I will take note or information - write together or separately: Rules

I will take note or information - write together or separately: Rules

In this article, we will talk about how the phrase is written correctly to take note or information.

Often about writing certain words, questions arise. One of the controversial is considered the phrase “to information”. Let's figure out how to write it correctly.

I will take note or information - how is it written?

For information or information - how is it written?
For information or information - how is it written?

According to the rules of the Russian language, phrase "take into account" It is written through "and". There is no special rule in this case, you just need to remember and write correctly.

- He promised to take note of the fact that his son decided to marry.

- She was asked to take note of all evidence in the case.

Video: Spelling of complex nouns (grade 6, video tutorial-presentation)

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