Promo Rollers of Channel One. What is a promotional rock, why is it needed? Promo Roller for Instagram, YouTube-effective types of advertising, or money right? Why doesn't the promotional role work?

Promo Rollers of Channel One. What is a promotional rock, why is it needed? Promo Roller for Instagram, YouTube-effective types of advertising, or money right? Why doesn't the promotional role work?

The concepts of promo-rollers, their purpose and effectiveness.

On television, YouTube, as well as on various sites, there are a considerable number of commercials. All of them are aimed at different types of audience, and mounted by different methods. In this article we will talk about promo-rollers.  

What is a promotional rock, why is it needed?

A promo-rock is one of the varieties of advertising, but its goal is not just to promote its goods as much as possible, selling it. The main difference is that most often the promotional role is created for a specific, rather narrow category of customers. On television, these are wide consumption products, for example, it can be chips, mayonnaise, sunflower oil, and everyone who watches this advertisement uses similar food products.

The promo-role is created just for the narrow category of the population, which it may be of interest. And this category may not watch television at all. Accordingly, most often promo-rollers do not show on TV, they are usually broadcast on YouTube, information sites, and also created for specific presentations.  

Promo video for the series
Promo Rolik to the series

The difference between the promotional roller from advertising:

  • It is worth noting that a promo-rock is not a very ordinary advertising video, because the tasks are somewhat different. Yes, indeed, the main goal of creating such a video is to increase the number of sales. However, it is carried out in other ways than the usual advertising video.
  • It is worth noting that when creating advertising for television, its optimal volume is 15-30 seconds. That is how much is ready to spend the viewer to see the advertisement. If it lasts much longer, a person does not have time to remember it or switches the channel. As for the promotional roller, the situation here is different. Its duration can be almost endless. However, most often the optimal duration is approximately 30-300 seconds.
  • That is, usually promo-rollers do no longer than 5 minutes. Most often, the main goal of the promotional roller is to promote the company's services, to inform buyers about some innovations, and the intricacies of production. Unlike advertising, which is aimed at a fairly wide audience, the promotion is created under a specific category of the population.
  • That is, if these are services regarding business, then of course, of course, people who have their own enterprise or some kind of business will be the main target audience. For the population, which works in the field of sales, or is mercenaries, such advertising has no value. Accordingly, initially the main goal when creating a promotional roller is to complete several tasks.  
Creation of promo videos
Creation of promo-rollers

Creation of promo-rollers: Basic rules and tasks

Rules for creating a promotional roller:  

  • Determine for which category it is created.  
  • Determine the approximate age of people who may be interested in these products or services  
  • Make a video as interesting and memorable as possible  
  • As fully as possible give answers to questions that may arise with potential consumers or buyers

Accordingly, the promo-clan should cling from the first minutes of his show so that the person wants to watch it to the end. Most often, promo-rollers are used in YouTube, and quite often they are inserted into specific channels in a certain direction.  

An unusual promotional role
An unusual promotional role

Promo Roller for Instagram, YouTube-effective types of advertising, or money right?

Most often, such promotional rollers are broadcast on such channels, the category of spectators of which may be interested in these products. If this is an advertisement for baby food, such as Agusha, or Yagotynsky, or Prostokvashino, then it makes sense to leave such promotional rollers on sites that relate to the upbringing, care and development of children.

Most often these are children's blogs. Advertising toys or some interactive games, works best on channels with children's blogs that are engaged in unpacking toys and their advertising.  

Tourist promotion
Tourist promotion


  • The main task of the promotional roller is to provide the most comprehensive information on services or products. Sometimes promo-rollers are created, just not for buyers, but for sellers. In this case, this is a kind of training video, or motivational. It should force, motivate distributors, sales, and sellers of specific products to offer and sell more goods.
  • The goal remains unchanged - the largest number of sales and the sale of a particular product or service. Promo rollers can be effective and ineffective. Not only the format of the video itself is important, but also the place where it is broadcast. If these are some political channels, then showing promo-rollers with advertising of dairy products for children does not make sense to demonstrate on them. Because a small number of women are watching political channels, respectively, this is not quite the target audience that can be interested in a specific product.  
  • To create a promo ring, it is necessary to find out the goal for what it is created. And proceed precisely because of this format. In addition, the manufacturer of products gives specific information about their product, and also considers the target audience to which it is configured. That is, some kind of tedious advertising for children who want to sell a large number of toys is unlikely to work at full capacity.
Filming of promo rollers
Filming of promo rollers

How to make a promotional rock as effective as possible, and where to broadcast it?

Accordingly, if the target audience is children and their parents, then first of all, a promotional role must interest the child himself so that he will then ask for this product or product from his parents. Thus, it is necessary to create an interesting promotional rock, which in bright, colorful colors, possibly in a multiplier form, will create a beautiful content that can interest the baby. Accordingly, the target audience here is children. And the main task is to make the video interesting directly for the kids.


  • As for business, investment, then promo-rollers created in real life mode work best here. That is, these are peculiar living, staged videos, but without excessive cleanliness and installation. That is, a person should have the impression that he visited a specific enterprise or plant, and looked at the line of production, goods. In such promotional rollers, diagrams and graphs are acceptable in order to specify or clarify the composition, or features of the goods, product.  
  • Most often, promo-rollers are created for specific sites, broadcasting on YouTube, Instagram, as well as for specific presentations, seminars, exhibitions. Thus, if the video is created for the exhibition, and professionals, and people who understand something in this area, then it makes no sense to use superficial information. It is necessary to tell the most deeply and quite in detail about the production of goods, how it differs favorably with analogues. Accordingly, the main goal of the presentation is to interest a large number of potential buyers who can purchase equipment or specific goods.  
  • Promo-rollers are often educational and informational, created for a particular business, and coaching. That is, the main goal of such a promotion is to teach something specific staff. This, in turn, will improve the knowledge of the company's employees about the product, and thereby increase the number of sales.  
Creation of promo-roller
Creation of promo-roller

Why doesn't the promotional role work?

When creating the concept of promo-rock, the main task is to make it as interesting as possible for a particular category. What will work for businessmen cannot work for children and vice versa. That is, primitive children's videos with cartoon heroes are unlikely to be interesting when promoting some business project or accounting software.

And, on the contrary, for preschool babies, there are hardly interesting promo-rollers with a large number of diagrams and graphs, tedious information that they are not in force to perceive.  

Filming of promo-roller
Filming of promo-roller


  • One of the rather good examples of promotional rollers can be an advertisement for Agusha, during which the maximum number of parents is sent on an excursion to the plant, for the production of fermented milk products for children. Thus, during the promotional rock, it is told about specific production nodes, its features. Parents can make sure that one hundred percent sterility of production and that their children will receive when buying this product, the highest quality baby food.  
  • Yes, indeed, such an advertisement is broadcast on television, but most often the requirements for it are exposed completely different. The main condition for proper advertising is not a long duration, up to 30 seconds. Very often in the promotional rock 30 seconds are not enough in order to fully illuminate the features of production or specific goods. Accordingly, a longer duration is allowed. That is why it makes sense to broadcast them not at all on television, but directly on the thematic YouTube channels.  
  • The main feature of the promotional rollers is that they are removed in relation to some highly specialized product or service. It can be absolutely incomprehensible to the wide category of the population, and this is an absolutely normal situation. Most people are not a target audience, and this product or service is not at all interested in them. People who are able to become interested in this promotional rock want to find out the maximum of useful information.
  • That is why, with regard to narrow areas of activity, it makes no sense to broadcast on television. Yes, of course, many people watch TV, but busy people may not include it for several months. More of their free time is spent on specialized YouTube channels that relate to development, business. It is on such channels that it makes sense to broadcast similar promo rollers that may interest businessmen.  
Promo clip
Promo clip

Promo Rollers of Channel One

As for the promotional rollers on television, their main task is to advertise and show the announcement of the upcoming programs or films. Most often, channels that produce their own products are resorting to promo-rolics. It can be some kind of dance, ice show, or quiz.

Rollers on the First Channel:

  • That is, in this case, these are unique and specific projects of Channel One. In the case of the first channel, then among the main promotional rollers, which are announcements of interesting programs, Tatyana ice show can be foundNavkaas well as interviews with world stars, actors, singers known in Russia. In addition, very often promo-rollers are created for films that are shot during sponsoring or producing a particular channel.
  • Very often advertising agents of the channel are closely cooperating withYouTube to promote their products. The leadership of the channel is interested in the maximum number of people to watch the show of their production. It is for this that they resort to the creation of promo-rollers, which can be broadcast inYouTube. Such promotional rollers are inserted in the record onYouTube With a similar theme.
  • KVN promotional clock can be broadcast toYouTube, which is shown by the past shootings of KVN, the League of Laughter, or make a comedian laugh. People who prefer humorous programs in almost 100% of cases are interested in advertising of the new KVN issue on CVN and look at it. 
  • Quite often, promo-rollers on Channel One are mounted directly in the recording, which is thrown out ontoYouTube. That is, it can be some current issue of a humorous transmission into which the announcement of the next or past is inserted.
The Scarlet Flower
The Scarlet Flower

Often this is done in the form of side keys, or inserted into the program without the possibility of passing. This advertisement is more expensive than banners or pop -up phrases, but it is the most effective. Since in most cases there is no way to miss it, accordingly the viewer will look to the end. Perhaps he will remember, and turn on the next program. 

Video: Features of creating promo-rollers

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