Plant Horse sorrel: therapeutic properties and contraindications of root and seeds, use in folk medicine and cooking. Horse sorrel from diarrhea to adults, children, during pregnancy: how to brew?

Plant Horse sorrel: therapeutic properties and contraindications of root and seeds, use in folk medicine and cooking. Horse sorrel from diarrhea to adults, children, during pregnancy: how to brew?

Find out what properties the horse sorrel plant considered to be weed, how it is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

Horse sorrel is a plant with valuable healing properties. It is actively used in traditional and folk medicine. So what does he heal? Is it possible to eat it, and in what form?

What horse sorrel looks like, is it edible: description of the plant

Horse sorrel - perennial, herbaceous plant, one of the types of sorrel family of buckwheat. Its Latin name is Rumex Confertus.

Important: the people are also called the sorrel with a thick or storm of horse.

This weed is a useful plant in a horses.
This weed is a useful plant of a horse.
  1. Horse sorrosky grows in Europe and Central Asia, in forests and forest -steppes, in meadows, in floodplains of rivers and on a marshy, stained soil. Refers to weed plants.
  2. The root of the horse dodge is short, but has many appendages.
  3. The height of the plant ranges from 90 cm to 2 m. Their diameter is approximately 2 cm.
  4. On the grounds of the erect stems of sorrel dense, there are elongated triangular-ovate regular leaves with stupid ends and wavy edges. The length of the leaves is up to 30 cm, the width is up to 15 cm. From below, the leaf plate is densely covered with rigid hairs.
  5. The inflorescence of the span of horse is called Tirs. It has the shape of a snowstorm and is formed from the bolly small flowers greenish - yellow. The plant blooms in late spring - early summer.
  6. In the middle of summer, sorrel dense fruit with oval -shaped trigrane nuts. The color of the fruits is brown, the length is up to 7 mm.
  7. The plant propagates with seeds and vegetatively.
Parts of the plant
Parts of the Rumex Confertus plant.

Important: despite the folk name "sour", the leaves of the horses sorrel to taste are absolutely not sour.

Skarevel horse edible. Its leaves and petioles are eaten in Central Asia. These parts of the plant, as well as its fetus, are used to feed chickens, geese, rabbits and pigs.


Root and seeds of horse sorrel: therapeutic properties and contraindications

For therapeutic purposes, the roots and fruits of the oral span are used. The special properties of these parts of the plant are due to their chemical composition.

The composition of the roots of sorrel dense.
The composition of the roots of sorrel dense.

Antrakhinon derivatives and tannins are also detected in the fruits of horse purse.

IMPORTANT: Kislitsa horse is a strong natural antibiotic.

The roots of horse sorrel (dried).
The roots of horse sorrel (dried).

In addition to the antibacterial, herbaceous plant has the following useful properties:

  • neutralize viruses
  • remove inflammation
  • remove spasms
  • dilute and remove sputum from bronchi and lungs
  • excess fluid from the body
  • narrow the vessels
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels
  • stop blood
  • prevent the formation and growth of cancer tumors

IMPORTANT: since the Kislitsa horse (roots) in small doses fixes, in large ones it acts as a laxative, intestinal disorders are often treated with it.

Decoctions of the dried roots of plants treat patients with arterial hypertension.

Therapeutic properties of horse souvitsa.

It is forbidden to use cogne sorrel as a medicinal plant:

  • persons who have an allergy to him
  • pregnant women
  • persons with kidney diseases and urinary system, in particular, pyelonephritis, oxalaturia and urolithiasis

Video: horse sorrel

Horse sorrel use in folk medicine. Infusion of horse sorrel: how to make and apply?

The main forms of folk medicines with spanning dense are water and alcohol tinctures, as well as a decoction of dried root.

RECIPE: Tincture of the root of horse sorrel on the water.
We need:

  • dried rhizome - 5 g
  • boiling water - 200 ml
  1. The plant component should be filled in a glass dish and pour boiling water.
  2. Put the dishes in a pan with boiling water and simmer for 30 minutes.
  3. The shelf life of the tincture is 72 hours.

Important: tincture with this ratio of a plant component and water acts as a laxative. To achieve the fixing effect of sorrel roots, they take 2.5 g per glass of boiling water.

A therapeutic alcohol tincture is prepared from the roots of the span of horse.
A therapeutic alcohol tincture is prepared from the roots of the span of horse.

RECIPE: Tincture of the root of horse sorrel on alcohol.
We need:

  • dried root - 4 tbsp. a spoon
  • alcohol 70 % - 200 ml
  1. The plant component in glass bowl is poured with alcohol, clogged and left in a dark place for 2 weeks.
  2. The dose is calculated by drops, if necessary, they are diluted in 10 ml of water. For example, with rheumatism, 15 drops of tincture are drunk 2-4 times a day.

RECIPE: A decoction of the root of the horse sorrel.

  • dried root - 5 tbsp. spoons
  • water - 1 liter
  1. The vegetable drug is placed in a saucepan, poured with water and put on fire.
  2. After boiling, it is boiled for another quarter of an hour, let it cool and drained through a small sieve or gauze.
  3. Such a decoction is used for gum disease (periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis). They rinse the oral cavity.
  4. With a cold, a decoction of 1 tbsp is used as an antiviral and expectorant. tablespoons of the roots of cislita horse on a glass of water. The amount of decoction is divided into three portions and taken during the day.
  5. Also, this decoction is suitable as an antispasmodic agent with painful menstruation.
A decoction of the royal root of the Kislitsa horse.
A decoction of the royal root of the Kislitsa horse.

In a decoction of 100 g of dried rhizomes of sorrel dew of 3 liters of water diluted in a bath of standard sizes, children with diathesis are bathed.

How to brew horse sorrel from diarrhea for children, adults, pregnant women?

With diarrhea in adults and children, it can also be treated with dry fruits of dense sorrel.
1 tbsp. A spoonful of dried nuts pour 200 ml of water and boiling for 10 minutes.
The filtered and cooled broth is divided into 3 portions that should be used during the day.
Children are also given 30-50 ml of decoction three times a day.

Important: pregnant women can not be treated with such a decoction.

Video: Painting horse. Medicinal herbs

Treatment of hemorrhoids horse sorrel

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, a decoction of 5 g of dry rhizomes of horse kislitsa per 200 ml of water is used. The decoction should boil for half an hour. After cooling, it is poured through gauze, squeezed. 50 ml of boiled water is diluted and drunk three times a day.

Horse -haired

The rhizomes and leaves of the span of horseback are used in home cosmetology, in particular, for hair care.
Plants use home cosmetics based on these parts:

  • for hair nutrition
  • to strengthen the hair follicles
  • to solve the problem of oily hair
  • to restore dyed and damaged hair
  • to eliminate the itching of the head that arose in connection with allergies, psoriasis, neurodermatitis

Decoction of 5 tbsp. tablespoons of dried roots per 2 liters of water rinse hair after washing with shampoo or using homemade masks.

A conjunction of the horse is used to care for the hair.

Another very effective rinser: 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dried leaves of the sour and dried roots of burdock are poured with 1 liter of water and boiled for 30 minutes, insist until the broth cooled to room temperature.

Horse sorrel for processing strawberries from diseases

Summer residents and gardeners who grow strawberries can take a note: horse sorrel can protect the berry from parasites.
The product is prepared for spraying from the leaves of the plant:

  • the leaves in arbitrary, as large as possible are small, are folded into a bucket and poured with water
  • tincture is kept for 10 - 14 days
  • ready -made infusion should be watered by strawberry bushes so that it falls on the leaves

Belkalka will not be striking on a sprayed horse -drawn strawberries, which harms the harvest of berries.

Horse sorrel: recipes of dishes

Horse sorrel is very often used to prepare Armenian dishes.

Important: in Armenia, the plant is called Avelok.

From the leaves of Abelus, possessing only a slightly sour taste, unlike common sorrel, prepare:

  • snacks
  • first meal
  • baking

In the plant, leaves are cut off, they intertwine into pigtails and dried. They do this, firstly, because when dried, ABLUK loses bitterness, and secondly, dry leaves in the dish do not spread as much as fresh.

Dried Abelusk.

Before using horse sorrel for any dish, it is lowered into steep boiling water for a quarter of an hour. After this time, the water is drained, the soaked and lighter leaves of the plant are squeezed, and the pigtail is taken into pieces of 5 cm long. After that already separated chopped leaves are again soaked in boiling water for a quarter of an hour.

The hostess who wants to diversify the diet of her family, make it more vitaminized, can take note of the following recipes:

Preparation of dried horse sorrel for use in cooking.
Preparation of dried horse sorrel for use in cooking.

RECIPE: Salad with a horse -stand and champignons.

  • kislitsa horse leaves - 200 g
  • onions-2-3 pcs.
  • champignons - 100 g
  • walnuts - 50 g
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • sour cream - 100 ml
  • salt, pepper to taste
Salad with a horse -stand and champignons.
  1. To do this, the salad soaked for the first time and the chopped dry leaves of sorrel dense are boiled for 15 minutes, drained on a colander, allowed to drain well.
  2. Salt leaves.
  3. Cleaned and finely chopped onions are frying in vegetable oil for about 2 minutes, after added, if necessary, cleaned and sliced \u200b\u200bchampignons, added to it. Fry together for another 3-4 minutes.
  4. The fried mushrooms are mixed with horse sorrel, allowed to cool and soak in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  5. They serve a salad with sour cream, sprinkle it with a crumb of walnuts and finely chopped greens.

RECIPE: A snack from horse sorrel with salmon and cheese.


  • aBLUK - 200 g
  • salmon fillet - 500 g
  • brynza cheese - 150 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cream - 150 ml
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. tablespoons
  • salt, pepper to taste
A snack from horse sorrel with salmon and cheese.
  1. First fry the fish fillet chopped by stripes.
  2. In a separate frying pan, the leaves of horse sorrel and half rings of the onion chopped into small pieces are fried into small pieces, cream and brush -grated brine cheese are added to them.
  3. The sauce is prepared under the lid for 7 minutes.
  4. Pieces of salmon fillet are laid out in a pre -prepared baking dish, poured with sauce.
  5. To readiness, the dish is brought for 20 minutes, in an oven with a temperature of 180 degrees.

RECIPE: A snack from horse sorrel and walnuts.


  • kislitsa Konkaya - 200 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • walnuts - 50 g
  • salt, pepper to taste
  • oil for frying
A snack from horse sorrel, grenade and walnuts.
A snack from horse sorrel, grenade and walnuts.
  1. First of all, dried horse sorrel is prepared as described above.
  2. Onions are cut with quarters of the rings and fried for 2 minutes. Add the leaflets of horse sorrel, fried for another 5 - 7 minutes.
  3. A crushed walnut is added to the prepared dish.
  4. A snack is eaten like a salad. It can also be served in lavash or tartlets.

Important: a snack from the above recipe can be diversified - add grenade grains, grated cheese, and garlic to it.

With horse sorrel, very tasty pastries are obtained.

Pie with Avelok.
Pie with Avelok.

Horse soup soup

From horse sorrel, a delicious lean soup is prepared for which they are needed:

  • horse sorrel - 200 g
  • lentils or bulgur - 200 g
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro)
  • salt pepper
Soup with horsebacks.
Soup with horsebacks.
  1. To do this, the horse soup sung after soaking and cutting is boiled in 20 minutes.
  2. In a separate pan, until cooked, Varya Krupa is lentils or bulgur.
  3. A cleaned, washed and sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes are sent to a pan with water.
  4. While the potatoes are cooked, the onion is passing.
  5. Group, ABLUK and passed onions are added to the pan with almost ready potatoes. Cook together for 3 minutes.
  6. Serve soup with chopped herbs.

Video: soup from Abelik with lentils

Horse sorrel: when to assemble?

The time for collecting horse sorrel depends on which part of the plant is needed:

  • the root used for therapeutic purposes is collected after the ground part of the plant, that is, at the end of autumn,
  • the leaves used in food are collected in April or May
  • fruits are collected in late summer

The collected part of the plant is thoroughly washed and dried. Drying can occur under the rays of the sun, then plant raw materials are laid out in one layer on a sheet of cardboard or plywood. During drying, raw materials are periodically turned over to prevent rot.

Important: if it is planned to cook different dishes from the leaves of sorrel, they are braided in pigtails and left to dry at room temperature.

The blank of the Abeluska.
The blank of the Abeluska.

How to distinguish horseradish from horse sorrel?

Due to the similarity of plant leaves, gardeners often cannot figure out what grows on their site, horseradish or horse sorrel. Although both of them are very useful, their taste and spheres of use are very different. Therefore, it is fundamentally important to distinguish them.

Important: ordinary horseradish and horses sorrel - plants from different families. The first refers to the cabbage family, the second, as is already known, to the buckwheat family.

  1. Before an unidentified plant blooms, it is difficult to identify. But experienced gardeners believe that the shade of the leaves of horseradish and horse sorrel is slightly different. The first is brighter.
  2. You can also taste the leaves. In horse sorrel, they are slightly bitter, in horseradish they have a burning acute taste.
  3. When the plant blooms, the difference becomes obvious. Sorrel blooms with greenish-yellow flowers, horseradish-brushes made of flowers with 4 white backward petals.
Flowering of horseradish and horse sorrel.
Fuck and horse sorrel are outwardly similar.

Video: Health in Armenian. Aveluk

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  1. I once tried to take tinctures on it with constipation ... I personally did not work on me, probably everything is individually. In the end, phytolax (chewing tablets) and probiotics have helped to cleanse much better, acts very gently and without any consequences)

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