Procrastination - what is this: an explanation in simple words, the history of the term. Causes, types, signs, consequences of procrastination. How to deal with procrastination: recommendations, tips

Procrastination - what is this: an explanation in simple words, the history of the term. Causes, types, signs, consequences of procrastination. How to deal with procrastination: recommendations, tips

In this article, we will try to figure out such a common phenomenon as procrastination. And with how to deal with her.

“Procrastination” - this complex word sounds incomprehensible and somewhat frightening, right? In fact, it denotes a phenomenon familiar to many - constant postponement of cases, which leads to problems and experiences. Where does this condition come from and how to deal with it?

The term "procrastination": How did you arise?

The term we will get to know today has english origin. Literally "ProcraStination" means “Dragging”, “delay”. A kind of real Mental trap, which does not allow a person to fully enjoy life.

Important: despite the fact that the term may seem modern, this is completely wrong. He was known back in 1548! What is the "Oxford Dictionary" about us.

In addition, it is enough to recall the folklore sayings to understand how much people were familiar with a similar phenomenon. We all know folk wisdoms like the following: "Processing death is like" and "Do not put off for tomorrow what you could do today."

The procrastination was known to our ancestors
The procrastination was known to our ancestors

However research This phenomenon began relatively recently - in the 70s of the XX century. So, at the end of this decade, whole books appeared about what is also procrastination, and how to win it. Those who wish can familiarize themselves with the labors William Knaus, Fields of Ringenbach, Albert Ellis.

A decade later, whole questionnairesdesigned to help in the study of this phenomenon. And already In the early 90s Noah Milgram I tried to "lay out on the shelves" the results of such studies.

Signs of procrastination

This concept is considered new mainly because not everyone has a hearing. Most people often perceive the words “procrastination” and “laziness” as synonyms.

Important: but this is a big mistake. Procrastination is not laziness, but a completely independent phenomenon.

So, how can you understand that you or anyone from your environment suffer precisely by procrastination?

  • First of all, you need to understand how the laziness differs from the procrastination. In the first case, a person, in principle, does not want to do anything. The procrastinators are simple suffer a somewhat distorted perception of time. That is, it seems to them that there is still a lot of time ahead. "I still have time!" - such a person brushes.
The procrastinator is convinced that he has a lot of free time, even if this obviously does not correspond to the truth
The procrastinator is convinced that he has a lot of free time, even if this obviously does not correspond to the truth
  • Literally from the very first minutes of work, the procrastinator already wants to be distracted. He had not had time to get tired yet, he feels great. However, the desire to switch to any other occupation still arises.
  • Even if a diary is conducted and plans for the day are drawn up, they set aside. Moreover chronically. The reason for such deposits is a person he cannot call it. Or maybe, but the answers can hardly be called convincing reasons for delaying affairs.

Important: the procrastinator is always aware of the fact that its deadlines are delayed.

  • At the same time, he he knows that he will be reported, guesses about the consequences of delays. Consequently, executions are looking for. It is easier for such a person to come up with why he does not have time to stop being distracted by extraneous things.
The procrastinant should not postpone the mountain of affairs and get distracted by something else
The procrastinant should not postpone the mountain of affairs and get distracted by something else
  • "Next time I will definitely do everything on time!" - The procrastinator swages to himself and others. And, of course, words remain only in words. As soon as the deadlines for delivery are suitable, she is not ready again.
  • As a result, the whole environment is gradually being configured against the procrastinator. Colleagues, friends and even relatives - they all raise the real real a wave of indignation. However, even this will not stop the reversal procrastinator.
  • What is the most interesting, such a person he does not rejoice when distracting something. He is tormented by conscience, he does not receive full pleasure from the distraction process.

Causes of procrastination

Where did this phenomenon come from?

  • Scientists came to the conclusion that it was to blame for everything The evolution of man. As soon as in the process of human development, his psyche became more complicated, there was an opportunity to set several tasks at once. As a result, a person got the opportunity to do something right now, and something to put off.

IMPORTANT: which is characteristic, animals are not observed in animals. Their brain is working on the implementation of only one task that is necessary at the moment.

One of the reasons for the procrastination lies in the fact that the human brain can cope with several tasks at the same time
One of the reasons for the procrastination lies in the fact that the human brain can cope with several tasks at the same time
  • It is noted that most often those things that do not like are postponed. Unloved work, boring lessons that does not bring joy to home routine - all this deprives the identity of motivation.
  • Or maybe such that a person likes his business, but he simply is not able to competently plan it. So-called there is no planning skill. The procrastinator is not able to decide which of the affairs for him is more priority. As a result, everything is performed a little and superficially.
  • Expressor may not be aware of fully consequences their delay. That is, he guesses that it is better to do everything on time, but does not understand why he would overcome himself. More significant results than those that are are not interested in him.
  • Not everyone knows about it, but sometimes the procrastination fuel perfectionism. Perfectionists are often afraid of criticism, failures. They have been doing the job for too long, focusing on even insignificant details. Often it is easier for such a person to abandon the task at all than to demolish the identification of any mistakes, the manifestation of criticism.
Excessive attention to details - what fits the procrastination
Excessive attention to details - what fits the procrastination
  • Fear - A serious reason. This fear can reduce all motivation to no. A person may be afraid changes, directly dependent on the delayed cases, responsibility. And it happens both conscious and unconscious fear. In other words, a certain protective reaction is formed. Some procrastinators bring thoughts themselves about new responsibilities, advanced training, moving, etc.

Important: even if the changes themselves are positive, the unknown scares so much that it is easier for a person to postpone things and prevent such changes for at least a while.

  • Exists the theory of temporary motivation from the Pierce of Steel. According to her, the cause of this phenomenon lies in increased human impulsiveness. People are most often inclined to give preference not to what the reward once in the future, but to what will give the result in the near future.
  • There is the theory of the behavioral direction. She says that the procrastinator can have many examples From his own and someone else's practice, showing that the fulfillment of tasks at the last moment succeeded quite successfully. And if there are such examples, why rush yourself?
The procrastinator can even afford to sleep in the workplace, because before he always managed everything
The procrastinator can even afford to sleep in the workplace, because before he always managed everything

Types of procrastination

Psychologists say that the following types of procrastination can be distinguished:

  • Household or daily - She is familiar to many. This is the deposition of household chores that require regular performance. For example, cleaning, cooking, washing etc.
  • Procrastination related to making decisions - It occurs mainly due to low self-esteem, fear of responsibility. Moreover, these solutions are not only important - even insignificant procrastinators scare to panic.
  • Neurotic - associated with a choice that radically changes life. For example, the choice of a partner, a job device. People are so afraid of the consequences of this choice that they block everything connected with it.

Important: locking can even be unconscious.

  • Academic - I know many schoolchildren, students. They postpone ordinary homework, write exchange rate or thesis, preparation for control or exams.
  • Compulsive - combination procrastination of decision-making and any actions.
Household procrastination is familiar to many
Household procrastination is familiar to many

The consequences to which the procrastination leads

The consequences of procrastination are much more diverse than you can assume. Failure to fulfill and conflicts With others are only the most obvious of them.

What else does such a phenomenon lead to?

  • Constant guilt - Of course, the feeling of guilt is familiar to everyone. However, when it is chronic, low self -esteem Do not avoid. A person begins to hate his weakness and that which fails others. Such self -eating often leads to self -flagellation.
  • A sense of anxiety, stress, overstrain in a chronic form - Dubious seasonings for a good life, right? A person with burning terms is completely deprived of the opportunity to enjoy work. And, importantly, he is often deprived of the opportunity to do this work efficiently.
  • As mentioned above, being distracted by something, the procrastinator cannot enjoy even what is distracted. As a result the favorite pastime will annoy.

Important: and, as we recall, many diseases actually arise on nervous soil.

When the procrastinator looks at the clock chronically, it is constantly nervous
When the procrastinator looks at the clock chronically, it is constantly nervous

How to get rid of procrastination: tips, recommendations

So we figured out the phenomenon of procrastination and made sure that this is really a problem. How to get rid of her?

  • "Business before pleasure" - A familiar saying from childhood, about which procrastinators forget to go away. If, for example, a person spends the lion's part of his time on games or social networks, you need to overpower himself and from time to time limit access to them. Of course, these things themselves do not harm. The inability of the procrastinator is harmful to control itself. And if so, it is better, for example, during important work, hide the phone away.
  • Perception of time Definitely follows change, For this is the most important mistake of the extensor. He thinks about the future as something unattainable distant. You need to try to perceive it as something the nearest. For example, you can imagine that the task must be completed not until the end of the week, but, for example, until tomorrow.
  • From each delay, it is necessary remove lessons. After each breakdown, you should not reproach yourself, but pull yourself together and analyze what happened. Why was there a breakdown when, ideally, it was necessary to get down to business, how is it better to plan in the future?

Important: the diary helps perfectly in this. It is necessary to teach yourself the tasks no later than the terms recorded in it.

Fixation of affairs in the diary is what the procrastinator needs to do
Fixation of affairs in the diary is what the procrastinator needs to do
  • Considering that often unloved things are postponed, you can try to work on this issue. That is to do business to love! You need to find some advantages in it, having tried it.
  • to make the execution of the assignment interesting. For example, if you hate clean, you can organize cleaning to the music next time.
  • When animal training occurs, they are always motivated by a treat. Why not motivate procrastinator? He must promise himself that when performing all tasks in time he will certainly buy something for himself that he had long dreamed. Or just eat something tasty at the end of work.
  • Connection of optimism - What is simply necessary to achieve goals. After all, the procrastinator, as written above, often does not believe in himself or his own business. Well, in this case, he should try to think positively, raising your self -esteem. For example, it is very useful to set yourself many small goals Each of which, upon reaching, will charge confidence and positive.
  • Visualization - You can relate to this phenomenon. But sometimes a vivid idea of \u200b\u200bthe desired goal is able to effectively spur to the implementation of the plan.

Important: comparison helps best. For example, if you want to buy a new car, it is better to imagine your old one as bright as possible, and then in all colors - a new one. Such a contrast will help to pull yourself together and start work.

Visualization is the case when it is useful to indulge in the dreamers
Visualization is the case when it is useful to indulge in the dreamers

According to statistics, About 40% of people collided with financial problems just due to procrastination. So postponing cases for a later date is not the most harmless phenomenon. Therefore, if in this article you learned a description of yourself, try to change your habits for the better.

We offer to get acquainted with the video about the methods of combating the procrastination:

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