The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth

The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth

Chlorhexidine for diseases of the oral cavity and teeth: how to apply, how long and often you can rinse?

Chlorhexidine is the best disinfectant for both operating rooms and household medical manipulations. In this article we will talk about the use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth.

Is it possible to rinse your mouth and throat chlorhexidine?

The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth is actively used for many years, and high efficiency is confirmed by doctors at the world level. It is worth noting that today in the pharmacy many options for chlorhexidine are sold both for rinsing the oral cavity and sprays for the mouth.

If in the nearest pharmacy you do not have ready-made chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity, you can make a solution yourself by diluting chlorhexidine to 0.05-0.1% using boiled water. But use such a solution no more than 3 days, and it is better to prepare fresh once a day.

Rinse of the mouth and throat
Rinse of the mouth and throat

In what diseases of the oral cavity is it recommended to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine?

The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth are not the only indications of the drug. There are also a number of diseases, in a complex of the treatment of which the oral cavity and throat is recommended to disinfect:

  • All types of sore throats;
  • Ginita;
  • Tonsillitis;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Pharyngitis;
  • As a prevention of caries, if there are difficult to clean up places between the teeth.

How to rinse your mouth with stomatitis chlorhexidine?

So, let's analyze the use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth, namely, how to rinse the mouth with stomatitis.

  • It is first recommended to eat and drink liquids so that after rinsing for at least an hour there is no hunger and thirst;
  • Peel your mouth, breaking with boiled water;
  • Dial a solution of chlorhexidine in the mouth for rinsing the oral cavity and thoroughly rinse all parts of the oral cavity, as well as inhalation in the throat;
  • Hold the solution in the mouth for about a minute or two;
  • Spitting out the remains of the solution, it is strictly prohibited from using chlorhexidine;
  • Do not drink and do not eat at least an hour after use.

It is recommended to rinse the mouth with stomatitis every 4 hours, and be sure to in the morning after sleep and breakfast, and in the evening, before you go to bed. Drink exclusively boiled water, pour raw foods with boiling water before it is, and must be treated with boiling water or steam.

Chlorhexidine for stomatitis in children - the best medicine
Chlorhexidine for stomatitis in children - the best medicine

How to rinse your mouth in case of gum disease by chlorhexidine?

We will analyze the next item, the use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, diseases of the gums, teeth, namely, how to rinse the mouth during gum disease:

The procedure for rinsing the gum chlorhexidine is similar to the previous point, with the exception of some points:

  • It is recommended to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine after each meal, having previously cleared your teeth or with watering with water;
  • It is recommended to rinse a solution of chlorhexidine at least once every 4 hours;
  • If you rinse your mouth to the child, make sure that the solution does not swallow;
  • You can rinse the oral cavity with chlorhexidine until the gums are completely recovered, it does not cause overdrying or addiction.

How to rinse your mouth in teeth illness by chlorhexidine?

And in conclusion, we consider the last item from the use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth. Namely, in what cases is the teeth rinsing chlorhexidine and how to rinse it correctly?

The first thing to pay attention to is that chlorhexidine disinfects, but does not remove the pain syndrome. Therefore, the toothache cannot be removed with this solution, but you can protect from caries, decay, the development of bacteria, etc. The oral cavity, especially in the process of painting or in the process of treatment.

How to rinse your mouth in teeth illness by chlorhexidine is recommended after each meal, as well as before bedtime. The main task is to prevent the reproduction of bacteria that destroys the tooth, and also carry many diseases for gums and oral cavity.

It is necessary to rinse chlorhexidine during teeth illness until a complete recovery, until the last filling procedure passes.

Also, when installing dental implants, dentists recommend treating the oral cavity with chlorhexidine until complete healing.

Chlorhexidine - proven tool in the treatment of the oral cavity during teeth illness
Chlorhexidine - a proven tool in the treatment of the oral cavity during teeth illness

The use of chlorhexidine for rinsing the oral cavity for stomatitis, gum disease, teeth: tips and reviews

Igor: After the accident, he visited the dentist for six months, installed several bridges and a couple of implants. All this time, chlorhexidine saved me. Thanks to the purpose of the dentist and my clear compliance with the instructions, there was not a single inflammation or abscess. I recommend to everyone who treats their teeth for months very much saves the situation.

Maria: The child regularly has stomatitis and our doctor recommended treating chlorhexidine with a solution, and at the moment when the baby is healthy - rinse once a day before bedtime. And lo and about a miracle - for several months we have not returned to the problem. I recommend that all mothers take note.

Do you know where more chlorhexidine is used? You will be interested in our articles about this:

Video: How to rinse your mouth with chlorhexidine after tooth extraction, with gum inflammation, with stomatitis?

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