Anti -inflammatory ointments for joints: list, features, rules of application and choice

Anti -inflammatory ointments for joints: list, features, rules of application and choice

List of anti -inflammatory ointments for joints.

Joint pains are very often provoked by inflammatory processes, as well as the destruction of bone tissue. In this regard, not only chondroprotectors, drugs to restore cartilage and bone tissue, but also anti -inflammatory drugs are often used to treat such diseases. In this article we will talk about anti -inflammatory ointments.

Advantages and rules for choosing anti -inflammatory ointments for joints

It is worth noting that now there are a huge amount of funds, gels and creams on the market, as well as ointments that contribute to the removal of pain directly in a sore spot. The advantage of the ointment is that it is created on the basis of a fat base. Accordingly, it is very well absorbed into the sore spot, evenly distributed. The effect is achieved much faster than in other cases, but there is a lack - fat. He can leave marks on clothes, which significantly complicates the use in the winter, or in cases where it is necessary to go to work. In this case, you will have to think that the ointment does not stain clothes.

Anti-inflammatory ointments are very popular due to the fact that they simply use them and they act very quickly. That is, just a few minutes after application, the pain will subside and will become less intense than before. Please note that anti -inflammatory ointment helps relieve inflammation. Thus, the drug gradually reduces the pain and improves the mobility of the diseased joint.


Anti -inflammatory ointment can be chosen in comfortable tubes. If you need prolonged treatment, choose packages with a large amount of active substance. If the back and other joints suffer, except for the knees, then the acquisition of a large package will be appropriate. Pay attention to the shelf life of the drug after opening the tube. Some of them, after printing the bottle, are distinguished by a short shelf life. Be sure to look at the consistency. It is best if it is thick. Thus, you can avoid the appearance of traces on clothes and prevent poor absorption of the drug.

In what cases is it worth using anti -inflammatory ointments? Almost all diseases of the joints that are combined with pain when walking, redness, as well as itching or burning must be treated with special drugs, possibly antibiotics, chondroprotectors. But the very first aid that is offered to the patient is just anti -inflammatory ointments. They can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. They are in a wide price range. You can purchase inexpensive domestic drugs or vice versa, give preference to foreign medicines, but which cost an order of magnitude higher. Despite this, the active substances are most often used the same.

Joint pain
Joint pain

Anti -inflammatory joint ointments: List

Most often, anti -inflammatory ointments are used in the treatment of elderly patients who suffer from chronic joint diseases, as well as for the treatment of injuries obtained from athletes, which happens quite often. At the initial stage of the disease, when there is a pronounced symptoms, that is, redness, acute pain in the joint area, it is best to use cooling agents that help reduce pain. Anti -inflammatory drugs are also used that help relieve redness, inflammation and reduce the development of infection, if any. For these purposes, anti -inflammatory drugs are used.

List of active substances and ointments that remove inflammation:

  1. Ketoprofene. This substance copes with inflammation perfectly, helps relieve pain, cools, that is, it reduces the temperature in a sore spot. It differs in an analgesic effect, that is, anesthesia. Now in the market with this active substance a huge number of both domestic and foreign drugs are represented, which are highly effective. Ketoprofen is found in Valusal, Artrum, Fastum Gel, Ketonal, Ketoprofen preparations.

    Fastum gel
    Fastum gel
  2. Menthol. This plant and its extract help reduce inflammation, and also have a pronounced cooling effect on sore joints. The most interesting thing is that it is used for arthritis, bursitis, as well as for muscle stretching, as a means of first aid, in order to cool or seem to freeze the injury. So that it causes as little pain as possible. The ointments that contain menthol include Flexal, Fast Relief. They quickly soothe and cool.

    Fast Relief
    Fast Relief
  3. Rutoside. This substance relieves inflammation, and also cools the sore spot, very effective. Most often used for injuries, bruises. It is rarely used for exacerbation of a chronic disease. This substance is contained in the ointment of Venoruton.

  4. Nimesulide. This is a substance that is actively used to relieve pain. It is often used for arthritis, muscle stretching, as well as severe pain in the joints, in severe physical work. This tool is used in the form of powders, injections. For the treatment of joints, ointment is used. Nimesulide is contained in the ointments of Nimesil, Niud, Nise, Sulidin.

  5. Ibuprofen. This drug substance helps to reduce inflammation, has an anti -inflammatory effect, and also reduces pain. It is often prescribed for arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, and muscle sprains. Now the market has a huge number of ointments that contain this active substance. Among them is Ibufen, Ibuprofen, Dolgit, Nurofen.
  6. Diclofenac. It has a pronounced anti -inflammatory effect, and also improves the mobility of sore joints. It is mainly used for stretching, inflammation, exacerbation of chronic joint diseases, bursitis, tendovaginitis. On the market there is simply a huge number of ointments containing diclofenac. This is a dice, Diclofenac Forte, Feloran, Dolloocen.

  7. Phenilbutazon. It has an anti -inflammatory and antipyretic effect on sore joints. It is mainly used for muscle stretching, joint injuries, as well as with complex treatment. Often prescribed for diseases arthritis, osteochondrosis. The ointment that contains these substances is Butadion.
  8. Dexpanthenol. The product is more aimed at tissue regeneration. It differs in a healing effect. Basically, such a drug is taken with complex therapy. Assign with muscle stretching. This substance is contained in ointments such as Bepanten, Dexpanten, Panthenol.


Basically, anti -inflammatory ointments are used at the initial stages of the disease, and as part of complex therapy. Apply 3-4 times a day, apply them with light movements. The fact is that at the initial stage of the disease, in case of inflammation, very acute pain is observed, even when to just touch the sore spot. Therefore, all anti -inflammatory ointments are applied with light movements.

At the same time, massage of sick places, as well as rubbing the drug, is not carried out. Because this can provoke an increase in pain and inflammation. Accordingly, quite often such ointments are applied to dressings. If possible, then you can apply the drug and wait for its absorption, go about your business. Such ointments allow you to quickly remove edema and pain, so they are emergency care drugs.

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