Profession Philologist: Who can you work?

Profession Philologist: Who can you work?

What does a philologist do, what qualities a specialist should have in this field and what prospects does the profession have? Read more in our article.

The choice of profession is one of the most complex and responsible steps in the life of every person. The realization and development of personal qualities, the formation of a circle of interests and communication depends on this choice. The choice of professional activity is complicated by the fact that it is often required to make a decision to end schooling.

In addition to a certain pressure provided by relatives and friends, the problem is that by this age, not all young people have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe specifics of some professions or do not know in which field their abilities and hobbies could apply.

What does a philologist do?

Philology - this term comes from Greek and translates as "love for the word." Philology studies the culture of the people through oral speech and literary work.

  • Speech in oral or written form is the main means of communication, an instrument of interaction in society, therefore, the study of their native and foreign languages, their knowledge of perfect and the use of linguistic knowledge in practice is the basis of this profession.
  • The activity of a philologist is based on the study of the language - words and phrasal components, as well as historical stages of development, explaining the modifications of the structure of speech and writing depending on temporary and geopolitical factors.
The basis of the profession is work with the word
The basis of the profession is work with the word

The history of the profession

The development of science of philology is directly related to the principles of learning.

  • Already in the days of ancient Greece and Rome, the schools were devoted to the study of languages \u200b\u200band literature, which indicates the exceptional importance of the development of the language - its grammatical and stylistic component.
  • In the Middle Ages, philological studies are inextricably linked with the religion and laws of faith, since the ministers of the Church most often acted as philologists.

What do philologists study?

The philologist in depth studies the language - its origin, structure, functions, patterns. The science of the language is united by private and general, applied and theoretical linguistics.

  • General - generalized information on the structure of languages, private - data on a separate language.
  • Applied - the application of knowledge of linguistics in practical tasks: training, writing methodological materials, proofreading, translations.
  • One of the relatively new and promising areas of philology can be called the field of information technology - the application of mathematical functions for interpretation of the language, the creation of new programming languages.
A philologist can realize himself in innovative areas of knowledge
A philologist can realize himself in innovative areas of knowledge

In what areas do philologists work?

You can become a philologist by entering the corresponding department (philological faculty) of the university. After receiving a diploma, young specialists will be able to carry out professional activities in various fields of use of humanitarian knowledge:

  • Teaching
  • Translation activities
  • Publishing
  • Research sphere
  • Mass media
  • Entrepreneurship and Business


The most widely profession of a philologist is in demand in the education system.

  • The native language and literature are mandatory school subjects and are included in the list of disciplines that are subject to certification at the end of incomplete and secondary school. This direction implies activity as a teacher of the Russian language and literature in secondary, special and higher educational institutions.
  • Also, the main employment does not exclude work as a tutor for additional or in-depth training of students and schoolchildren, consultations on the implementation of course, diploma and creative work, conducting online training and seminars.
Work as a teacher of a native language
Work as a teacher of a native language


The profession of a translator is quite in demand in the modern labor market.

  • The field of activity of the translator includes the use of knowledge of a foreign language for the implementation of a written or synchronous translation.
  • Translators can be employed in a permanent staff of the company leading international activities, or work as invited specialists to help negotiations and draw up documentation.
  • In addition to traditionally relevant English, German and French, modern conditions dictate the need to study Chinese, Japanese, Arabic.
Work in the field of foreign languages
Work in the field of foreign languages


Publishing activities are the organization, release and distribution of various kinds of printed products. In this area, philologists are in demand, who are responsible for performing the following tasks:

  • Writing copyright texts.
  • Preparation and editors (proofreading) of materials before going to print.
  • Production of printed products.

The work of a specialist in writing and editing texts is associated with certain abilities - in addition to impeccable literacy, it is important to have skills in the artistic construction of phrases and great attentiveness.

Work as a copywriter or editor
Work as a copywriter or editor

The science

Philologists can be occupied in the scientific field - the study of the formation and development of language as the subject of science. This area of \u200b\u200bactivity is closely related to other scientific areas - history, literature, sociology, political science.

  • The word, as a unit of language, is formed under the influence of many processes and phenomena that occur in the reality surrounding us.
  • The study of the history of the word allows you to present a picture of the formation of an individual and society as a whole, the development of interpersonal relations in society, a change in thinking and behavioral models.
  • The researcher can also work in the field of studying a certain period in the literature or works of any author.

Mass media

A philologist can realize himself in a profession as a journalist. Moreover, this can be a printed publication, radio, television or Internet resource.

The activities of any media are based on the search, editing and distribution of information data in verbal or text form.


  • A philologist can be a consultant on the correct and competent formulation of speech, as well as the preparation of correspondence, which is a necessary condition for successful business communication.
  • Philologists organize and conduct various seminars on the training of interaction with the audience and the art of negotiations.
Work as a business consultant
Work as a business consultant

Types of the activity of a philologist

The professional field of employment of a philologist is quite diverse. The main activities can be distinguished:

  • The implementation of research work is the study of texts of various directions and the time period in order to identify a change in language components (words, phrases, concepts, stable phrases).
  • Collection of information - search for examples of folklore of various geographical regions.
  • Preparation of materials - a philologist should not only collect, but also conduct a thorough analysis of the information received with the addition of relevant conclusions.
  • Pedagogical activity - teaching native or foreign languages \u200b\u200bin various educational institutions.
  • Editing - ensuring a high level of literacy and stylistic compliance of the presentation of the materials of the print publication.
  • Interpretation and artistic translation of historical materials.
  • Compilation of dictionaries and reference books.
The main task of the philologist is to learn the language
The main task of the philologist is to learn the language

What qualities should a philologist have?

The process of training and employment in this profession implies the presence of certain qualities:

  • Persistence - the main part of the work is in the process of reading, correction, analysis, translation and editing of texts.
  • Love for reading - a philologist in the process of his activity is engaged in the study of literature of various directions: artistic, historical, technical, special.
  • Literacy is a mandatory quality of a philologist, since most of the work is to write and correct texts.
  • Attentiveness - it is important for a specialist not to miss the slightest part or inaccuracy in the text studied.
  • The art of the speaker - if the work is related to teaching, it is necessary to have the ability to present the material and keep the attention of the audience.
Love for books - the main quality of a philologist
Love for books - the main quality of a philologist

Prospects of the profession

The profession of a philologist has a number of advantages:

  • A wide range of areas of activity, place of work and type of tasks performed.
  • Experience - philologists can claim a variety of positions in line with their knowledge.
  • Knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b- implies the possibility of working in international companies or abroad.

Video: Who are philologists?

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