Fishing signs: about the weather, when collecting fishing, on the road, with fishing, funny superstitions about fishing

Fishing signs: about the weather, when collecting fishing, on the road, with fishing, funny superstitions about fishing

Love fishing, but do not get the right catch. Pay attention to signs, we hope they will help you.

Fishing - is considered one of the useful sports, pleasant pastime in the fresh air. There are many folk beliefs associated with fishing, which can both contribute to a good catch and spoil the entire bite.

Having familiarized themselves with them, there is a chance to always triumphantly return from fishing and with pleasure to enjoy fish delicacies. It has long been noticed that fishing is directly dependent on weather conditions, preparation for the process of fishing, the process itself, and even the fan about the catch.

Weather and fishing - is there a relationship: signs

  • For centuries, the fishermen noticed that a good catch depends on the condition of the weather. For example, with high humidity, the fish pecks more actively. If the street is cloudy or there is a small rain, a good bite is guaranteed, but you should not count on a plentiful catch in the heat.
  • If the weather is hot, it is better to plan fishing for a dawn-screening time.
  • The lunar phase also has the impact on the amount of fish: on the 1st day of the lunar cycle, the fish pecks perfectly, in the full moon-badly.
  • The fishermen noted that a sharp change in air and water temperature in any direction, adversely affects the bite, if the watering of water is over some period of time-from cold to acceptable-the bucket will be filled with catch.
About fishing
About fishing

During the drought, when the water level decreases, the catch is bad, because At this time, the water temperature is able to fluctuate sharply, which in fish causes discomfort. A sharp increase in the level of the reservoir forces the fish to constantly move, so it also rarely falls on the hook. A gradual increase in water levels are the best conditions for fishing, as experienced fishermen say.

Looking at the barometer, remember:

  • The catch is not expected, with sharp differences in atmospheric pressure, especially if the forecast is a thunderstorm.
  • It will be good to bite with a gradual increase in blood pressure or its stable indicators immediately after the rain.

What the wind blows with, as well as its direction will affect the outcome of fishing:

  • In a sultry day, gusts of cold wind from the north or east will bring comfort and a solid catch to the fisherman; The same can be said about the cool day, warmed by winds from the south or west.
  • Powerful gusts of wind do not contribute to a successful bite, but a light breeze that causes ripples on the water surface will bring fish prey.
  • The wind blows along the river - you can not wait for a noble bite.
For a fisherman
For a fisherman

What to pay attention to when collecting fishing: signs

The fishermen sacredly believe in signs, of which there are a great many and try, if possible to observe them. The prejudices affect many aspects of fishing: the process itself, the preparatory stage, which occurs in the way to the pond, as well as the behavior of the fisherman after fishing.

We are going to go fishing - what to look for?Fishermen emphasize: do not hastily gather fishing, as well as pay too close attention.

We pay attention during fishing
We pay attention during fishing
  • It is not recommended to start preparing for the “event” too much, to plan and concentrate on minor things-you will scare away 100%.
  • The fees of a lot will also not bring the desired fortune; But, if you still forget the net in a hurry, you will most likely bring a large fish home.
  • To put on new fishing rods or purchase new fishing rods is not the best sign for a grand catch. Everything that is used on fishing: the decoration of a fisherman or tackle should be "developed".
  • Before fishing, try not to quarrel with someone from the family, be more careful with your spouse-sometimes even the closest and most loving people can inadvertently jinx “prey”.
  • Do not promise a big catch - luck does not like the talkative.
  • It is strictly forbidden to make fish food from fish or canned products from it (even dried squids and crab sticks), as well as eat fish on the eve of fishing-you will not even catch a fry.

It is better to leave the house early so that none of the households has time to wish success and good fishing. After such a message, you can not even try to throw the fishing rod - the fish will not bite. Also, if you are going to fishing without sports fuse, it is better to sit at home - a rich catch does not shine for you.

What to notice on the road to fishing: signs

Fishing beliefs say:

  • Meet the clergyman or nun, a policeman, a female representative, as well as a representative of the hare family, is extremely unfavorable for successful fishing.
  • Hares and rabbits should not even be mentioned on the day of fishing - it is believed that these animals will become an obstacle to a good bite.
  • If a hare, crossing the path in the river, caught my eye, all fishing plans will definitely break. So that the belief does not come true, skip someone in front of you who did not notice the bunny, then you can continue your trip to fishing.
Hares - to failure
Hares - to failure
  • To meet a person with physical injuries or disfigured outwardly, is considered a success for a fisherman.
  • A good deed in relation to someone gives higher chances of a major catch. Bring a stranger, especially if he is the same amateur fisherman and luck will be on your side. Just do not take money for the rendered service, even when you are persistently offered, you will scare away Mrs. Fortune.
  • Someone on the way wished a good bite-most likely your catch is jinx.

The result of the “event” will depend on the complexity of the road to fishing: if your transport has broken down on the way, the traffic cop fined you or there have been any other overlays-a good bite is provided. In case of avoidance of penalties when meeting a road patrol, you can not count on a “fat” bite.

For a catch
For a catch

We looked in the way to the pond in the shop to buy fishing accessories - luck will not smile at you.

Fish capture process: what signs to pay attention to?

Having achieved the goal, namely the places of the planned “event”, take the fishing rods from the transport in such a way as not to scare away the fish, leaving large -sized bags and scales in the trunk of the car.

  • Do not dip rubbish into the water until the first fish comes across (the reason is identical).
  • Greet the reservoir without fail, do not arrange a showdown with other fishermen, also with random onlookers, reads belief.
  • In order for the bite to start faster, spit on the worm before throwing a fishing rod for the first time.
  • Throwing a fishing rod, they found that the fishing line was confused, take another, more successful. Step on any tackle-do not expect an abundant catch.
Fishing rods
Fishing rods
  • It was even noticed that it was worth giving an outsider to use personal fishing - the fish would not go, because the tackle was desecrated.
  • The first small fish caught - let go and ask to call the river relatives.
  • The first fish slipped from the hook or a ruff caught - good luck in fishing today will not be and it is worth returning home.
  • The fishing group consists of several people - the smallest catch is expected in the first fish that caught.
  • A navigated cat or dog, which was stabbed during fishing, must be fed - good luck, as a rule, changes greedy.
  • Before the fishing has come to an end, you should not try to determine by weight or by quantity, the size of the extracted catch. According to legend, one awkward movement can deprive you of all the fish, for example, torn a net or accidentally untie the cage.

If you decide to mark fishing with drinking alcohol, splash a bit of strong in the reservoir - so you will confuse Mr. Vodyanoy.

So, fishing came to an end. How is it worth a story:

  • Thank the reservoir, collect after you all the sides. Otherwise, you will not catch anything else in this place.
  • Returning home, it is better to exaggerate the size of the extraction so that the next fishing is more plentiful. If you get down, each time the catch will be more and more scarce.
To peck
To peck

All that you caught, eat or distribute to your relatives or neighbors, otherwise, gathered again for fishing, you will most likely return empty -handed.

Funny superstitions about fishing

  1. A larger fish comes across a thin fishing line.
  2. There is no bite - arrange a snack.
  3. The fish likes to peck on the bait, which does not have a fisherman.
  4. Wherever you float, the wind blows into the face.
  5. A large number of gear - a little fish.
  6. A stronger tackle is a smaller fish.
  7. I didn’t catch it today - you will catch tomorrow, there is no catch tomorrow - there will be the day after tomorrow.
  8. The weather is clearer - a long expectation of bite.

In fishing beliefs there is a grain of wisdom based on centuries -old observations. Treat nature with respect, do not pollute the ponds and then fishing will always be for you not only a pleasant pastime with friends, but also a chance to have a fresh fish on the table.

Video: fishing signs

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