Creeping dust - grass and root: therapeutic and useful properties and contraindications. Pirai - a folk remedy for treating oncology, reflux, joints, diabetes, vision

Creeping dust - grass and root: therapeutic and useful properties and contraindications. Pirai - a folk remedy for treating oncology, reflux, joints, diabetes, vision

Useful properties of creeping dust.

What kind of folk names do not call him: a tenant, a rzets, a dies, a root-grass, dog grass and even a worm-grass. True, after all, these words reflect the external similarity of the plant and its ability to grow underground?

The translation from the Latin name literally means the fire of fields: the speed and scale of its spread are similar to powerful flames. And it is not possible to remove the weed completely from the garden

What is the weed of the spray and is it worth it to stock up on for future use? Read this article

This is what creeping dust looks like
This is what creeping dust looks like

What does wheat grass look like, where is it growing?

The malicious weed of wheat

  • Its thin, branches invariably in the horizontal direction, the roots penetrate the upper layers of the soil, and form a whole web of rhizomes and kidneys, ready to turn into a new plant
  • Rhizomes do not usually penetrate deeper than 15 centimeters
  • The weed has an erect stalk, reaching a height of 40-120 cm. Long and flat leaves reach a length of 15-40 cm
  • Leaves of green or brown green. Width of the sheet plate 3-8 mm
  • Flowers of wheatfold is incredible in appearance. These are compound long apical spikelets of 4-7 flowers collected in inflorescences. The spikelet itself reaches a length of 15 cm. The weed blooms to May-June. By the end of the first summer month, you can already observe ripened fruits, representing the grain similar to wheat. Fruit length - 5 mm
Creeping dust - not only weed
Creeping dust - not only weed

Under the ground, the shoots of wheatfold can quickly spread. It is for such his ability to fill the area useful for garden crops with their creeping roots, the summer residents do not complain to him and mercilessly get rid of the weed

Sometimes it is very difficult to clear the personal plot of weed. The process of destruction of wheatgrass can drag on for whole months.

Sometimes the slightest damage to the root causes the growth of a new plant. The tops of the rhizomes are bent up and are located on the surface of the soil layer

Where is the weed growing?

In addition to the arable land, wheatwood fills the meadows, steppe slopes, floodplains of rivers and roadsides of roads with its curly rhizomes. In a word, wherever there is a kindred soil, wheatgun is capable of germinating. To form a new individual, only part of the rhizome with a single kidney is enough.

Creeping dust - grass and root: therapeutic and useful properties and contraindications

More doctors Ancient Greece and ancient Rome knew about the healing properties of Pyre. In medieval folk medicine, creeping grass was also used

Incredibly, but unsightly, the plant is reconciling and diuretic. It is used for strong coughing, colds, and used as an anti -inflammatory drug

Drunk weed roots under the name are sold in pharmacies "Creeping prey"

Porey creeping
Porey creeping

In what cases they resort to the healing properties(combined with other herbs)?

  • With various impaired digestive tract functions. It can be colitis, gastritis, and enteritis, cholecystitis
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis and nephritis)
  • Skin diseases, for example, dermatitis, eczema, faurunkulosis or acne
  • Bronchitis and various pneumonia lesions - respiratory organs
  • Metabolism butt of metabolism (violations of fat, proteins, carbohydrates) - diabetes or anemia, rickets
  • Various violations of the musculoskeletal system-arthritis and osteochondrosis
Crushed root of wheatglass
Crushed root of wheatglass

Decoctions or infusions of the rhizome of wheatgrass are consumed inside, but only as prescribed by the attending physician

The pollen of the weed is part of the immunological preparation, thanks to which allergic inflammation, halflenosis, bronchial asthma is detected and treated

Even pollen of wheatfold has healing properties
Even pollen of wheatfold has healing properties

In non -traditional medicine, the rhizome of Pyre is widely used. The vitality of the plant is explained by its beneficial properties

How is wheatflow outwardly used?

  • For external use, decoctions and infusions of the rhizome and the green part of the plant are prepared. Such products help with skin diseases of the infants.

Piraeus is effective for jaundice, diaper rash, acting, diathesis. In order for the broth to bring, it is necessary to prepare it in the following way:

Recipe: Piraeus for bathing a newborn

50 g of root crusti pour 0.5 liters boiling watera. Leave to infuse for half an hour.

Application: Pour the resulting broth into a bathing bath and hold the baby in it. Repeat the bathing in a decoction of weed three times within a week.

The infusion of wheatgrew helps in adolescents ugre rash. You only need to apply the resulting "lotion" to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe face

Wheatfold -alarly tenacious plant
Wheatfold -alarly tenacious plant

Get rid of repeating furunculosis will help lotion from concentrated infusion of wheatgrass

How to use wheatgrasses inside?

Recipe for ancient doctors who improves vision

Juice Purey is mixed with Medom. The ratio should be 1: 1. The mixture warms up for 5 minutes.

Applicatione: It is believed that continuously taking such an infusion of 1 tablespoon three times a day (as many as 180 days), you can noticeably improve vision (up to 1-3 diopters)

Grinding wheatfet
Grinding wheatfet

Recipe: Porey for weight loss

1 tablespoon fresh pyre juice
100 ml of water

Application: Mix the ingredients and drink four times a day. Use the mixture at least a week

Contraindications in the treatment of this tenacious plant It can only be if a person has individual intolerance.
The uncontrolled use of the infusion from the root of the wheatgrass can adversely affect the genitourinary system, on the kidneys and liver

Unserfantic spikelet
Unserfantic spikelet

Caution requires the use of dustpan for the following diseases:

  • Exacerbation of ulcers
  • Pancreatitis
  • Diarrhea
  • Pregnancy

The root of the burdock, wheatgrew, dandelion: therapeutic properties, what treats?

Different -degree weeds can help with many diseases. It is enough to prepare the roots of three plants - burdock, dust, dandelion

What is Porey useful?

  • Restores metabolic processes
  • Treats severe diseases of the urinary tract
  • Treats diseases of the respiratory system
  • Treats diseases of the digestive system
  • Can be used as an analgesic
  • Treats ovarian function disorders in women

What is a dandelion useful?

  • It is used in the treatment of arthritis and arthrosis
  • Helps with anemia
  • It is used in the treatment of cancer diseases
  • Eliminates inflammatory processes in the joints and lymph nodes
Dandelions are part of the infusion of three herbs
Dandelions are part of the infusion of three herbs

How is burdock useful?

  • able to fight cancer
  • helps in the treatment of bronchitis and sinusitis
  • accelerates the restoration of bone tissue during fractures
  • capable of fighting heart failure
  • it is used in the treatment of hepatitis
  • treats the initial manifestations of influenza

How to cook a decoction of three herbs?

  • Collect the young plants of plants in early spring or in the autumn until the onset of cold weather. Burdocks need to be taken annual. There are no useful properties in two -year rhizomes of burdocks: they go into inflorescences
  • The rhizomes should be dug and rinse under running water. Plants are crushed after drying and each type of plant is dried and cooked separately
  • Two tablespoons of dried roots are poured with boiled water. They set to boil for 10 minutes. After that, the decoction is filtered and insisted for 2 hours
  • Having strained the decoction, you can drink it by the amount of half a glass three times a day. Be sure to drink a decoction on an empty stomach. In this case, beneficial substances will immediately arrive from the decoction of the blood and will quickly disperse through the body

Change the decoctions of roots of three herbs every week. For example, if this week you drink a decoction of burdock root, then next week it should be a decoction of dandelion root, and next week there will be wheat

How to brew wheatgrass roots?

For brewing the rhizome of Purey will be needed 8 tbsp of dry root root. The crushed mixture is poured boiled water And after a two -hour insistent, it can be used

Infusion of herbs
Infusion of herbs

Watrous decoction: how to cook and use?

Recipe for cooking a decoction of wheatgrass

  • Take it 2 tbsp. l. Dried root of the dusti
  • Pour 1 glass of boiled water
  • Boil for 5-10 minutes
  • Cool
  • Strain and squeeze

How to take a decoction of wheatgrass? Drink 1/3 cup three times a day

Baths with a decoction of creeping Pyre help with skin diseases
Baths with a decoction of creeping Pyre help with skin diseases

For what diseases does a decoction of wheatgrass help:

  • With cholelithiasis
  • With urolithiasis
  • With inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract
  • In the treatment of padagra and rheumatism

Pyreat juice from stems and leaves of grass: how to do and use?

Recipe for the preparation of wheat

  • Collect 1 kg of Pyrey Together with the roots and rinse under running water
  • Dry the washed grass
  • Grind the grass
  • Pour 2 liters of water
  • Mix

Application: After one hour, the juice must be strain and squeeze out. Ready juice can maintain its beneficial properties for several days when stored in the refrigerator. The duration of the storage of juice can be increased by adding 1 cup of vodka to a liter of juice

Drink juice 3-4 times a day in an amount of 0.5 cups on an empty stomach. Treatment lasts 3-4 months

The rhizome of Pyrey
The rhizome of Pyrey

The decoction of wheatgrass copes with various skin diseases

Recipe for making a decoction:

  • 50 g of wheat
  • 5 liter boiling water

Application: raw materials are poured with water and placed for warming up in a water bath. The finished decoction should brew for 2 hours. Take a bath by pouring an infusion into the water

Tincture of wheatgrass on vodka: how to cook and use?

Pirair is successfully used in the treatment of farsightedness. To do this, prepare tincture with vodka.

The recipe for the preparation of tincture

  • 100 ml chopped into powder wheatgrass root
  • 150 ml vodka
  • 200 ml water

Application: All manipulations with the root of the wheatburn must be performed in a glass dark bowl. Water is heated and connected to vodka

  • The resulting liquid is poured with dust powder. Dishes with a root of wheatgrass are tightly closed. After 20 minutes of insisting (in the dark) tincture is ready for use
  • The filtered agent is taken in the amount of 20 drops twice a day for 30 days

Wandy with cancer: recipe

Oncological diseases are treated with wheatgrass as follows:

Recipe for oncological diseases

  • 2 tbsp of crushed wheatgrass root
  • 500 ml boiling water

Application: raw materials are poured with water and boiled for 15 minutes. After 3 hours of insisting and filtering, the infusion can be consumed. They adhere to the next dosage: a third of a glass three times a day on an empty stomach. 3-4 weeks

Pirai also treats oncological diseases
Pirai also treats oncological diseases

Wheat for vision: Recipe

Improving vision occurs when using the next decoction

Recipe for vision

  • 4 tbsp of crushed wheatgrass root
  • 5 full glasses boiling water

Application: Pour prey water with water and hold on fire until the water is evaporated to ¼ volume. Drink 4-5 times a day 1 tbsp

Pirai against reflux: recipe

In the treatment of reflux, various herbal fees are effective. They are even prescribed to their patients doctors

Recipe for the treatment of reflux

  • 100 g the root of the Altea
  • 100 g linden flowers
  • 50 g yarrow
  • 50 g wheatgrass root
  • 50 g St. John's wort
  • 50 g licorice root
  • 50 g of dried grass ordinary chanders
  • 20 g Golden -haired

Application: Sreeps and brewed 30 g with one glass of boiling water. After half an hour of insisting, you can drink tea from herbs. Drink him hot time after eating

Therapeutic properties of wheatgrass on the joints: how to apply?

Dust are used in the treatment of joints

Joint recipe

You need to take 1 cup rhizomes and insist within 12 hours in 1 liter of boiled water.

Application: can add honey and drink 0.5 cups 3-5 times a day

Diabetes in sugar: how to use?

Porei will help adjust the metabolism. The following infusion is used to treat diabetes

Diabetes recipe

  • 4 tbsp of crushed the rhizome of Pyrey
  • 5 glasses water

Application: The raw materials are poured with water and boiled until it decreases to ¼. Standed broth drink 1 tbsp 4-5 times a day

A decoction of wheatfly from mosquitoes: how to apply?

To prepare effective mosquito repellent, You will need a handful of crushed rhizomes of Pyrey. The raw materials should be poured 1.5 liters of water and boiled three times before the purchase of a light yellow shade with a decoction.

The resulting liquid is washed the face and open parts of the body

Why are cats and dogs eat grass grass

Grass of creeping dust has a pronounced antiplista effect. This explains her frequent eating cats and dogs

Video: Creeping Pyre properties

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  1. I can’t say anything about this, I did not face this tool, but I have encountered diabetes, I am normally helped by tea mushroom and olijim, excellent means in the fight against diabetes)

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