Pin-up style hairstyle and pop art (Pop-Art): for long and short hair. How to make a PIN-up hairstyle with a scarf, bandana?

Pin-up style hairstyle and pop art (Pop-Art): for long and short hair. How to make a PIN-up hairstyle with a scarf, bandana?

Pin-up and pop art styles in hairstyles appeared in the 30s of the last century. Shocking, originality, beauty, sexuality and femininity-all this is Pin-up and pop-art.

The Pin-AP style in hairstyles appeared in the 30s in the USA. Then this wave of stylish and luxuriously laid hair reached other countries. Pop art appeared after 20 years (in the 50s) in England, and immediately this style became popular in the USA.

In the middle of the 20th century, the beauties of the United States of America surprised men with unique styles hairstyles -Pin-up and pop-art, which today can be found on modern fashionistas in different countries of the world.

  • PIN-up is not just a hairstyle. This is well -groomed hair with a beautiful shine. Beautiful styling adds to the image of femininity and sexuality
  • Bunches, combing, laying with a rim, scarf, bright hairpins or flower-all these are signs of PIN-up. The most popular version of such a hairstyle is the hair of medium length, laid in the form of large, soft waves or in the form of a roller
  • In another image-pop art, bright details should be present, but these are not hoops or red lipstick, as in the image of PIN-up. The hair is dyed in saturated colors: pink, coral, red, blue and other unexpected shades that attract attention
  • Pop-Art styling is high bunches and pile. If the hair is smoothly combed, then it should be bright white, pink and even yellow shade

How to make stylish hairstyles PIN-up or pop art and do not overdo it with bright colors? How to make styling correctly, adhering to these unique styles of the middle of the 20th century?

Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair: photo

A PIN-UP girl is a graceful, mischievous and sensual coquette. At the same time, it is not necessary to change your character, make a hairstyle, creating soft curls and a light comb.

This style does not allow vulgarity and overgrown - everything is in moderation. The hairstyle in the style of PIN-up on long hair was worn by many famous cinema divas, and modern celebrities try to imitate the icons of the style of that time. Here is a photo of stacked hair in the style of PIN-up-amazing and feminine:

A great hairstyle for a party or for a walk with girlfriends is fun and unique.

Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair: photo
Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair: photo

Such hairstyles were loved by village girls in the 50s. A woman should look 100% always and everywhere!

Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair
Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair

Cute, romantic and feminine - any man will certainly appeal to this style of a female image.

Pin-AP style hairstyle: photo
Pin-AP style hairstyle: photo

An example of an evening image and hairstyle PIN-up. Red lipstick, massive earrings are also a PIN-UP style.

Hairstyle on the evening in the style of PIN-up for long hair: photo
Hairstyle on the evening in the style of PIN-up for long hair: photo

The bright image of this brunette is achieved at the expense of the PIN-UP hairstyle, red lipstick and bright earrings. Spectacular and properly laid hair speaks of a woman's grooming.

Pin-AP style hairstyle
Pin-AP style hairstyle

You rarely find beauties with such a hairstyle on the street in our time, but for a thematic party in the retro style is a suitable styling.

Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair for a theme party
Pin-up-up hairstyle for long hair for a theme party

PIN-up hairstyles for short hair: photo

As mentioned above, Pin-up is easy to make on medium length hair. But for short hair, beauties manage to try on this style. Even Marilyn Monroe at one time did not change this style.

Beautiful pin-up hairstyles for short hair-photo:

The girl’s mischief is visible in her image. A tied scarf on her head speaks of her eccentricity, the main thing is that the image is not vulgar.

PIN-up hairstyles for short hair: photo
PIN-up hairstyles for short hair: photo

A glamorous beauty with a hairstyle in the style of PIN-up is romantic and attractive.

PIN-up hairstyles for short hair
PIN-up hairstyles for short hair

The hairstyle emphasizes ideal facial features and beautiful makeup. Such a bright lipstick is suitable for blue eyes, but not red, but carrot in color.

PIN-up hairstyles for dark short hair: photo
PIN-up hairstyles for dark short hair: photo

Hairstyles of PIN-up were wore even men. Although in our time you can meet guys dressed in this style.

PIN-up hairstyles for short hair in a man
PIN-up hairstyles for short hair in a man

Pin-up-up hairstyle with a scarf

According to the photographs that are above, it can be traced that the PIN-UP hairstyle is not only laid curls, but also made with the help of a hug of rollers. The finished hairstyle is decorated with a scarf.

Pin-up-up hairstyle with a scarf
Pin-up-up hairstyle with a scarf

Step-by-step instructions for performing hairstyles in the style of PIN-up with a scarf:

  • Divide the hair into strands from the forehead to the crown (the width of one strand is 5-7 cm)
  • Gather the resulting curls in the tail, tighten in bundles and fix it with a hairpin
  • Gather the rest of the hair in the tail on the occipital part of the head. When you fix your tail with an elastic band, do not pull your hair completely from the gum on the last turn, but only half. The loop, which turned out as a result of this manipulation, wrap around the tail to get a bunch. Fix it with invisibles
  • The strands that were recorded on the top of the head, dissolve and start with a curling iron. Make curls in the form of a roller. Fasten them invisible, and spray on the rollers varnish
  • Now take a scarf, lay it under the lower part of the head, and tie the ends on the top or side-the PIN-UP hairstyle is ready

How to make this hairstyle can clearly be seen in this video. The girl came up with a light and interesting version of the PIN---------up-hairstyle.

Video: Retro hairstyle for short hair)

Another option on how to make a stylish hairstyle PIN-up with a scarf.

Video: "Messy" Bun with Bandana!

How to tie a handkerchief in the PIN-up-up?

How to tie a handkerchief in the PIN-up-up?
How to tie a handkerchief in the PIN-up-up?

To achieve a romantic and more feminine image, the beauties of the 50s tied a scarf in combination with the PIN-UP haircut. It turned out stylish and original. At the same time, everyone had different colors, and each girl tied this accessory in her own way.

How to tie a handkerchief in the PIN-up-up? The scarf can be folded so that a small width is a ribbon in the form of a rim, or vice versa, spread it, wrap your head, tied it on top or side.

See how the girl does it in the video.

Video: How to tie a handkerchief in the Pin-AP or Retro style? | DIY#1

How to make a hairstyle with a bandana?

The bandana is an integral accessory of modern beauties. With it, it is easy to create a PIN-up-hairstyle. It will turn out luxurious and original. With such a hairstyle, boldly go to the club for a thematic evening, or take part in a retro contest or just surprise your friends.

How to make a hairstyle with a bandana?
How to make a hairstyle with a bandana?

How to make a hairstyle with a bandana? Full the following stages:

  • Lay the hair in the PIN-UP style according to any method described above
  • The bandana can be folded in the form of a rim or straightened, making a triangle
  • Pull this accessory under the lower part of the head and tie it on the crown or side. Straighten the ends and fix the hairstyle for hair varnish

In the video following the video, the girl made a Pin-AP hairstyle for short hair with a bandana.

Video: Hairstyle with a scarf for short hair Retro Bandana Hair

Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair: photo

The style, which was created in the 50s, today appears with bright flashes on fashionable catwalks and even on the streets of different countries of the world. The pop art style adds shocking and unique effect to the image. This is a real explosion of sophistication, modernity and perfection.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair-photo:

Such images try on themselves mainly young people who are only looking for themselves in life. With the help of this style, they can declare themselves as an extraordinary and interesting person.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair: photo
Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair: photo

Incredibly high combing cannot be noticed. But, after all, the style of pop art is designed to ensure that a person is always in the spotlight.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long hair: photo
Pop art style in hairstyles for long hair: photo

Bright highlighting of different colors on dark hair looks great. Shocking and slightly shocking image.

Pop art style in hairstyles for short hair: photo
Pop art style in hairstyles for short hair: photo

The hairstyle is made in a restrained style, but it indicates the style of pop art with its eagerness and a defiant appearance.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair
Pop art style in hairstyles for long and short hair

Pop art in a hairstyle for a true blonde-juicy, radiantly and extraordinary!

Pop art style in hairstyles for white short hair: photo
Pop art style in hairstyles on white and short hair: photo

The pop art style can be safely called the style of “fantasy” for his crazy idea to create something incredibly original and stylish.

Pop art style in hairstyles for long dark hair: photo
Pop art style in hairstyles for long dark hair: photo

Do not be afraid to be not like everyone else. This will help to find your "highlight", and create a blinding, beautiful image, even for every day!

Video: A collection of accurate haircuts in the style of "Pop art" from Natalia Stashko

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