Plant Baptia: species, therapeutic properties, use in homeopathy. Rooms Baptia flower: landing and care at home: photo

Plant Baptia: species, therapeutic properties, use in homeopathy. Rooms Baptia flower: landing and care at home: photo

What does the Baptsey plant look like? How to grow it? What are the healing properties of Baptia.

Baptia is a plant that is appreciated by a person for his pronounced decorative and healing properties. Attractive bushes are widely used for landscaping parks, gardens, and adjacent territories. Also, Baptia is a raw material for pharmacological and homeopathic preparations from many diseases.

Plant Baptia: species, photos. Baptia Laktea, Blue, Lemon Meringue, Australis, Alba (Alba), dyeing, South

In the forest -steppe zone of North America and Europe, as well as in Central Asia, you can see tall lush bushes with unusual flowers that form cystic inflorescences. This is Baptia.

The plant belongs to the Beaver family. His name has a Greek origin. “Baptisia” is translated as “immersed”, “dip”.

Important: another translation option is to “paint”. It has the right to exist, since some types of Baptism really have the ability to secrete blue paint, which is used for painting tissues.

To date, about 40 types of Baptia are known. The common properties of these plants are as follows:

  1. Baptizia is a long -term bush. In nature, it grows thickets, in landscape design it is used to create mountaineering, flower beds, soliters and hedges.
  2. Depending on the species, the baptism bush can reach a height of 50-180 cm.
  3. Baptsy is a beautiful-flowering and decorative-decreed plant at the same time. This means that it does not lose attractiveness even when it blooms, thanks to the very attractive in appearance, the next trilian - green - green. The length of the leaflets is up to 8 cm, the width is up to 2 cm.
  4. In the summer, from July to August, flowering of Baptia begins-inflorescences up to 30 cm long appear on the bushes. They consist of 2-3.5 centimeter flowers. Depending on the species, the flowers have cream, yellowish, blue-violet, green-violet, blue-green, blue. The flowering period of Baptism lasts 20 days.
  5. At the end of the flowering period, the flowers of Baptia form pods filled with 4-6 round seeds.
Baptia in the garden.
Baptia in the garden.
Baptize flower.
Baptize flower.
Pods with seeds on Baptia.
Pods with seeds on Baptia.

The most attractive and useful for humans are the following types of Baptia:
Baptisia australis (South). This species is the most common. It looks like a spherical high bush to 1.5 meters in height. The stems of the plant are bluish-gray, the leaves are characteristic blue-green. The flowers are blue, 4 cm in diameter. Southern Baptia is common in the southern territories of North America. From ancient times it is used to obtain an indigo color dye.

Baptia South.
Baptia South.

Baptisia tintoria (dyeing). This species is slightly smaller than Baptsy South, it grows up to 1 m high. The flowers are also slightly less-up to 3 cm. From color-cream, yellowish, blue-green.

Baptizia is dyed.
Baptizia is dyed.

Baptisia leucantha (leucanta). The largest type of baptism. The height of the leucans - up to 180 cm. At the same time, the ovoid flowers are relatively small, up to 3 cm. Their color is white and purple.

Baptizia Lecantia.
Baptizia Lecantia.

Baptisia Lemon Meringue. This is a hybrid variety of Baptsy South, bred for decorative purposes. Its distinctive feature is bright yellow (lemon) flowers.

Baptisia Lemon Meringue.

Baptisia lactea (Alba, white). Bush up to 1 meter with white flowers.

Baptia is white.
Baptia is white.

Rooms Baptia flower: landing and care at home

The Baptsey plant is unpretentious, capable of taking even severe frosts to - 30 degrees. Therefore, it is often planted in parks, gardens, in dachas and house flower beds.

Baptizia seeds.
Baptizia seeds.

In fact, the Bapision can grow anywhere, but for beautiful flowering, optimal conditions are:

  • clay soil
  • good sunlight
  • wind protection and lack of drafts

If you plant Baptsy in the country or in the garden, do not think that caring for it will take a lot of time from you:

  1. Baptia normally tolerates moisture deficiency, it is necessary to water it only in a very dry summer.
  2. Baptism also does not need fertilizers to feed.
  3. The plant is not afraid of pests and rarely get sick.

Important: the only feature of care is that the soil under the bushes of Baptia should be well drained, since the plant does not like a reduction of moisture from which powdery mildew can appear on it.

In the summer, Baptia blooms, and then light, unobtrusive aroma - a mixture of orange and vanilla smells in the area.

After the pods are tied on the bushes, do not wait until they get blackened if you have a desire to propagate the plant with seeds. Before planting in the ground, rub the seeds with something hard, for example, with sandpaper. The depth of seed planting is 3 cm. If you want Baptia grown from seeds to bloom for the next year, plant it in the pot on seedlings, and transfer it to the ground in the spring.

Baptia for seedlings.
Baptia for seedlings.

Important: you can also propagate Baptsy with the division of the bush.

Therapeutic properties of Baptia. Baptia in homeopathy: Indications for use

Many species of plants are poisonous, at the same time, dyeing baptism is used as drug raw materials.

Important: the wound healing properties of Baptsey roots a hundred years ago opened the North American Indians. They treated wounds, ulcers and skin inflammations.

Today, thanks to numerous scientific research, the following therapeutic properties of the plant are revealed:

  • anti -inflammatory
  • immunostimulating
  • slasping
  • analgesic
  • antimicrobial
  • anti -cancer

Important: Baptia accelerates the formation of antibodies to viruses and stimulates specific immunity (affects beta - lymphocytes), therefore it was introduced into immunostimulating plant drugs. An example is Esberitox, which is used to treat viral infections in children from 3 years old and adults.

A drug with baptism extract: Esberitox.
A drug with baptism extract: Esberitox.

Also, tinctures of fresh and dry root of the plant are used for:

  • getting rid of constipation
  • with toothache
  • with fever
  • in the complex treatment of cancer

In the 19th century, Baptia began to be used in homeopathy. The content of alkaloids in the plant became valuable:

  • cystinin
  • lupanina
  • anagirina

Homeopathic preparations based on plants are used for treatment, mainly, inflammatory and infectious diseases:

  • flu, tuberculosis, diphtheria, other respiratory diseases
  • dysentery
  • typhus of the abdominal
  • stomatitis
  • syphilis
  • thrush
  • hepatitis

Also, the root of baptism is treated with a stroke, nasal bleeding, eye diseases, constipation, hemorrhoids, some other diseases.

Homeopathic preparation with baptism extract: Aconit is plus.
Homeopathic preparation with baptism extract: Aconit is plus.

VIDEO: Baptisia (Baptisia)

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