Signs about legs: interpretation. What to step on someone on the right and left leg, get up with the right or left leg, hurts or takes a cramp, tucked the right or left leg, the lace on the right or left leg was unleashed:

Signs about legs: interpretation. What to step on someone on the right and left leg, get up with the right or left leg, hurts or takes a cramp, tucked the right or left leg, the lace on the right or left leg was unleashed:

It will take a lot about the legs. Let's learn more about them.

Signs about legs: Happy fingers

Some people have happy fingers. For ancient beliefs, these people are always happy. Fingers on the legs between which there are characteristic membranes - these are happy fingers.

In some peoples, this feature has a positive meaning, while others have completely negligent. In Russia, this sign was not popular, but the inhabitants of the northern regions called such a person - the noted by God. Throughout his life, he is destined to be happy and he is able to bear happiness to others.

Signs about legs: Fears itch

  • The feet itch - You are waiting for a long road. This belief arose since the time when there was no transport. Not even everyone had horses, since only the rich could buy and take care of them properly.
  • And the peasants walked exclusively on foot. It happened that the path took even more than a day, and sometimes much more.
  • And that’s why, when a person scratches his right leg, he soon set off on the road and early in the morning. If, on the contrary, the left, the news is waiting for him, which he did not expect. It will notify him that late at night will have to go somewhere.

Signs about legs: get up with the right or left leg

  • If you, waking up, got up from your left leg - throughout the day you will be angry. The right side of the human brain, which is responsible for the mind, is responsible for the right leg. That is, if you get out of your sensible and think every step, then you will have no problems, and all day it will pass successfully.
  • And if you are in wait for failures and constant problems all day, then they say about such a person that he got up from the wrong foot. That's why after waking up, you should think before getting out of bed.
Not so to get up
Not so to get up

Signs about legs: Breaks legs

According to Signs about the legs, if they break them, there will be misfortune. This superstition has a entire medical interpretation. This often happens in people of advanced age when the weather changes dramatically. Especially often twists legs on the eve of rain, snowfall, strong wind.

Interesting: mostly people to relieve pain use rubbish. But this does not always help, then you need to take a hand behind the little finger of a sore leg and hold for about five minutes. Often, legs cease to twist only after weather conditions change. Nowadays, weather conditions change so sharply and so often that now even the kids can twist your legs.

Signs about legs: step on someone's foot, on a broom or a mop

Accidentally you got on the lower limb-according to signs about the legs - This is to disagreements, and if a person is going on the road, then trouble will be waiting for him. If you want to get away from this, come back. When you forget to do this and troubles happen, you will keep a resentment against this person.

However, there is also the opposite meaning, which is more pleasant. If by chance you will go on the leg of a person, then soon you will be kumovsi. If you are pleased with such a prospect, then nothing needs to be done.


If you had a broom or mop in the way and you accidentally got on it, your legs will whine. These household items are needed for garbage harvesting. There is a belief that with garbage you remove evil spirits from the house. It has great power and is able to catch on the broom, and when you accidentally step on it, you catch it yourself and spread it throughout your home. And when the legs are naked, then all the bad clings to your feet, from this you feel pain in your legs.

Signs about legs: Remove shoes from the left leg

  • The teeth begin to hurt when you first remove the shoes from the left leg.
  • A person has a direct connection between legs and head.
  • According to the sake, when you came from the street with your wet legs, then not to pick up the cold, you should soak your head too.
  • So that the teeth do not hurt at all, then the shoes should immediately be removed first from the right leg.

Leg on the leg: signs

Sitting in a chair, you swing your foot, according to take you swing the demon. Our grandparents also constantly interpreted our grandparents. This is especially not to be done at a party, so the devil can jump from your leg and stay with the guest.

With the devil and all problems will be crossed. Even if peace and peace reigns in the house, then swinging with a foot will attract the devil and ruin all this. Neither in your house, nor at a party you should do this, so as not to get trouble and material problems.

Signs about legs: itching

There are many superstitions with itching in the legs. The interpretation depends on which leg itching. The place where it scratches also matters. Basically, all superstitions are associated with the road.

Itch on the right leg

  • The foot area scratches.You are waiting for a long road that will be interesting and informative, new acquaintances, meetings, impressions. The acquired experience and new people will be useful in the future and will bring you not only well -being, but also success.
  • When you only plan a trip, negotiate for everything, book a hotel, tickets, collect a suitcase - the trip will be successful.
  • Itching may be accompanied by the desire to move, dance, learn the world. The high probability that you start planning a trip or weekend.
  • The heel itches.Victory in love affairs awaits you. Lonely such a sign promises new acquaintances that will develop into something more. For people who already have a relationship, the meaning is also good.
  • All disagreements are resolved by itself, it is worth organizing a pleasant dinner or a romantic date alone. You will also bring news that you have been waiting for a very long time.
  • Fingers itch.It is worth waiting for guests or distant friends will come. We must begin to prepare for their arrival. A pleasant dinner and good time is waiting for you. You will learn a lot of interesting and new things.
  • A dream related to this means that you will soon find yourself in a place that you have long dreamed of. It is worth making a little effort to carry out this in reality.
  • The knee scratches, in the thigh, lower leg. According to signs about the legs,itching of the knee means that soon you will have to kneel in a foreign church. This may also mean a change of place of residence, or a business trip or trip to another city. In ancient times, this was due to the possibility of the adoption of another religion.
  • The lower leg itches to an unexpected meeting that will be pleasant and will help solve some extremely important issues or cope with problems. So that luck does not leave you, you should thank a person who will help you solve all this.
  • The thigh is itching to pay attention to the monetary issue. Each purchase must be considered. Do not take a loan for some time-this will bring problems. You can be robbed. Be carefull.

Itching on the left leg

  • Unlike the right leg, where all signs are only positive, superstitions associated with the left foot are not so joyful. Since ancient times, people knew that the guardian angel is protected by the right shoulder, and the left-willed is unclean power. Therefore, all the bad is connected with the left foot.
  • The upcoming journey will be difficult, you will be in wait for trouble. When you are just going on the road and your left leg itches, this is especially not good. Already at this stage it is worth knowing that everything will not go as smoothly as you wanted. This journey will not be connected with your desire, but a forced measure.
  • The heel itches.You will find losses on the trip. Problems can arise even in transport. You may be robbed in a minibus.
  • For girls who recently experienced parting, a meeting with a former young man is waiting. The meeting will not be quite pleasant for you, or maybe vice versa, but nothing long should be expected.
  • If the heel combed in any matter when doing it, if you think about whether you need it at all or you simply spend time and effort. This will not bring any positive result.
  • The knee scratches, in the thigh, lower leg.The knee was combed - your partner will begin to be jealous of you, even if it is completely unreasonable. In women, this is due to treason.
  • The lower leg itches - You are waiting for pleasant news associated with the long -awaited trip.
  • The thigh is itching - The news will not be quite pleasant. You will receive them from your family.

Signs about legs: other interpretations

  • If the right leg is chilled first, and then the left - to good. It is not very good if a person freezes his legs. This is directly related to health.
  • Even if your legs froze and your thoughts on the way home are busy with good thoughts that good awaits you, then you should not worry.
  • Leaving the guests, you accidentally wear someone else's shoes - the owner of shoes will have problems with your feet. This can be considered both true or not.
Train someone else's
Train someone else's
  • The truth is that such rituals exist, and the leg of the owner of the shoes will begin to dry. It is not true that this sign will not work without a special spell.
  • A person came to the place where it stood, the once incomplete bucket - He will have pain in his legs. A lot of superstitions are associated with a bucket, and everyone has a negative interpretation. It also applies to this note.

Interesting: even if you take out the garbage, then put a stone there or any other object on the way back. So you protect yourself from bad and your fears will be scattered. An empty bucket in the house is a place for collecting negative energy. Therefore, the place where it is also filled with negative energy. And you, stepping at that place with your feet, adopt the negativity of yourself.

  • At a party, one of those present puts his leg on the leg - The company will immediately reign in silence. But the sign will work only in those people who know about its interpretation. Knowers will be silent until a person who has begun does not change the pose. No one wants to take a line with him and then bring him to his own house. This sign acts only in older people, but no one knows about it about it and does not attach any importance to it.
On foot
On foot
  • If at the beginning of the week you meet a person with suffering flat feet, by signs about the legsThis is to trouble.
  • On the first day of the coming year, a person came to visit you who has a high rise of the legs - he will bring you good luck, which will accompany you the whole next year.
  • In the coming year, the first person on the street will be with flat feet - for a year you will have problems and failures.
  • Accepting the birth, the midwives watched how the child comes out, if the legs come out at first - the baby will have magical abilities.
  • Entering the house, it is worth the first to put the left leg on the threshold.
  • If you accidentally hooked on something, someone is in a hurry to you. This person wants to see you as quickly as possible.
  • Stop - the interpretation is twofold or bad or good. Your date of birth will help to explain exactly to explain. If you stumbled on the right leg and were born even - fortunately. If on the left leg - expect small problems.
  • You were born an odd number and stumbled on your left leg - joyful news awaits you. The right leg is on the contrary.

Will take about the legsso many. Belief or not purely your business. But faith is never superfluous to protect yourself from troubles.

Video: Which leg to get up from?

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