Psychological problems and age -related changes in men after 45 years. What happens to a man at 45 years old? How to overcome a crisis to a man after 45 years: recommendations of specialists

Psychological problems and age -related changes in men after 45 years. What happens to a man at 45 years old? How to overcome a crisis to a man after 45 years: recommendations of specialists

Often a man after 45 years old changes the condition and behavior of a man. What is it connected with and what to do, you can find out from the article.

Often, having crossed the 45-year-old line, a man who had recently emitted vigor and strength begins to feel sharply aged and tired. He is often overcome by attacks of apathy and longing. A man is experiencing an age crisis. The reason for this condition is the psychophysiology of problems that are inevitable for people of adulthood.

Age changes in men after 45 years: health problems

After 45 years the physiological state of a man It begins to deteriorate. Health leaves much to be desired, vitality is declining. By the age of 50 More than half of men have a whole bouquet of chronic ailments.

It is interesting that some representatives of the stronger sex, having reached maturity, do not even have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow their body functions, and what health problems can occur.

Age crisis
Age crisis

We list the main health problems in men after 45 years:

  • Hormonal changes. Over the years, men are reduced by the production of male hormones, including testosterone. After 30 years, this hormone decreases annually by 1-2 percent. For this reason, in adulthood begins to develop erectile disfunction. Sexual activity is noticeably reduced. Any representative of the stronger sex is perceived extremely painfully and even humiliating. His mind simply refuses to accept aging in terms of sexual, which even more exacerbates the dull state of a man.
  • Metabolic disease. A decrease in male hormones adversely affects the physical form of a man. He has extra pounds, the figure is embedded, the stomach grows. The wrong lifestyle also promotes this circumstance: fatty foods, insufficient physical activity. In the presence of excess weight in men can blood pressure increases, diabetes, obesity to develop. And these diseases, in turn, provoke a further decrease in testosterone production. In addition, medical studies are confirmed by the fact that male hormones are replaced by female hormones in the adipose tissue of hormones.
  • Heart problems. After forty years in a man blood circulation is disturbed. Blood vessels are reduced in diameter, blood flows more slowly, as a result of which the heart muscle and other organs do not receive nutrients. Together with stress, hypertension and atherosclerosis, circulatory disorders are often provoked unexpected strokes and heart attacks The seemingly healthy and strong men. In addition, significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases Age -related decrease in testosterone levels.

Psychological problems in men after 45 years: fear of old age, the desire to shed youth

  • Along with physical problems, After 45 years in men Psychological difficulties appear. A person has a perception of himself as a person. He believes that he has not yet been old, but he feels that the prerequisites for this are present and are clearly felt.
  • Yesterday, a strong and successful one, the man notices that the forces are gradually leaving, and young people are increasingly pushing him, more energetic and strong.
  • Moreover, many representatives of the stronger sex do not immediately understand the changes that happen to them. It is generally characterized by a person to recognize his age late. As a rule, awareness of the number of lived years comes suddenly and is often due to any events in life (disease, sexual impotence, a decrease in professional productivity).
  • Faced with a similar problem, active men often perceive the situation very tragically. They have fear of approaching old age. And quite often, the fear of the unknown that the future is fraught with, makes a mature man commit rash acts.

According to experts, a man after 45 years changes at least in one of the spheres of life:

  • Some are trying to deceive your age and catch up with the outgoing youth. They actively play sports, find extreme entertainment, visit dance clubs for young people. However, mature men often overestimate their physical capabilities and subject their body to excessive load. And it can provoke a stroke or heart attack.
  • Other radically change their image: Change the wardrobe, hairstyle, giving preference to youth fashion. Some even decide on the first tattoo in their lives. Wanting to preserve the outgoing youth, they begin to use anti -aging creams. Sometimes attempts to look younger lead to the fact that an adult man gives the impression of an overgrown boy, dressed not by age.
  • It happens that the behavior of a 45-year-old man becomes too relaxed, and even eccentric. He becomes absolutely indifferent to him what others think about him. This often happens with those people who have kept themselves within the framework for too long, constantly limiting their true desires. In addition, they can change life priorities and values. The man becomes more selfish, emotionally unbalanced and capricious.
  • Sometimes a man after 45 years old feels very lonely. He is in confidence that no one understands and appreciates him, and the people around him just use it. And the man literally overwhelms pity for his own person. During this period, it can become excessively sentimental and even drop tears for different things. And from this fact, a man begins to regret himself even more.
  • Some after 45 years, men rethink their life and begin it "from scratch", dramatically changing everything. They are actively they develop in a new profession, master other areas of activity. Thus, they seem to make a jerk, trying to survive the remaining years as they once dreamed. I must say that many are successful in this.
  • Men after 45 years need to understand and support. However, most of them do not understand what is happening to them, and cannot explain their condition to loved ones. Often a man behaves inexplicably and even aggressively. Therefore, relatives condemn him and conflict with him.

It must be admitted that male psychology is not well studied. However, the studies have confirmed that A man after 45 years old The perception of many things is changing.

How does the attitude of a man change after 45 years to parents?

  • Attitude towards parents.In adulthood, almost all people begin to remember their childhood, relations with their mother and father. Children's injuries, resentment, complexes pop up in memory. A person begins to revise his attitude towards parents. Over the years, much is seen differently. And at a certain age, we tend to understand and forgive those who offended us many years ago

In the course of studying the psychology of men of different age categories, it was found that after 45 years, almost half of them suggest that when they were young, they lacked attention from the father.

  • In youth, sons occupy a subordinate position in relations with their parents. And in adulthood, men, as a rule, are looking for rapprochement with their fathers, counting on friendship on an equal footing. It is during this period, according to psychologists, that the man is finally freed from the influence of the mother and begins to get closer to his father.

It seems interesting that after 45 years more than half of men reveals a critical perception of their own mother.

How does the attitude of a man change after 45 years to life?

  • Attitude to life.Almost every man who crossed the forty -year -old milestone revises his life, his achievements. He recalls what he was in his youth, what he dreamed about. Often he asks himself the question of whether he did the right actions, what he achieved in life, whether he was happy.
  • A man can feel depression And even humiliation, realizing that he could not realize what he had dreamed of in his youth. Gloomy thoughts can torment him that life has passed in vain, and time is lost forever. Even if a man has achieved a lot in professional terms and seems to be a rather successful person from the outside, he can still overcome doubts that he made the wrong choice many years ago.
  • He feels tired and devastateddespite their own achievements. It is during this period that some men come to the understanding that they do not want to do what they are doing now. And they change the scope of activity. And this is not always easy. By the described age, the physical and mental forces of a man are exhausted, and it becomes more difficult to study new activities. The speed of reaction and the ability to absorb new information are reduced.
  • Besides, man after 45 years He masters new social roles: after all, he is not only a father and husband, but also a beetroot, father -in -law, grandfather. He has to build relationships with new family members. In addition, by this age, a man, as a rule, is a good specialist, a professional in his activities. He is often addressed for advice. The change of social roles, in fact, is a confirmation that youth has passed. During this period, a man becomes wiser, tend to philosophize and reason.

How does the attitude of a man change after 45 years to his wife?

  • Attitude to the wife.Experts say that during age maturity, the number of divorces increases. And the initiator of the gap is most often the man. The children grew up, the wife has long become a book read, besides, as a rule, she herself experiences her crisis at that time. And the man leaves the family. What happens to a man at 45 years old? Why is he doing this?

The reasons pushing a man after 45 years to break the relationship can be different:

  • The fact that, as a rule, is known for a long time a man chooses a life partner like his mother. Consciously or unconsciously, a young man expects his wife to play the role of his parent for him. Having crossed a strip of maturity, the matured man begins to see in his wife not a projection of his mother, but a real woman with all her advantages and disadvantages.
  • The current change in perception often leads to conflicts in the family, since the husband can demand from his half of the new relationship. It is for this reason that the man destroys his marriage. He cannot realize and explain to his wife that he has changed and wants to live in a new way. It’s easier for him to find a new wife and build a relationship with her.
  • A man who began to detect sexual disorders, overcome fears and complexes. Since the wife is a witness to how the husband was in his youth and what opportunities he had then, he tries to find another woman. After all, she will not be able to compare his current characteristics with the past.
  • Often man after 45 years It cannot accept a decrease in his own abilities as a sexual partner and begins to blame her wife of this: they say that she has old and is not able to cause his attraction. He begins to look at young girls, starts love affairs. Often changes one young mistress to another.
  • All this - a sign of self -doubt. Thus, a man simply tests his sexual viability, proves that “there is still gunpowder ...” However, years still take their own. And the mental emptiness joins male impotence.

  • Mature age - This is the time of summing up life results. And if a man to his 45 years considers himself a completely successful and consisting person, then it is natural that he is waiting for his wife with admiration for his achievements. However, the wife at one time went nearby all the way of his formation as a person, creating a rear for him and comforting during falls.
  • She has long no longer admired her husband, rightly believing that there is her merit in his success. However, any man needs to feel like a hero, especially if it exceeded 45 years. Therefore, he enters into a relationship with another woman, usually younger than himself, who will admire his virtues, unconditionally accept him and watch with enthusiastic eyes.
  • When the level of testosterone decreases, the man becomes less aggressive. He has a desire to patronize someone, surround with affection and care. However, such a man drives thoughts about grandchildren away. And prefer to surround the young nymph.
  • Sometimes it happens that a mature man without memory falls in love with a young young lady.

How to overcome a crisis to a man after 45 years: recommendations of specialists

Man after 45 years old It is strongly recommended to change your lifestyle and be more attentive to your own health.

Do not neglect the advice of specialists in essence:

  • Do not panic or make hasty decisions. Do not react sharply to what is happening. Do not destroy your previous connections. In pursuit of novelty, you can lose the most important thing in life.
  • Engage in active physical activity at least an hour and a half a day.
  • Refuse smoking and drinking alcohol. Lead a healthy lifestyle.
  • Follow your diet. Reduce the amount of fats and carbohydrates consumed. Be sure to include walnuts, herbs, vegetables and fruits in the diet.
  • Limit beer consumption. The composition of this drink includes hops, which contains isoflavons, resembling female sex hormones in their structure. And they, as you know, contribute to obesity in men and suppress the production of male hormones.

  • Visit the urologist annually And hand over the necessary tests for the diagnosis of cancer.
  • Make your brain work at full strength: read more, visit exhibitions and theaters, travel, study something new. Develop in different areas. Forget about your age. The man is young, while he is studying something.
  • Find new sources for joy. When a man experiences joyful excitement, his level of testosterone increases. Diversify your life and add additional emotional paints in the form of new classes. Start doing what you once dreamed of once. When a person is truly passionate about something, energy and strength returns to him.
  • If for some reason something in your life did not work out (you lost your job, divorced, etc.) do not give up. Do not be afraid to start your life first. It is never too late to learn new professional skills or find your soul mate. You can be happy at any age.
  • Do not try to drown out melancholy and depression alcohol or drugs. This will only aggravate the mental crisis and will cause serious consequences.
  • Follow your physical condition. Do not squeeze yourself completely, do not work for wear. Those loads that the young body withstand, after 45 years can turn into serious problems.
  • Try not to take big breaks in sexual life. According to experts, regular sex life helps to extend the sexual capabilities of a man.
  • Do not close in yourself and do not move away from loved ones. Talk to your wife. Explain that you are experiencing a difficult period now. Frankness and trust are the key to harmonious relations. Realizing what is happening to you, a loving woman will show tact and support.

  • Take your past. Do not do self -digging and accusations against you. Accept life as it is. Rejoice your successes and victories, thank fate for mistakes and experience. Only by accepting your past, you can begin a new stage in life.
  • Think about what is really important to you, and how you can realize it. Abandon youthful illusionsSet real goals and move towards them.

Be sure that crises are passing, and family problems are quite overcoming. Forty -five years is a wonderful age when a person can find himself and find a new meaning of life. For many, this is a unique opportunity to get a new, previously unknown experience. And what further your life will be depends only on you.

Video: Why do people leave the family after 40?

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  1. In the contents of the article: Pill youth, writes on the couch between the sticks

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