Signs and superstitions about features: interpretations

Signs and superstitions about features: interpretations

Dashes are all afraid and not in vain. But it is important to know signs about these creatures.

Perhaps most of the beliefs and superstitions concerns various evil spirits, mystical events, etc. Therefore, today we will tell you about superstitions that relate to evil spirits, in particular devils.

Signs and superstitions about the features

  • Surely almost every of us heard that you can not look into a broken glass and a mirror. The belief this appeared a very long time and is still relevant. Why is there such a ban? Because our ancestors were sure that in fragments you could see the reflection of the unclean.
  • In no case should you curse, and all the more you can not do it in your house, since the devil will steal good luck and prosperity.
  • There is a belief that says that you can not shake off the water after washing, since each drop that has fallen to the floor will give life to a new unclean and thus evil forces will become even more.
  • If in a dream some person fasten his teeth, then the devils attack him and he cannot drive them away from himself.
About the devil
About the devil
  • In no case should you go to the bathhouse, sauna, etc. after the third couple, since it is generally accepted that at this time there is evil spirits, and she, as you know, does not like uninvited guests. Often, terrible things happen to such people, for example, they die in those very baths.
  • You can’t yawn with an open mouth, because at this moment the devil can move into a person.
  • It is also strictly forbidden to put the leg on the leg and sway them. Thus, you can arrange a kind of swing of evil spirits and attract it to you.
  • There is a sign about the game with a rope. Do not indulge with a rope, a lace and similar things, since the devil can contribute to the death of a person through hanging.
  • You can’t drink lying on the bed, sofa and kneeling, since such a pose can attract unclean and provoke him to actions, for example, he can push a person and he falls, choke, etc.
  • It is not recommended to laugh too much and joke during eating at the table, since this behavior provokes the devil to spoil all the treats available on the table.
  • Do not stand during a thunderstorm in front of the windows, on the street. The ancestors believed that at that time the devils run away from St. Ilya and hide behind people. In this case, a person can involuntarily become a victim.
  • There is a belief that a very unpleasant smell appears in the room along with the unclean. If you suddenly find yourself in a similar situation, immediately cross yourself several times and read the prayer.
  • In no case do not send people, especially children to hell, since unclean can take them to yourself.
  • Do not enter a new house at night and evening, because instead of guardian angels, the devils will come with you and will interfere with your happy life.
  • There is a sign associated with cleaning in the house. It is believed that you need to remove only in a good mood, because otherwise you can call a line into the house.
  • If you heard the singing of a rooster at midnight or before dawn, then there is evil spirits nearby. The animal feels her and warns you with its singing.

Despite the fact that the above signs have been formed for a long time, they have not lost their relevance to this day. A fairly large number of people believe that such superstitions and signs really work and try not to check it out on themselves once again.

In any case, it is important to know how to protect yourself from unclean. To do this is quite simple - read the prayer and cross yourself, and then visit the church if possible.

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