Attracting money at home: conspiracies, prayers, cash rituals and rituals, mantras, wise, talismans

Attracting money at home: conspiracies, prayers, cash rituals and rituals, mantras, wise, talismans

Psychologists say: a person has so much money, he is ready to take so much. And the problem of wealth-pale is more psychological than material.

Albert Einstein only believed in science, but horseshoe hung over the front door of his house. In his defense, the scientist said: “I may not believe in signs, but they still come true!”

Picture for visualization of money
Picture for visualization of money

You may not believe in magical ways to attract money as such, but they still work!

For thousands of years, humanity has fought with the psychology of poverty. People created conspiracies, prayers, rites, mantras, wise, talismans to attract money.

Let's take advantage of the knowledge and experience of the ancestors, change our psychology, learn to love and value money.

Vacuously: the main condition of any undertaking, including magical, is faith in success.


Faith refers to strong emotions that help subconscious perceive thoughts (positive and negative).

Magic requires mystery. Talking with the Universe about the desired is better in private. But on cash days!

Cash days

The moon affects the living nature of planet Earth. This is a scientific fact, not a mystical.

Cash days for rituals, conspiracies and prayers
Cash days for rituals, conspiracies and prayers

A high level of energy in all living things is characterized by 14 lunar days. The maximum amount of creative energy is characteristic of the 20th lunar days.

The best way to attract money these days is to visit a hairdresser.

Fresh cash haircut will attract financial luck, because space affects us through the hair.

The biblical stories of Solomon and Samson prove it.

And also on the 14th and 20th lunar day you can safely invest, buy-sell.

On the 14th and 20th lunar day you can safely invest, buy-prove
On the 14th and 20th lunar day you can safely invest, buy-prove

The calendar week also has a cash day. The fourth day of the week, Thursday, is under the auspices of Jupiter - the planet of good luck, generosity, well -being. It is not surprising that Thursday is considered the best day to increase wealth.

Conspiracies to attract money

Conspiracies arose from pagan spells and prayers to shocking forces in nature. Over time, such appeals were transformed into magical formulas, capable of calling the energy of sound to help the Higher Forces. Then the pagan formulas intertwined with Christian prayers, and humanity received an amazing magical means to solve any problems: from the expulsion of cockroaches to attracting money.

How to attract money?
How to attract money?

In order for the collection to work, you need to know several simple rules:

• words are pronounced clearly and in the order in which they are recorded in the original text;
• the conspiracy is whispering or pronounced in a muffled voice;
• Repetition (if necessary) should be identical in terms of voice and clarity of pronunciation.

The conspiracy for Thursday is read for three weeks in a row (every Thursday). The moon should be in the growth phase (the words of the conspiracy in the picture below).

Conspiracy words for Thursday
Conspiracy words for Thursday

Prayers to attract money

Prayers are able to cope with any misfortune. The appeal to St. Spyridon Salaminsky (Trimyifunta) will help if there is an acute need for money. Saint Spiridon knew poverty in childhood. Endowed with the gift of healing, insight, mercy, became Bishop of Salaminsky and all his life took care of those who needed help and bread.

Now help from him receive through prayer (words of prayer in the picture below). The main thing is praying daily and concentrated.

Prayer for St. Spyridon Salaminsky (Trimifunta) for help in money
Prayer for St. Spyridon Salaminsky (Trimifunta) for help in money

They do not refuse help sincerely asking Nikolai the Wonderworker, the Most Holy Theotokos.

Favorable to the start of prayers are considered 7th lunar day. You can pray both in the temple and at home.

Rituals to attract money

Our ancestors knew thousands of rites and rituals that attract prosperity. Some rites will require serious training, experience, knowledge from the performer. Others are light and funny rituals, for which you will need a good mood and faith in their own strengths.

Ritual: Simoron rite of creating a bell of well -being is an effective way to attract money. The bell needs a new one, with a pleasant ringing. The tool will become monetary if it is wiped with a banknote with the largest denomination of all the banknotes in the house, saying: "I will use it, I charge the energy of money!"

After that, it remains only to regularly call the bell with an appeal: "Money, to me!"

Bells for monetary rite
Bells for monetary rite

The sound of bells and bells affects the human psyche, which is proved by medical research. Calling helps to concentrate, tune in to a positive wave.

The sounds of bell overflow are treated with insomnia, depression, and severely seriously ill. So why can not overflow a money bell to attract money to a callist’s house?

Mantras and wise - magical formulas in the language of the universe

Mantras are part of the world culture. Not only because they were written in Sanskrit (“Sanskrit” literally means “culture”). Philologists, historians consider Sanskrit a unique language from the point of view of intellectual and spiritual possibilities. Psychologists say that mantras on Sanskrit affect a person’s consciousness. Researchers of Vedism are sure that mantras are the sounds of the universe.

God Ganesha
God Ganesha

A strong mantra containing the code of well -being is the mantra of Ganeshi. It is pronounced as " Om Gam Ganapatai Namakh»

("Ganesha! I worship you!"). Gives wisdom, calm, eliminates obstacles.

You need to pronounce the verbal formula 108 times a day, literally, without distortion of sounds, as concentrated as possible. This is a general rule for all mantras.

Video: Mantra Ganasha

Video for familiarization with Mantra Ganash

Wise - gestures that give joy - the heritage of the mysterious Aryans. It is amazing how much knowledge is forgotten, but not wise.

The mystical plexus of the fingers can cure, calm, make it happy, including attracting prosperity.

That the money would pour the river, it is worth turning to a one -eyed Hindu god Cubera.

God Cube
God Cube

Video: Kubera wise technique

During the fulfillment of Cuber, you need to see your dream as if it were already a real fact.

  • The time for wise classes is every morning and evening.
  • The execution of Cubera’s wise is accompanied by the singing of Cuber’s mantra: “” Om Yakshaya Kubyria Vaishravanaia Dhanadhanyadi Padaeh dhanya Dhanya Samridhing Metha Dapaya Sokh"(" Cubera, Mr. Yaksha, bless us with wealth and prosperity! "):

Video: Cubera's mantra. Attracting money and wealth

Talismans and amulets to attract money

We create amulets and talismans, without realizing it.

Important: a happy thing - a wardrobe item, a toy, a pen, a keychain - everyone has. A classic example of a cash talisman is the first earned coin. She should always be in the wallet. It is impossible to use such money: their purpose is to attract cash flows.

Perhaps the reverent attitude to the first earnings predetermined the emergence of the concept of “irrevocable coin”. In the 18th century, copper coins with the image of a five -pointed star were used for an insufficient penny. Over time, a silver ruble came to replace a copper penny. It was believed that the owner of a silver ruble will always be accompanied by luck in financial undertakings.

MASCOT: You can make an irreplaceable coin for yourself. The coin is taken from a large cash parish. To receive a talisman, part of the parish is spent on purchases, leaving one coin from the change. The coin must be depicted the number "5". The rest of the money is given to charity.

On the night before Christmas over the chosen coin, prayer-figure is read

Prayer-Family for Jesus Christ
Prayer-Family for Jesus Christ

Then you should read three prayers:

1. Prayer to the Lord before the start of every work

Words of prayer to the Lord before the start of every deed
Words of prayer to the Lord before the start of every deed

2. "Our Father"

The text of the prayer
The text of the prayer "Our Father"

3. Evangelian reading

Evangelian reading: Text
Evangelian reading: Text

Exactly at 12 a.m., asking, holding a coin and wallet in his hands, reads a conspiracy to attract money

The text of the conspiracy to attract money
The text of the conspiracy to attract money

At the end of the ritual, a thanksgiving prayer is necessarily read.

The text of the prayer at the end of the money ritual
The text of the prayer at the end of the money ritual

The coin lies in the goddess before the Epiphany. Then she is transferred to the wallet. It is impossible to spend an irrelevant coin.

Incense to attract money

The aroma and smell is inextricably linked with the sixth moon day. That is why we will prepare aromatic mixtures that I will serve as the most effective bait for cash. They will rub our body, wallet, banknotes, smoke our living room or office. You can use aromatic oils and aroma lamp.

Here are cash aromas:

  • basil
  • orange
  • bergamot
  • cedar
  • patchouli
  • spicy cloves
  • ginger
  • cinnamon
  • Ilang-Ylang
  • pine
  • rosemary

Tips for attracting money

Affirmations to attract money are psychological attitudes that allow you to change the worldview.

Important: after all, the money leaves those who experience discomfort from communicating with them.

When experiencing the action of magical rituals to attract money, it is important to understand the following: in order to win in the lottery, you need to, at least, buy a lottery ticket.

To attract abundance into your life
• Tune in to a positive worldview,
• Determine the goals,
• Wish money not for the sake of money, but for the good that they can bring to your life and the life of your loved ones.

And you will succeed.

Video: attracting money

Video: Powerful affirmations to attract money

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