Food and cosmetics for fast tanning. Zagar funds in the sun: rating. How to strengthen the tan: tips

Food and cosmetics for fast tanning. Zagar funds in the sun: rating. How to strengthen the tan: tips

Ways to strengthen tanning.

With the onset of the beach season, women strive to sunbathe as soon as possible. Previously, the tan was considered a sign of bad taste, because it was characteristic of peasant women. Now excessive pallor, as well as whiteness of the skin is considered signs of diseases. In this article we will tell you how to strengthen and accelerate the tan.

Food foods for fast tanning

Features of the diet:

  • It all depends on how long you are going to stay in the sun, the type of skin and its individual characteristics. Of course, girls with darkness from the nature of the skin sunbathe the fastest. They really do not need to make serious efforts in order to quickly sunbathe. The skin itself grabs a tan. In this case, blondes are much more complicated. Here, both food and cosmetics can come to the rescue. It is worth paying attention to the fact that the tanning of food with beta-carotene and vitamin A.
  • Among these products, broccoli and carrots can be distinguished. In addition, nuts will be useful, as well as products that contain vitamin D. That is, it is recommended to consume dairy products. Many nutritionists, as well as dermatologists, advise before going to the sun to drink a glass of freshly squeezed carrot juice. This stimulates the production of melanin and the tan intensifies. But these are not the only ways by which you can strengthen the tan.
  • In order to strengthen the tan, it is necessary that the body has a sufficient amount of saturated fatty acids. Therefore, if you are on vacation at sea, we recommend that you purchase shrimp, rape, as well as a variety of mollusks. They contain a decent amount of fatty acids, which stimulate the production of melanin, vitamin D, thereby improving the tan and strengthening it.
Diet for tanning
Diet for tanning

Zagar funds in the sun: rating

There are also funds for use externally. These are mainly oils with bronzers. They contain certain coloring substances that give the skin of a beautiful radiance. You can buy dHA lotions. They also help to purchase a tan and make it more saturated. Please note that the DHA content should be at the level of 6-15 %. Substances with Tinlloes are a kind of food that improve blood circulation in the skin, expand the capillaries and improve nutrition. Thanks to this, a light burning sensation may be present on the surface of the skin, due to which the tan improves.

It is worth noting that such remedies cannot be used by girls with fair skin, but they are ideal for those who sunbathe for more than a day and are going to leave, while the tan is not dark enough, or for girls who are naturally dark skin. Blondes should take a time and first try to stay in the open sun in order not to burn. Try to relax under umbrellas or sunbathe early in the morning, in the evening.


Do not forget about natural oils that are sold in any cosmetics store. The so -called tan oil contains a huge amount of nutrients, as well as ultraviolet filters, which not only help to strengthen the tan, but also protect the skin from radioactive radiation.

Pressure rating for Zagar:

  1. Australian Gold Sootching Aloe
  2. St.Moriz Instant Self Tanning Mist
  3. Librederm Bronzeada Self-Tanning Towelette
  4. L’Oreal Paris Sublime Sun
  5. Nivea Sun Spray "Protection and coolness"
  6. Devoted Creations Limited Couture
  7. VICHY Capital Ideal Soleil
  8. Garnier Spray Ambre Solaire
Zagar funds
Zagar funds

How to strengthen the tan, than to spread to quickly light up?

Such mixtures showed themselves well:

  • A mixture of olive oil with apricot esters. To do this, add a few drops of apricot essential oil in 100 ml of olive oil, mix thoroughly. It is best to pour the mixture into a regular spray, and before you come to the beach, to spread it. The skin will shine. Accordingly, the tan grabs faster.
  • Improves tanning orange oil, as well as almonds. To do this, you can take coconut or palm oil and enter a few drops of almond, orange oil. Before going to the beach, it is applied to the body. Please note that if you swim in the sea, then after water procedures it is best to repeat manipulation with oils. Because a small part can be washed off.
  • A common and excellent means for enhancing tanning is a kind of mixture of carrots and oil. The root crop contains a huge amount of carotene. You can use the mixture by combining oil, as well as carrot juice. To do this, grind one root crop, remove the juice from it with gauze and mix in equal amounts with almond or olive oil. Eat everything thoroughly, pour into a sprayer and apply each time before going to the beach.

How to fire quickly: tips


  • Indeed, funds that are used externally act quite quickly and help keep the tan for a long time. You also need to adhere to certain tips. Many of the girls noted that the legs are the worst of all. This is really so, because they are below, and the body, shoulders and arms are above. Sunny rays simply do not reach the legs during movement.
  • Try to close the upper body on the beach and put your legs. After you take a shower on the beach, do not wipe yourself completely, leave your legs not quite dried. Thus, droplets of water will work on the principle of lenses or magnifying glass, enhance the effects of ultraviolet rays. Another excellent option is the use of scrub. Before going to the beach, it is necessary to scrub the legs.
  • To do this, you can use simple sugar or coffee scrub. To do this, mix honey with sugar in equal amounts and add a tablespoon of almond oil. This mixture is applied to the feet in circular movements.
  • Particles exfoliate occurs. Thus, the tan will lie down on the young layers of the skin, and not to wash off with a soul. Another pretty good option is to use a special mixture that can be prepared independently. Thus, you will be able to save and do not purchase oil for tanning.
Zagar funds
Zagar funds

For fast tanning, it is not necessary to purchase expensive means. You can eat properly and cook oil yourself.

Video: Zagar

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t think that food will somehow help the tan, it is important to regularly be in the sun and use the protection for the skin, I always use the SPF 50+ Laura and get rid of only in the first half of the day, so you can get the desired tan safe for the skin)

  2. Thank you very much for your advice. For quickly tanning, I use bronze oil oil. With him, the tan lies in an even and beautiful color

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