Signs about hair during haircuts, by day of the week, combing, washing, on color and stiffness, confusing hair, during pregnancy, about hairy on the body associated with love. Is it possible to burn your hair, cut your child up to a year?

Signs about hair during haircuts, by day of the week, combing, washing, on color and stiffness, confusing hair, during pregnancy, about hairy on the body associated with love. Is it possible to burn your hair, cut your child up to a year?

Hair is an important component of each organism. Therefore, it is important to know about signs associated with hair.

Hair is the decoration and wealth of every girl. From childhood, the fair sex has long been grown a chic braid, always monitored their curls and carefully treated them. Based on this since ancient times, there have been a lot of beliefs and signs associated with curls.

Hair signs when combed

  • Falling comb. It is generally accepted that the combing, which falls on the floor, promises the comb to the one whom it is combed, failure in the upcoming case, at the event and in other events in the near future.
  • Nobody do not give your combsince she can adopt other people's diseases and failures, and then convey them to you. Or in this way you can give someone your luck and prosperity to someone.
  • Never comb the braids before bedtime, Since this will contribute to poor dreams and loss of strength, energy. If there is a need to comb late in the evening, do this at least 1 hour before bedtime.
  • Our ancestors never combed curls in full moon or solar eclipsesince it was believed that this could lead to a loss of reason and health.
  • The use of a person who died - wait for trouble and illness.
  • If, in the manufacture of hairstyles or weaving braids, a little hair was missed, then the sign indicates the trip.

Do not comb before going to bedDo not comb before going to bed

Hair signs with haircut

  • It has long been believed that you cannot do it yourself and your family haircuts, since in this way you can put on yourself and loved ones with various ailment and failure.
  • Also, our ancestors never cut their partner, because they believed that such an action would lead to disagreements, scandals and parting.
  • If you cut your beloved hair, it is considered to be believed to shorten his life.
  • If you cut your hair, then life changes, but perhaps not in the best direction.
  • Shring the hair to yourself in front of the mirror - to illness, depression.
  • If you want the hair to grow quickly, the curls are thick and strong, cut your hair in the full moon. If you want the opposite effect - to the new moon.
  • A person who cuts your hair should be positive, otherwise the negative will take away all your strength and energy.
  • If mom will cut her daughter, she will cut her female happiness.

Signs about curly hair

  • There is a sign about someone else's the praise of your curls. Girls often tell each other compliments about appearance, however, they sincerely do it extremely rarely. Thus, someone can jinx your hair or praise it, and this, in turn, can bring you ailments.
  • Belongs, according to ancient beliefs, promise their owners a happy and long life, so they should not be cut, align and even paint their owners.

Is it possible to burn hair, bury in the ground, rinse into the toilet: signs

  • Never dispose of your curls in water, toilet, land, do not throw it out into the street, since such an action can lead to trouble. It has long been believed that the curls washed away in the water will bring you a bald head in old age, buried in the ground - a disease thrown out into the street, if a bird from them pushes a nest - to a headache.
  • Also, bad people can be selected by bad people, like sorcerers and magicians, and damage them. It is better to burn the hair or, wrapping in paper, mix and throw it into garbage.
  • There is a belief About combustion Kudrey. If you removed your hair from the comb, set it on fire, and they do not burn, they only smolder, according to you, this is a sign that you have some kind of ailment or there is damage to you, and it is worth taking urgent measures.

Other people's hair on your clothes: signs

  • Someone else's curl on your clothes It promises you to get good news from afar. Therefore, such hair should not be burned.

Male hairy signs

There is a sign and a belief about male hairy.

  • A hairy man is a person who will well provide himself and his family.
  • Those who were lucky enough to be the owner of the hair in the chest and neck, in no case should you shave off, because his luck, well -being will leave with him.

Hair signs during pregnancy

  • There is also, perhaps, a well -known sign about pregnancy and haircut at this time. The hair has long been endowed with special force, it was believed that long hair or curls - a sign of health, strength and well -being. Since the child in the womb is completely dependent on the mother, he “eats” her by force, energy, then cutting the curls, a woman can harm her baby, depriving him of this strength.
  • During childbirth, you can’t braid the hair into braids, tail, otherwise the child will be accumulated by the umbilical cord.

Signs on the location and quantity of hair on the head and body

  • Old people determined the future fate of a person by the growth of hair. If the curls on the temples grow high, and on the forehead - low, it means to accept that a person will live a long and happy life.
  • A bang, located low in a man, speaks of a wealthy old age. The woman has a widow's fate awaits her.
  • It has long been believed that a person whose arms and legs grow densely will be rich.
  • A lot of hair in a woman in her arms and fingers is a sign of spirituality and femininity.
  • Long thick hair in women is a source of energy and strength from the universe and a sign of well -being.
  • If a person has little hair on the body, then he is under poor protection and it is easy to jinx or damage him.
  • If the hair falls out, a person loses energy with them.

Is it possible to cut children before the child’s performance 1 year old: signs about hair for children

  • A sign about haircut of hair baby at 1 year. In ancient times, babies often hurt and died, not having lived until 1 year, so they cut them for the first time at this time as a sign that they lived the most dangerous period of their life and will now grow healthy and happy and his hair will be thick and his hair will be thick and his hair will be thick and his hair beautiful. If the child is cut before the year, then he will be affected by the bad thoughts of others and the evil eye.
  • It is worth noting that in no case should the first children's hair be disposed of and given to someone. They need to be wrapped in a piece of paper and put in a secluded place. Such curls are the strongest amulet that can be given to their owner in the case of his serious illness or close relatives of the owner.
  • There is a sign about the hair of newborn children. It is believed that the more hairy the baby will be born, the happier and richer his life will be.

Hair washing signs

  • There is a sign About washing hair Before an important event, for example, passing the exam, offset or other similar test. It is generally accepted that by washing the hair at this time, you can wash all previously accumulated knowledge.
  • Dandruff in the hair is to embezzlement and poverty.

Why hair is confused: signs

  • Sometimes beautiful, thick and soft hair begins to get confused, tied into knots that are not really unraveling. Many may think that the whole thing is in unsuitable hair washing products, but in fact everything can be different. Since ancient times, our ancestors have been associated with such “behavior” of Kudrey with the fact that their owner had a strong damage, which could threaten his life and health.
  • There is also a sign and the belief that none other than a brownie confuses the curls. Thus, he warns a person that he is in danger.

Signs about gray hair

  • The sign about the first gray hair says: if you pull out the first gray hair, 10 gray hair will grow instead of it.
  • If you dreamed of gray hair, wait for difficulties.
  • The first gray hair on the head speaks of the presence of wisdom in a person, also according to the beliefs in them, the future happiness of the owner is concentrated in them. Therefore, pulling out gray hairs you remove wisdom and happiness from life.

Hair color signs

Signs of hair color have such an interpretation.

  • Dark -haired - responsible and strict people.
  • Blond -haired - smart, harmless, simple -minded.
  • Red -haired - daring, carefree, frivolous.

Hair stiffness signs

  • People with hard hair according to signs are hard, mean and angry.
  • With soft - supple and kind.
  • With straight - cunning.
  • Curly - funny, playful.
  • If the straight hair is twisted when it is pressed with nails and stretch it, then this person is endowed with an evil character.

Hair growth signs

  • There is a sign about spring rain. It is believed that if you wet the hair in such a rain, then it will become stronger, more beautiful and healthier and will grow faster.
  • Hair grows faster if they cut it with a young moon, on the growth of the moon.

Signs associated with hair, talking about love and happiness

  • If in the morning you found feathers in your curls, the sign says that someone is secretly in love with you.
  • If you sleep with wet hair, there will be a tendency to debauchery.
  • Two tops on the head are double happiness.
  • Wihor on the head is a happy sign.
  • If a hairy is caught in food, wait for delusions and treason in love.
  • Loss of your favorite comb - to disappointment in love.

Signs of hair cutting by day of the week

Finally, a few beliefs and will accept the haircut of hair on certain days of the week:

  • Cut the curls on the first day of the week - a good sign. Together with the cut curls, failures, stress and negative emotions will leave.
  • Haircut on Tuesday promises the beginning of a new, interesting and fun life. Therefore, if you are tired of gray everyday life, and you want your every day to be a holiday, go to a hairdresser on this day.
  • Wednesday and Thursday They are also favorable days for going to the hairdresser. A haircut these days will bring you new acquaintances and a change of environment.
  • It's believed that on Friday You can and should be cut to those people who cannot find internal forces and harmony in themselves.
  • Saturday Suitable for going to hairdressers to those people who want to improve their financial situation and give debts. It is believed that unpleasant financial duties will also leave with the curls.
  • But on Sunday It is better to abandon haircuts, otherwise you can cut your luck, prosperity and happiness.

It is worthwhile to understand that not always falling out and splitting hair is the influence of damage and magicians, however, it will not hurt to know such signs and beliefs. In order to maintain your curls, their health and strength, do not neglect the care of them, and also pay attention to changes in their condition.

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