Birds with a crest on the head: names, description, photo. What kind of birds with a crest are pecking mountain ash?

Birds with a crest on the head: names, description, photo. What kind of birds with a crest are pecking mountain ash?

What birds with a crest are found in Russia.

The territory of our country is a habitat for many species of birds. Planes of permanent birds of birds in Russia have a large length and are located in several dozen climatic zones. Feathered, which settle in huge spaces, are distinguished by an unusual appearance. Interest is also the lifestyle of various families of birds. Birds with an original decoration on the head in the form of a crest are of considerable interest for those who are not indifferent to the animal and herbal world.

Winter bird with a crest on the head - Waxworm: Description, photo

  • Waxer is a spectacular crested representative of winter birds. It does not differ in large sizes. The body length reaches 15-18 cm. The maximum weight of this bird is 70 grams.
  • The brownish-gray color of the plumage and red spots distinguish birds against the background of more modestly painted relatives. On the wings of the waxy, on the tail, head and neck of black plumage of black color. White and yellow stripes are clearly visible on a black background.

Where do they live?

You can meet the waxwerh in the warm season in Siberia, in the northern regions (taiga, forest tundra). The advancing cold forces these birds to wander into more southern regions, therefore, in winter, residents of cities and villages of the Moscow region, Crimea, Caucasus, Central Asia can observe the waxing.

You can meet the waxwerh in the warm season in Siberia, in the northern regions (taiga, forest tundra).

What do they eat?

  • In the diet, the waxwoman in the summer is mainly insects. However, its birds complement the seeds of cones, birch buds.
  • In the winter, the Waxworm, like many other species of birds, is forced to change the diet: at this time, the fruits of mountain ash, hawthorn, rosehips become fruits for birds. Featins usually swallow them entirely, and the fruits do not always have time to digest in the stomach.
What is the waxwerh
What is the waxwerh

Drunk waxworms - fiction?

  • The waxworm can get intoxicated after eating broken fruits. This happens in the spring, when birds begin to eat juice of trees (maple, etc.).
  • After such a “feeding”, birds can behave inadequately. They can be aggressive in relation to relatives, animals, which leads to injuries and even death.
Can the waxworms be drunk
Can the waxworms be drunk

How do chicks bring out?

  • Pieces of moss, lichens, dry sprigs of grass - all this becomes building material during the construction of the nest. As a litter of waxwood, feathers are used, fluff. Finding a couple, the gentleman treats the female berries.
  • In the masonry of the waxwood usually 3-7 eggs. The color of the eggs can be gray or purple. There are specks on the shell. On the 14th day of hatching in the nest, chicks appear that will become independent and capable of making short flights after two weeks
  • Young waxworms replenish flocks of birds. The number of individuals in such flocks is 5 or 30 birds.

Video: Waxer. How interesting facts sings

Bird with a crest on the headdod's head: description, photo

The appearance of birds with a beautiful crest also belongs to the Udod. The size of this bird is almost the same as the waxwood. The long curved beak of Udoda reaches 4-6 cm in length.

What does it look like?

  • Nature gave yield of bright color: the bird has a reddish back, black wings and tail are decorated with white stripes. But the main decoration of the bird is a crest.
  • It is painted red. There is a black border on the crest. When the bird is calm, the crest is folded. In other cases, he proudly rises above the head of the bird.
Bird with a crest on the headdod's head: Description

Where does it live?

  • The habitat of Udoda is Siberia, Transbaikalia, the Far East. Birds settled on open plains or in a forest -steppe. The bird quickly runs on the ground.
  • When the yield is in danger, it is pressed to the surface of the earth. At the same time, the wings of the birds are straightened, and the beak of Udod threateningly lifts up.
Where the Udod lives
Where the Udod lives

What is eating?

  • The diet of Udoda includes insects. A bird can even eat small reptiles (young lizards, snakes).

How do chicks bring out?

  • Thick thickets become the place where the birds nest. The droppings left on the nests have such an unpleasant odor that it itself becomes protection from enemies.
  • The female usually removes 3-8 eggs, of which chicks are removed after 2 weeks. The chicks flying out of the nest for a long time are under the care of the parents.
How do youdod removes chicks

Bird with a crest on the head of the lark: description, photo

The lark is a small bird. The length of her body is 19 cm, and she weighs - only 45 g.

What does it look like?

  • The grayish-brown color of the bird plays a protective role: during the danger of the larks, it is pressed to the ground and becomes invisible.
  • There is a small crest on the head of the crested lark. On the back of the lark there are dark spots, and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe goiter and chest-black and white spots.
Bird with a crest on the head of a lark

Where does it live?

  • The bird prefers open spaces overgrown with low grass.
  • They settle on the territory of the steppe, on sandy quarries, on the sidelines of roads, railway embankments. With the onset of cold weather, birds are forced to wander into more southern regions.

What is eating?

  • Since the crested lark is a ground bird, it finds food on the surface of the earth, without making flights.
  • The worship of the lark includes beetles, grasshoppers, caterpillars, spiders, large rainworms. Forms are fed and plant seeds. In winter, the main food for the larks become seeds of herbs.
What is the hokhlat larger feed

How do chicks bring out?

  • In the masonry of the crested lark, there are usually 3-5 eggs. The shell of dirty white or yellowish. Chicks appear 12-14 days after the start of the hatching.
  • Parents feed their offspring for 9-10 days.
How the chicks of the lark removes
How the chicks of the lark removes

Bird with a crest on the head Chibis: Description, photo

Another noticeable representative of the crests from the kingdom of birds is Chibis. The bird has a bright plumage, and it differs from its relatives larger size (28-30 cm-body length). Weighs Chibis 130 - 330 grams.

What does it look like?

  • The body of the bird is covered with black and white.
  • The surface of the wings is with a purple tint, on which you can distinguish greenish-blue and yellow shades. The crest of a bird from long feathers.
Chibis - a bird with a crest on the head

Where does it live?

  • Chibis sets in an open area, abundantly covered with vegetation, often chooses swampy territories, corn or potato fields, wet meadows.

What is eating?

  • In the warm season, insects and invertebrates serve as food for Chibis.

Where the Chibis lives

Chibis in flight
Chibis in flight

How does the chicks bring?

  • The formed pair of birds builds a nest directly on the ground, choosing for this recess. The bottom of the nest is lined with dry twigs, grass.
  • In the masonry usually no more than 4 eggs. Parents take turns doing the future offspring of GA for 28 days. During harvesting, the death of birds is possible, since birds nest on a planted field.

Video: Chibis (Vanellus Vanellus) - a bird of the Rzang family

Bird with a crest on the head of the jay: description, photo

Jike also refers to crested birds that remain wintering in Russia. The body length of this bird reaches 15 cm. The weight of an adult of only 200-250 g. The bird has a reddish-brown plumage. In the shoulders, the plumage of bright blue, "crossed out" with black stripes. Soyka has a long tail, black, and the nades are white.

Bird with a crest on the head of the jay

Nature endowed with the ability to move around the tree. The bird performs these actions, thanks to the long and flexible fingers on which sharp bent claws grow.

What is eating?

  • The basis of the diet is insects, even large beetles. The bird copes with their dense carapace using a curved beak.
  • Joya will not refuse from small rodents, lizards, frogs. In winter, the birds for birds are acorns, berries.
Where the jay lives
Where the jay lives

How does the chicks bring?

  • For nesting, soyshka choose deciduous forests, areas with shrubs. They nest in old hollows or find secluded places in the crown of trees.
  • In the masonry usually 5-10 eggs. The shell has a greenish, light yellow color.

Video: Voices of birds. Jay

Bird with a crest on the head woodpecker: Description, photo

Another bright representative of birds with decoration on the head in the form of a crest is a woodpecker. Bird size - from 7 cm to 27 cm, and weight - from 60 to 600 g.

What does it look like?

The bird has a large strong skull, adapted for abutting from patients and old trees of insects and their larvae. The tail is wedge -shaped. This helps the bird rely on the barrel during food. Black poultry with white stripes and spots. The subsidiary is red.

What the woodpecker eats
What the woodpecker eats

Where does it live?

A woodpecker is often settled in the forest zone. But he is able to adapt to existence in any biotip. You can meet this bird both in the taiga and in the city park.

Golden woodpecker
Golden woodpecker

What do they eat?

The diet includes insects, acorns, nuts, coniferous seeds.

How do chicks bring out?

The chicks are removed in the hollows of trees hollowed out by the male. In the laying of 4 to 8 white eggs. The offspring appears on 12-13 days after the start of the hatching.

How woodpeckers withdraw chicks
How woodpeckers withdraw chicks

Bird with a crest on the head of oatmeal-Revez: Description, photo

  • Consider another representative of the crested birds. This is an oatmeal, which in appearance resembles a sparrow. The size of the bird is 15 cm, and the weight is only 16-20 g.
  • The bird is reddish-brown. There are white and red stripes on the body. The crest of this bird is small, but in males it is larger than that of females. Thanks to a short, durable beak, the bird can easily clean the grains.
  • Oatmeal does not feed the chicks at once with dry food. Before feeding, she keeps food in the beak for some time, soaking.

Where does it live?

  • Ovsyanka loves the open spaces of the north of the country, mainly in the steppe areas (Siberia, the Far East).
  • It settles in the summer in the swamps where shrubs grow, also chooses swampy river valleys.
  • With the onset of cold weather, birds are forced to fly into a warmer climatic zone. These are areas of East Asia.
Bird with a crest: oatmeal
Bird with a crest: oatmeal

What is eating?

  • The main food of oatmeal is insects. The bird eats grain crops, berries.

How does the chicks bring?

Oatmeal hides the nest well from uninvited guests on the ground, in a recess. Sometimes the oatmeal nest can be seen on the bush. It has the appearance of a bowl that birds “build” from the stems and leaves of cereals.
A litter for the nest is moss, lichen, horse hair, animal hair. In the masonry usually 4-5 eggs. The shell of the eggs is white or gray. There are brown specks. After two weeks after the start of the hatching, chicks appear.

What oatmeal looks like
What oatmeal looks like

What birds with a crest on their heads love mountain ash?

They eat mountain ash in the winter. They love these berries that during their eating lose all caution, becoming easy prey for birds. The latter use a grid to catch a whole flock of eating birds.

What birds eat mountain ash
What birds eat mountain ash

Video: Waxer and mountain ash

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