The plant is young: benefits and harm, use in folk medicine. Belarusive: therapeutic properties, recipes

The plant is young: benefits and harm, use in folk medicine. Belarusive: therapeutic properties, recipes

Moledo is a perennial evergreen plant, which is often used in folk medicine. The fleshy leaves of this grass can be boiled, drowned and insisted for the preparation of drugs.

The plant is young: benefits and harms

This plant has many names:

  • Stone rose
  • Fat woman
  • Hare cabbage
  • Sempervirum
  • Living

Despite the appearance of "young" - this Evergreen grass, fleshy, with lush villi. Very rarely, the plant has a completely “naked” species. The grass forms small socketsin which there are up to fifteen leaflets. The plant itself does not exceed the “30 centimeters” mark in height.

The Belarusian has about fifty subspecies. The plant “prefers” to grow in mountainous areas and therefore is often found in the Caucasus, in southern Europe, Southeast Asia. To judge the benefits and dangers of the plant should be based on its species. Some types of young people are used only for decorative purposes, others are used for therapeutic.

Younger is often used for decorative purposes to decorate the facade, garden, yard
Molodio - a plant having many species
The young man is actively used by traditional medicine to treat diseases

The benefits are young:

  • The unique properties of the plant were opened in ancient Greece. In those days, people believed that younger - the best antidote And therefore they drank his extract with wine.
  • Nowadays, it has become an actively young used as an anesthetic With powerful anti -inflammatory effect.
  • Besides, the plant has a strong disinfectant property. It is often used in order to heal the woundsas external, so and internal ulcers.
  • Many diseases are treated with the help of young only because The plant has an anti -cyst effect. That is why the young man is used in the presence of fever, ulcers, diarrhea, stomatitis.
  • Women use the plant to lEAVE LOSE LOSE PAIN MESTRARATION.
  • A decoction made from a young man can help if if a child or adult has formed thrush.
  • The tincture of the plant is actively used In the treatment of diseases that affect the eyes, nose, respiratory tract.
  • The young man is also capable of “Expuls” worms from the human body.
  • Some recipes for decoctions and tinctures are focused to be oriented to ensure treat cardiovascular disease

Important: for the preparation of drugs are used only the leaves of the plant. They are rich in the reserve of trace elements.

Multilateral use of young people for therapeutic purposes

The plant itself has not been studied to the end and therefore more than one person will not begin to talk about its 100% benefit.

The harm is young:

  • Strong allergic reaction Due to the naturalness of the component.
  • Negative action Younger can bring people with increased sensitivity and susceptibility to the component.
  • An overdose of drugs, prepared from a young man, can bring poisoning.
  • Enforced use Fresh plants can provoke poisoning.

Video: "Younger"

Younger, a poisonous plant?

In the treatment of this plant there were no categorical contraindications or acute negative reactions to the substance. For a long time younger was considered a powerful antidote. But, it is worth noting that only the benefits of leaves of the plant.

Eating for food or for the preparation of drugs cannot be used:

  • Plants of plants
  • Fleshy stems
  • Seeds of plants
  • Plant flowers

The use of prohibited parts of the plant it can lead to poisoning and poor health. It is also worthwhile to eat young in his fresh, unprocessed form. For medicinal purposes, exotic species of plant should not be used.

Is the plant poisonous young?

Young man, use in folk medicine

Traditional medicine actively uses younger for therapeutic purposes:

  • With migraines
  • At elevated temperature
  • For processing wounds
  • For the treatment of ulcers
  • To eliminate female pains
  • For the treatment of hemorrhoids
  • To eliminate freckles
  • To eliminate warts
  • For the treatment of eczema and psoriasis
  • For the treatment of diathesis
  • For the treatment of heart failure

Youngero is used for:

  • Preparations of decoctions
  • Preparation of infusions and tinctures for alcohol
  • Preparation of lotions and compresses
  • Cooking pastes and ointments

If there are no individual contraindications, the young man is allowed to be consumed fresh. Only the leaves of the plant are permitted raw, which with their taste somewhat reminiscent of broccoli. In some cases, leaflets should be praised with boiling water and grind for oral administration.

Preparation of drugs from young

Belarusive: therapeutic properties, recipes

For the treatment of hemorrhoids:

  • In this case, paste from the plant should be used. The leaves should be blanched (poured with boiling water) and grind.
  • You can grind the leaves with the help of thickness or send them to a blender.
  • The pasta is placed in a gauze bag and applied to the anal passage.
Young man helps to cure hemorrhoids

Using crushed young people:

  • For healing wounds after insects: mosquitoes, bugs, flies, ticks, ants, wasps, bees and so on.
  • For lightening freckles and age spots on the face. In this case, it is recommended to make masks by mixing paste with honey.
  • For the treatment of warts, a small amount of pasta should be applied to the affected area.
  • For healing corns on the legs and arms. Apply crushed young people as a compress.
Young in the treatment of wounds and abrasions

The decoction is young for the treatment of the stomach:

  • To cure ulcers, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach, as well as the digestive tract, a decoction made from a fellow will help.
  • Approximately a tablespoon of chopped leaflets of the plant is poured into a thermos. The young man is poured with boiling water and insisted for about two hours.
  • Eat such a decoction should be strictly before eating (in half an hour). The dosage of an adult is three large spoons.
Young for the treatment of digestive tract diseases

Infusion of young:

  • Medium -sized leaves (about twenty things) pour a full glass of boiling water.
  • Insist leaves for about two hours in the thermal bowl.
  • After that, the infusion is filtered and used as intended for various ulcerative diseases.

Tincture from the young:

  • Twenty sheets are young to rinse with running water and place in glass dishes (small jar - half -liter)
  • The leaves are poured with alcohol or vodka. The bank is cleaned in a dark cool place for storage
  • The medicine should be infused for about ten days (at least a week) and then cleaned in the refrigerator for storage.

For medicinal purposes, you can also use the most ordinary leaves that can be applied to wounds for their healing.

Video: "Younger, benefit"

Belarusive: Contraindications for use

At the moment, strict contraindications for the use of the fellow did not reveal. But, take a plant inside caution should be people:

  • With a strong allergic reaction to plant substances.
  • Women during pregnancy due to increased sensitivity and susceptibility of the body.
  • Women during breastfeeding, due to the fact that they can provoke an allergic reaction in the baby.
  • Alcohol tincture cannot be lubricated with an open wounds and abrasions (a fresh plant is used for this).
  • You can not give the plant orally small children who have not reached the age of three.

Video: “Salvivum. Younger "

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