Love Signs by day of the week: Dating meaning

Love Signs by day of the week: Dating meaning

In this topic, we will talk about love signs dependent on the days of the week.

Since ancient times, people believed in different signs. This concerned all the spheres of life, but, of course, signs of love were especially popular for young girls. From all the enormous variety of folk beliefs, it is precisely the signs of love that suggest how to get rid of loneliness. Time moves forward, but to this day the habit of believing signs for love by days of the week has not lost its relevance.

Love Signs on the days of the week: Interpretation of the treasured acquaintance

Of course, there will be a lot of love for love that concerns different aspects of our lives. But a large imprint lays the day of acquaintance.

Monday love signs


This is a difficult day under the protection of the moon for the first acquaintance has a positive and very deep interpretation. It is the first day of the week Connects loved ones in spirit and the desire of people. At the same time, partners will have common goals and outlook on life. Therefore, such an alliance will be Extremely harmonious and practical. It is in such a pair that a family idyll will reign, when all problems are solved together, and with any failure, each of the partners will substitute his shoulder to support.

By the way, the couple will not only be lovers, but also good friends. Monday "gives birth" The strongest couples Checking your endurance testing. But you need to understand that There should not be a lie in such a pair! After all, this is the key to this union. And as a little advice - do not forget to bring a touch of fun in such a practical and monotonous life.

Important: never go to the first date in new shoes. You must wear it at least once before. Otherwise, to extinguish feelings very quickly, and maybe the first meeting is completely disappointed.

Signs for love on Tuesday

Emotional passion
Emotional passion

The second day carries more determination and confidence, What will your chosen one stand out! This union will be successful and extremely happy if partners can compromise each other. It is worth noting that the couple will constantly receive inspiration, eating inner energy. This is a period of warlike Mars, so a couple of even stars will help to open their own business or do a common thing, which will be successful. In addition, astrologers note that acquaintance will give spouses Life saturated with travel!

But if the partners are not careful in words or will react too sharply to statements, then scandals cannot be avoided. Generally, invading The couple will be saturated with passion, loud quarrels and stormy reconciliations. Therefore, we take a note - we direct, in order to avoid conflict situations, our cosmic general energy in the right direction! By the way, travel and campaigns on weekends will be calmed.

Please note: you need to go on a date and return from it by different roads. Otherwise, life together will be boring and monotonous.

Signs for love on Wednesday

Carefree fun
Carefree fun

Pure thoughts and sober mind in the composition with the energy of Mercury will help to create a harmonious alliance. After all, it is on this day that it is recommended to solve important matters, as well as make acquaintances and sign contracts that will certainly get success. That is why you can easily “find a common language”, you will be united by common interests and hobbies, and Life life will be easy and happy. In addition, this The period is the most favorable for acquaintance with the mother -in -law.

Again, due to the fact that any information on this day is perceived correctly, and conflicts are smoothed out at the cosmic level. This will Easy and extremely cheerful alliance, that outsiders may even seem a little carefree. To some extent it is. But difficulties or conflict situations can withdraw partners from this balance. And such quarrels can even be fatal. That's why Be patient and treat with understanding a person next to you.

Important: never walk the first time near the reservoir where weeping trees grow. Signs promise you a long life together, but with an abundance of sadness and tears.

And about love signs that are associated with tears, you can read in our article "Why cry: signs."

Signs for love on Thursday

The happiest union
The happiest union

Jupiter promises good luck! But he also gives rise to and The most promising unions. It is on this day that you can expand each other's horizons and achieve high career heights together. Especially in the affairs of state or in jurisprudence. By the way, cosmic patronage is received by couples that are engaged in charity work. It is also worth noting that such a union will Built in respect! And also Stars bless the wedding on this day!

But its main component will be confidence! If one of the partners dates back or betray, then forgiveness should not wait. At the same time, stars say that it is small or household disagreements that will be the cause of almost all conflicts. Therefore, always Solve all problems at once, tell each other even bitter truth, and share responsibilities. Moreover, the energy of the pair will be business, and there will be little time to stay for household chores.

Important: in order to make your union strong more and make a maximum of trust, the first time you need to kiss the partner on the new moon.

Signs for love on Friday


Magnetism of Venus promises the creation of a strong union, The basis of which will be tenderness and love. No wonder on this day it is worth abandoning any important matters. After all, passion and warmth soars even in the air, combining people. But not always such clashes are continued. Since it is precisely the feelings that day take up, the mind analyzes events after. BUT The main drawback of such relationships is selfishness!

It is he who destroys the relationship. But on this day couples are created that are based on the femininity of the girl and the respect of a man. Venus enhances the sense of taste and the desire for the beautiful. Therefore, a woman who conquered the heart of a man should always remain tender and attractive. Then the relationship will be able to hold out for a long time. And do not forget - that the fidelity and return of each of the partners is important in pairs.

Important: it is believed that if in the morning you haven’t set the day and all of the way to fall out of your hands, then today you will meet your fateful second half.

Love signs on Saturday


Saturn is responsible for his career, but no way for feelings. Therefore, it is impossible to call a day suitable for a romantic first meeting. But here For a promising and practical couple It is quite suitable. After all, you will have common goals, generate exciting ideas and develop an action plan together. According to statistics, it is the Saturday pairs that reach great advancements in career and in life. And yet - such a meeting is more often fateful.

But there is a catch in this “calculating” union - this is ambitiousness. As a rule, a malicious planet affects partners so that mood swings cannot be avoided. Therefore, the stars say that These are the most conflict pairs. The main secret of the relationship is the ability to concede and forgive, forgetting about pride. At the same time, we do not miss that composure and prudence are unacceptable in the family circle, because they have a place at work or outside the walls of the house. After all Being together is to protect each other. This is the lesson that should remove the Saturday pairs for themselves.

Important: if the apple randomly fell to the floor, then wait for an imminent meeting in a real lover. The beliefs also have a similar interpretation when cheeks burn. The environment is considered fateful.

Also recommends reading our article "Love signs if cheeks are burning."

Love signs on Sunday


The solar energy of the day creates The strongest and brightest couples. Partners complement each other spiritually, and help everyone develop a career ladder. This meeting will be endowed with strong energy, and partners will be in motion and constant desire. The patronage of the men's star makes the day the happiest! It is on Sunday that sincerely loving and spiritually close partners reunite.

But the most important dignity is This is the departure and ability to forgive! This is what the solar pairs of Sunday are issued. But sometimes the egoism of one of the partners can make a negative imprint on marital idyll. It is also recommended to pay attention to such a couple to spiritual growth and rest in nature.

Video: Love Signs

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  1. Very interesting article😊\u003dorn

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