Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "P" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

Louise Hei is the founder of the methodology of psychosomatic treatment of diseases. Its techniques allow you to easily cope with many common complex ailments, without resorting to surgical intervention.

The primary condition in this treatment is an independent struggle against negative attitudes that activate the disease.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "P" - from the liver to acne

The table on the letter “P” is arranged in such a way as to help the patient on their own, analyze the medical history and choose effective treatment - positive mental attitudes.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases:

Diseases and disorders in the internal organs and parts of the body. Psychosomatic examination of the disease. Effect on the body. Phrases for healing. Installations for a positive adjustment of thinking.
Liver. Liver disease

Ignoring health problems. Excessive self -pity, tearfulness, moodiness.


From this moment, only good events and positive - attract my attention. Thoughts are filled with happiness and fun. Where love is there.



The desire for power. Aggression, incontinence.


The world and friendliness are characteristic of me the qualities of character. In my soul, calm and harmony.


Renal diseases Infanticity, critical thinking. Excessive reaction to failure.

Growing up is a safe state. The universe encourages me to favorable changes in their consciousness, these actions are beneficial to me.



Thoughts about old age weaken confidence in male power. Unreasonable fears, a feeling of depression and guilt.


I feel a surge of youth and energy. I accept my masculinity and sexuality. I approve and love myself.


Fingers Denote life details. I am serenely belonging to all kinds of details in my life.
Herpes Sowing angry expressions in the subconscious do not find a way out. I only participate in good actions that bring me positive energy. I can do it.
Fingers: thumb Reflects intellectual abilities. Anxiety and excitement. My heart is in harmony and peace.
Psychosis: Mental disorder Closure. Renovation from the family. Unwillingness to live. My creative thinking is worthy of the highest assessment. The universe endowed me with a feature - to think and live.
Fingers: index finger Expresses a manifestation of its own significance. Fear or anger. My life is in good hands. I have nothing to fear.
Psoriasis: skin disease Feeling of fear and failure of your own personality. Confidence that others can cause an insult. Fear in the manifestation of their true feelings. I trust my intuition. My world - provides me, only prosperous and positive events. I am happy to accept the best gifts of life. I am worthy of love.
Fingers: middle finger Shows the degree of sexuality and aggression. I am satisfied with the manifestation of my femininity and sexuality. My body and soul are in absolute harmony.
Cold: upper respiratory tract, acute respiratory diseases The conviction that in the cool season is the disease inevitable. A breakdown of strength, from falling everyday difficulties. Confusion and irritability in life. The universe helps to streamline my life. I release thoughts that gravitate my soul. I am a relaxed and happy person. My being is in order.
Fingers: ring finger Personifies friendship and love. Experiences and suffering from such unions. My feelings are mutual. I give love and get it in return in full.
Prostate It shows male principalism: life views and beliefs. I approve of personal innate masculinity and accept it as it is.
Fingers: little finger Symbol of family ties. The manifestation of insincerity in relationships. I am surrounded by people loyal to me. My family is a reliable and strong support. I love my life.
Leprosy Inability to dispose of their own fate. Faith in its failure and helplessness. I am a strong and purposeful person. I get rid of all interference and shortcomings. The universe supports me in achieving the goals. My fate is a storehouse of love and success.
Fingers: Stop Show the attitude to the future: elements, small events. Everything will happen as divine forces planned.
Problems of aging Refusal of reconciliation with reality. Dependence on obsolete attitudes and social influence. Fear of individuality of your own personality. I enjoy every moment of life. I testify - life is beautiful and amazing. All the life processes of my body are valuable and approved. I love my body and every change in it.
Pancreatitis Anger and rejection. Irritability and hopelessness. Disappointment in the direction of the acting acts. I myself create events in my personal life. I choose for myself - only the right actions. I rejoice at my results.
A fit of suffocation Unwillingness to say goodbye to childhood. Distrust and fear - life processes. I easily let in my life - the processes of growing up. The world is safe for me. I release a feeling of fear.
Parasites The fate of the victim was chosen. Preference to be in secondary positions. Management and subordination. I no longer allow myself to lead myself. My life is in my own hands. Only I manage my personal life.
Attacks: seizure The desire to move away from society and the family. Departure from its essence. I can easily find like -minded people. The world sends me a life path created exclusively for me.
Paralysis Fear, fright. Report and disagreement. Thirst, to remain an unnoticed person. Fear of a particular person. I am the creation of the universe. My behavior is a measured and fair feeling.
Premenstrual syndrome Refusal to accept female processes. I am the owner of the personal body and life. My existence is covered by care and prosperity. I am an active and happy woman.
Bella paralysis: violation of the facial nerve The desire to hide aggressive feelings. Mimic stiffness. I free my heart from anger and allow myself - to freely express emotions.
The right side of the body Symbolizes male energy. Renovation, connivance. I cope with the flow of male energy and freely regulate its balance.
Paralysis: cortical Refusal of changes in life. Resistance and disagreement with the processes of reality. I let go of the change into my fate. I easily master everything new and draw information from all periods of time: the past, present, future.
Renal stones The inveterate sense of anger and resentment. I am free from all past poisonous feelings. My heart is cleansed of anger.
Paresis Hopelessness. Constraining mental forms. My thoughts are easy and free. Everything is fine with me in my life.
Loss of stability Inattention, lack of concentration. Enjoyable thoughts. I am a concentrated personality. I control the stream of thoughts and my actions. I am going to the intended goal.
Peritosyllar abscess Confidence in the weakness of their own voice expressions. Inability to voice his desires and achieve the voice to be heard. I can declare my desires. My voice from birth, endowed with strength and confidence. I freely get everything that I declare out loud.
Vices Dislike of yourself. Fear and self -removal from personal interests. From this moment, my faith in itself is strengthened every day. I am a delightful person. I am worthy of compliments.
Liver: organ Concentration of aggression and rage. I am the source of the world and good. Love and happiness - sprouts in my heart.
Cuts: injuries Retribution for the incorrectly made decisions. The betrayal of oneself and his principles. I give myself, the implementation of personal plans. I am forming life as I like.
Food poisoning Permission to outsiders, dispose of important currents in life. Fear of establishing personal control. I rely on personal experience and independently comprehend everything that the Universe gives me.
Diarrhea Trembling. Reference and escape. Departure from reality. I am in friendly relations with the outside world. I without conflicts - I absorb, comprehend and expose.
Cry Denotes vital streams of grief or fun. I am in accordance with my feelings. My emotions are a manifestation of peace and goodness.
Polio Thirst for obstructing circumstances. A feeling of stiffness due to excessive jealousy. I successfully carry out good intentions. I respect personal freedom and approve of the choice of other people. I believe that mine will remain with me.
Shoulders Show a reaction to life difficulties. The perception of the problem sets the tone for further actions. Now my attitude to fate will be a cheerful and cheerful action.
Shocking shoulders Experience in combating difficulties. Weakness and inability. Disappointment. I entrust my life to divine forces. My back is straight and stable before difficulties. I am satisfied with my own life.
Bad smell: from the mouth Bad thoughts and conversations. Spoiled relationships. I accept extremely clean and positive news and events. All I am talking about - contains love and happiness.
Spine Life rod. Sustainability and support. The universe supports me. I easily show flexibility and balance.
Pneumonia: pneumonia Irrepressible torment. The loss of all hope, exhaustion. I allow the world to influence changes in my fate. I live in anticipation of new positive events. The Universe prepares a wonderful life path for me.
Pancreas Forms pleasure from existence. I live in a world full of bliss.
Superficial trichophytosis Lack of self-esteem. Loss of own significance and personal space. Nothing controls me. IM proud of myself. I give myself freedom and love.
Increased cholesterol: atherosclerosis Crossing the flows of cheerfulness. Denial and fear in the manifestation of positive emotions. I miss the rivers of joy and fun through myself. I envelop my heart - peacefulness and happiness.
Increased appetite Fright and need for guardianship. A bashful state from their own weakness. My emotions are a natural manifestation of good and grace. I am not shy about personal emotions.
Subject wart Distortion of life values. Skor from the inability to follow your principles: to follow the chosen path. A foggy look into the future. I look forward with clarity. I am confidently going to the goal. I trust myself with the universe.
Pyorrhea Minity in their own eyes. Anger for its helplessness. Weakness. I read personal decisions and actions. My self -esteem - has a significant place for me. I am a person with a deep sense of dignity.
Causing Refusion, hermitable way of thinking. I am a chosen person. The universe rewards me with a blessing and generosity.
Swelling Delay of thinking flows. Utopian beliefs. Primitivism and wretchedness of thoughts. Thoughts in my head are born simply and freely. I am free in decision -making. My actions do not interfere with the fateful course of energy.
Problems of menopause Complexes, dissatisfaction with their own appearance and age -related changes. Denial of aging. I affirm all the educated cycles in my body. I bless my body and feminine.
Simple herpes A mark of anger and hidden anger. Flowwriting, did not find a way out of the mouth. I am loved by others. My speeches are composed only of positive phrases.
Acne Disgust and squeamishness in relation to appearance. Anger and inability to forgive. I dissolve anger and resentment. I am satisfied with my own appearance and perceive with love, every change in the skin. I freely forgive myself and others.
Louise Hay
Louise Hay

Using in action in the treatment of the disease the recommended phrases a person changes the internal processes of the body, establishes new tasks. The mental center, through control of mental forms, makes the body relax and independently cleanse toxins and harmful phenomena. By systematically, according to this technique, one can lead your body to recovery. And also, use psychosomatic techniques for prolonged preventive protection against harmful mental programs.

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