Application of a newborn child: rules, terms, laws, fines. What documents are needed to prescribe a child in the apartment?

Application of a newborn child: rules, terms, laws, fines. What documents are needed to prescribe a child in the apartment?

Our article will tell you how to correctly make a residence permit to a newborn baby. You will also get acquainted with the information about how much this should be done and what happens if this process is put on a long box.

  • With the birth of the baby, parents have a lot of worries and, unfortunately, not always very pleasant. After all, almost immediately after a small miracle is written out of the hospital, its immediate registration is required
  • Therefore, new parents have to find time to run around state instances and collect the necessary documents. After your baby receives a birth certificate, you will need to make another important document - a residence permit
  • Indeed, only after you write your child in an apartment or private house, he will be able to count on quick medical care, a place in the kindergarten and the social payments assigned to him. Therefore, let's figure out how and at what time it is necessary to make a residence permit of your son or daughter

Does the newborn need need a residence permit?

Registration will help the baby become a full member of his country

Many parents try to postpone the process of registering the place of residence of the baby for the long time. Some do this because of employment, others are simply unaware of the laws.

The most unpleasant thing is that such negligence can lead to not quite pleasant problems. Therefore, it will be better if you find time, collect all the necessary documents and sign your child in the apartment of Ile House.

A newborn registration is needed for:
• To comply with all the norms of the legislation of their country. Legislative acts clearly indicate that the newborn baby should be registered as soon as possible at the place of residence of one of the parents
• That's the only way your baby will become a full -fledged citizen of his country. Timely registration will give him the right to claim a place in kindergarten, at school and the registration of a medical policy
• for registration of a passport. If you love to travel very much and plan to conquer distant countries with your child, then you definitely need to decide on his place of residence

Rules for the registration of newborns

How-and-where-to-register, a new-navigable-child2
The child is prescribed on the living area of \u200b\u200bthe father or mother

• According to all legislative acts, a small person can be registered either on the living area of \u200b\u200bthe mother or on the living space of the pope. If the child has no parents, then an official guardian or adoptive parent can prescribe him to himself.

• It is forbidden to prescribe newborn children in the apartment of grandparents. Therefore, if the newly made parents do not have their own housing, then for starters they need to arrange a residence permit for themselves and only then register their child on this living space.
Basic registration rules:
• Within 30 days, the baby is most easily prescribed. To do this, only a mother’s statement and a certificate about the place of residence of the biological father will be needed
• If the child is registered to the father, then in this case both the statement of the father and the statement of the mother will be required. Moreover, the latter must be notarized
• The child can be registered for any housing, which by law belongs to his parents. If this registration is temporary, then the baby can be registered exclusively with the mother

Law on newborn registration

Law on a child's registration

Probably few know that back in 1995 at the legislative level, the term registration was canceled and registration at the place of residence was replaced. In principle, the essence of the procedure has not changed, it just became easier for people to migrate within the country.

Following the legislative act No. 5242-1, any resident of the Russian Federation in the case of moving to another city or the region must register its place of residence on time. The effect of this law also applies to minor children.

There are two types of registration:

• At the place of residence. It is this type of registration that can be called standard residence permit and more desirable for newborn children. After all, this is the only way you can be sure that when your baby grows up, he will find a place in the nearest kindergarten and school

• at the place of temporary residence. In this case, you can also register your child in the same place where you yourself live, but be prepared for the fact that you may have some problems with the implementation of civil rights guaranteed by the Constitution

Where to make a residence permit of the newborn?

Registration of a newborn registration

• The procedure for registering the baby is carried out strictly in accordance with all legislative norms. Therefore, it is possible to register a child in a certain apartment only if a mother, father or official guardian lives in her

• After the little person receives a birth certificate, his official representatives should turn to the passport office closest to the place of residence and hand over all the necessary documents. After about 7-10 days you will receive your passport with a stamp about registering your child

In addition, a sophisticated child can be registered as follows:

• Multifunctional Center. All that you need to do in this case will turn to the nearest branch of this institution, hand over a package of the prescribed documents and get a receipt about their surrender. After that, you can safely go home and wait for a call from the center employee

• Spell through the public service website. In this case, you will just need to register and indicate in which OUFMS departments you are listed. After all your data is checked (it usually takes 3 days) an invitation to register will come to your email. If you receive a refusal, they will indicate its exact reason and advise you how to fix all the shortcomings

Application for a residence permit of the newborn: a sample of filling

Sample application for registration of registration

• In principle, the standard application form must be issued to you in any institution that you have contacted about the registration of your child. If the employees of the state institution did not do this, then just find the sample on the Internet, print it on the printer, enter all the necessary data into it and take it to the other documents to the passport office

• But remember to enter only truthful data in the application, if you make an error or write information smoothly, then with a high probability you will be denied a residence permit until you correct all your mistakes. Therefore, it will be better if you fill out the application carefully, reading all the details and the filling fields

What documents are needed for registration of a newborn child in an apartment?

Documents for issuing a newborn registration

So, the first thing you should do is contacting the passport office and take the form from the employee for registration No. 6 and carefully fill it with blue or black ink.

The rest of the documents are applied to this form and the passport office employee is given. About a week later, you can return and pick up your passport in which your son or daughter will be registered in the column of children.

Documents for registering a child in the apartment:
• Certificate of the birth of a baby and his notarized copy
• passports of both parents or official guardians and their certified copies
• Certificate of parents' marriage, as well as his notarized copy
• application from dad or mother about the desired place of registration
• Standard extract from home books with a complete indication of all personal accounts

Is a newborn registration possible without the consent of the owner?

For registration of registration, the permission of the remaining owners of the apartment does not trumpet
  • If you live in the apartment of your close relatives (and registered in the same place), and they do not want to prescribe your baby in it, then you have no choice but to try to persuade them to do this
  • In principle, according to the Law of the Russian Federation, a darled man can be registered exclusively where his parents live
  • Therefore, you can quite calmly write a statement and register your child on this living space. But as practice shows, such universality can lead to a deterioration in family relations
  • Therefore, it will be better if you explain your relatives that your baby will be in case of registration, there is only one more tenant in it, but he will not have any rights to square meters

How much is a newborn registration?

If you wish, you can prescribe a baby in a seven -day period
  • The first thing you should do before you start making a residence permit to your child will turn to the registry office and issue a child’s birth certificate there. This must be done during the first month of the baby's life. After this period, a fine will be imposed on the parents
  • When the certificate is in your hands, you can start registering your child in the apartment. To do this, you will need to contact the passport office or MFC and take the necessary forms there to fill out. Be prepared for the fact that you will have to pay money for their provision
  • At the last stage, you will fill out all the receipt of the form, attach a child’s birth certificate to them, a marriage certificate and copies of passports wallpaper. If everything is in order with the documents, then they will immediately tell you when you can receive a certificate of registration of a newborn. In large cities, this procedure usually takes from 3 to 5 days

The terms of registration of the newborn in the apartment

The optimal period for registration of the newborn is 30 days
  • The current legislation involves the registration of a newborn in the first three months of his life. But still it is desirable to do this in a 30-day period
  • Sometimes parents delay the registration process and, as a result, so far all documents are going to and processes the term allotted by law. Sometimes this is due to a large queue, sometimes in terms of negligence of passport office workers
  • Therefore, if you want to avoid such problems, then start registering as early as possible. At the initial stage, you can simply call the passport office or migration service and find out what documents you need to collect
  • Your presence will be required only to fill out form No. 6 and upon receipt of the certificate

What is the fine for the untimely residence permit of the newborn?

  • Some young parents believe that if their child has a birth certificate, then he can already be considered a full member of their country. Unfortunately, this is not entirely
  • Until your child is registered in an apartment for a permanent place of residence, he will not be able to apply for a place in the garden, school and registration of a medical policy
  • Therefore, it will be better if you make a residence permit to your child 7-10 days after receiving a birth certificate. If you do not meet the deadlines allocated by law, a fine will be imposed on you in the amount of 2000-2500 TIS. rub. In cities such as Moscow and St. Petersburg, this amount can increase to 5000-6500 thousand.

Video: My house. Registration of a woman with a child

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  1. Hello! If I live in one city, and is registered in another. If I can’t go with my child to the city where I am registered, can I turn to that city where I live, and not registered in order to register at the place of residence or must I appear in the city where it is registered?

  2. Hello! If I live in one city, and is registered in another. If I can’t go with my child to the city where I am registered, can I turn to that city where I live, and not registered in order to register at the place of residence or must I appear in the city where it is registered?

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