Cauterization of the heart with atrial fibrillation and tachycardia: the cost of surgery, consequences, reviews - how do they do?

Cauterization of the heart with atrial fibrillation and tachycardia: the cost of surgery, consequences, reviews - how do they do?

This article describes the operation of cauterization of the heart. You will learn about the consequences of such manipulation, its advantages and disadvantages.

Now the most modern methods are used to treat the heart. Cauterization of different parts of the heart helps to achieve positive dynamics in arrhythmia and tachycardia, and thanks to such an operation, a person can live a full life. Read more below.

Operation on the heart - cauterization of blood vessels, valve, bundle of Gis, ventricle, aorta of heart with atrial fibrillation and tachycardia: how and where they do, video

Cauterization of the heart
Cauterization of the heart

Heart surgery is considered complex manipulation. But cauterization is a completely different procedure, since the patient is conscious all the time. During this operation, general anesthesia is not done, only local - to the femoral artery. A person will not feel pain during the operation, but if he is very afraid, then he will be prescribed sedatives. How do blood vessels, valve, a bundle of Gis, ventricle, aorta of the heart with atrial fibrillation and tachycardia make cauterization of vessels, valves? Here's the answer:

  • A catheter is introduced into the large artery. Through it, the patient is put an anesthetic drug, and hemostatics are administered to conduct a study and create protection for blood vessels.
  • Then, with the help of small electrons that penetrate directly into the heart, begins to effect on the heart.
  • As long as the operation occurs, the doctor makes the blockade so that the interruption of the heart rhythm does not begin due to the procedure. They can do the opposite - to provoke a heart rate failure to determine exactly where the focus of the disease is.
  • First, the necessary areas are cauterized. The fabrics are heated to a special temperature, due to which the proteins are destroyed and a burn appears, which normalizes the cardiogram, but the effect continues.
  • After that, they wait an hour and stimulate the heart again to check whether unnecessary impulses begin to form or not.
  • In the place where there was a catheter, a tight bandage is applied, and after a couple of days a cold compress.

During the operation, the patient will not feel any discomfort and pain. For two days a person should not get out of bed at all, and a couple of days after manipulation, the patient should not be subjected to physical activity for 3-6 months.

Where do such an operation to cauterize the heart? It is worth noting that cauterization of the heart can be carried out not only by current, but also with cold. The impact of low temperature (up to -50 degrees) also helps to achieve positive dynamics. These modern therapeutic procedures are carried out in cardiocenters, paid clinics and local hospitals, in which there is all the necessary equipment. Watch the video how such an operation is performed:

Video: a unique operation to eliminate atrial fibrillation was carried out at the Cardiology RNPC

What is the name of the cauterization of the heart with arrhythmia?

Cauterization of the heart
Cauterization of the heart

The arrhythmia of the heart is treated with different methods. One of them is cauterization. What is the name of the cauterization of the heart with arrhythmia? Here's the answer:

  • This method is called radio frequency ablation.
  • In the process of such a procedure, there is an exposure to electric current on the place in the heart, which is the cause of a heart rhythm.
  • For cauterization, current is used at a certain frequency. Hence the technique and got its name.

Basically, radio frequency ablation is used in the treatment of atrial fibrillation, ventricular -type tachycardia, with a disorder of the conducting myocardial system and an increase in the heart, when specific methods are required, and drug treatment does not give an effect.
Cauterization is carried out when contraindications for the appointment of the operation are excluded.

Why do surgery to cauterize the heart during arrhythmia and tachycardia?

Cauterization of the heart with atrial fibrillation
Cauterization of the heart with atrial fibrillation

In a healthy person, muscles are always reduced simultaneously, and in a patient with ciliated arrhythmia this does not happen. The circulation of impulses is created and the focus of excitation is formed. Why do surgery to cauterize the heart during arrhythmia and tachycardia?

  • Operation in most cases is considered necessary for atrial fibrillation.
  • First, during the diagnosis, the patient in the hospital is diagnosed and treated with drugs.
  • If after drug treatment the dynamics does not become positive, then a person needs ablation.
  • Such cauterization is necessary for people with gastric type tachycardia. This is the most dangerous disease, because a person accelerates cardiac abbreviations, and fibrillation may develop over time. This leads to the fact that myocardials completely cease to function.

Indications for cauterizing the heart can be different, but all examinations and appointments should be carried out only by a qualified cardiologist.

The consequences of eliminating heart arrhythmias by cauterization

Cauterization of the heart
Cauterization of the heart

Elimination of heart arrhythmias by cauterization is an effective and effective method. But all the doctor’s recommendations should be followed for successful restoration of the body:

  • The patient should spend a day in the ward without getting up. Otherwise, bleeding may begin in the place where the artery was input.
  • During this time, doctors check all heart indicators and pressure.
  • If you observe everything that is prescribed by the doctor after the operation, then the restoration is quickly.

What can be the consequences of eliminating heart arrhythmias by cauterization? Here's the answer:

  • It is considered quite normal if, after the cauterization procedure is finished, a slight pain in the chest occurs.
  • Unpleasant sensations may appear in those areas of the body where penetration was carried out into the blood vessel.
  • You should not be afraid of all this, because such symptoms are short -lived, and they usually pass after a few minutes.
  • If after half an hour the pain does not subside, you should immediately inform the doctor who will find out the cause of the complications and help to normalize the condition.

It is worth noting that ablation rarely causes any serious consequences. Within 2-5 months after surgery, it is necessary to observe the correct diet, sleep, physical education and abandon bad habits.

Treatment of heart arrhythmias - cauterization: price, cost of such an operation to restore rhythm

Any patient is concerned about the cost of a particular medical manipulation. In Russia, many operations are carried out for free, they are paid by the state. When asked whether the treatment of heart arrhythmias is included, namely, only the doctor will answer the list of free services.

However, it is worth noting that good specialists who conduct such manipulations are in the capital and other large cities. Treatment in this case may vary within 300,000 rubles. The price of surgery for rhythm restoration in Israel or Germany may reach up to 20,000 euros. The price will include complete diagnosis before treatment, manipulation and rehabilitation itself.

The advantages and disadvantages of cauterization of the heart in arrhythmia

Cauterization of the heart
Cauterization of the heart

Cauterization of the heart with arrhythmia or catheter ablation is a new procedure. That is why it is worth considering the advantages and disadvantages of its conduct for patients. The advantages are as follows:

  • Cauterization of the heart is a safe procedure that does not injure muscle tissue, in contrast to surgical intervention.
  • Compared to drug therapy, catheter ablation gives a longer and persistent positive effect of treatment.
  • At the same time 66% patients do not arise at all after cauterization and they return to normal life.
  • All this indicates that cauterization of the heart improves the quality of life of patients.

But like any intervention in the body, catheter ablation has its small flaws:

  • The risk of edema in the field of intervention.
  • The accumulation of red blood cells at the site of the introduction of the catheter and the risk of bacterial infection of this place.
  • Damage to blood vessels and heart muscle is not excluded. But these risks make up all 1,6%.

Thus, comparing and analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of cauterization of the heart during arrhythmia, we should conclude:

  • To get rid of frequent and impaired heartbeat, weakness, impossibility of physical activity, you should resort to cauterization of the heart.

But, as mentioned above, at first the doctor conducts diagnosis, diagnoses, studies concomitant diseases and contraindications in each case, and only after that prescribes surgery - cauterization of the heart or concludes that it is forbidden to conduct it for this patient.

Reviews after cauterization of the heart during arrhythmia

Cauterization of the heart
Cauterization of the heart

If the doctors have prescribed a heart cauterization surgery to you, but you cannot decide on it, read the reviews of other people. With the help of such a procedure, they successfully cured the arrhythmia of the heart.

Irina, 55 years old

I would like to describe my feelings after cauterization of the heart with arrhythmia. I read the reviews of the same sufferers who describe in detail their condition with many years of arrhythmia attacks. I agree with everyone, I will not repeat myself. I can only confirm one thing - that living with this is very difficult. The examination before the operation also took place for a long time, decided on it simply with wild fear, but there was simply nothing to lose. The operation itself was somehow not remembered, everything went quickly. But when they brought to the ward and I realized that my suffering was over, then the emotions were overwhelmed. Now I feel good.

Sergey, 59 years old

After the operation, they said to lie motionless on their backs. This is difficult, but the next day they allowed to get up. When it rose that the place of the puncture was sealed with a patch, there are no more punctures and sections. Before discharge, they made a control input of electrodes through the nose and - home. For two years now, everything is fine, I try not to be nervous, I follow all the recommendations. The attacks were not repeated.

Olga, 52 years old

The operation to cauterize the heart did 1.5 years ago. I was afraid, like everyone else. But my cardiologist reassured me, and said that you will be conscious. Indeed, anesthesia was done in the thigh, in the same place there was a puncture. During the operation, I felt good. After the operation, it was strained that it was necessary to lie motionless. But then you can get up, walk. After discharge, the doctor recommended not to be nervous, to protect himself. Now I go in for sports and live an ordinary life.

Video: Operation to eliminate foci of arrhythmia

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