Seeing into the army: lyrics, ditties, poems, words of congratulations, toasts, posters. Wishes and toasts for wires in the army in verses and prose

Seeing into the army: lyrics, ditties, poems, words of congratulations, toasts, posters. Wishes and toasts for wires in the army in verses and prose

The article contains the most interesting congratulations to the conscript, for a mother, a friend, beloved.

To accompany his son in the army is a long, large -scale and emotional event. All bosom friends of the conscript, parents and closest relatives gather.

Of course, a holiday without a beloved girl does not do, who with all her appearance shows that it will be true to wait for the guy. Songs, jokes, fun, dance - this is how the wires go into the army. And a large amount of alcohol is also “destroyed” and maternal tears are shed. Only after the fulfillment of all these conditions, the son and the future groom go to defend the motherland.

Wishes for wires in the army: speech in verses, prose

The texts of congratulations and wishes for the parents of the conscript and for the very culprit of the holiday contain parting words, encourage.

The Russian army will improve every year
The Russian army will improve every year

The future soldier must go to protect the rest of his native state with warm feelings of relatives and friends. Once far from the family and friends, the guy should feel the support of loved ones.

Technical equipment of the ground forces
Technical equipment of the ground forces
We see for the guys in the army today,
We wish you all worthy!
Automatic machines will be given to you today,
You are real soldiers now.
Bring your proudly your service,
Army keep friendship for a long time.

Army - School of Courage,
Youth Commonwealth.
Teaches order and courage,
Live in the team according to conscience.
Vera and the truth of Russia serve,
Core the honor of your homeland.
We escort the guys into the army,
Let's meet men, real soldiers ...

You go to the army tomorrow!
We all see you together
And we know - you will not let us down!
We wish you more strength!
Success in the service achieve,
And be the best a soldier!
We are waiting for you - you know so -
With everyday experience rich!

What a blessing that you are
Defenders are relatives!
There is a word: warrior, word: honor,
And there are other words:
Courage, glory and success,
And the winner is the best!

Russian aviation
Russian aviation

Sometimes it is difficult to choose words for the conscript. Especially encouraging, because they see him off for a long time. Your speech will be parting and solemn if you use the wishes collected in this section.

The army is training and adaptation to modern realities
The army is training and adaptation to modern realities

The army is another school of life. So let's raise the glasses for thatSo that our conscript received a gold medal at the end of this school and the graduation of the Skory Dembretsky train very soon came to us!

What is the army for every man? The army is a special place where Tempered in nature, they make a man from yesterday's boy. That's why I hasten to wish you - do not be sad when you go to serve! This time will fly very quickly, and, I wish you to fly with benefit!

Cool wishes for wires in the army

Each young man who goes to service in the army turns life into a real man, tempering, multiplying an invaluable experience, expands the horizons. So that the guy does not be sad, they want to spend time with benefit, and return faster.

Large -scale comprehensive army exercises
Large -scale comprehensive army exercises

All wishes, if they are pronounced with warmth, are sincerely good, but comic words, poems are especially remembered for the future soldier.

The paratroopers jump into the open hatches of the aircraft:
- Comrade Lieutenant! Petrov jumped, forgetting to put on the parachute!
- How?! Again?!
I wish you good luck and phenomenal memory! Happy Service !!!

The ensign built a platoon.
- Comrades soldiers who love heavy music - two steps forward!
Two soldiers failed.
- They brought me a piano here, take it to my fifth floor to my apartment.
Let's drink, friends, for rare minutes of relaxation in the army!

Soldier! Remember: when you sleep, the enemy does not doze! Sleep longer and more often - Exhaust the enemy with insomnia!

Speak to wares into the army for mom

When the time comes to accompany his beloved son in the army, it is difficult to find suitable words to find a mother. We made sure that you had a large selection of wishes, toasts and congratulations for the conscript.

Popularity from mom

Listen to the commander, son,
So that your father could be proud of you.
And you will serve in the army, dear,
Come back home.

We will wait tirelessly
Letters often send letters.
You also came to us the news,
So that we can sleep peacefully.

Beloved, you will be far away now, but I will always be near you with my soul. I offer a toast for your successful service and our happy life after your return!

Let's fill our glasses and drink now for those in whose ranks we areit is ahead to enter. For those who serve. Let a difficult path await us ahead, but we will go with honor without shaving a uniform. For our service and a happy return!

Speech by seeing in the army for friends: Words

It’s time for your friend to go to defend your homeland. Let your wishes cheer him up the whole next year.

Friend, you are the first to go into the army.
The whole party gathered to see off.
You throw down: "Youth!",
Throwing a duffel bag deftly.

We envy you slightly.
You went around us today, we do not argue.
We shout to you together: "So far!"
Maybe we will see you soon.

How from our guys
The brave will make a soldier.
They will fight with honor,
The edge is darling to protect.

I raise my glass
I am for those who fought.
You are replacing them,
Be persistent on the way.

You are a little worried
Though adults already.
A long road awaits you
To protect the lines.

You are now quite men.
The country entrusted to you
Protect your plains,
If the war suddenly flows.

New Russian army
New Russian army

Sub -sample speech.

My dear friends! Thank you all for the wishes expressed and instructions. We are all a little sad before the upcoming parting, and this only indicates how dear and close we were for each other. I will be very missing from home. But I will remember each of you as he was today. I will forever remain with you thoughts and soul. Do not forget to write to me, and I, in turn, give a promise to answer your every letter! We will certainly meet and will raise glasses for our strong friendship more than once!

Speech by seeing into the army for a loved one: Poems

The next section is for girls who escort the future soldier in the army. Let your beloved remember you with tenderness to the demobilian.

Poems from a loving girl

The wheels will be posed often,
Bring you to serve.
Goodbye, my happiness
Promise not to forget.

I will wait for you to date
Once appointed by fate
Survive us a parting
My soldier is dear.

We drink, walk, have fun
Seeing - only once!
Tomorrow we will forgive you
Not for a day and not for an hour.

You will return soon
To your beloved father's house.
And today are conversations
Only about you alone.

You are a guy and strong and dexterous.
You will get a nice soldier.
No wonder for all training
You walked without gaps, brother.

And everything will come in handy in the army
There, special training is important there.
I will be proud of my brother,
Or maybe our whole country.

Congratulations on seeing off in the army: short, cool

You escort the guy in the army who will be guarded by our rest with you, which means that no threats are terrible. Congratulate the conscript who decided on a brave step, a short SMS. If it is difficult for you to find a suitable and capacious wish of four lines, then the next section collects just such.

We congratulate those who still joined the army
And who, no matter what, did not focch on and did not pay off,
We congratulate those who found the strength in ourselves
And who did not return, who did not back down!

Let your army path be easy,
You still need to serve your Russia,
And as conscripts you should love everyone,
After all, there are no sacred army friendship!

On the day of the conscript we are now congratulations
Bold, wise, strong boys,
We wish you patience, endurance, strength,
Keep in memory you are friendship and love!

I congratulate you
Happy Diminate Day!
I am always proud of you
I know you are a hero!

Cool toasts for wires in the army

Without drinking alcohol, seeing into an official event. Therefore, stell up with interesting toasts. During the wires there will be demand for them.

Military service
  • At the bottom of the sea lay a large snow -white pearl. She was So dazzling that the young men rushed into the water after her, but swimming too far and deep, they drowned from lack of air. But the day came when an acwalang young man dived behind her. We drink to make ingenuity and ingenuity help you in the service!
  • So, we see in the army of a green guy _ Name_. Before You are opened with the opportunity to change the plumage, turning into a courageous eagle. Make a service with dignity in order to loudly and proudly celebrate after your return. For a new soldier!
  • In folk tales, soldiers will always get out of any situation:it can cook porridge from the ax, and find the magical fire, and marry the princess. And I would like to wish the new recruitment so that his service is fabulous: the porridge is always tasty, even from the ax, in his pocket, albeit not fire, but something magical, and let him wait for him the most beautiful princess in the world!
  • The day came when you go to defend the Fatherland! Let's drink to bottom For your service! We wish you to find faithful comrades so that you are not a burden, be healthy and courageous. Release the heights and be sure: we are waiting for you back!
  • It's time to give a debt to the homeland. After all, in order to beconfident that you and all people will live in peace and tranquility of the country needs a strong army. There is nothing worse than war! Well, serve honestly and conscientiously. Always remember that your act is worthy of great respect. And we will wait for you here in a civilian, and after your return we will roll up a party!

Poems for seeing into the army

For those who protect our peace, many verses are devoted. If your friend is going to replenish the ranks of brave defenders, then poems from this section will definitely come in handy on wires, because there are never many good wishes.

Russian soldier
Russian soldier
Dembel will still be. In the meantime
Makes the heart beat more often
All -Russian day of conscript.
Ahead - snowy thickets,
Mars-Brushes, grenades throwing,
Patrols, anxiety in the middle of the night,
Wipe autumn leaves,
Fallen on a warm machine ...
Do not timid! The man should be
For everything is ready in advance;
Not to find more worthy calling -
Seeing the homeland to the homeland!

Today we celebrate the day of the conscript.
Not those who strive to escape from the army,
Not those who are a father's hand
From military service
It will help to pay off.
Do not say from fate,
from debt, from Sumy
The "refuseniks" will come
Crusted reckoning!
Today is the day of the conscript.
And therefore we will all we will lift the glass
For a Russian soldier!

Statuses: Seeing into the army

Statuses in our life have firmly occupied their positions. Drawers are also people, and can sometimes go into social networks. The following statuses are for them.

Turning to the conscript
Turning to the conscript
  • Vasya, do you love me? - Fed, I don't love you, I respect you. - Not, Vasya, you must love me. Otherwise, we will not dig up!
  • If I suddenly disappear for a long time, then know - on October 1 there was a call and I did not I waved! Uu: who will call you then? XXX: I hope that a pretty sorceress from another world, and not a bald warhead!
  • Tell my mirror the light, but report the whole truth who I am after this Haircuts Elephant, scoop Il Grandfather. His mirror in response: the spirit you are pid*r, understand no?
  • Remember yourself, tell me to another, the more you sleep - the closer to the house!
  • Army of Wonders! He sat down to shit the belt disappeared.
  • The army is 1 year, 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 (6) days, 8750 hours, 525600 minutes, 31546,000 seconds of pursuit for a soldier girl ...

Songs for seeing into the army: Texts

What songs are appropriate on wires? Those who amuse the gathered guests and the conscript himself.

Soldiers guard
Soldiers guard

One hundred days before the order

I see you off
For two years, forget me.
You are no longer a boy
You will fly to a distant Nalchik.
I will send you letters
I will write about love.
But almost two years
You don't even have a word to me.

One hundred days before the order
One hundred days an hour after an hour
Sweet dream soldiers are waiting
The girls are waiting for the boys.
One hundred days before the order
He was a friend from the class
Sweet dream soldiers are waiting
The girls are waiting for the boys.

Well, why are you sad about you?
Well, why am I writing to you?
You are hiding something
But you don't know me well.
I'll wait for you anyway
It will be difficult, well, let.
I'm no longer a baby
Yes, and wait a little.

One hundred days before the order
One hundred days an hour after an hour
Sweet dream soldiers are waiting
The girls are waiting for the boys.
One hundred days before the order
He was a friend from the class
Sweet dream soldiers are waiting
The girls are waiting for the boys.

One hundred days before the order
One hundred days an hour after an hour
Sweet dream soldiers are waiting
The girls are waiting for the boys.
One hundred days before the order
He was a friend from the class
Sweet dream soldiers are waiting
The girls are waiting for the boys.

Do not cry, girl

As if winds from the mountains
The soldiers are trumpeted.
The road from the threshold is far away.
And dropping a scarf,
So that no one can see
A girl brushed a tear.

Do not cry the girl, it will be rains,
The soldier will return, you just wait!
Let your faithful friend far
Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Walked a little
Not yet a general
But maybe I will become a foreman.
I'm sorry that I could not
say that I will be dare
And the fact that you will be my wife!

Do not cry the girl, it will be rains,
The soldier will return, you just wait!
Let your faithful friend be far.
Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Our company foreman
Has orders,
And I have all this ahead!
But you love love
Great badges,
Who are crowded on the chest!

Do not cry the girl, it rains.
The soldier will return, you just wait!
Let your faithful friend be far.
Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Do not cry the girl, it rains.
The soldier will return, you just wait!
Do not cry the girl, it rains.
The soldier will return you just wait!
Let your faithful friend be far.
Love in the world is stronger than separation!

Reduced songs for wires in the army: Words

Seeing into the army will be boring without songs. Funny, comic soldiers' songs will be able to sing along with all guests, because their motive is taken from famous pop songs.
Song remake on the motive of the song "Top Top".

TOP TOP. Very difficult
From the early rise of boots.
The foreman shouts: "Rather in service!" -
And the soldier wants to go home!
TOP TOP, behind you,
Automatic, bag, gas mask.
You will get together in the form of you
You will go around the earth around.
TOP TOP, top top,
Very hard,
TOP TOP, top top,
To the "demobilization" steps.

TOP TOP, Cossa and climb,
And politics is large,
SROPENS, Charging is also there,
We cannot count all classes.
TOP TOP, you will come home,
You will not go there as a drill,
And you will go to bed early,
No one needs to trump.
TOP TOP, top top,
Very hard,
TOP TOP, top top,
To the "demobilization" steps.

The song is redistributing to the motive of the song "Walks, the ball is spinning."

The ball is spinning
You live in (name inhabited
point) - satisfied with fate.
You will soon serve in the army,
And keep the homeland selflessly!

We are sure that you have a fellow
The military uniform will be to the face!
You can master the step of the drill
Political preparation, the charter of the fighting!

In their free time, an army sometimes
Do not forget to write a letter home.
Mom went to you sons hello,
And the wishes of the heart bouquet.

Let mom bypass a tear,
Let their native eyes shine with happiness,
Let Momo's heart fill peace
Let a blue ball spinning.

With your beloved girl
With your beloved girl

Song - alteration to the motive of the song "When the gardens bloomed."

On the street shady
What is in the city, in the village,
The boy grew ordinary,
Like thousands in the country.
Studied in (name of the educational institution),
I read, played football.
Among friends was considered
"Real kid."
Our (name of the conscript) goes to the army,
Once his turn has come.
And only we firmly believe
In the troops, he will not shame us.

You, (the name of the conscript), we will wait.
Where will you be sent
In which area of \u200b\u200bthe country?
But you are more with you
Take envelopes.
Write home more often
Do not regret the papers.
The service is sweeter from letters,
And at home more fun.
Our (name of the conscript) goes to the army,
Once his turn has come.
And only we firmly believe
In the troops, he will not shame us.

Ready to protect the homeland
Ready to protect the homeland

Ditties for wires in the army: words

In the script of wires, short ditties will be appropriate into the army. Complete the holiday on a cheerful note!

The military commissar gave an order
And he called on the agenda
Go to the army in the fall,
To protect the homeland.

Haircut, boots and shape
You will get everything - this is the norm!
You will be taught to get up in service
And for what to take a rifle.

Our droach is a conscript,
Glorious guy, well done.
And not a coward, he is not a chill,
Young, strong, full of strength!

And for this reason,
To deserve respect,
A real man
We must serve in the army!

Video: Seeing into the army

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