The problem of inferiority complexes in our lives. How to get rid of complexes?

The problem of inferiority complexes in our lives. How to get rid of complexes?

The article reveals the influence of psychological complexes on the life, thinking and actions of a person. The methods of solving the problem are described.

An inferiority complex is a feeling of self -doubt, one’s own forces born of a fear of failure. Moreover, this fear is so great that it completely subordinates the thinking and willpower.

Regardless of the nature of manifestations, psychological complexes destructively act on a person, making him unhappy and lonely.

Symptoms of the inferiority complex.
Types of psychological complexes

There are many symptoms of the inferiority complex, since a person is very inventive and constantly adds something new. The most common are:

  • constant discontent without objective reasons
  • fear of new contacts
  • attracting attention by causing sympathy or aggression among others
  • the arrogance that is protected from the whole world, “and then, suddenly, is torn”;
  • giving great importance to status things
  • a hobby for alcohol, which allows you to liberate, feel its significance
  • the need for constant approval of others, fear of errors
  • understanding the merits of others
  • shifting responsibility for your life on others: God, parents, the powers of this world, the universe

Two types of psychological complexes are distinguished:

  1. a complex of superiority
  2. inferiority complex

The first form includes the complexes of an excellent student, Napoleon, beauties, an assistant for everyone (to the detriment of himself). By the second - complexes of guilt, physical disabilities, unfair attitude, lies (the constant feeling that everyone is always lying) and others.

Pictures on request Types of Psychological Complexes

Signs and manifestations of an inferiority complex

Signs of complexes in men and women often vary:

  • Men, experiencing a feeling of uncertainty, can become aggressive, assertive, rude, hiding behind this children's grievances, fear and vulnerability
  • Often this behavior is accompanied by taking large doses of alcohol, drugs. His judgments can be one -sided - about everything that does not fit into his perfect picture, responds down
  • Women behave differently. Some become "gray mice": they do not take care of themselves, dress in baggy clothes, try not to stand out. It’s hard for them to make contact, because they consider themselves unworthy of attention
  • Others begin to improve without seeing a reasonable framework: they lose weight, they are engaged to exhaustion, they buy the most fashionable clothes. Often such women become dependent on plastic surgery
  • People with complexes often complain about life, that their fate is difficult, that it is impossible to do anything, because such is an unfair life. The danger is that in severe cases deep depression develops, which can lead to suicide

Pictures on request E inferiality complexes from childhood

What leads to an inferiority complex?

Most complexes are produced in childhood. At this time, the psyche is very susceptible and vulnerable, and children absorb everything. Parents are the first source of complexes.

  • Complexes often leads indifference to children, hyper -beam, when children cannot learn to act independently, rudeness, insults, comparison with others, ignoring the advantages of the child, constant nit -picking, pulling and moralizing. This leads to the fact that the child feels “not so”, flawed and transfers such an attitude to adult life
  • The second source is the environment. Children are often cruel, and if some child differs (smarter/dumber, higher/lower, with physical disabilities), they begin to shun and hide. If the parents are wise, carefully monitor the reactions of the child, then they will be able to influence this, making it clear to the child that the reaction to him is not objective. If not, then the child has a complex
  • In adulthood, the sources of complexes, as a rule, become an environment. Some failures in the personal and business sphere, evil words, resentment can emerge inferiority complexes, features if they are on children's fears

Pictures on request E inferiality complexes from childhood

The reasons for the inferiority complex are psychological injuries

All psychological complexes arise at the time of a very severe emotional trauma. Anything can cause this injury: injustice, rudeness, failure.

When a person experiences a severe mental pain, the body is protected from this pain. As a result, the pain itself, thoughts and a retaliatory protective reaction are intertwined into a single lump.

If a similar situation is repeated often, then a stable inferiority complex is fixed and certain behavior based on a protective reaction is produced. If the injury occurs once, then after a lot of time it can be scattered.

Then a person can respond as he behaved at the time of injury, and not in modern conditions. Thus, the complex can resurrect and affect further life.

Pictures on request inferiority complexes

The inferiority complex in women.
How to get rid of the complexes to a girl?

Women are more emotional, more suspicious than a man, more requirements are presented with society. Accordingly, they have more inferiority complexes and they appear more strongly and more often.

Work with inferiority complexes in girls begins with an awareness of the problem. First of all, it is necessary to identify all complexes and their causes. After that, the complexes must be divided into two groups:

  1. complexes that can be corrected (weight, stoop, inability to speak beautifully, not knowledge of etiquette rules);
  2. complexes that cannot be fixed (height, foot size, national features).
  • You can start working with the first group of complexes. And do not take on everything at once, but gradually, in small steps, but constantly. It is good to do this under the guidance of a specialist (nutritionist, fitness trainer), as well as in the company with a friend to motivate each other
  • The second group of complexes will just have to be aware of and love. It is necessary to put up with them, accept as an unchanged part of yourself or make it with its own highlight, for example, as Merlin Monroe, who developed a unique gait due to lameness
  • And most importantly, to learn to love yourself, this delicate, affectionate, unique woman in herself. Indeed, in this state, women see only her advantages, and some even real disadvantages seem small and insignificant to them

Pictures on request E inferiality complexes from childhood

The inferiority complex in men.
How to get rid of the complexes to a man?

The most common complex in men is a complex of powerlessness, because a sense of significance for men is the most sore spot. The best “medicine” for a man will be a loving and endlessly believing woman. Such a woman will be able to melt the ice with his wounded defeats of the soul, create a zone of confidence, peace of mind and will be able to help a man believe in himself.

If such a woman is not nearby, you will have to cope on your own.

  • The first step is the awareness of their complexes and fears
  • The second is a reconciliation with them: there are complexes and fears, they are laid in the past and they are part of me
  • The third is a clear definition of their strengths
  • The fourth is a change in lifestyle, playing sports, hobbies of a hobby and a daily, even minimum, victory over your fears

All these actions will necessarily bear fruit.

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Inferiority complex in children

Children who suffer from an inferiority complex, or very quiet, shy, low-communal, can constantly apologize for something, yell or vice versa, show aggression, excessive self-confidence. The appearance can be sloppy or defiant and provocative.

Such children rarely look into the eyes. They are constantly in a state of stress. They have overstated self -criticism, but criticism from the side cannot be taken out. She hurts them greatly.

Complexes interfere with the development of the child’s personality, can provoke the development of neurosis, speech defects, depression. Parents need to monitor the mental state of their children, and, in cases of the intensity of the situation, contact specialists.

Pictures on request inferiority complexes
How to get rid of children's complexes?

It’s hard and painful to get rid of children's complexes. At the same time, you have to remember a lot and forgive your parents, teachers, educators, classmates, friends and acquaintances. But it is better to open the abscess, no matter how painful it was than constantly enduring the real pain. The algorithm for working with children's complexes is as follows:

  1. Decide on the cause of the complex - "Remember everything." If you know the reason, then the solution to the problem is easier
  2. Look at the situation, as it were, from the side and evaluate the actual scale of the problem. Many problems are not so global and significant, then it is easier to release them
  3. Start fighting your fear, committing those actions that you are very terrible
  4. Believe in yourself. If every day to prove to myself that “I can”, then a sense of confidence will definitely come
  5. Remember your virtues and not belittle them
  6. To love life, because it is beautiful

Pictures on request how to get rid of fears and complexes

How to get rid of fears and complexes?

All complexes feed on fears: fear of pain, failure, loss, disappointment. The stronger the fears, the stronger the complexes control us. But fear is only an organism reaction to something new, unusual or contrary to beliefs.

Methods of combating fear:

  • acceptance of fear and action contrary to fear. If you understand what exactly you are afraid of, then acting becomes easier, because "you know the enemy in the face." And when you act, fear retreats
  • presentation of the worst scenario of the development of events. If you imagine the worst that it can happen in this situation and find a way out of it, then finding a solution in an already current situation is much easier. After that, you are internally ready for everything that allows you to feel much calmer in a real situation
  • decision-making. When you make a firm decision, not allowing yourself to deviate from the intended direction, fear leaves, since its element is indecision
  • preparation and analysis. If it’s scary to go somewhere, to agree on something-prepare, work out mentally possible options for the development of events and results. Then it will be possible not to be afraid of surprises, since such preparation will allow you to quickly navigate in almost any situation

And most importantly, you need to start small and gradually. If you immediately start a very shy person to speak in front of a multi -thousandth audience, then, most likely, nothing can work out, and the complex and fear will grow even more. And if you start training in front of 2-3 close people and further on increasing, then success is ensured.

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How to get rid of complexes and increase self -esteem?

The higher the self -esteem, the less complexes and vice versa. Do not confuse with narcissism. When a person gives himself an objective assessment, he becomes internally free, because he realizes all his strengths and weaknesses and lives with them in the world. Such a person is not dependent on someone else's opinion, because he simply clearly knows his price.

Methods of increasing self -esteem:

  • stop comparing yourself with others
  • in general, stop scolding yourself and begin to praise even for minor achievements;
  • make a list of your life achievements, turn on everything, even the most funny and ridiculous. This list will show that in fact you have achieved a lot
  • give more warmth, smiles, good words, attention, but only sincerely
  • help people disinterestedly
  • live as you want, and not to parents, friends, colleagues. Start changes with small, for example, start drawing for yourself, even if you think that you do not know how to
  • do not make excuses, if right, then calmly explain the position to the opponent, are wrong - just and sincerely apologize
  • try not to deceive yourself in anything! It is very difficult to be honest with yourself, but such honesty helps to understand yourself and reconcile with yourself;
  • allow yourself to make mistakes, there is nothing wrong with that, all people someday make mistakes
  • do charging - sport always cheer up
  • control thoughts, especially before bedtime - painful thoughts worsen the mood, reduce immunity, can lead to neurosis and depression
  • fight with laziness. To change - you need to constantly engage in, and laziness will be pulled back into the swamp of despair and hopelessness, because it is easier, more convenient;
  • stop complaining, one life should not be spent on complaints, it is better to spend this time with benefit and enjoy it

Pictures on request inferiority complexes

How to get rid of complexes about appearance?

  • How it does not sound beaten, but you can get rid of appearance complexes only after accepting yourself with all real and far -fetched shortcomings. After all, there are a lot of shortcomings that seem to us global, others are simply not noticed
  • First of all, we need to highlight your virtues and begin to emphasize them, take care of them, take care. Such actions will gradually arouse love for themselves, the desire to take care of themselves and improve
  • After the girl or young man will accept their body and love, you can start working with the shortcomings that can be adjusted. Because the motivation for working on oneself will change. If before he is accepted, a person will lose weight in order to lose weight. Then after adoption, a person will engage in health, for self -improvement, for the sake of the process itself
  • Correct such shortcomings as bad hair, acne, excessive fullness, sagging stomach, can and should be. Such external disorders indicate health problems that will become aggravated over time. It is necessary to work with them from the perspective of improving health

It should be remembered that when a person is happy, healthy, self -sufficient, lives in harmony with himself, with the world, those around him cease to notice all its shortcomings. And happiness is an internal state, which, with rare exceptions, depends only on ourselves and our perception of life.

Pictures on request how to get rid of appearance complexes

How to get rid of a small breast complex?

To get rid of the complex of a small breast, it is necessary to understand that the advantages of a small breast are much greater than the disadvantages.

Advantages of a small breast:

  • will not sag with age and after feeding the child
  • she is more sensitive, she has more accurate form that men like more than size
  • such breasts look touching, tender, defenseless, it is nice to cover it with a palm - this is also the opinion of men
  • the most beautiful and interesting linen sew 1-2 sizes
  • does not pull the back, the thin straps of the bra do not cut the skin

And if you choose the right wardrobe, then the view will be even more spectacular!

How to get rid of the Complex Complex?

  • First you need to decide who wants you to lose weight. Do you need it? When the fullness threatens health, it is necessary to lose weight, but this is done under the supervision of a doctor. Everything else is the layering of public opinion, which is changing every decade. Can you imagine Rubens beauty weighing 50 kg? But it is beautiful, which is recognized by world connoisseurs
  • In addition, many women are rounded. And if only friends, colleagues, parents and public opinion await your weight loss, then you should not lose weight. There will be little use from this, since there is no necessary motivation, but there is a chance to ruin the health of health.
  • Start getting rid of complexes completeness is better with a change in the wardrobe. If you choose the right clothes (possibly with the help of a stylist), then you can begin to love even your imperfect body. And after that, without a strain, start working on improving the health status, and with this, extra pounds and remnants of complexes melt, like smoke

Pictures on request beautiful completeness

How to get rid of a tall complex?

  • High growth neither hide nor decrease. If a person begins to stoop, then it seems even higher. The only thing that can be done is to use it as an advantage! After all, a tall girl is a model, and a tall and strong man is a secret dream of all women
  • High growth is beautiful, spectacular and sexy. The main thing is to believe and not be shy about it. And you also need to learn how to choose the right clothes so that the figure does not look disproportionate. On high growth, this is very noticeable
  • All that a girl with high growth needs to be always and everywhere the queen is a beautiful posture, properly selected clothes and cosmetics (everyone needs it) and a beautiful gait. Then absolutely everyone will admire and admire, because it is really beautiful

Pictures on request Growth Complex

How to get rid of a complex of small stature?

People with low growth suffer no less. Low women are a little easier - you can wear high heels, but men are more difficult for men.

The main thing is to understand that small growth for a girl is a gift of fate. In this case, a girl/woman will always be miniature, fragile, delicate, defenseless for a man. I want to take care of her, surprise, delight, pamper, carry in her arms. You just need to learn how to use small growth, emphasizing all the profitable sides.

Men with low growth will have to work a lot on themselves in order to prove their viability. But we come to this world precisely in order to develop! Low men have more incentives for this.

Pictures on request a complex of guiltHow to get rid of a guilt complex?

The complex of guilt carries only destruction. A person experiences a feeling of guilt for absolutely everything, even if he does not have a special relation to what is happening. He is very sensitive to the opinion of others, afraid to offend them, very self -critical.

Methods of getting rid of guilt:

  • admit your right to errors
  • to analyze past events in order to clarify the reasons for the ugly situation, so as not to get into it anymore
  • forgive yourself is very difficult, no one scolds us more and longer than we ourselves
  • try to rectify the situation, apologize, but you need to do this with all sincerity, falsity will be noted
  • make a firm decision in such situations to do otherwise
  • let go of guilt, and not scroll it daily, grassing the soul

Pictures on request I am the most unhappy

How to get rid of the victim's complex?

When people constantly accuse of their failures, embarrassment, fear, uncertainty of someone else-this is called a complex of victim. Such people consider themselves a “victim of circumstances” without even realizing that they themselves are provocateurs of their own misfortunes.

Through complaints about an unfair life, people get attention, sympathy with which they replace love.

Methods of getting rid of the victim complex:

  1. Understand that everything that happens to us is the result of our actions and thinking. We independently choose partners, road, work, friends, place of residence, how much to eat, sleep
  2. Stop complaining and thinking negatively, start looking for positive aspects and try to tell about them as often as possible
  3. Change the program of thinking. Usually we conceive stereotypes that are laid all our lives. Such stereotypes as: “Men/women need only one thing”, “Money is evil”, “Nothing will work, because everyone has captured the oligarchs”, “I can never lose weight because of the constitution” do not allow decisions that would be made that allowed to refute these stereotypes
  4. Stop looking for negative information everywhere (especially in the news), try to look for only positive. All information must be strictly and deliberately filtered
  5. Do not talk about yourself worse than you really are

Only through a positive attitude, strong faith in the best future and a thorough analysis of the relationship “stereotypes - actions - result” can one overcome the victim’s complex.

Pictures on request Complex of an unloved child

How to get rid of the complex
unloved child?

  • Parents' dislike for a child is a difficult injury for life. Although the child is small, he understands that no one needs him, that he is rejected. When they grow up, such people often become embittered, closed, it is difficult for them to trust the world and people
  • A complex of an unloved child can launch self -destruction mechanisms: alcohol, drugs, fast riding. A person can grow a masochist with weak will to life and a bouquet of diseases. Or can have a complex of daffodils and have been doing self -love all your life

Such problems are very deep and it is better to solve them with a specialist. You can do the following yourself:

  • try to forgive parents who did not like. It is very difficult, hard and painful, but it is a huge step to your own happiness, because resentment destroys
  • understand that in dislike of your parents you are not to blame
  • believe that you are worthy of the happiness and joys of life, although the beginning of this life was full of pain
  • learn to sincerely rejoice at every new day
  • help those in need - through help to other people the soul begins to flourish

Pictures on request complexes in bed

How to get rid of complexes in bed?

The main problems in bed are:

  • fear of not matching expectations in the skill of conducting sexual games, freeze
  • fear of disappointing a partner with a look without clothes

Everything else is the varieties of these two fears that I interfere with the partners to relax, receive and give pleasure.

Methods of struggle:

  • gradually tidy up health. This will help women feel freer, and men be confident in their combat readiness
  • study elements of erotic massage and different techniques for conducting sexual acts in order to be fully armed
  • do yoga, especially women
  • sincerely wish to get and give pleasure to a partner

And remember, if a partner wants to be with you, then he wants to be with you, and not with anyone else!

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How to get rid of complexes: exercises

There are several exercises, the implementation of which over time will necessarily lead with an increase in self -esteem and elimination of many complexes and fears:

  1. Divide a sheet of paper in half. On one half, write your positive qualities, on the other, negative. In a sheet with negative features, carefully cross out all the qualities and burn the sheet! Or break into small parts. You do not have negative qualities, you are what is and this is fine
  2. Now focus on your positive qualities. Look through them every day, repeat to yourself
  3. Write on the sheet the qualities and features that you would like to possess: “I do not depend on someone else's opinion”, “I can easily and beautifully know compliments”, “I can control my fears and panic before a new business”, etc. And repeat them every day. Gradually, these features will really appear
  4. Compare yourself only with yourself yesterday, and always praise yourself for the slightest achievements
  5. Replace all the negativity in your life with positive. Gradually you will see life in new bright colors

Any conscious complex of inferiority is a powerful incentive to self -improvement, development physically and spiritually, the path to internal freedom, harmony, honesty and openness.

Video: Infutation complex. Marina Chizhova

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