Peppers seedlings: diseases and pests. Why do the leaves, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies are twisting and fall into Bulgarian pepper, twist and fall: what to do, how to get rid of?

Peppers seedlings: diseases and pests. Why do the leaves, aphids, spider mites, whiteflies are twisting and fall into Bulgarian pepper, twist and fall: what to do, how to get rid of?

An article on how to defeat pests and diseases attacking pepper seedlings, and get a good harvest.

Preparation for the summer season begins long before the warm spring days. To get a good harvest, gardeners have to do a lot of hard work: prepare soil and containers, choose and plant seeds, wait for seedlings.

Sometimes it is not possible to rejoice at the crop due to a sudden illness of young plants. In order to prevent the death of delicate pepper seedlings, it is necessary to act urgently. The article describes the most common problems that you have to deal with when growing pepper, and ways to eliminate them.

Pepper seedlings
Pepper seedlings

Aphid on seedlings of pepper: how to fight?

If you look well, on the back and stems of the leaves of pepper seedlings, you can find clusters of aphids. These small parasite insects quickly attack young plants that are not able to resist.

Aphid parasitizes, propagates and feeds on plant juice. Because of this, the seedlings are deformed, slowly growing and developing, poorly rooting or dies. If the plant survives, the quality and quantity of the crop on it is noticeably different from the crop from healthy pepper bushes.

Therefore, if aphids are found on seedlings of pepper, it is necessary to immediately begin to fight this pest, which is possible in several ways.

Important: at the risk zone of infection of aphids there is always a greenhouse seedlings of pepper. The conditions created in greenhouses are ideal for the life and propagation of these parasites.

Aphids on seedlings
Aphids on seedlings

Chemical ways to destroy aphids:

  • Soap solution. In water, dilute the crushed soap (5 - 10 g of soap per 1 liter of water) and thoroughly spray seedlings. If the seedlings are not many, it is better to manually wipe the affected leaves and stems. Carry out the procedure for 3 to 4 days in a row.
  • If the seedlings are outside the premises, it will be effective treatment with an insecticidal preparation (Karbofos, Tanrek, Celtan). Dissolve the drug in water (1 tbsp by 10 l) and treat the plant solution.

Important: chemicals to destroy aphids are unacceptable during flowering and fruiting pepper.

Folk methods:

Coniferous infusion. Pour pine or spruce needles (300 gr.) Cold water (1 liter) and leave for a week in a dark place. Process infected plants with the resulting infusion.

Needles for the preparation of coniferous infusion
Needles for the preparation of coniferous infusion

Garlic infusion. Map the large onion of the garlic until the gruel is formed, pour warm water (3 l.) And leave to infuse in a dark place for a day. Then abundantly spray the infusion of pepper.

A solution of soap, oil and garlic. Ingredients:

  • Medium -sized peeled garlic slices (7 pcs.)
  • Vegetable oil (10 ml)
  • Liquid soap (5 ml)
  • Water (0.5 l)


  • Crush the garlic and pour water
  • Leave in a dark place for 3 days
  • Strain
  • Add oil and soap to the liquid
  • Mix
  • Dilute the resulting tool before use with water in a ratio of 1:10
  • Use for processing seedlings for 3 to 4 days in a row

A solution of ash, tobacco dust and soap. Ingredients:

  • Wood ash (50 gr.)
  • Tobacco dust (50 gr.)
  • Water (2l.)
  • Liquid soap (2 tbsp)


  • Pour water a mixture of ash and tobacco dust with water
  • Mix
  • Leave to infuse for 4 days
  • Strain
  • Add liquid soap to the resulting liquid
  • Mix
  • Processing places of aphids
Tobacco dust to destroy aphids
Tobacco dust to destroy aphids

Why do leaves turn yellow in seedlings of peppers: what to do?

There may be several reasons for the yellowing of leaves in seedlings:

  • Low air temperature. Pepper is very sensitive to lowering temperature. If the plants are already planted in the ground, and the night temperature drops below +15 ° C, the pepper freezes and sick. The first signs of freezing are yellowing of the leaves. Then they fall, and the plants die. The most comfortable seedlings of pepper feels at a temperature of +22 ° C. Therefore, you do not need to rush to plant seedlings in the spring on the beds until the temperature is established.
  • Insufficient or irregular watering. If you water pepper less than 1 time in 5 days, or use little water for watering, the root system is not completely removed. However, transfusion is dangerous for seedlings of pepper no less. Excessive moisture leads to stagnation of water and rotting of plants.
  • Transfer. Often pepper seedlings turn yellow after transplanting into the ground. This is due to the fact that the roots released from close container begin to grow rapidly, while selecting nutrition from the stems and leaves. You need to transplant the irresponsible seedlings of pepper with a small root.
  • Pests gnaw on the roots. If the roots of the plants are attacked by underground pests, this will necessarily affect the condition of the leaves. Only the fight against insects and rodents can save the plant.
  • Lack of nitrogen. With a lack of nitrogen in the soil of nitrogen, specific yellowing of pepper seedlings occurs. Starting from the lowest, the yellowness gradually covers the nearby upper leaves. The situation can save timely feeding of plants.
  • Plants with too long intertwined roots. If the roots do not straighten the roots during transplantation, the power process will be disturbed and the root system will gradually die.
  • Fusariosis -A disease in which pepper leaves become bright yellow, blackened veins are visible on the sections of the stems. Sick plants should be pulled out and destroyed. The remaining to ensure moderate watering.

Video: Why do leaves turn yellow in seedlings of pepper?

Important: if the leaves of pepper seedlings turn pale and yellow from below - in the soil there is not enough nitrogen, potassium or phosphorus. The yellowing of the upper young leaves indicates a lack of iron and zinc. When all the leaves turn yellow around the edges and at the same time twist, there is not enough potassium.

The leaves of pepper seedlings turn yellow
The leaves of pepper seedlings turn yellow

The leaves of pepper seedlings are twisted

Twisting of leaves in seedlings of pepper can occur for three reasons:

  1. The leaves are affected by a tick or aphids, or the roots of seedlings gnaws underground harmful insects. Before planting pepper, the soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate, spill with boiling water or pump in the oven. Such processing will kill the larvae of harmful insects.
  2. Lack of potassium in the ground. It is necessary to feed the plants as soon as possible with potassium nitrate or ash. The ash should cover the surface of the soil with a layer of 2 - 3 mm.
  3. Uneven growth of the sheet - The central part grows faster than the edges. Therefore, in the lagging part, the fox is twisted, compressed. Nothing needs to be done, soon this process is normalized.

Important: the reason for twisting the leaves of pepper seedlings may also be a reaction to transplantation, insufficient watering, dry and hot or too cold air. In these cases, twisted leaves look lethargic.

Pepper seedlings are twisted due to insufficient watering
Pepper seedlings are twisted due to insufficient watering

Why do leaves fall in seedlings of pepper?

The fall of the lowest cotyledon leaves in seedlings of pepper is a normal process and should not cause concern.

This can happen for the following reasons:

  • overdried soil
  • excessive watering
  • seedlings are not cherished, she is crowded
  • pest attack
  • piking was recently carried out
  • there are not enough minerals in the ground
  • high concentration of fertilizers
The leaves fall in the seedlings of pepper
The leaves fall in the seedlings of pepper

Video: Growing pepper. Why do leaves and flowers fall in pepper? Spider mite and root rot.

Video: seedlings of peppers. How to prevent the fall of leaves?

Why isn't the seedlings of sweet pepper grow or grow well?

Slow or insufficient growth in seedlings is one of the most common problems that vegetable growers face when growing sweet pepper. Why doesn't pepper “don't” grow?

  • The most common cause of poor growth in pepper seedlings is reduced or too high air temperature. The capriciousness and thermal loving of this plant are its disadvantages, and it is not always possible to provide seedlings with seedlings. Therefore, you have to put up with some lag of young plants in growth until the temperature on the street is established. If in the greenhouse, on the contrary, it is too hot (30 ° C and above), regular ventilation is necessary.
  • Temperature and amount of water They can also affect the growth of pepper seedlings. Plants need to be watered regularly, quite moisturizing the soil, with defended water at room temperature. At the same time, morning watering for roots is preferred.
  • Lack or excess nitrogen in the soil. Pepper grows poorly where nitrogen is not enough, but with its excess in the soil it feels very poorly. Especially an excess of nitrogen affects the growth of leaves and fruits.
  • If the lag of pepper seedlings in growth accompanied by wilting, most likely plants are infected with bacterial infection. In this case, it will be very difficult to save seedlings. It needs to be urgently removed from healthy plants in order to avoid the spread of infection.
  • Wrong (overestimated or underestimated) planting plants in the ground or removal of "extra" shoots It also slows down the growth and development of pepper seedlings.
The seedlings of sweet pepper grow badly
The seedlings of sweet pepper grow badly

Spider mite on pepper seedlings

Barely noticeable web on the seedlings of pepper indicates infection spider mite. During the settlement of these smallest rasp -shaped insects, it is practically not possible to notice, and after 9 - 14 days from the date of infection the number of ticks increases by 200 times. While the colony of ticks is small, the web is located on the back of the leaves and looks like separate web threads. But with an increase in the number of ticks, the plaque is compacted and moved to the front side of the leaves.

Important: the damage caused by ticks of pepper seedlings is very large - they puncture the leaves and suck the juice. As a result, the plant changes color, twists, fades and dries. Other insects, such as aphids and whiteflies, can settle under the web. The conditions created by ticks on seedlings are favorable for the life and propagation of these parasites.

This is what will help in the fight against a spider mite on pepper seedlings:

  • Remove and destroy (burn, deeply drip) damaged leaves
  • Treat infected plants with insecticides (phytoverm, bitoxibacillin)
  • If the previous actions did not help, use acaricides of a wide spectrum (actellik)

Important: prolonged use of acaricides is unacceptable, as they are highly toxic.

Pautinium tick pepper infection of peppers is related to: they include:

  • timely removal of weed grass
  • soil spraying with a lime solution
  • planting seedlings of different cultures alternate rows
  • regular visual inspection of seedlings
Spider mite on pepper seedlings
Spider mite on pepper seedlings

Someone eats seedlings of pepper, how to process?

Before carrying out the processing of pepper seedlings, it is advisable to find out who eats it. Pests can be ground and underground. Of the ground, significant visible damage to the leaves and young ovaries of pepper seedlings can be caused naked slugs.

These pests either gnaw large holes, or completely eat leaves and flowers on the seedlings of pepper. Slugs come out at night, prefer the maximum moisturized soil. In the daytime, the slugs for eating seedlings will not be able to “catch” the slugs, so you can only guess this pest “by handwriting”.

To combat naked slugs are used lime solution of either lime and tobacco. They abundantly water the ditches around the beds with pepper. When loosening, ground bitter pepper and mustard powder are filled into the ground. It is also important to regularly ventilate the greenhouse and prevent the soil from waterlogging.

Someone eats pepper seedlings
Someone eats pepper seedlings

Underground to rush the seedlings of pepper can be a bear (the people of a cabbage). This is a grumbling insect with a size of 5 -7 cm with a long velvety brownish body, a solid carapace on the head and powerful front limbs, lives in a soil rich in humus.

The result of the life of the bear is multiple underground passages and damaged plant roots. If the seedlings of pepper underground were driven by a bear, damaged plants will soon die. There are many ways to combat the bear. Here is some of them:

  • They will be able to scare the bear from the beds with pepper the smells of naphthalene and kerosene.
  • Also in the fall for these pests arrange traps. To do this, dug the pits and fill them with manure. In these traps, insects gather for wintering. With the onset of winter frosts, they break the pits, the manure, along with sleeping insects, scatter. In the cold, the bear immediately die, not having time to wake up and hide. In the warm season, such traps are used to attract bears building nests. After 2 weeks, nests are ruined and insects found in them are destroyed.
  • You can lure the bear from the mink with the help hard water. It is poured into the detected move and poured water from the hose.
  • Tracks with beer They will help to catch pests. Banks are buried in the ground so that their neck is on the same level with the surface of the earth. Then beer is poured into the banks. On top, the jar is covered with boards, leaving a gap into which the bear can climb. The smell of beer attracts these insects, therefore, having arranged several such traps on the bed, you can protect the seedlings of pepper from damage to the underground part.
  • They do in a similar way honey-water traps, only instead of beer they pour ordinary water, and the edges of the cans are lubricated with honey. Medved women come to the smell of honey and, getting into the water, cannot get out of the traps.

Important: experienced gardeners protect pepper seedlings, putting a nylon stocking on each plant immediately before planting in the ground. Thus, large roots and stems will be under reliable protection.

If there is no desire to catch the bear with folk remedies, you can use poison. The strongest are "Thunder", "Rembek", "Medvegon", "Medvetox" and phenoxin plus ". 3-4 granules of the drug are laid in each move and must be sprinkled with earth.

Aid to combat a bear
Aid to combat a bear

Important: if the granules remain on the surface, birds or domestic animals can be stolen.

Also, the bear is scared away by many Organic smells:

  • garlic
  • coriander
  • onion
  • egg shell
  • the smell of detaching fish

Effective for humans, animals and plants by the way to destroy the bear on the site is biological preparations "Nemabakt" and "Boverin". Putting these funds, insects are infected with a predatory nematode in the first case and disputes of mushrooms in the second. Parasitization in the body of these microorganisms leads to inevitable imminent deaths of bear.

The bear eats up the roots of pepper seedlings
The bear eats up the roots of pepper seedlings

Pubses appeared on the seedlings of peppers

Peppers on the foliage of pepper seedlings can form for several reasons:

  • Oedem -edema of leaves due to lack of light with an excess of moisture. The situation will be able to save the position and ensure more access to sunlight to pepper seedlings.
  • Spider mite. In this case, the appearance of pimples indicates the initial stage of infection. It is necessary to process seedlings from a spider mite.
  • Aphid or shield. When infected with these small parasites on the leaves, a specific sticky plaque will be present - insect secretions. Processing with a confidor, carbaphos, acture or soap and dumplings will help.
Pubses appeared on the seedlings of peppers
Pubses appeared on the seedlings of peppers

The seedlings of pepper are fingering

The situation when yesterday still healthy young plants of pepper seedlings suddenly began to lower lifeless leaves and lean to the ground, extremely unpleasant and often incomprehensible.

Withering of pepper seedlings can occur for the following reasons:

  • air is overpassed in the room
  • in the place where there is seedlings, the draft “walks”
  • in the pallet or in the ground itself, water stagnated, and harmful bacteria settled
  • clogging of the drainage system and, as a result, rotten roots
  • poor -quality soil
The seedlings of pepper are fingering
The seedlings of pepper are fingering

Black leg at seedlings of pepper

Blackleg - a fungal disease that affects many vegetable crops at the stage of growing seedlings. Pepper was no exception. The black leg appears sharply, spreads immediately to all plants and rapidly leads to their death.

Important: the pathogens of the disease persist in the ground for a long time.

Visually, the disease can be recognized by the refinement and blackening of the stems of sick plants in the basal region. At the same time, the leaves turn around or turn yellow, and the plants themselves can be pulled out of the soil without effort.

The reasons for the appearance of a black leg:

  • acidic soil
  • lack of timely diving
  • thick sowing
  • lack of light
  • roaming of moisture
  • low air temperature
  • bad ventilation

Important: the totality of all or more factors leads to the most rapid spread of the disease.

Measures to combat a black leg:

  • antibacterial soil treatment
  • creation of normal conditions for growing seedlings (lighting, temperature and humidity, watering)
  • regular ventilation of greenhouses and greenhouses
  • sanding of sand under the roots with a layer of 1.5 - 2 cm
  • removal and destruction of sick plants along with soil and neighboring healthy plants

Important: extremely rarely a black leg affects seedlings grown in peat pennies. Therefore, in this way, experienced gardeners recommend growing seedlings of pepper.

Black leg in seedlings

Belkolka on seedlings of pepper

Greenhouse (greenhouse) whiteflies -The smallest pest insect that affects the seedlings of vegetable crops in greenhouses and greenhouses. The whiteflower sucks juice from greenery, while leaving a sticky plaque on the stems and leaves of the pepper seedlings, in which pathogenic fungi multiply.

White wing in dry and warm rooms settles, so regular ventilation and moisturizing air and soil is the prevention of infection.

Important: if the seedlings damaged by the whiteflower do not save in time, it will soon die, since the parasitic insects multiply very quickly, leaving many clutches directly on the leaves.

Belorcerelok colonies attack seedlings
Belorcerelok colonies attack seedlings

If whiteflies are detected, damaged plants must be carefully treated garlic infusion.

For its preparation, you will need:

  • cleaned garlic teeth (2 tbsp.)
  • water (1l)
  • glass jar with a lid


  • Rub the garlic on a fine grater or pass through a meat grinder
  • Place the mass in a glass jar
  • Pour water, cover with a lid
  • Leave for 5 days in a dark place
  • To spray seedlings, take 1 - 1.5 tsp. infusion and dilute in 1 liter of water. You can use a spray gun or wipe the leaves and stems with a sponge moistened in the solution.

Also, whiteflies can be easily defeated with chemicals, such as "Admiral", "Aktara", "Commander", "Oberon".

Belkolka on seedlings of pepper
Belkolka on seedlings of pepper

White plaque on the leaves of pepper seedlings

White plaque on the back of the leaves of pepper seedlings in conjunction with their deformation and the formation of whitish spots indicates damage to powdery mildew. If it is found, it is urgent to treat the plants with any system fungicide, otherwise the seedlings will die.

White fluffy plaque on the lower leaves and the basal part of the stems It may mean that plants are infected with sclerotinosis (white rot). The affected places are covered with wood coal or chalk.

Spider -shaped white plaque on the leaves Talks about infection with a spider mite.

What to do if the seedlings of peppers stretched?

Seedlings can stretch out in such cases:

  • lack of light
  • early sowing
  • overexposure
  • later thinning
  • excessive watering and high temperature

If the seedlings of the pepper stretched too much, the gardener will not remain anything else, how to carefully transplant it to the garden and carefully care. You can temporarily organize supports from sticks and garters with thin fragile plants. When the pepper gets ill and gets stronger after the transplant, the support can be removed.

Important: unlike tomato seedlings, additional roots are not formed on pepper plants. Therefore, to plant pepper, laying a long stem in a spiral, or divide one plant into several and try to root them, cannot be.

The seedlings of peppers stretched
The seedlings of peppers stretched

How to process peppers from pests?

To protect against pests, you can process seedlings of peppers with any universal chemical agent.

Video: Peppers. We process from pests

The best prevention of damage to young plants with insects is to observe the technology of growing seedlings. If when growing you can provide good ventilation, normal humidity and regular watering, diseases and pests will bypass your beds, and a rich harvest will become a reward for the efforts.

Video: 10 errors when growing sweet pepper

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