Additional to vasoconstrictive drops and sprays in the nose: how to get rid of the dependence of drops in the nose? How to wean from vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose? How many days do you need to wean from vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose?

Additional to vasoconstrictive drops and sprays in the nose: how to get rid of the dependence of drops in the nose? How to wean from vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose? How many days do you need to wean from vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose?

How to stop using vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose.

Accustomed to the use of vasoconstrictor drops (decongestants), which help to quickly get rid of the sensation of strong nasal congestion, you no longer leave the house without a bottle with a saving medicine? So, the material of this article will be useful to you.

How to wean from vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose? What is dangerous to constant use of the medicine and will there be serious health problems after prolonged use of spray or drops? Read about all this in the article.

I can’t live without drops for the nose: what to do?

At first you used a vasoconstrictor two or three times during the day. This greatly facilitated breathing. However, now you notice that the drug is valid only for several hours and again you have to resort to the use of the medicine.

Among patients, clinics complaining of vasoconstrictor drugs can be found not only for those who use the medicine for 5 years. They ask to help get rid of the addiction to sprays and drops even such “record holders” that have a “experience” of a continuous 20-year-old medicine.

Doctors state that such patients have to face weekly. One of the most common errors in the treatment of a runny nose in patients there is a continuation of the use of decongates after a week from the beginning of the course of treatment. Accustomed to the drug.

One of the most common errors in the treatment of a runny nose in patients there is a continuation of decongestants after a week from the beginning of the course of treatment

The mechanism of the problem can be described as follows: when “providing constant assistance” to the nose with sprays and drops, it loses the ability to function independently.

  • There is a swelling of the vessels of the nasal cavity, the nasal shells become larger in size, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe nasal passages, on the contrary, is reduced. As a result, more secrets are released, and unpleasant sensations from nasal congestion are only intensifying. You have to use drops or spray again.
  • The side effect of the long -term administrative means is to stimulate the rise in blood pressure. The problem is aggravated with arterial hypertension, increased intraocular pressure.
  • Therefore, doctors strongly recommend that such patients stop taking vasoconstrictor drugs after 5 days from the start of treatment.
I can not live without drops for the nose: what to do

Causes of popularity of vasoconstrictor drugs:

  • Drops and sprays that help get rid of nasal congestion are available (they can be bought without a recipe).
  • Some patients are too arrogant and frivolous about their own health, therefore they can independently “make a diagnosis and prescribe” treatment. They take prolonged nasal congestion as an allergic reaction, therefore they do not stop taking a vasoconstrictor.
  • With a serious inflammatory process of the upper respiratory tract, it is recommended to stop taking vasoconstrictor drops and searching for the true causes of disturbing symptoms, contacting the Opolangologist. The doctor will prescribe the appropriate treatment.
If addiction to the vasoconstrictor has begun, then doctors resort to surgical treatment

Why does the nasal congestion manifest itself stronger in the evening?

  • In the evening, a person is less active. In a horizontal position (lying on the couch or bed), blood flow in the vessels of the nasal cavity is slowed down.
  • The weakening of the tone of the vascular wall with rhinitis leads to the fact that the vessels and capillaries cease to cope with their function - pumping incoming blood. They swell them, swelling appears, it is difficult for the patient to breathe.

If addiction to the vasoconstrictor has begun, then doctors resort to surgical treatment. Previously, to expand the nasal passages, traditional lower conkhotomy was prescribed to such patients. The result of the procedure was a complete or partial removal of the mucous membrane of the nasal sink. Now doctors in service have more gentle procedures - laser cauterizing technologies.

Honmark treatment in children
Honmark treatment in children

But as a result of surgical intervention in the absence of severe hypertrophy, undesirable consequences may appear:

  • the function of the mucosa is impaired
  • trophic processes are developing
  • the patient complains about the intensified dry nose

Treatment of drug rhinitis has recently been carried out using nasal topical corticosteroid drugs. You should not count on a lightning effect, but the cause of the congestion is cured. Such drugs cannot be combined with vasoconstrictor drops and sprays. Otherwise, the patient will not be able to get rid of drug dependence.


Is it possible to die from drops in the nose?

Vasocusing drugs can be life -threatening. This should be remembered by using them to treat a runny nose in children.

Many people do not think about the consequences of self -medication, especially when it comes to banal runny nose. There are many different vasoconstrictors in pharmacies: drops, sprays, aerosols.

Their action is based on narrowing of the vessels. Edema is removed, which significantly reduces mucus formation. Freedom of nasal breathing comes. However, it lasts only a few hours.

Those who are used to using vasoconstrictor drugs should know the following:

  • drops and sprays for the nose do not have a therapeutic effect
  • when they are used, only symptoms are removed, which after a while are resumed
  • the effect of the drug does not last long, after which swelling appears again
  • for the treatment of any runny nose, not only vasoconstrictor drugs should be used
  • drops and sprays for the nose should be used as recalling therapy that facilitates nasal breathing

With a runny nose, patients use not only naphthysin. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers many other vasoconstrictor drops. Only their composition and duration of action are distinguished. An overdose of any of these drugs 3-4 times can cause complication-naphthysine poisoning.

With a prolonged intake of the drug, its accumulation occurs, which means that the symptoms of naphthysine poisoning are aggravated

The reasons why naphthysin poisoning occurs:

  • the concentration of the solution does not correspond to the age of the patient
  • it is difficult to visually determine the number of drops in the nose
  • the uncontrolled use of drops

On what signs can you determine the mild or initial stage of naphthysin poisoning:

  • the patient has increased excitement
  • the heartbeat is enhanced
  • the patient feels dizziness
  • the patient begins to bother the abdominal pain

With a prolonged intake of the drug, its accumulation occurs, which means that the symptoms of naphthysine poisoning are aggravated:

  • the heart begins to contract slower
  • arterial pressure is reduced
  • the patient feels lethargy, weakness and drowsiness
  • the tone in the hands and legs is not felt
  • consciousness confused
  • the body temperature decreases
  • the patient turns pale
  • the skin is cold and wet
  • superficial breathing

Such a serious condition can end with a coma and even death.

Overdose by naphthysin can cause poisoning
Overdose by naphthysin can cause poisoning

How to help the patient with such symptoms?

  • call an ambulance
  • stop taking medications
  • cover the patient with a warm blanket
  • give a warm drink
  • measure pressure and temperature
  • try not to lose consciousness and does not fall asleep before the ambulance arrived

Vasoconstrictor drugs are used from 2-3 to 5-7 days, after which their intake is stopped. This time must be used as efficiently as possible for the treatment of the inflammatory process.

How to remove dependence on vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose?

If you are prone to vasomotor rhinitis (breathing is disturbed due to narrowing of the nasal cavity):

  • The nasal cavity, but an ailment of the body, leads to unpleasant congestion. It is associated with the autonomic nervous system. In some diseases, it makes itself felt by certain symptoms. One of them is the nasal congestion.
  • Changing the lifestyle, strengthening the ANS will help get rid of the disease. Hardening procedures, more motor activity, adoption of a contrast shower are recommended. When preserving or unwillingness to get rid of old habits from rhinitis, the patient cannot be rid of.
  • It is not enough to remove the symptoms. It is necessary to influence the cause of their appearance. To do this, the patient must show zeal and not count on a quick result.
How to remove dependence on vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose

How many days do you need to wean from vasoconstrictor drops and sprays in the nose?

When using vasoconstrictor drugs, the patient may disturb the painful state of nasal congestion. To feel normal day and night, doctors recommend the following:

  • stop using drops or sprays for 2-3 days
  • puff out unpleasant symptoms

Usually discomfort is felt for another 3 days. However, such “torment” will pay off a hundredth, because the patient will not have to “feed” dependence on the use of vasoconstrictor drugs from year to year.

  • You can facilitate difficulty breathing if with light massage movements to be carried out in the area of \u200b\u200bexternal nasal sinks.
  • It will help in the fight against nasal congestion and breathing gymnastics. The essence of such gymnastics is to take a forced breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. As a result of this method of breathing, passes are expanded. The oxygen that is contained in them dries the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity. Thanks to the forced breath, the vessels are trained and increased.
  • To fall asleep without a symptom of nasal congestion, you can raise a pillow higher. Before going to bed, hot foot baths are recommended, lasting 5 minutes. A mustard powder should be added to the water for the bath. After the foot baths, the flow of blood flow from the upper torso to the lower ones occurs. This reduces the bleeding of the nasal vessels. Edema decreases, nasal passages expand. As a result of such a simple procedure, breathing is facilitated.

Video: Vasomotor rhinitis

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Comments K. article

  1. This is yes, with vasocying jokes are bad, you can get used to them, and then you need to bury it or not (((already long ago I do not use such drops, but moisturize the mucous membrane of the nose with a moranasal, this is cooled sea water. It cleanses the nose perfectly, and it costs completely Inexpensive.

  2. Desrinitis, similar to Nazonex only costs 150 rubles, tormented for 2 years. Dripped with him for a week gradually

  3. You can still try to stop dripping into one native after some time in another

  4. Article for students of doctors. More chatter is not on the main issue. Time spent a lot. I got more benefit in the comments. Just answer the question of what to do, there is not enough mind. We must be clever and important. Here are what we know ....

  5. Without drops, my nose does not breathe. A runny nose is manifest. Allergic rhinitis, vasomotor, also sinusitis begins when the nose is laid. What to do?

  6. The son was like this ... The nose was constantly laid, if not used vasoconstrictor. Ultimately could not stand it and went to the doctor. He recommended drops of Rino Orvis (they can be 2 years old, and they are inexpensively), well, and said inhalations to do more often. Helped. Now the nose is breathing well))

  7. Comrades stop dripping your nose, I am the person who dripped his nose for 2 years snugs: I started sneezing, itching in the nose, snot flowed with a stream, laid my nose so that it pulsed the edema, was strong. Today is exactly two days as I stopped dripping it, and began to treat my nose. Rinse the linakva forte, drip with droplets, which with antibiotics are tramis and drink sinukomb tablets. The course is 7 days, I can say one thing, I already have a good condition, but of course my nose does not breathe perfectly, but periodically one nostril breathes and they alternate, but I endure hard at night. Take yourself together and do not allow a serious state

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