The use of spirulina in cosmetology for the skin of the face and body: recipes of masks, wraps, baths. How to buy a spirulina for masks and wraps in the Aliexpress online store?

The use of spirulina in cosmetology for the skin of the face and body: recipes of masks, wraps, baths. How to buy a spirulina for masks and wraps in the Aliexpress online store?

Recommendations for the use of spirulina. Recipes of simple masks of this beneficial algae.

Spirulin - This is the algae of juicy green color, containing a huge number of minerals, vitamins and amino acids. The presence of all these substances makes this rare plant indispensable for female beauty. With regular use, it can quite noticeably rejuvenate the skin, restore their elasticity and contribute to smoothing wrinkles.

In addition, you can use spirulina for anti -cellulite wraps and even to take cosmetic baths.

Where to buy spirulina for masks and wraps: catalog Aliexpress

Spirulin on Aliexpress

Until recently, only those women who live in China and South America knew about the excellent cosmetic properties of spirulina. But thanks to the Internet, representatives and other countries learned about it. For this reason, for a rather short time, spirulina began to be well sold throughout the planet. Now this miracle water can be bought on any Internet resource engaged in the sale of female cosmetics.

In view of this, if you wish, you can easily find it on Aliexpress. To do this, you will need to go into the category beauty and health and choose a section there Skin care. After that, you will only need to choose in what form you will order spirulin. In the catalogs of the resource, you can find tablets and powder from this algae. But before starting to place an order, be sure to carefully read the description for the product.

Some sellers are trying to mislead customers and sell spirulina with additives, and unfortunately, not always useful for the skin. Therefore, if you find an unknown word in the description, then be sure to find out from the sender what it means. If the powder or tablets also contain, for example, mummy or ginseng, then feel free to make a purchase. These substances will definitely not harm your skin.

Spirulina face masks in tablets: recipe

Spirulina face masks

The skin of the face gives rise to various kinds of stress every day, and because of this, even seemingly careful care, it still begins to become less fresh and dry. As a rule, scandals, poor ecology, malnutrition and poor -quality cosmetics have a negative effect on the state of our dermatological integuments. For this reason, women should help their skin recover not with purchased creams, but with home masks made of organic substances.

The best option in this case may be spirulina. Based on this algae, you can prepare a nutritious and anti -aging and cleansing mask. The most pleasant thing in this case is that no matter what you mix with spirulina, the result will always be perfect.

Recipe for the simplest spirulina mask:

  • To prepare this product, you will need 4 tablets of spirulina, 1 teaspoon of honey and a little water.
  • To get started, mix tablets with water (you should get a porridge), and then add liquid honey to them.
  • Mix the mask thoroughly and begin to prepare your face for its application.
  • Be sure to remove all the cosmetics, treat your face with a tonic and let it dry.
  • After that, apply the mask to the skin with circular movements and leave it there for 15 minutes.
  • When the time comes out, wash it with warm water, get your skin with a napkin and treat it with any nutrient cream.

A rejuvenating facial mask with a spirulina from wrinkles

Rejuvening mask

No matter how hard the woman tries, but with age in her body, processes inevitably begin to occur that lead to the aging of the dermis. She begins to lose her elasticity, freshness and small wrinkles begin to appear on it. If you want to delay the appearance of all these problems, then try to regularly make anti -aging masks based on spirulina.

Due to the fact that this algae will saturate the skin with moisture and feeds it with beneficial substances, it will literally tighten and become much more elastic and fresh after the third procedure. But remember that this effect is preserved, you need to regularly make such a mask. Therefore, do not be lazy and apply it to the face at least once a week.


  • To get started, take 2 spirulina tablets and explain them to a homogeneous mass.
  • Then mix the green powder, which you have from 1 tbsp. l fat cottage cheese and 1 tsp of almond or peach oil.
  • Apply the resulting mixture along the massage lines on the face and leave it there for thirty minutes.
  • While the mask is on your face, try not to talk to anyone.
  • After time, wash your water temperature water and wait until the skin dries naturally.

Mask with gelatin and spirulina: Recipe

Mask with gelatin and spirulina

Gelatin mixed with a spirulina is able to restore youth and radiance to the skin, so if you want your face to always look perfect, then regularly apply a mask on it, with the recipe of which we will introduce you now. But if you do not want to harm your skin, be sure to consider some nuances of using this tool.

Firstly, this mask in no case should be applied to the skin around the eyes as it contains gelatin, then during solidification it can injure a delicate dermis. Secondly, you must remember that such a mask reveals the pores quite strongly, so a couple of days after its use you will need to take care of your skin more carefully.

Spirulina's gelatin mask recipe:

  • To begin with, soak 15 g of gelatin in a small amount of water, wait for its swelling, and then melt it on a steam bath to a liquid state.
  • Let it cool until an acceptable temperature, then add 1 tbsp to the mixture. l powder from algae and 15 drops of vitamin A.
  • Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the skin of the face.
  • After about 20 minutes, rinse the mask with warm water without the use of soap and apply a nutrient cream to the skin.

Spirulin from acne: recipe

Acne mask

Unfortunately, acne on the skin can appear even at the age of 30. As a rule, the cause of their appearance are problems with hormones and not quite correct operation of the sebaceous glands. These two problems contribute to a more intensive production of subcutaneous fat and, as a result, blocking the skin of the skin, followed by inflammation of the dermis.

But in order to get rid of this problem, you no longer need to buy expensive creams, you can quite calmly prepare yourself a mask of spirulina. It will help to very quickly establish all the metabolic processes in the dermis, thereby making so that the subcutaneous fat begins to stand out in the right quantities. In addition, this mask will help relieve inflammation and reduce pain.


  • To begin with, grind oatmeal on a coffee grinder (you should get oatmeal).
  • Mix the resulting powder with dry algae and patchouli oil.
  • This mixture will need to be applied to a pre-cleaned face, and left there for 15-20 minutes.
  • After the specified time, the mask is washed off with warm water.
  • After acne disappears, this tool can be used for preventive purposes (approximately 1-2 times a month).

Spirulina mask with honey: recipe

Spirulina mask with honey
Spirulina mask with honey

Honey masks are good in that they very effectively improve blood circulation, thereby tinting the skin and stimulating its regeneration. A combination of spirulina and honey can perform a real miracle. Literally after the first use of such a tool, the skin on your face will noticeably tighten, become more elastic and elastic. It is best to apply such a mask on a pre -steamed face.

This will help that nutrients are much better absorbed into the skin, thereby healing it as well as possible. Yes, and do not forget that such a mask cannot be stored for a long time. Unlike spirulina, honey has the ability to very quickly lose its useful qualities, so if you want your face to get maximum benefits from the mask, then prepare it immediately before applying.

Mask recipe:

  • Melt the honey in a steam bath and mix it with a spirulina powder (if you use the tablets, then previously terminate them).
  • Then peel the cucumber from the peel, remove the seeds from it and rub on the smallest grater.
  • Add the resulting mass to the mixture of honey and algae, and mix everything thoroughly.
  • If desired, you can add a couple of drops of vitamin A, B, E. to the mask.
  • Apply the mask on your face, wait about half an hour, and then rinse all with warm water.

DIY spirulina cream: Recipe

Spirulina cream

Probably, it is not even worth saying that the cream cooked with your own hands can bring the skin much more benefit than purchased. In view of this, it will be better if you still decide and try to make this care product yourself, especially since it is made very simple.


  • To begin with, purchase bee wax, peach oil, glycerin and pink water (the last ingredient can be replaced with a decoction of calendula and chamomile).
  • You will also need vitamins A, B, E and a small amount of aloe juice.
  • After all the ingredients are purchased, it will be possible to start making a cosmetic product.
  • First rub the bee wax on the grater and put it drowning on a steam bath.
  • When it becomes liquid, remove it from the fire and let it cool a little, and then add glycerin, peach oil, all vitamins, pink water and aloe juice to it.
  • At the next stage, we take a blender and at small speeds we begin to whip the mass.
  • This must be done until it completely cools down and starts to thicken (it usually takes 10 minutes)
  • The finished cream must be shifted in a hermetically closing jar and sent to the refrigerator.

How to do a spirulina wrapping?

Wrap with spirulina

Spirulin is an ideal means in the struggle for female beauty. On its basis, you can prepare not only creams, but also mixtures for anti -cellulite wraps. Substances that are in this algae will contribute to a fairly effective skin lifting, so it will become as smooth and fit as possible.

True, you must consider that you will need to carry out such a procedure more than once or two. To achieve the visible result, you will need to go through 2 courses for 14 days. But if you show patience, then after this time you can, in general, forget what cellulite is on the priest and hips.

Recommendations for wrapping:

  • To get started, mix 100 g of yogurt, 30 g of honey and 4 tbsp. l powder made of algae.
  • Then make a light massage of problem areas and apply a cooked tool on them.
  • Wrap everything with several layers of cling film and cover yourself with a blanket.
  • Lift it for 30 minutes, and then remove the film and rinse the mask with warm water.

Spirulina bath recipe

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Baths with spirulina

Which woman does not like to take a bath after a difficult working day. And if you add a solution of spirulina to it, then in the end you can not be easy to relax, and also bring the skin of your body into the normal state. Such water procedures will help you activate all metabolic processes in the dermis, thereby contributing to the elimination of toxins and toxins from the body. If you take such baths regularly, then after some time you can forget what acne and cellulite are.

But in this case, there are nuances of using spirulina. This algae does not tolerate high temperature indicators very well, so it is not desirable to breed it with boiling water. If you want to save the maximum of the beneficial substances that are present in this raw material, then fill it with water, the temperature of which does not exceed 60 degrees.


  • To begin with, dissolve in 3 liters of boiled water 10 tbsp. l spirulina.
  • Pour the green liquid into the bath, and mix everything carefully.
  • After the spirulin solution is evenly distributed in water, you can safely dive into it.
  • Lie in the bathroom for at least 20 minutes, and then get up, blot the body with a soft towel and, if desired, rub it with olive oil.

Alginate mask with menthol and spirulina: Application

Alginate mask with menthol and spirulina

If you dream of salon care at home, then try to apply an alginate mask with spirulina and menthol on your face. This tool is equally well suited for both young skin and age -related.

In the case of adolescence dermis, it will help remove excessive shine, will contribute to the removal of inflammation in the acne area, and also feeds the skin with a large amount of useful substances. Dams over 40, such a mask will help to tighten the skin quite well, leveles its tone and correct the oval of the face.

Recommendations for use:

  • First, rinse off the face of cosmetics and treat the skin with a cleansing tonic.
  • Then apply any cream with a thin layer and let it soak a little.
  • After that, you can start applying the mask.
  • Pour the dry mixture into a small bowl and pour it 60 ml of water.
  • Mix the mask very quickly until smooth, and immediately begin to apply it to the face.
  • We leave it on the face for 25 minutes, and then remove it in one motion.
  • After removing the mask, treat the skin with micellar water.

Laminaria and Spirulin: What is the difference?


In principle, spirulina and kelp are very similar to the smell and color. But if you look at the research of scientists, you can definitely say that spirulina is a kind of natural vitamin complex that is able to give the human body a maximum of useful substances.

That is why it helps to fight age -related changes very well, and does it both from the inside and outside. As for the kelp, the main component is iodine. This substance is in it in very large quantities, for this reason this algae is most often used to treat thyroid diseases.

This is the main difference between spirulina and laminaria. The first can be used to treat a wide range of diseases, the second can be used to get rid of only some pathologies. Therefore, if you are looking for a natural supplement that would help you extend youth, then give preference to spirulina.

Spirulina for the face: reviews of cosmetologists

Reviews of cosmetologists

Valentine: I had one patient who had terrible skin problems. She launched her face to such a state that at first I even wanted to refuse her treatment. But having weighed all the pros and cons, I still decided to take up her. To begin with, she drank Spirulin in tablets, and only when the body was a little healing from the inside, I began to fight leather problems. I just bred spirulina with water in a row and applied it to the dermis. Somewhere after the 5th session, inflammation began to subside, and acne disappears. After that, I began to add vitamins A and E to face masks, which contributed to the regeneration of the skin. And lo and lo and about a miracle! After 10 session, my patient's skin began to look almost perfect.

Hope: As a cosmetologist, I do not really believe in advertising, therefore, when I first learned about the existence of Spirulina, I did not really believe in everything that I heard about it. But literally a couple of days later, my permanent patient asked me a question about this algae. Therefore, returning home, I decided to study this issue more seriously. Realizing that Spirulin could become my reliable assistant, she still decided to buy her. At first I tested masks on its basis for myself, and only when I saw a positive result, began to offer them to my patients. At the moment, I use spirulina to prepare nutritious, cleaning and moisturizing masks.

Video: face mask and olive oil for sensitive skin

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Comments K. article

  1. It is interesting, of course, but it is probably all sky -high .... This is why I prefer more profitable funds. To feed the skin, I take hyaluronic acid from Evalar (it has the most acceptable price), well, I drink collagen ... From folk remedies I make masks based on gelatin. Skin, pah-pah, in excellent condition.

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