Therefore, it will be better if you, without waiting for the appearance of blue stripes, will begin to help your body cope with all the changes. Use all kinds of cosmetics for this.

Cream preventing stretching during pregnancy

If you want the cream to really benefit you, then give preference to proven means. You can always read reviews on the Internet or consult your family.
But no matter what cream you choose, remember one thing, it should in no case contain preservatives and dyes, because all this can adversely affect your health and well -being of the baby.

Oil from stretch marks during pregnancy

High -quality oil will help strengthen the connective tissue, moisturize the epidermis as much as possible and make the skin more elastic. Using this tool, you can do massage, wraps, oil baths and compresses.

But no matter how well the oil helps the skin if you do not lead a healthy lifestyle, it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid the appearance of striae. Therefore, be sure to use oil in combination with physical education and proper nutrition.

Folk remedies for stretch marks during pregnancy

Home creams scrubs and lotions are also quite effectively fighting with stretch marks. All these miraculous mixtures can be easily prepared from inexpensive and affordable ingredients.

The scrub can be prepared from salt and sugar. They took these two products, mixed in equal parts and the exfoliating agent is ready. The cream can be prepared from dandelions or scarlet. All you need to do is to kill the leaves of these plants with the help of a blender, and add olive oil to the resulting gruel.

How to smear the stomach from stretch marks during pregnancy?

Each woman herself chooses a means of combating striae. Some prefer creams and gels, others believe that only massage and physical education can help. Of course, each person has the right to his opinion, but if you engage in physical education, make massages, but not to take care of the body, then stretch marks will all appear exactly.

And if you do not want to use cream for this, then try to smear the tummy, hips and chest with high -quality oil:

  • Coconut oil is well suited for the prevention and treatment of stretch marks. It moisturizes the upper layer of the skin well and enhances collagen production
  • Almond oil has the same properties, but besides this, it still sits in blood circulation and renews cells

How to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy: tips and reviews

Every woman dreams from the fact that after childbirth her figure and skin will remain the same as before pregnancy.

But in order to make it so much to work hard, because if you just lie on the couch for nine months and there is everything you want, then you are unlikely to be able to preserve your beauty.

The following rules will help to stay beautiful:

• Take a swim or do water massage
• Eat as many vegetables and fruits as possible
• regularly use cosmetic products

Catherine: Olive oil - here is a panacea from all troubles. It can be taken inside, spread their stomach and hips, or season it with a delicious and healthy salad. With one product, we are fighting immediately with several problems. We saturate the body with useful substances and prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

Inna: You can try to cook a coffee scrub. You can add a couple of drops to it, for example, orange oil, and not only the body, but also the soul will receive pleasure.

Video: Struggle struggle during pregnancy

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Comments K. article

  1. during pregnancy, I used one cream, but when Stia appeared, I realized that I was not using. Then I bought a new ultra intensive who from stretch marks during pregnancy and diets (Hors force), there were no new stretch marks with it, the skin has become elastic and pleasant

  2. I tried the cream against Body Sculpt Complex stretch marks; during weight loss, stretch marks and the skin were generally elastic and elastic with it. I'm happy

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