Signs about photographs: Fell photography, give, burn photos, spots, clouding photos, pictures of children, pregnant women and the dead - interpretation and refutation

Signs about photographs: Fell photography, give, burn photos, spots, clouding photos, pictures of children, pregnant women and the dead - interpretation and refutation

Many of us love to be photographed. But are you familiar with the main signs related to photography.

A huge number of superstitions and beliefs are associated with photographs. For the most part, they came to us from other continents and firmly strengthened in our thoughts. For example, some nationalities are not photographed to this day. They believe that a person who takes pictures takes the soul thus. Therefore, there is a special law where any person is forbidden to photograph local residents until he himself gives permission.

Photo fell: signs

The fall and violation of the integrity of the photograph is a bad sign. Often this is due to the fact that a person in the picture will be in wait for the danger. When a photograph falls with a lover or married couple, they will soon have a conflict that will entail part.


However, when neither glass, nor a picture, nor the frame are damaged, then nothing bad will happen. If the photograph fell randomly, then this also does not bode bad. A bad thing will be a bad situation when no one touched the photo, and it fell itself, and a frame or glass broke.

Signs about photographs: Spots in photographs

It is worth being attentive when dark stripes or spots appear in the photographs. This indicates the disease. However, as in any situation, there is a nuance that should be taken into account. When you found changes only in one photo, and all the others are in order, this means that in the manufacture of a photo, poor quality material was used.

But when you noticed that the spots of unknown origin occurred in all the pictures and it was with your image, you should immediately consult your doctor, undergo a medical examination and take tests.


It is also worth considering that health problems are if the spots appear on the human body. When the spots are visible in the empty space around you, there is also a threat, but from the people around you.

Signs about photographs: the picture has become dark, which depicts a living person next to the dead man

Bad a sign connected by photographs, There will be the fact that the clarity of the photographs disappears, they fades and the brightness disappears, especially if the person is captured with the deceased. This indicates a danger to a living person. He should be extremely sharp and attentive.

But there are also moments that should be taken into account before drawing conclusions:

  • The location of the photograph. If it stands at the site of direct sunlight, then this is a completely understandable reaction of photography or any other things.
  • Pictures that are made by a polarid camera over time even without exposure to direct sunlight.
  • The turbidity should be on a person who is alive, and the rest of the picture will not be touched, including a dead person. Then you should worry.

Signs about photographs: Give pictures

A photograph in the hands of magicians or unkind people is a wonderful material with which you can damage, jinx, illness and troubles. In the rituals, the picture is used to bewitch a person, after which he must be buried in the cemetery and pronounced the corresponding spell. Even death can lead such an action.

Do not give
Do not give

It should be borne in mind that these photos should be taken from a real medium, and not taken from the Internet, social networks. This belief is easy to explain. Since any picture where one person is depicted entails loneliness. If you give your lover such a photo, he begins to think that next to him you are still lonely.

When the girl decides to give a photo to her beloved, she will sit over her for more than one hour to show herself more beautiful than it really is. As a result, there will be two different people in the picture and in reality. This can lead to an irreversible reaction of your partner.

If you want the photo to please you both should take a joint picture that will remind you of the pleasant moments that you spent together. Such a photograph will indicate that you are two loving hearts and you are well together, and nothing will prevent your happiness.

Signs about photographs: burning pictures

Not only photographs, but also the people who are captured on them have mystical power. When you begin to destroy pictures, you violate the integrity of your biofield and open the path for diseases, the influence of evil spirits, problems, and much more.

As a result of damage to the photograph, an energy field is violated, which protected you. You should not harm people in this way not quite pleasant to you. This can also not turn out for you in the best way.

Other signs about photographs

  • When a person dies, you can’t put his photograph into his grave.This belief arose even in the days of our ancestors, who put their most beloved thing in a coffin to a loving person, so they wanted to meet together in the next world as soon as possible. And by putting your photograph in the grave, you conduct a rite that uses the forces helping to send you faster to the deceased.
  • But nothing will happen without special spells. But you should not do this, under any circumstances. After all, a picture is an exact copy of you, you, as it were, dig yourself. But this can really come true.
  • Photos of the dead should be closed from an outsider.Photos of loved ones who left the world of living are reminders of the wonderful moments that you spent together. They must be stored, but only in a separate photo album and, in no case in sight of everyone who can come to visit you.
  • Such pictures have a powerful energy that can harm alive. Such pictures can attract conflict situations, disagreements, diseases, if they are in sight of everyone. You will constantly think about the deceased, and to make longing not only on yourself, but also to others.
About the photo
About the photo
  • Photo of those people with whom you can not be put on public display in disagreement.Holding photos in sight of those people with whom you are in a quarrel, entail a strong energy flow. This energy is often bad and constantly interferes with your measured calm life. Such pictures make you think about bad moments, quarrels that arose between you and can even bring to depression. Until that moment until the conflict is settled, not to keep the photos in a prominent place.
  • Places with negative energy is not for photographs.After all, I show the pictures not only your condition at the time of photographing, but also the energy of the place where it was made. Holding such a picture in the apartment, you let in the negative energy that the place has. Gloomy pictures carry disagreements, stretched relationships, troubles than those that were made in bright, sunny and joyful places.
  • It is forbidden to take photos in the places of burial of people, at the site of hostilities, where there was a lot of blood. Not the best place will be a photograph on the background of ruins, abandoned houses or entire cities.
  • Photographers say that hanging photographs with an autumn or winter landscape on the walls, you carry death to the house, which is associated with a wilting of nature. The best choice will be a picture of summer or spring, which carry the birth of a new life, the sun and joy.
  • You can not post photos of children on the Internet or give someone.Small children are weak creatures and they do not have such a powerful protection as in adults. So they are more susceptible to bad eye. Even the most harmless look can harm the baby.
  • That is why you should not post pictures of children in social networks. People tend to envy and this can bring illness on the child, he will sleep badly, often cry for no good reason.
Do not post on the Internet
Do not post on the Internet
  • You can not take photos before marriage.There is superstition that says that if lovers are photographed before marriage, they will part. However, people who do not want to compromise are to blame for this, to give in to each other and they simply lack feelings.
  • But when there is love between the couple, no photos will be able to prevent them from happiness and desire to be together.
  • You can not make photos of children who have not yet been baptized.Many people have a lot that newborns, who have not yet been baptized, are deprived of the protection of the Lord God and therefore, taking photos of such babies, you take their energy and provoke the occurrence of diseases. But in the days of our ancestors it was not customary to baptize children and many until death remained unbaptized.
  • But there were people who, contrary to everything, still baptized babies and the first moments of life were shot on a camera. The first smile, the first bathing is those moments that everyone wants to capture. All these children are still unbaptized and no misfortunes are scary to them.
  • You can not photograph pregnant women.There is a belief that you can not take pictures of a woman who is pregnant, otherwise a miscarriage may happen. But this is just superstition. It can be refuted by famous stars who put their tummies for public display, acting for famous magazines. And they all gave birth to healthy kids.
  • You can not take the three -time pictures.There is an opinion, if a person in the picture stands in the middle, then he will die soon. But this is just superstition that has no logical explanation. Superstition of family albums, where parents stand on different sides of the child, refute this.
  • A blurry photo indicates an imminent disease.This belief can be refuted by anyone who took pictures at least once. After all, the ability to take pictures from the first time qualitatively can not everyone. To do this, you need to know some basics of photography, lighting. Even a skilled photographer can make a mistake, no one is safe from mistakes.
  • You can not take pictures of a pet.The action of this signs can be refuted even now by just visiting the page of one of your friends, who has a pet. There will be many pictures with him in the album, there he will be himself and with his master.
  • Photos made before traveling indicate that you will not return from it.You can refute this superstition by looking on the Internet, where you will find pictures of famous sailors, travelers, astronauts who went on long -distance travels and returned intact and unharmed.
Before traveling
Before traveling

The conclusion is obvious that often signs about photographs - These are just assumptions that you yourself have the right to observe or not, but certain superstitions are not justified at all. So take pictures with pleasure, and do not look for a catch where it is not at all. The main rule is to take pictures wisely and in places that bring you joy, do not put children's photographs for public display, because the children are so defenseless.

Video: About photographic superstitions

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